对 Web3 游戏设计理念的一些思考

币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 03:27:59 评论:0



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我认为 Web3 是游戏范式的转变。虽然我不是唯一一个这么想的人,但我们当中也没有多少人同样花了 30 多年的时间专业制作游戏!


那么为什么我认为这是一个类似于 3D、在线多人游戏或免费移动游戏的巨大转变呢?这里有一些早期引起我注意的想法......


Web2 和 Web3游戏的一个根本区别在于,在 Web3 游戏中,游戏资产的所有权记录在区块链上,而不是记录在由游戏制造商控制的、封闭的中心化数据库中,它允许玩家买卖资产,它还允许其他游戏查看玩家拥有哪些游戏资产。

互操作性是指在另一个游戏中使用一个游戏的资产的想法。第二个游戏不必由同一个人制作,甚至不需要第一个人提出要求。实际上,我不认为这意味着游戏 1 中的枪可以在游戏 2 中使用,但这个想法可以以更有创意的方式使用。

玩游戏 1 的人,现在都可以选择他们喜欢的方式:玩更多游戏 1 或完成游戏 2 中的关卡。

游戏1是放置挖矿游戏;游戏2是一款塔防游戏。游戏 2 决定为塔提供动力的方法是使用采矿游戏中的铱;游戏 1 决定将闲置回报加倍的方法是接受通过完成游戏 2 中的关卡而赢得的星星。玩游戏 1 的任何人现在都可以选择他们喜欢的方式,通过玩更多游戏 1 或完成在游戏 2 中的关卡,两场比赛开始进行,直到其中一方决定切断电源。它创造了更丰富的游戏,因为现在有多个游戏循环和多种选择供玩家选择。此示例描述了一对游戏,但 20 个游戏没有理由不能相互操作。


我们的游戏《The Crypt》使用了互操作性。我们把 Loot NFT 作为一个游戏块。我们还将其他 Loot 游戏的输出带入《The Crypt》。通过使用这些的组合,玩家可以在游戏中取得进展。我们在游戏中赢得的 NFT 反过来也可以用于其他人的游戏中。

原始的 Loot NFT(左),可在 The Crypt 中使用,以及我们的一款 NFT(右),可通过玩游戏赢取





机器人之后出现了一些更有趣的想法。任何人都可以编写一个仪表板来跟踪游戏中资源的价格,他们可以构建游戏资产的市场,他们可以创建一个 DAO 来汇集公会的资源并优化使用它们。他们可以决定放弃游戏制造商的游戏客户端并构建一个移动端版本,(在权利允许的情况下)他们可以在应用商店上自由销售。贾斯汀·格里伯特(Justin Glibert)称其为“客户不可知论”

除此之外是未知的领域。如果游戏规则存储在链上,那么其他游戏制作者就可以在上面构建自己的游戏,就像《DOTA》建立在《魔兽争霸 3》 之上,同时遵守底层游戏规则一样。通过代币化经济、由 DAO 和智能合约控制的金库,可以通过赠款和代币分配(token-split)商业模式来激励这些新游戏。




我最喜欢的游戏之一是《星际争霸 2》。如果我想在《星际争霸》宇宙中制作一款游戏,我必须知道该给暴雪的谁打电话,要有足够的信誉让他们能够接电话,签署保密协议,参加电话号码时区不友好的会议,那么如果一切顺利,请聘请一群律师来制定商业协议。之后,我需要花时间确保我们遵守艺术圣经并与规范保持一致。如果游戏与《星际争霸 2》直接相关,那么我将在 CTO 之间进行持续对话,讨论 API 规范的性质并鼓励他们不要更改它。


Web3 打破了这一切,因为 NFT 和智能合约可以无需许可地使用。没有人需要征求任何人的许可。这通过允许开发者围绕游戏创建一个有机的电影宇宙来影响游戏设计,特别是如果原创作品遵循 CC0 协议(即 免费知识共享,Creative Commons Zero),它正在成为 Web3 项目事实上的选择。感觉 Web2 中的严格控制正在为 Web3 中受社区影响的项目让路。

