模块化区块链是什么?Astar 将怎样融入其中?

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去年,Celestia 宣布其雄心壮志时,模块化区块链成为了广泛讨论的话题。从那时起,模块化理论迅速流行起来。得益于蓬勃发展的 L2 生态系统,无数的数据可用性层相继推出。

然而,模块化区块链的概念并不是全新的,也不是只有 Celestia 在研究。本文将介绍单体区块链和模块化区块链之间的差异,以及 Astar 网络如何融入其中

大多数所谓的 alt-L1s 都是单体链。


单体链将区块链的所有核心功能合并为一体。尽管共识是 alt L1 启动时最受争议的话题,但讨论已经转移到不同的层上。


  • 共识:在一个去中心化的节点网络中就状态转换的有效性达成一致

  • 执行:实际处理用户和智能合约提交的交易

  • 结算:通常与模块化链中的执行同时发生。结算交易被认为是最终的,因为链回滚的可能性很小。

  • 数据可用性:区块链的一个经常被称赞的特性是透明性。数据可用性是实现这一点的功能,它提供了重建交易历史和验证网络当前状态所需的所有数据。

在像比特币和以太坊这样的单体链中,同一组验证者处理上述所有功能。这通常自动限制了可以运行验证者的人数,因为随着网络的使用,计算要求会增加。如今,以太坊存档节点存储超过 10 TB 的数据,这根本不是你手机上会有的存储能力。同样,比特币矿工的计算要求非常高,尤其是在竞争挖矿奖励时。



简单来说,模块化区块链是致力于一个或两个区块链核心功能,而将其他功能留给开发者在其基础上构建的区块链。这意味着像 Celestia 或 Avail 这样的模块化区块链只专注于数据可用性,将其他功能搁置。

来源:Celestia 博客

背景信息:以太坊扩容和对廉价 DA 的需求


以太坊最初的扩容愿景是分片,这意味着将整个网络分割成不同的小型区块链。然而,这将需要对区块链进行重大改变,这就是为什么路线图已经转向了 Layer-2(第二层)扩容

Layer-2 扩容通过将交易从 Layer-1 移出,进行处理,并提交批量交易的结果,来增加底层链的吞吐量。今年,Layer-2 使以太坊的整体吞吐量提高了 5 倍以上。然而,正如活跃的 L2 用户可能已经注意到的那样,这并不一定意味着他们可以维持低费用。在高流量时期,最近推出的 Linea 网络的费用飙升至 0.87 美元,这对 DeFi 狂热者来说似乎可以接受,但在大规模采用的背景下就不是了。

费用飙升的一个原因,是在高需求期间价格会自然调整,以及防止垃圾交易的机制。然而,费用通常也受到这些 Layer-2 在向 Layer-1 以太坊发布数据时所承担成本的驱动。

Layer 2 的运营成本中多达 90%,是由发布交易数据至主网的费用组成的。即使最终引入 ProtoDanksharding 和在 Blobs 中为 L2 数据提供额外存储,成本仍然会相当高。


Layer-2 需要发布其交易数据,以便任何人都可以验证其状态并确保其交易合法。然而,它们不需要使用以太坊主网来实现数据可用性。相反,Rollup 和 L2 扩展解决方案运营商可以通过使用像 Celestia、Avail 或 EigenlayerDA 这样的解决方案显著降低成本,这些解决方案通常具有大幅降低的存储成本。

降低数据发布成本的好处会传递给用户,为 dApp 创造一个更好的整体体验。尽管数据可用性可能是当前 rollup 在所有堆栈中最想优化的部分,但 rollup 本身也不过是专门负责执行的模块化区块链。

模块化区块链的总体思想是,与其将各种核心功能强加于同一组机器上,不如把任务分配出去,并对多个层(Layer)进行专门的优化,来为特定的任务服务。这也允许开发者创建最适合其用例的多层组合。就像使用乐高积木一样,他们可以结合最便宜的 DA,和以 FuelVM 为重点的执行层,以及通过 Eigenlayer 的再质押(re-staking)提供的以太坊安全性。这种方法降低了从头开始开发整条链的成本,同时提供了依赖其他网络安全性而非自行启动的方案。


正如之前提到的,尽管如此,模块化并不完全是新事物。自从它们问世以来,它就一直是像 Polkadot 和 Cosmos 这样的应用链生态系统叙事的一部分。两者都构建了模块化框架,允许链选择不同的模块并进行组合,以满足其需求。

Astar 网络也是这样开始的。

那么 Astar 是怎样做的?

Astar Network 起初是作为 Polkadot 上的一个平行链而启动的,它创建了一个智能合约中心,其他平行链可以利用这个生态系统。因此,大家可能会认为它是一个单体链,但由于它是 Polkadot 生态的一部分,情况有些不同。本质上,建立在 Polkadot 上允许平行链继承底层链的安全保证,使其类似于当前的模块化链。中继链负责安全和共识,而平行链上的开发者可以专注于他们独特的优势。

作为最成功的平行链之一,Astar Network 通过建立 dApp 质押机制,支持了受社区欢迎的建设者。最近,Astar 与 Polygon 合作,通过 zkEVM L2 扩展到以太坊生态系统。




虽然大家对 “将不同的技术层叠加在一起(类似多层蛋糕)” 的想法感到非常兴奋和期待,但模块化区块链仍然存在一些需要解决的挑战



更不用说,模块化区块链在已经碎片化的 L2 生态图景中进一步引入了碎片化。为了使模块化范式成功,将不得不在用户层投入大量工作。归根结底,用户不太可能关心你与以太坊的一致程度,也不想花 50 分钟去理解 “继承安全性” 到底意味着什么。


