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作者:Kautuk Kundan, Manan @Stackr Labs;编译:Leia @TEDAO






许多协议将积分作为引入协议治理代币(token)的前奏,表明代币的分发将基于用户所积累的积分数量。这种策略为协议和团队在公布代币细节之前争取到宝贵的时间,同时也推迟了他们出现失误时所面临的审查。积分积累的运作方式和收益耕作(yield farming)类似,但是没有直接的经济激励,而是提供一种更为广泛的用户参与和奖励方式。



PMF 不应被理解为 “Points Market Fit”(积分市场匹配度)。如果一个产品在没有积分系统的情况下无法获得用户青睐,那么在其之上再添加积分系统并称其为 PMF 也是无济于事的。积分不应成为决定用户选择产品 X 还是产品 Y 的关键因素,而应是产品 X 和 Y 都能为用户提供内在价值。





在链上实现积分系统是一个吸引人的想法,但这不应该只是为了创造另一个 ERC-20 代币的幌子。曾经有协议推出过一种预发行代币,承诺最终会将其转换成另一种代币(本质上就是变相的积分),结果只是让生态系统中充斥着不必要的代币。

将链上积分设想为与 ERC-20 代币不同的存在,通过积分系统的组合性可以为用户创造出独特的体验。然而,无论是在 Layer-1 还是 Layer-2 层面实现一个链上积分追踪系统都需要高昂的成本,这就引出了一个非常关键问题:为什么不直接用 ERC-20 代币来代表积分呢?

这种情况凸显了为什么链上积分系统是作为 Stackr 上的 micro-rollup 来开发的理想选择。深入研究现有积分系统基础设施所面临的问题,团队通宵达旦地进行了内部研究冲刺,最终开发出了一种专用的虚拟机(VM)来跟踪和管理协议的积分。

Micro-Rollups 快速入门

Micro-Rollup 端到端工作流程

Micro-rollups 本质上是一种状态机(state machines),它可以在链下执行特定的逻辑运算,然后将执行验证外包给一个叫做 "Vulcan" 的验证层。Vulcan 负责验证状态更新,并将计算数据提交到链上。

-状态机具有定义好的状态形态,并且会根据一组初始条件(genesis condition)进行初始化,以确定状态机的起始状态。


-状态转换函数(State Transition Function,STF)负责执行计算并更新状态机的状态。STF 执行完毕后,这些动作会被打包成一个区块,并发送给 Vulcan。

最后,Vulcan 会:

  • 悲观地假设 STF 的计算结果可能存在错误或者恶意篡改,重新执行区块中的动作,以确保结果的正确性。

  • 为已验证的区块生成元数据。

  • 在 Layer-1 和 DA 上完成结算。

  • Micro-rollup 更新后的状态被发送到 DA。

  • 经过验证的区块的元数据和更新后的状态根(state root)被安置到 micro-rollup 在 Layer-1 上的 inbox contract 中。

    上述流程共同构成了 Stackr 的 Micro-Rollup 框架的工作原理。

积分系统 Micro-Rollup

那么,为什么 micro-rollups 特别适合构建积分系统呢?

  • Micro-rollups 提供了快速、灵活、自托管的执行环境。


  • Micro-rollups 支持可验证的链下计算。

    尽管是自托管的,该框架仍然可以保证在数据结算到 Layer-1 之前,任何进入系统并改变状态的数据都能得到充分验证。这确保了系统以可预测的方式运行,并且不会被篡改。

  • Micro-rollups 使状态可审计。

    一旦状态机被部署,STF 的逻辑就不能被更改。这为用户提供了一种保障,确信系统的规则不会被提供者随意修改。

  • Micro-rollups 可以直接在 Layer-1 上进行结算。

    由于 micro-rollups 可以直接在 Layer-1 上进行结算,状态证明可以在合约内部直接使用,进而实现链上操作。验证层通过提供预结算保证,能大大缩短结算周期。



在开发 micro-rollup 时,以状态机的形式去构思逻辑至关重要。这需要仔细考虑 micro-rollup 的状态(即它将保存的数据),以及决定 STF 行为的动作(该函数会对状态进行操作)。


秉持上述理念,我们使用 Stackr 的 SDK(开发工具包)开始设计 micro-rollup 的状态。


  • 当用户在平台上执行链下或链上动作时,会触发事件(events)。管理员也可以为用户分配事件。

  • 积分存储在链下的状态机中。

  • 系统包含一个 STF,用于决定授予用户积分的时间和数量。

  • 事件会触发 STF,状态会基于用户的最新积分进行更新。

  • 每过一个设定的时间段(epoch),就会生成一个区块,其中包含用户事件的详细信息和更新后的积分表状态。

  • 区块被发送到 Vulcan 网络进行验证。

  • 如果区块符合状态机的规则,则被批准。

  • 区块数据拆分为两部分,分别在 Layer-1 和 DA 上进行结算。

Micro-rollup 架构中的积分系统


  1. 首先,我们添加 admins (管理员)和 eventRegistry(事件注册表):