零知识共享 (CC0) 鼓励其他人在你的作品的基础上进行开发


2007 年,Youtube 推出了他们的合作伙伴计划,该计划将广告收入按 50/50 分配给 Youtube 和流行内容创作者。结果是内容创作者竭尽全力地试图制作能够吸引那些取悦观众的视频。它在消费者、内容创作者和 Youtube 本身之间创造了完美的共生关系。事实证明,经济动机为 Youtube 带来了助推器,让 Vimeo 和其他公司望尘莫及。我在游戏中看到同样的事情发生。




当收入来自 Web3 游戏时,它通常不会进入游戏制造商的银行账户,而是进入游戏的金库。在那里,一些代币分配给游戏制作者,一些分配给玩家,一些分配给社区,一些分配给流动性池提供商等。这些代币的分配通常(部分)由持有游戏治理代币的人组织。

Web3 游戏金库不仅仅是一个枯燥的管理功能,我认为它也应该被视为游戏的一部分。一些“玩家”可能会持有代币,因为他们可以扮演“模拟游戏制作者”并与开发团队合作,以帮助管理游戏的长期可持续性并决定哪些社区项目获得资助,虽然也许他们从来没有玩过真正的游戏。


当我玩《Elden Ring》时,我会玩一系列的固定片段,我在经历由游戏制作者精心策划的玩家旅程。当我玩《塞尔达》时,我可以自由地偏离路线,但最终我需要穿过地牢才能到达加农多夫。


Web3 游戏为玩家提供了多种不同的游戏方式。有些玩家的游戏体验会被磨练、升级并卖给不愿意花时间的玩家。有些人永远不会接触游戏,而是像投资公司股票一样投资游戏的代币。有些人将成为准开发者,组织 DAO 并代表金库做出决策。有些人会在游戏内寻找套利机会。有些人会花大钱收集 NFT,并成为游戏内公会的领导者。

我认识到许多现有的游戏试图为不同的玩家提供不同的角色,但 Web3 默认促进了游戏内外的角色不对称。倾向于这一点的游戏设计师有机会构建迎合更广泛玩家类型的游戏。


智能合约存在于区块链上,区块链可以是不可变的或可升级的。当游戏以不可变的智能合约存在于链上时,游戏逻辑就永远一成不变,持续的计算和存储成本由想要使用它的人以 gas 费的形式支付。当升级合约的密钥被销毁时,去中心化就提供了超越创建者一时兴起的持久性。游戏变得永久。

Loot DAO Snapshot 投票决定销毁原始 Loot 合约的密钥




Axie Infinity 将自己描述为一款“玩赚”游戏

我曾经问过 Axie 玩家是为了好玩还是为了赚钱,但我开始认为这个问题充满了西方第一世界的偏见。我猜想,无论我们是否考虑“游戏玩法”,很大一部分边玩边赚钱的观众都玩得很开心。



十年前,当我从主机开发转向移动端免费游戏时,我错误地认为我应该将 PlayStation 游戏迁移到移动设备上,但回顾主机和移动设备之间的共同 DNA 远比我最初想象的要少。目前为止,大多数区块链游戏都是通过改编 Web2 游戏而创建的,从而产生了 Web2.5 游戏。能够定义 Web3 类型的游戏尚未构建。


