即将完成估值10亿美元的融资 去中心化社交赛道因Farcaster而彻底不同?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 03:29:31 评论:0



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在加密领域,去中心化社交平台正试图突破巨头垄断。多数项目难吸引用户,例如Friend.tech用户活跃度暴跌97%。但Farcaster不同,由前Coinbase工程师Dan Romero创立,2022年获a16z领投3000万美元。2024年以来,日活用户增长超10倍,吸引以太坊创始人Vitalik发布独家文章。

3月31日,彭博社援引知情人士报道,Farcaster开发者Merkle Manufactory即将完成一轮估值10亿美元融资,由Paradigm领投。2022年7月,Merkle完成a16z领投的3000万美元融资。



















随着Web3社交媒体平台Farcaster的兴起,围绕其使用区块链技术的真实性和有效性引发了公众的激烈讨论。Web3评论家Liron Shapira质疑Farcaster的区块链应用案例,指出其技术实现大多非区块链本质,而仅仅在用户名分配上使用了区块链技术。对此,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin进行了辩护,强调Farcaster在提供一个去中心化状态机方面的真正好处,并非如Shapira所述那样简单。





Decentralized social platforms in the field of encryption are trying to break through the monopoly of giants. Most projects are difficult to attract users, for example, the user activity has plummeted, but it is different. It was founded by a former engineer, and the number of daily users has increased by more than 10,000 US dollars. Since then, the founder of Ethereum has published an exclusive article. Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that developers are about to complete a round of financing with a valuation of 100 million US dollars. This paper analyzes how to rise rapidly in the blockchain field by virtue of its technical innovation and data table, and now highlights its value in the competition. It is obviously different from other decentralized social protocols by virtue of a number of functional innovations. Compared with similar competing products, the application is a decentralized social network protocol, and its innovative functions are as follows: optimizing the interactive experience; the launched function greatly enriches the user interactive experience of the platform by allowing developers to create interactive and embeddable posts for their audience, and users can participate in more forms. The activities include casting the clients who participate in the game to get rewards or even buy goods directly, which is unimaginable on the previous social platforms. The completely decentralized protocol adheres to the concept of decentralization and ensures that the communication between users is not restricted by any intermediary, which not only reflects that users can completely control their identity and data, but also means that developers can build truly free social network application data transparency and user control without any third-party restrictions. In parallel with other social protocols, such as storing their data on a decentralized network and associating them with users' Ethereum accounts, it provides users with absolute control over their digital identities. This transparency and control is a diversified client and function utilization that the platform cannot provide. Open protocol developers have built a series of fascinating clients and functions, thus improving the user experience and increasing the multi-terminal accessibility of content. These innovations are not limited to the flagship client package. Every client, including Ruru and other specialized clients, provides users with a unique social experience. Mining data, sending long articles and rewarding multi-community activity continues to rise. The challenge of building and maintaining an active community in the encrypted world is particularly obvious. This problem has been effectively solved in the world, successfully attracting more than 10,000 users, and even in the face of other hot events in the industry, such as the upsurge, the user activity and daily interaction of the platform remain stable. Behind this achievement is a unique community. Atmosphere and participation mechanism These mechanisms are completely different from the common encryption application's motivation of pursuing profit, and pay more attention to promoting real and in-depth communication. By digging deep into open data, we can see the unique interaction mode in the community. About users have asked these questions on the platform, which is usually more profound, encouraging more dialogue and discussion, and the release form is reply, showing the tendency of community members to like interaction and communication. In content release, we encourage long content and user participation. Positive correlation, that is, longer posts tend to get more praise and sharing, although the platform has a limit on the number of characters published per post. The popularity of long content shows the depth and detail, which is also one of the unique characteristics for users' attraction. It is thought that the main reward currency is more than 100 users who participated in the interactive voting related to it, which highlights the generosity of the community and the success of the popularization of the reward culture, reflecting a core concept that deep community participation is far more than superficial interactive opening. And the underlying protocols that can be analyzed promote this participation and provide valuable insights for the development of decentralized social media platforms. As it continues to grow, it sets a benchmark in maintaining an active and participatory community culture. If God endorses the platform, the project party can sit back and relax once and for all. With the rise of social media platforms, the authenticity and effectiveness of its use of blockchain technology have aroused heated public discussion. The blockchain application cases questioned by critics point out that most of its technical realization is not blockchain essence. However, only the blockchain technology is used in the user name allocation, and the co-founder of Ethereum defends it, emphasizing that the real benefit of providing a decentralized state machine is not that the clarified information is simply stored in the traditional blockchain, but that the conflict free copy data type is used to store the information, in order to achieve the final consistency of the message set without sacrificing scalability. At the same time, he also emphasized the key role of Ethereum in ecology, especially. It is a response to the importance of anti-spam and protecting network neutrality, which reveals how to solve the expansion challenge faced by traditional blockchain while ensuring the user control and decentralization principle through technological innovation. His defense not only highlights the deep understanding of the potential of decentralized social networks, but also points out the flexibility and diversity of technology application in practice. In summary, although the technical implementation is different from the traditional blockchain project in some respects, it is exploring decentralized socialization. The media platform has played an important role in the new path. By combining it with Ethereum, it not only improves the scalability of the network, but also ensures the decentralization of the network and the control of users. Does this mean that we need to redefine the boundaries of blockchain applications to include such innovative practices? 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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