  • admins: 可以注册事件实体并为用户分配积分的地址。

  • event: 用户可获得积分的任何类型的实体。它可以是链上事件,也可以是手动添加的自定义事件。例如:“sign-up”注册事件(自定义)可以获得 200 积分,“swap”兑换事件(链上)可以获得 500 积分等。

  1. 接下来,我们需要一种方法来跟踪用户有资格获得积分的事件。

一个用户可能进行过 1 次 sign-up 事件和 5 次 swap 事件。每个事件都是 eventLog(事件日志)中的一个条目。

我们在状态中添加了 eventLog,以跟踪每个用户对应的所有链上事件以及每个事件的最大积分。目前,我们不需要积分子字段,因为它可以从 eventRegistry 中获取。但为了使系统更灵活,以便未来扩展,我们仍然添加了该字段。


在设置好最小可行状态(minimum viable state)后,我们需要定义更新状态的 reducers。

  1. 添加 logEventReducer,负责为用户的事件创建日志条目。


  • 管理员使用事件名称和用户标识符调用 logEvent 动作(本文不包含此操作的详细讨论)。

  • 此动作会触发状态机并调用 logEventReducer。

  • 这个 Reducer 随后会:

    • 查找与事件对应的积分。

    • 基于事件和相应的积分来更新用户的事件日志。


  • 管理员调用 logEvent({user: mg-labs.eth, event: "deposit"})

  • Reducer 将在 eventRegistry 中找到 deposit 这个动作,并为用户 mg-labs.eth 记录 deposit 事件及其对应的积分。


智能合约 vs Micro-rollup


如果将积分系统构建为一个智能合约,这可能是一种可行的方法,但是与 micro-rollup 相比,EVM 中的存储成本极为高昂,这种设计可能并不理想。

而我们正在构建的 micro-rollup,成本相对更低,可以更自由灵活地管理状态和计算,从而可以优先考虑用户体验,而不是权衡成本。


  1. 向状态中添加 userPoints(用户积分)


当记录事件时,我们也更新 logEventReducer 以更新用户的积分。



链下积分上链——空投等更多可能 ✨


正如文章开头所述,micro-rollup 的状态根会在 Layer-1 上结算。值得注意的是,开发者可以选择哪些状态数据在 Layer-1 上结算,哪些作为元数据放到 DA 上,从而实现混合安全假设。

在本例中,如果我们提取 userPoints,并将其 Merkle 化的根(root)在 Layer-1 上结算,就能直接实现用户在 Merkle 树中的包含证明(inclusion proofs)。






团队常常喜欢在某些事件或活动的基础积分上设置有时间限制的 multipliers,因为这是一种非常有效的机制,可以与其他项目展开合作、提高社区和协议活跃度等。在这版积分系统中,我们已经在特定时间为事件存储了应当分配的积分,因此,迭代和实现 multipliers 都非常简单。

首先,更新 EventRegistry 为每个事件保存 multipliers 的列表。

如上所示,每个事件都有一组可以由团队激活和停用的 multipliers,从而实现灵活的活动设计。

为了支持上述的状态更新,我们更新了 logEventReducer 使其应用有效的 multipliers。

上述逻辑不仅可以应用一个 multiplier,还可以在计算事件分配积分数量时叠加多个 multipliers。


与 multipliers 类似,推荐系统也是许多积分系统的关键。推荐系统由于其结构可能相当复杂,因此难以完全构建在链上。

例如,MarginFi 有一个多级推荐系统 ——

将积分系统构建为 micro-rollup,使你能够在自己的独立执行环境中自由地实现上述机制,无论它们有多复杂。



我们可以通过 L1Syncer(SDK 中的内置模块)将所有用户事件从选定的合约导入到 micro-rollup;同时,Rollup 的 STF 专注于计算用户积分的算法,并透明地展示积分计算方式,这样我们就可以提升系统的自主性。



例如,Reddit 的 Karma 积分如果建立在 micro-rollup 上,也许就可以立即让那些被戏称为“毫无用处的互联网积分”的东西在链上可用。

使用此框架,可能只需要几天的工作就可以将现有的 Karma 积分系统移植到链上。


积分系统在Web2与Web3的交汇处展现出了巨大的潜力,需要一种新颖的混合架构来实现。这正是 micro-rollups 提供的机遇所在。

Micro-rollups 提供了灵活选择去中心化程度的自由。它们让开发者能够按照自己的偏好构建应用程序,无论是追求完全去中心化,还是充分去中心化,亦或是一种尚未揭示的全新模式。