I think it's a change in the game paradigm. Although I'm not the only one who thinks so, not many of us have spent many years making games professionally. Why are experienced game developers so skeptical? Part of the reason is that its benefits are not obvious, and to be honest, it's often over-advertised, and it's hard to land. The development speed of the blockchain world is incredible. Few people are good at explaining what it actually brings to game design. So why do I think this is a similar one? The great transformation of online multiplayer games or free mobile games? Here are some ideas that caught my attention in the early days. A fundamental difference between interoperability and games is that in games, the ownership of game assets is recorded in the blockchain instead of in a closed centralized database controlled by the game manufacturer. It allows players to buy and sell assets. It also allows other games to see which game assets players have. Interoperability refers to the idea of using the assets of one game in another game. The second one. The game doesn't have to be made by the same person or even requested by the first person. In fact, I don't think this means that the gun in the game can be used in the game, but the idea can be used in a more creative way. Players can now choose the way they like to play more games or complete the level in the game. The game is to place a mining game. The game is a tower defense game game. The way to power the tower is to use the iridium game in the mining game to decide to double the idle return. The method is to accept the stars won by completing the level in the game. Anyone who plays the game can now choose the way they like. By playing more games or completing the level in the game, two games will start until one of them decides to cut off the power supply. It creates a richer game because there are now multiple game cycles and multiple choices for players to choose from. This example describes a pair of games, but there is no reason why they can't operate with each other, except that it is an interesting idea for the game mechanism. Besides, it is also a great user acquisition tool, which allows players who have invested in one game to use the investment in another game. Our game uses interoperability, and we take the output of other games as a game block. By using these combinations, players can make progress in the game, and what we win in the game can also be used in other people's games. The original left can be used in the game and our right can be won by playing the game. The combination is great. Most blockchain games only keep their game assets on the chain, which is a good use case, but it misses some opportunities provided by building game logic on the chain. By putting game logic on the chain, others can freely build on the game without permission. The obvious first step is that the robot can freely interact with the game logic without using the game interface because the game logic is on the chain. The robot has a bad reputation but designs an expected robot. The game is possible. In our first game, we have fought between humans and robots, which is very interesting for participants. Robots have a bad reputation, but after designing a robot that expects robots to appear, some more interesting ideas have emerged. Anyone can write a dashboard to track the price of resources in the game. They can build a market for game assets. They can create a pool of guild resources and optimize their use. They can decide to abandon the game manufacturer's game client and build a mobile version. They can freely sell it in the app store if their rights permit. Justin Gribert calls it customer agnosticism. Otherwise, it is an unknown field. If the game rules are stored in the chain, other game makers can build their own games on it, just like building on Warcraft while observing the underlying game rules. By token, the economy is controlled by smart contracts. The library can encourage the composability of these new games through the business model of grant and token distribution. The best example of the game is the dark forest, which has emerged many new gameplay by encouraging builders to build on it. The selected plug-ins from the dark forest do not need permission. One of my favorite games is StarCraft. If I want to make a game in the StarCraft universe, I must know who to call Blizzard and have enough credibility so that they can answer the phone and sign a confidentiality agreement. If all goes well, please hire a group of lawyers to make a business agreement, and then I need to take the time to ensure that we abide by the art Bible and keep consistent with the norms. If the game is directly related to StarCraft, I will have a continuous dialogue between them to discuss the nature of the norms and encourage them not to change it. No one needs to ask anyone's permission to break all this, because the smart contract can be used without permission. No one needs to ask anyone's permission. License This influences the game design by allowing developers to create an organic movie universe around the game, especially if the original works follow the agreement, that is, free knowledge sharing, which is becoming a project. In fact, the strict control in the sense is making way for the projects affected by the community. Zero knowledge sharing encourages others to develop on the basis of your works, and encourages players to launch their partner plan in 2008, which distributes the advertising revenue to the creators of popular content according to the results. Let the creators try their best to make videos that can attract those who please the audience. It creates a perfect symbiotic relationship between consumers, content creators and themselves. It turns out that economic motives have brought boosters that other companies can't catch up with. I certainly prefer to give money to players instead of spending it on effect marketing, so that tokens can flow through the vault and then flow to players according to set standards, which gives game designers a chance to motivate them to hope to see. This may be the behavior of players creating content entertainment for other players, managing them to do hard work, community work or anything that game makers think may be valuable. I hope this idea can be extended to marketing to give players the motivation to do something to attract more players to participate. Of course, I prefer to give players money instead of spending it on effect marketing. As a meta-game, when the income comes from the game, it usually does not enter the bank account of the game manufacturer, but enters the vault of the game, where some tokens are distributed to the game makers, some to the players, some to the community and some to the liquidity. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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