
币圈资讯 阅读:31 2024-04-22 03:09:47 评论:0



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通常在韭菜眼里,VC 是镰刀的助推剂,Meme 是反镰刀的大红旗。

以文化和社区驱动的 Meme 往往没有过多的一级投资和大VC背书,相对公平和随机的特性,也让“冲土狗”逐渐成为了一场韭菜狂欢 --- 横竖都是割,不如博 Meme 彩票仓。



最近,Variant 联合创始人 Li jin 就开始了行动,并在自己的推特中写到:



这个名为 Memecoin Hackthon 的活动,介绍页面上的举办人就是Li Jin,并定于4月20日在纽约 Variant Fund 的总部举行,号召能够构建以下方面的团队参加:

  • 新的模因币,尤其是那些寻求对更广泛的生态系统产生正和影响(Positive-sum)的模因币

  • 流动性层,包括 Telegram 机器人、DEX

  • 使用 memecoins 作为 GTM 策略的应用程序

  • 围绕 memecoin 构建实用程序的应用程序

值得玩味的是,活动中提到了一个词叫“Memefra”,即 Meme基础设施。让有想法和能力的团队来构建 Memefra,很明显 VC 也欢迎一切为 Meme 创造条件的事物。

生而逢时,一向走高大上基建技术流的 VC 们,真的要开始适时追赶自带土狗气质的 Meme 浪潮了吗?


事实上,VC 联创办 Meme 黑客松并不是一时兴起,更多的是顺势而为。

VC 投资讲究价值回报,而 Meme 本身具有“注意力价值”。

在早前 Li Jin 的博客中,其很敏锐的意识到,Memecoin、NFT和代币是新的“注意力资产”,可以实时衡量注意力的价值。


丰富的信息会造成注意力的匮乏,因此注意力是一种稀缺资源。但 Web2 主导的广告商业模式,用户注意力带来的价值是被平台收获,而非流向用户。


Memecoin 可以实时衡量和捕获注意力的价值,用户可以投资并拥有注意力资产,以此表达他们对特定Meme、媒体、创作者或网络是否会在未来获得更多关注和兴趣的信念。

以这种观点来看,VC 也青睐 Meme 币就变得更加合理。


在吸引用户注意力的同时,Meme 的出现同样给众多加密项目的营销方法和上市节奏上了一课:

传统模式下,加密项目遵循着“先产品,后注意力”的路径 --- 先通过技术构建一个产品,然后通过营销围绕它构建一个社区,为人所知并逐渐发展;

而Meme注意力经济下,加密项目完全可以“先注意力,后产品” --- 通过启动一个与流行的 memecoin 原生集成的项目,新的应用程序/基础设施可以动员 memecoin 的持有者基础,他们可以从他们的代币中体验到更多的实用性。







早年以太坊刚诞生时,2014年就连 Vitalik 也要向各路东西方投资人们做以太坊的项目路演和讲解。


虽然常有币圈老炮们回忆“以太坊当时大伙都看不懂,现在看没投拍断大腿”的感慨,但强如 Vitalik ,加密项目们一直遵循着不变的流程:


这个路径里,ICO也好,IEO也罢,VC 以早期轮次的优势拿到了大量低价筹码,再等到项目走向二级时按不同的解锁条件抛售;其中当然有跟着吃肉喝汤的精明散户,但也不乏大量承接最后一棒的接盘侠。








The author's deep tide users are not afraid of inflation and plunge, but afraid that I don't have a better chance to enjoy inflation and plunge than you. Usually, in the eyes of leeks, it is the booster of sickle and the red flag of anti-sickle. Driven by culture and community, there is often not too much primary investment and big endorsement. The relatively fair and random characteristics also make the earth-rushing dog gradually become a leek carnival, which is not as good as the lottery warehouse. It is only that this carnival has not belonged to the encryption circle for a long time, and it is natural for children with top foresight and vision to see clearly. Whether you are anxious or thinking about this change of wind direction, you have to do something to seek a breakthrough under the big wave of attention economy. Recently, the co-founder started to take action and wrote on his Twitter that he was born too late to explore the earth and too early to explore the universe. He was born at the right time to hold a hacker song to hold a hacker song value investment dream wake up. The organizer on the introduction page of this activity named is and will hold a call at the headquarters in new york on May to build the following teams to participate in new memes, especially. It's those memes that seek to have a positive impact on the wider ecosystem. The mobility layer includes the application of robots as a strategy. It's worth pondering that a word is mentioned in the activity, that is, infrastructure is for teams with ideas and abilities to build. Obviously, all things that create conditions are welcome. Do you really want to start catching up with the wave of bringing your own local dog temperament in time? Pay attention to the economic currency circle. Perpetual Motion In fact, the founding of Hacker Song is not a whim, but more about homeopathy and paying attention to value returns for investment, but it has attention value in itself. In earlier blogs, it was keenly aware that and tokens are new attention assets, which can measure the value of attention in real time. Holding Hacker Song value investment and waking up rich information will cause lack of attention, so attention is a scarce resource, but the value brought by users' attention is harvested by the platform rather than used. Therefore, cryptocurrency can be regarded as the next iteration of attention economy, which has a more efficient market and can measure and capture the value of attention in real time. Users can invest and own attention assets to express their belief that whether a specific media creator or network will gain more attention and interest in the future. From this point of view, it will become more reasonable to favor currency. After all, if you can successfully invest in products that can capture the public's attention, even if it is quite attractive and convincing. The appearance of attracting users' attention has also taught many encryption projects the marketing methods and listing rhythm. In the traditional mode, encryption projects follow the path of product first and then attention. First, a product is built through technology, and then a community is built around it through marketing, which is well known and gradually developed. In the attention economy, encryption projects can pay attention first and then products can be mobilized by starting a new application infrastructure that integrates with popular products. They can experience more practicality from their tokens. Obviously, the times chose the latter. No matter what kind of encryption project, it is essentially to attract attention, let more people participate in and use it, and let more people connect with tokens. Driven by the attention economy, the currency circle has gone through many stages. From bitcoin to Ethereum, it is a shift of attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that users are educated to make timely changes around attention. Education, however, you should know that the encryption market in the past was not dominated by the carnival without a head, but followed the traditional and serious venture capital path. In the early years, when Ethereum was just born, people even had to invest in various East and West. People made roadshows and explained the projects of Ethereum, and held hackers to relax their value investment dreams. Although there were often old guns in the currency circle who recalled Ethereum at that time, everyone could not understand the feeling of breaking their thighs, but it was better than the encryption projects always followed the same process, using strength or bragging. Try to impress people's attention and then go to the market to snatch or harvest users' attention. In this path, we can get a lot of low-priced chips with the advantage of early rounds, and then sell them under different unlocking conditions when the project goes to the second level. Of course, there are smart retail investors who follow the meat and soup, but there are also a lot of pick-ups who are tired after a long time. Users can probably understand what is going on after a round of education, so we can see inscriptions and this more and more in the new cycle. A kind of projects that don't participate in time or disdain to participate in, they not only break the above-mentioned inherent venture capital process, but also break the path of attention growth. First, they directly impress the user's attention with explosive pull, and then do other things based on the user's basic disk. Users are not afraid of the ups and downs, but they are afraid that I won't have a better chance to enjoy the ups and downs than you. Obviously, we have given users a relatively close channel, even if it will be cut off, but it is better than explicitly taking over, so to some extent, users have also changed in the adult era. It is interesting to see 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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