As an incentive mechanism, the author compiles the translator's reading guide integral system, which can promote the interaction between users and the agreement, thus promoting the development and growth of the agreement. It is a tool rather than a target integral. It should not be the only reason for users to use the product. At the same time, users need clear and predictable rules to understand how to obtain the integral, while the integral on the chain can avoid the black box problem of the traditional integral system. As a method to realize the integral system on the chain, it provides a way to save money. Cost-effective way, it not only ensures the speed and flexibility of operation, but also ensures the verifiability and security of data by performing logical operations under the chain and then pushing the verification results to the chain. This not only provides a new tool for developers, but also provides a new way of thinking for the entire encryption ecosystem, that is, how to apply technological innovation to improve user participation and incentive mechanism. Recently, integral has quickly become a catalyst to promote user participation in the encryption ecosystem, leading many. The concept of the successful practice of top teams and agreements is not complicated. Users interact with them by promoting the development of agreements, so as to get rewards in the form of points. This mechanism is similar to the common experience value system in many video games. Players will continue to accumulate experience values to improve their rankings, which will encourage players to continue to strive for higher rankings. Many agreements use points as a prelude to the introduction of agreements to govern tokens, indicating that the distribution of tokens will be based on users' accumulation. This strategy has won valuable time for the agreement and the team before publishing the details of the token, and also delayed the review they face when they make mistakes. The operation mode of point accumulation is similar to that of income farming, but there is no direct economic incentive, but it provides a wider way for users to participate and reward. Now it has become a new trend to use points to motivate users and promote the development of the agreement. Interestingly, in theory, the supply of points can be unlimited, which is a tradition. The airdrop mechanism has brought new changes to distinguish it from the actual tokens. The problem of integral should not be understood as the matching degree of integral market. If a product can't win the favor of users without integral system, it is useless to add integral system on it and call it integral. It should not be the key factor to decide whether users choose products or products, but products and all of them can provide intrinsic value for users. Another important problem is that most integral systems are black boxes with time. Over time, their computational properties are unpredictable. This opacity has advantages and disadvantages. It means that it gives the team more flexibility to adjust the rules of the system, while the disadvantage is that it also deprives users of the perceived control or influence. The rules for acquiring experience values, that is, points, should be clear and predictable. If the points system is auditable, transparent and predictable, and at the same time, it can maintain enough flexibility for the team to design various activities around it. What will happen? Now the integral system is an attractive idea, but it should not be just a cover for creating another token. There was an agreement to launch a pre-issued token and promised to eventually convert it into another token. In essence, it is an integral in disguise. As a result, the ecosystem is filled with unnecessary tokens, and the integral on the chain is imagined as a different existence from the token. Through the combination of the integral system, users can create a unique experience. However, it is possible to track the integral on the chain at both the level. The system needs high cost, which leads to a very critical question, why not directly use tokens to represent the integral? This situation highlights why the on-chain integral system is an ideal choice for development, and deeply studies the problems faced by the existing integral system infrastructure. The team has carried out internal research sprint all night, and finally developed a special virtual machine to track and manage the agreement's integral quick entry end-to-end workflow, which is essentially a state machine. Perform specific logical operations under the chain, and then outsource the verification to a verification layer called "verification layer" which is responsible for verifying the status update and submitting the calculation data to the chain. The state machine has a defined state form and will be initialized according to a set of initial conditions to determine the initial state of the state machine. The state machine contains a set of actions that can be understood as transaction types. When called, these actions will trigger the state transition function on the state machine, which is responsible for performing calculations and updating the state of the state machine. After the execution, these actions will be packaged into a block and sent to the end. It will be pessimistically assumed that there may be errors in the calculation results or malicious tampering. The actions in the block will be re-executed to ensure the correctness of the results. The metadata for the verified block will be settled on the sum, and the updated state will be sent to the verified block. The metadata and updated state root will be placed in the upper part. So why is the working principle integral system of the framework formed by the above processes particularly suitable? The integration system provides a fast, flexible and self-managed execution environment, which ensures that the distribution of integration will not generate overhead on the chain and all state updates can occur as soon as possible. Although it supports verifiable offline calculation, the framework can still ensure that any data that enters the system and changes its state can be fully verified before the data is settled, which ensures that the system operates in a predictable way and will not be tampered with, so that the state can be audited once the state machine is deployed. The series can't be changed, which provides a guarantee for users to be sure that the rules of the system will not be modified by the provider at will, and can be settled directly on the website. Because the settlement status certificate can be directly used in the contract, the verification layer can greatly shorten the settlement period and build the exploration journey of the integral system by providing the pre-settlement guarantee. Disclaimer: This demonstration only shows the function of the framework, which is an unoptimized version and is not suitable for the production environment. This content is understood as an illustrative example rather than a final product. It is very important to conceive logic in the form of a state machine when developing, which requires careful consideration, that is, the data it will save and the action that determines behavior. This function will operate on the state from the perspective of the state machine, think about the application construction from the perspective of the state machine, and adhere to the above concept. The state design that we use the development toolkit to start designing will trigger when users perform off-chain or on-chain actions on the platform. The administrator can also assign event points to users. The state machine stored under the chain contains a time and number of events that will trigger. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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