When it announced its ambition last year, modular blockchain became a widely discussed topic. Since then, modular theory has become popular rapidly, thanks to the booming ecosystem, countless data availability layers have been introduced one after another. However, the concept of modular blockchain is not brand-new and not only in research. This paper will introduce the differences between single blockchain and modular blockchain and how the network integrates into them. Most of them are so-called single chains. What is a single chain? Although consensus is the most controversial topic at startup, the discussion has been transferred to different layers. Blockchain has four core responsibilities. Consensus is reached on the validity of state transition in a decentralized node network. The actual transaction settlement submitted by users and smart contracts usually occurs at the same time as the execution in the modular chain. The settlement transaction is considered to be final because the possibility of chain rollback is small. One of the characteristics of data availability blockchain that is often praised is that Transparency data availability is the function to achieve this. It provides all the data needed to reconstruct the transaction history and verify the current state of the network. In a single chain like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the same group of verifiers handles all the above functions, which usually automatically limits the number of verifiers who can run, because with the use of the network, the computing requirements will increase the data stored by the Ethereum archive node, which is not the storage capacity that you will have on your mobile phone at all. Very high, especially in the competition for mining awards, in order not to exhaust hardware resources and thus reduce the degree of decentralization, the new expansion scheme is focusing on decomposing the task modular blockchain. Simply put, modular blockchain is a blockchain that is dedicated to one or two core functions of blockchain and leaves other functions to developers. This means that modular blockchain like or only focuses on data availability and puts other functions aside. The source blog background information is expanded and cheap. At first glance, we may not know the benefits of modularity, but if we understand the evolution history of the expansion of Ethereum, it is not difficult to understand that the initial expansion vision of Ethereum is fragmentation, which means dividing the whole network into different small blockchains. However, this will require major changes to the blockchain, which is why the road map has turned to the second layer of expansion and expansion to increase the throughput of the underlying chain by moving transactions out of the transaction and submitting the results of batch transactions. However, as active users may have noticed, it doesn't necessarily mean that they can keep the cost low. During the period of high traffic, the cost of the recently launched network soared to US dollars, which seems acceptable to enthusiasts, but it is not in the context of large-scale adoption. One reason for the soaring cost is that the price will naturally adjust during the period of high demand and the mechanism to prevent junk trading. However, the cost is usually also affected by these mechanisms in releasing data to Ethereum. As much as the cost-driven operating cost is composed of the cost of publishing transaction data to the main network, even if it is finally introduced and provided with additional storage for the data, the cost will still be quite high. Introducing modularity requires publishing its transaction data so that anyone can verify its status and ensure that its transaction is legal. However, they do not need to use the Ethernet main network to achieve data availability. On the contrary, operators can significantly reduce the cost by using solutions like or. Some solutions usually have greatly reduced storage costs, and the benefits of reducing data publishing costs will be passed on to users. In order to create a better overall experience, although data availability may be the most optimized part in all stacks at present, it is only a modular blockchain that is specially responsible for implementation. The overall idea of modular blockchain is that instead of imposing various core functions on the same group of machines, it is better to distribute tasks and optimize multiple layers to serve specific tasks. This also allows developers to create a multi-layer combination that is most suitable for their use cases, just like using Lego bricks. They can combine the cheapest and focused execution layer and the security of Ethereum provided by re-pledge. This method reduces the cost of developing the whole chain from scratch and provides a solution that relies on other network security instead of self-starting. In short, the benefits of modularization include reducing the cost and time of developing and launching new chains, providing flexibility that single chains cannot match, and Scalability, as mentioned before, although modularity is not entirely new, it has been a part of the ecosystem narrative of application chains like and since they came out. Both of them have built a modular framework, allowing chains to choose different modules and combine them to meet their needs. So how did the network start? At first, it was started as a parallel chain in the world. It created an intelligent contract center, and other parallel chains could use this ecosystem, so it was big. Economists may think that it is a single chain, but because it is a part of the ecology, the situation is somewhat different. It is essentially based on allowing parallel chains to inherit the security guarantee of the bottom chain, making it similar to the current modular chain. The relay chain is responsible for security and consensus, while the developers on the parallel chain can focus on their unique advantages. As one of the most successful parallel chains, they have supported the builders who are popular in the community by establishing a pledge mechanism. Recently, we have extended to the Ethereum ecosystem, and we are still making progress. In the past two years, we have gained the experience of using modular framework to build a modular chain. The future of blockchain is modular. Although there is still a place for the single chain that has achieved segmentation or found its own market segment, there are more and more signs that we will build it modularly in the future. Although everyone is very excited and looking forward to the idea of stacking different technical layers together like multi-layer cakes, there are still some needs for modular blockchain. The challenge to be solved in the modular paradigm, security depends to a great extent on the bottom developers, who will have to choose carefully to avoid the interruption of other layers due to the failure of one layer, which is just like forgetting to make the bottom of the biscuit of the black forest cake, so that the whole cake will collapse. In addition, although optimizing each layer can produce a better experience than the sum of the parts, it is challenging at the cost of increasing complexity to deal with fraud certificates or validity certificates to ensure that the calculations of other layers are correct, not to mention the modular blockchain has further introduced fragmentation in the fragmented ecological landscape. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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