AssangeDAO 资金转移引发疑问 —— 高调募捐背后潜在的 Rug Pull

币圈资讯 阅读:35 2024-04-22 02:36:26 评论:0



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By: Lisa

2024 年 3 月 10 日,被标记为 Censored: Clock Multisig 的地址(0x5DAEA26517788b1c0DDB0200c6Fa6d8248076143) 将 100 ETH 转移到新地址 ,这一操作再次引发了社区的关注和不满。因为这个地址与去中心化自治组织 AssangeDAO 直接相关,社区内的一些成员对其潜在的“Soft Rug Pull”行为表示怀疑。(Ps. 本文由慢雾 SlowMist 和 RescuETH 救援联合出品)

AssangeDAO 是什么

自成立之初,AssangeDAO 就因其与具有深度争议性的个人 —— Julian Assange 的关系而备受瞩目。Julian Assange 于 2006 年创办了维基解密(WikiLeaks),2010 年,他因揭露涉及美国政府的各类争议事件而被关押在伦敦的一处监狱。2021 年 12 月 10 日,英国高等法院作出允许引渡 Julian Assange 的决定,这意味着他可能在美国被判处长达 175 年的监禁。在这一判决落地的当天,以 Assange 的名字命名的 AssangeDAO 在一个 Telegram 群组中成立。群组成立后不久,Assange 的弟弟加布里埃尔·希普顿也加入其中,为争取 Assange 的释放进行积极抗议和游说。

2022 年 2 月 3 日,AssangeDAO 效仿被许多主流媒体关注报道的 ConstitutionDAO(PEOPLE),在众筹募资平台 JuiceBox 发起募捐。根据其官网介绍,AssangeDAO 是一个“密码朋克”组织,成员包括阿桑奇家族成员,唯一目的是将 Assange 从监禁中解救出来。AssangeDAO 号称要筹集资金来竞拍 Assange 和数字艺术家 Pak 创作的联名“Censored”系列 NFT,这系列 NFT 名为“Clock 1/1”,是一个静音的时钟,记录着 Assange 在监狱里度过的日子。据了解,该 NFT 由 Pak 在专门的网站上拍卖,从 NFT 出售中获得的收益将用于 Assange 的法律辩护和宣传活动,以提高人们对其案件言论自由的认识。

与 PEOPLE 类似,人们每捐献 1 枚 ETH 可获得 100 万枚治理代币 JUSTICE,由于此前 PEOPLE 治理代币上涨数十倍,让捐助者获益颇丰,因此这次募捐,吸引了大量投资者,并获得 JUSTICE 代币作为回报,这些代币可用于对未来的 DAO 提案进行投票。促使这一募捐更加引人注目的是,2 月份以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 给该项目捐赠了 10 ETH。

2022 年 2 月 7 日,AssangeDAO 的第一轮筹款活动告一段落,他们筹集了超过 10,500 枚 ETH 的资金。接着,他们迅速地展开了第二轮筹款活动,截止目前,总筹款已经达到了 17,422 枚 ETH,超过了 ConstitutionDAO 的 11,613 枚 ETH,成为 JuiceBox 历史上筹款最多的 DAO。

MistTrack 链上追踪

根据 RescuETH 提供的相关数据,AssangeDAO 的多签地址(0x5DAEA26517788b1c0DDB0200c6Fa6d8248076143) 于 2022 年 3 月共收到约 16,600 ETH,目前这个多签地址还剩下 5,018.59 ETH,两年时间转移了近 12,000 ETH。

我们使用反洗钱追踪平台 MistTrack 进行分析,2022 年 4 月 8 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 转移 580.745 ETH 到合约地址(0xeD2…131),再分散转移到多个地址。其中 151 ETH 停留在两个地址,暂未转出。

2022 年 5 月 9 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 转移 34.99 ETH 到 Kraken 地址(0x158…D11)。

2022 年 5 月 9 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 转移 829.64 ETH 到合约地址(0x8a1…262),接着通过四个地址的转移,最终将 500 ETH 转到(0x323339bc28028da8cd11b584747ee8ec873616b4)。

2022 年 5 月 11 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 转移 124 ETH 到 Coinbase 地址(0x9Ff…FE2)。

值得注意的是,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 在以上的交易中,都会在转出大额资产前发送 0.01 ETH 到目标地址进行测试。

2022 年 6 月 3 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 转移 50 ETH 到地址(0x323339bc28028da8cd11b584747ee8ec873616b4)。

2022 年 6 月 8 日 — 2024 年 2 月 16 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 每过半个月左右会转出 150 ETH 到不同的地址,已转出 65 笔,共 9750 ETH。其中大部分都转到地址(0x323339bc28028da8cd11b584747ee8ec873616b4);而从 2024 年 1 月 23 日开始,最后两笔 150 ETH 最终都转到地址(0x2f988a4f26280a108a5761a889e63bd7f91d517e)。

