2024Q1最大赢家 meme币暴涨背后的逻辑

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价值投资一场空,meme一夜著皇宫。今天AU Research为你解读Meme爆火的经济学原理,和如何筛选靠谱标的。

01 什么是Meme


模因“meme”又被译为迷因、谜母等,最初来自希腊语mimema,意思是“被模仿的东西”。生物学家理查德·道金斯在他 1976 年的著作《自私的基因》中首次提及并将之简化成了和基因音律相似的词“meme”。并将“进化论”运用到“文化变革”的研究视角下,将meme正式定义为:一个类似基因的、人与人之间不断复制和模仿而传播开来的小的文化单位。我国学者何自然和何雪林于2003年将memes翻译为“模因”。




02 Meme是如何进行传播的





03 Meme爆火靠什么?














04 什么是Meme币

Meme文化在加密领域的映射无疑就是各类memecoins和各类meme NFT。Memecoins(迷因币)作为加密货币的一个子类,聚焦于流行的网络迷因、流行文化参考和病毒式的网络趋势。这类迷因的著名例子包括日本柴犬Kabosu和Pepe青蛙卡通的不同版本,甚至延伸到像埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)这样的名人。

根据 CoinGecko 最近的一份报告,memecoin行业已成为今年迄今为止最赚钱的领域。

报告显示,在市值最高的代币中,memecoin 的平均回报率最高,为 1,312.6%。截至本季度末,3 月份推出的 Memecoin 已跻身市值前 10 位的 Memecoin 榜单,其中包括Book of Meme (BOME)、Brett 和 Cat in a Dogs World (MEW)。远超RWA和AI赛道。

Memecoin的创作者利用各种主题来吸引加密市场投机者的注意力和交易量。在许多情况下,知名KOL以及 Reddit 等论坛也加入了Memecoin的热潮。与比特币(BTC)或以太坊(ETH)等主要作为数字货币的其他加密货币不同,开发人员通常仅将memecoin作为轻松的社会实验来创建,它所带来的技术价值有限。


05 memecoins的历史

Memecoins的概念可以追溯到加密货币的早期阶段,最早的时候并没有引发市场的热捧,直到 2013 年最初的memecoin的代表狗狗币 (DOGE) 出现,Meme才走入大众的视野。Dogecoin是由软件工程师比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)和杰克逊·帕尔默(Jackson Palmer)作为一个玩笑而创造的。它的logo是当时流行的柴犬“Doge”,尽管起源于一种幽默的尝试,但狗狗币的低单价和较快的区块生成速度却让它快速流行在币圈。


从欧美常用社区Reddit.com等网站在线打赏到国际非营利组织的慈善捐款,狗狗币成为一种大家常用的交换媒介,而不仅仅是个笑话。随着Dogecoin的成功,一系列受到网络趋势和笑话启发的Memecoin纷纷涌现:像 Pepe (PEPE)(受到悲伤青蛙的启发)和 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 这样的代币因其自身的优势而受到关注,并火爆加密货币社区。


06 memecoin与NFT

Memecoin 还利用了 NFT 热潮,将病毒式的互联网角色转变为用户可以拥有和交易的独一无二的数字资产。例如,一个Memecoin项目可能会创建限量版的NFT,其中包含与他们的代币相关的流行元素。用户可以在各种NFT市场上购买、出售或交易这些NFT。这让Meme爱好者不仅留住了一段互联网的历史碎片,同时支持他们最喜欢的模Meme项目。Rare Pepes以及随后的 Fake Rares 系列就是从病毒式互联网Meme开发的一些最早的 NFT 项目的例子。

Shiba Inu Coin(SHIB),是当今加密货币领域中最受欢迎的Meme项目之一,也推出了自己的“Shiboshis” NFT。这个系列包括了10,000个柴犬灵感的卡通角色,持有者可以在Shiba Eternity内使用它们进行战斗——这是SHIB项目比较流行的一款打金游戏(通过玩游戏赚币)。

像许多其他热门的NFT一样,Meme NFT持有者已经为他们的藏品建立了私人社区,有些社区允许持有者参加独家的线下活动,并有机会获得相关的商品。

07 memecoin与Defi



Shiba Inu Coin项目就是 Meme项目如何通过把 DeFi元素纳入其协议而蓬勃发展的一个典型例子。SHIB 代币持有者可以使用其 ShibaSwap平台交换 ERC-20 代币,并执行各种任务来赚取 SHIB 和其他两种原生代币 BONE 和 LEASH。DoggyDAO作为一个去中心化自治组织(DAO),通过授予代币持有者对关键协议决策的投票权,为他们提供额外的收益。

挖矿:挖矿主要是通过智能合约将你持有的Meme币借给他人以换取利息。Memecoin 的DeFi平台使用这些贷款来促进各种活动,包括交易或提供流动性,用户挖矿的Meme币因为做了上述贡献而获得收益补偿。


08 memecoin投资的风险



2、过度依赖情绪:许多新的Meme币通常缺乏基础技术或切实的用例,这可能导致其价值完全依赖于市场情绪。虽然一些 Meme币找到了整合 NFT、去中心化金融 (DeFi) 或社区驱动计划的创造性方法,但许多项目主要侧重于幽默和讽刺这种情绪价值。这种缺乏基本面技术价值还是容易让Meme成为空中楼阁。



09 结语

总体来说,Memecoins代表了数字货币、互联网文化和幽默的有趣融合。随着Memecoin持续吸引人们的关注并不断发展,它们将如何塑造更广泛的加密货币格局,以及它们如何在搞笑起源之外找到令人惊叹的应用,如何发现早期价值?什么时候入场更能平衡风险和收益?AU Research团队会继续为大家带来更多工具和技术线详解。

The author, Miss Lingyun Cat, invested in the palace all night. Today, I will explain to you the economic principle of explosive fire and how to select reliable targets. This term was first put forward by British scholar Dawkins in his book selfish genes. He thinks that just like genes in biology, culture also has a basic unit, which carries the information meme of cultural communication, and it has been translated into memes and memes, which originally came from Greek and meant to be imitated. Private genes are mentioned for the first time and simplified into words similar to the rhythm of genes. From the perspective of cultural change, evolution will be formally defined as a small cultural unit spread by people who are constantly copying and imitating similar genes. Chinese scholars He Ziran and He Xuelin translated it into memes in 2006. Richard Dawkins compared the process of cultural inheritance with the evolutionary rules in biology, including religious rumors, news, knowledge, concepts, customs and even slogans. The reproduction of proverbs and jokes is not as accurate as the reproduction of genes in nature. It is not only a process of imitation, but also a process of independent re-creation. In this process, the principle of survival of the fittest is also followed, just as genes jump from one person to another in the gene pool and from one person's mind to another in the meme pool through imitation, thus completing their own reproduction. When a meme occupies a person's mind, it is like a virus infecting a cell. The brain has become a vehicle for carrying memes, just as not all genes can reproduce successfully. Some memes have a wide influence while others disappear soon. How to spread them Dawkins summed up three key factors that affect the viability of memes. Compared with the other two factors, survivability is less important, because the survival of the carrier depends to a great extent on the survival of the carrier when the owner of the brain carrying memes dies or carries information. If this is a scientific discovery, its fertility will disappear, which is relatively more important. It is largely determined by how many people can understand this discovery. This can be roughly estimated by calculating the number of times he has been quoted in famous academic magazines and the sales volume of magazines. The stronger a reproductive ability is, the more likely it will be widely spread, and the greater the chance of survival. The loyalty of replication refers to whether it can be completely copied and spread when it is copied. There may be differences between the replicators and the recipients because of their differences in educational background, interests, hobbies, age and sex, and in some cases, the replicators have made conscious changes when they spread. A typical example is that in an academic paper, only one aspect of a meme is selected to explain or analyze it from a new angle, or it is combined with other memes to form a new meme replication loyalty. What does a high degree of explosion depend on? Simply speaking, it conforms to the laws of communication, so it can spread quickly. Therefore, the study should first study the laws of communication, study the market sentiment, and understand how to mobilize people's emotions. This is a communication model, but it can also be used in information communication. The red line represents the easily infected people, the green line represents the recovered people, and the horizontal axis represents the time. The core of information communication is to let infection. The speed exceeds the speed of recovery, so the number of infected people will continue to expand. In terms of information communication and psychology, it means that more new people will have the opportunity to infect more people. Next, we will find the distribution law by combining psychology and communication. We will analyze the content, environment and atmosphere from these four core elements to promote the wealth-making effect. The essence of the main content is to tell stories with pictures and convey emotions with pictures. For example, it is affinity and long tail for dog lovers. The effect is that many people will be attracted by cute and interesting little dogs. The more they look at them, the more they like sad little frogs. Before they become, they are the favorite expression packs. Sloths are also very popular in zootopia. In terms of emotional transmission, the more straightforward and easy to understand, the better. There is a saying that every time a formula is added to evaluate the three-body, there will be 10,000 fewer viewers. The more grounded it is, the easier it is to spread. Excessive professionalism can only attract peers. The simple summary is that the lovely traditional world is loved, simple, straightforward and easy to get angry. Environmental factors This environment includes macro-environment and economic cycle. This bull market has brought a large number of outsiders into the business. It is a complicated technology, a prediction machine, a re-pledge, a security measure and a smart contract. They can't understand it, but they can understand it, and the price is very cheap. They can buy thousands of coins in case they go to zero, that is, ten times as many coins. How many local dogs can get started with multiple zeros in an hour? This bull market explosion is also affected by the downward trend of the traditional economic cycle. Simply put, the consumption of the currency circle is downgraded except drifting. In recent two years, most countries in Liangguo have experienced economic weakness. In this case, the public's desire to explore new technologies will be reduced, just like animals hibernate, living in a low-energy and easy-to-absorb way. In this case, the market will also be more popular, promoting the manufacture and distribution of new products and building pools to promote community promotion. This is an essential link. No matter what their level is, you will find that what they write is very inflammatory, making people feel very willing to believe that there are many coins. The price comes from the bubble, the bubble comes from the consensus, so the marketing will inevitably have the means of promotion and community communication. Speaking of this, I will give you some risk tips. You may see the owners of several communities shouting for coins at the same time. At this time, you will be brainwashed by the overwhelming WeChat official account and feel that someone is particularly valuable. After rushing in, you will find that it is either harvested by the trading robot, or the top of the mountain is taken over or zeroed in for ten minutes. It is more helpful for you to judge. The cultural value behind the cross-cultural consensus is the true consensus. The reason why the wealth-making effect can develop into a mainstream track now is that it is easy to make a wealth myth and the fear of missing opportunities. It is necessary to mention the myth of making wealth while convincing people. It is also a common marketing method to spread fear in the community within two hours. What is the mapping of currency culture in the encryption field is undoubtedly that all kinds of memes are a subclass of cryptocurrencies, focusing on popular online memes, popular cultural references and viral networks. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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