2024 年 3 月 6 日和 3 月 10 日,该多签地址(0x5DA…143) 将 200 ETH 分为两笔转移到地址(0x2f988a4f26280a108a5761a889e63bd7f91d517e)。





- 首笔交易在 2020 年 10 月;

- 在 2022 年 3 月 — 2023 年 11 月之间,共转出 17,517 ETH 到 Kraken 平台;

- 在 2023 年 12 月转出 337.5992 ETH 到另一汇集地址(0x2f988a4f26280a108a5761a889e63bd7f91d517e)。

而地址(0x2f9…17e) 首笔交易在 2023 年 7 月,其在 2023 年 12 月 — 2024 年 3 月之间转出 1,250 ETH 到两个 Kraken 地址。




就 AssangeDAO 这个事件,虽然其初始目标是光明磊落的,但近期的大额资金转移引发了许多质疑,特别是资金最后汇集的地址,如有兴趣可使用反洗钱追踪平台 MistTrack( 对相关资金自行监控。

AssangeDAO 背后的真实意图,我们无法得知,等待该组织对此的官方解释或者更多的信息披露。同时,投资者也应有风险意识,在投资任何项目前都须对其进行细致的研究和评估,对于涉及去中心化自治组织(DAO) 的投资特别要谨慎,因为这类项目的透明度和执行力存在一定的挑战。任何承诺过高的回报、资金流向不明或转账频繁等情况都应该引起我们的警惕,这些可能是某些风险行为的预警信号,切勿盲目追求高收益而忽视潜在风险。

The operation that the address marked as "on" will be moved to the new address has once again aroused the concern and dissatisfaction of the community, because this address is directly related to the decentralized autonomous organization, and some members in the community have expressed doubts about its potential behavior. What is this article jointly produced by Slow Fog and Rescue? Since its establishment, it has attracted much attention because of its relationship with deeply controversial individuals. In 2006, Wikileaks was founded, and he was detained in a place in London for exposing various controversial events involving the US government. Prison On April, the British High Court made a decision to allow extradition, which means that he may be sentenced to up to one year's imprisonment in the United States. On the day of this decision, Gabriel Shipton, his younger brother, who was named after a group, joined the group and actively protested and lobbied for his release. On April, he imitated the fundraising platform reported by many mainstream media and launched fundraising. According to his official website introduction, he was a cryptopunk organization member including A. The only purpose of the Sanchi family members is to free themselves from imprisonment, claiming to raise funds for bidding and a joint series created by digital artists. This series is called a silent clock to record the days spent in prison. It is understood that the proceeds from the auction on a special website will be used for legal defense and publicity activities to raise people's awareness of the freedom of speech in their cases, similar to that. People can get 10,000 governance tokens for each donation, which has increased dozens of times due to the previous governance tokens. Donors have benefited a lot, so this fundraising attracted a large number of investors and received tokens in return. These tokens can be used to vote on future proposals, which made this fundraising even more striking. The founder of Ethereum donated money to the project in January, and the first fundraising event came to an end. They raised more than RMB, and then they quickly launched a second fundraising event. Up to now, the total fundraising has reached RMB, making it the most fundraising in history. According to the relevant data provided, the multi-signature address was received in April, and at present, the multi-signature address has been transferred for about two years. We use the anti-money laundering tracking platform for analysis. The multi-signature address was transferred to the contract address and then dispersed to multiple addresses, among which two addresses stayed but have not been transferred. The multi-signature address was transferred to the address. The multi-signature address was transferred to the contract address and then transferred to the address through the transfer of four addresses. It is worth noting that in the above transactions, the multi-signature address will be sent to the target address for testing before transferring large assets. The multi-signature address will be transferred to the address. The multi-signature address will be transferred to different addresses every half month or so. Most of them have been transferred to the address, and the last two transactions will be transferred to the address from the date of the month. The multi-signature address will be divided into two transfers to the address. Through the above analysis, it can be seen that the final funds will be collected into two. Continue to analyze the address. The first transaction was transferred to the platform in the year, month, year and month, and transferred to another collection address in the year, and the first transaction was transferred to two addresses in the year, month and year. The current situation of fund transfer and balance is summarized as follows. Although the initial goal of this incident is aboveboard, the recent large-scale fund transfer has caused many doubts, especially the address where the funds are finally collected. If you are interested, you can use the anti-money laundering tracking platform to monitor the relevant funds yourself. We can't know the real intention behind it, waiting for the official explanation or more information disclosure from the organization. At the same time, investors should be aware of risks. Before investing in any project, they must conduct detailed research and evaluation. We should be especially cautious about the investment involving decentralized autonomous organizations, because there are certain challenges in the transparency and execution of such projects. Any situation that the return is too high, the flow of funds is unclear or the transfer is frequent should arouse our vigilance. These may be early warning signs of some risky behaviors. Don't blindly pursue high returns and ignore potential risks. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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