4月展望 催化剂和alpha

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作者:The DeFi Investor 来源:X,@TheDeFinvestor


  • 四月份的主要加密货币推动因素

  • 本周的链上Alpha

  • DeFi 的最新进展












除此之外,预计香港证券及期货事务监察委员会将在第二季度批准在香港首次推出现货比特币 ETF。


2.Stacks Nakamoto 升级

Stacks 是一个使智能合约和 dApps 变得更强大的比特币二层解决方案。

Stacks 的 Nakamoto 升级已经开发了很长时间,似乎最终将在下个月开始在主网上推出。

Nakamoto 升级将会:

  • 允许在 Stacks 上的 DeFi 中使用 sBTC(一种与 BTC 锚定的资产)

  • 将网络区块时间从10分钟降低到几秒钟

  • 增加 Stack L2 的可扩展性

  • 该升级可能引发新一轮比特币 L2 的热潮。

Stacks 代币 $STX 也可以被视为比特币的一种Beta版。

Stacks 是迄今为止建立在比特币之上的最受欢迎的项目。

3.Solana 空投季节

去年,Jito 宣布的大规模空投使 Solana 生态系统复苏。四月份,几个其他知名的 Solana dApps 将推出代币:

  • Parcl

  • Drift Protocol

  • Kamino



大规模空投可以对生态系统产生巨大的正面影响,因为它们为其注入了更多的流动性。例如,以下是 2023 年 11 月宣布推出 $JTO 后 $SOL 发生的情况:

考虑到 SOL 市值现在已经超过 800 亿美元,我认为预计 SOL 在短期内再次增长2-3倍是不现实的。

然而,Solana 很可能会从这些生态系统空投中受益匪浅,就像过去一样。

4.Eigenlayer 主网上线 + 潜在的代币上线

Eigenlayer 代币有可能在四月下旬或五月初上线。


  • Eigenlayer 主网确认将在未来几周上线(这可能是 Eigenlayer 也同时推出代币的最佳时机)

  • 许多早期投资者表示代币将在四月下旬或五月初发布

  • 此外,四月也可能是第一个 Eigenlayer 主动验证服务 (AVS) 上线的月份。Altlayer 是一个流行的 AVS 的例子,它是一个用于Rollup的去中心化协议。

选择通过 Eigenlayer 从以太坊“租用”安全性的协议称为 AVS(可以是预言机、侧链、L2 等)

其中许多 AVS 项目可能会为 Eigenlayer 用户进行空投,就像几个月前 Altlayer 推出其代币时所做的那样。

根据 Etherfi 团队的说法,8 个 AVS 将很快开始向 EtherFi 的 eETH 流动性再质押代币持有人分发积分或代币奖励。

二、链上 Alpha

过去 6 个月有 860 亿美元的机构资金流入比特币

如上图所示,自现货比特币 ETF 推出以来,机构对比特币的流入量急剧增加。

这让我想到,如果今年晚些时候也批准了现货以太坊 ETF,以太坊的机构采用情况会发生什么。


三、DeFi 的最新进展

  • CTFC 再次确认 ETH 是一种商品,增加了批准现货以太坊 ETF 的可能性

  • Ethena 宣布 $ENA 代币将于 4 月 2 日推出。5% 的 $ENA 供应将空投给早期采用者

  • Optimism 在 Optimism Collective & Superchain 中分配了 30 亿美元的补助金

  • NEAR 协议推出了 Chain Signatures,这使 NEAR 账户可以为任何区块链签署交易。目标是改善跨链用户体验

  • Circle 在 Solana 上发布了其跨链转账协议。现在,USDC 持有者可以在 8 条链上以 1:1 的资本效率转移 USDC

  • Zero1 推出了 Keymaker,一个与去中心化人工智能相关的市场。Keymaker 的目标是成为最大的去中心化人工智能生态系统

  • Ankr 推出了 Neura,一个为人工智能而构建的区块链。Neura 将通过 Babylon 利用比特币的安全性来保护其网络

  • Polygon 推出了 dApp Launchpad,开发者进入 Polygon 生态系统的门户。dApp Launchpad 的目标是改善 Polygon 开发者体验

  • Angle 协议推出了 USDA,一个具有收益的以及由 RWA 支持的美元稳定币。USDA 将有几个抗脱钩机制,并且具有与 USDC 相同的流动性

  • PancakeSwap 宣布推出 MancakeSwap,PancakeSwap 的首个 Mantle 网络的附属 DEX。Mancake 将支付其 60% 的收入给 Pancakeswap

  • Liquity 展示了 Liquity V2 的关键特性,用户设置的利率,旨在创建借款人与稳定币持有者之间的有效市场

  • EtherFi 发布了 Points Season 2。第二季度分配为总 ETHFI 供应的 5%,并将于 6 月 30 日结束

  • Munchables,Blast L2 上的一个流行协议,遭遇了 6300 万美元的黑客攻击。幸运的是,黑客已将资金归还

The author's source today's article is as follows: the main cryptocurrency drivers in April, the latest progress in the chain this week, the main cryptocurrency drivers in April will be an important month for cryptocurrency, and the much-anticipated bitcoin halving will happen soon. Not only that, but several well-known projects will release their tokens or carry out major upgrades. The following are four important cryptocurrency events that need attention next month. It is expected that the next bitcoin halving will happen in about a few days. The entry into force will reduce the number of new bitcoins in circulation. However, it is worth noting that the current inflation rate of bitcoin is very low, which is less than every year. Therefore, from a fundamental point of view, I don't think halving is a big deal, but from a psychological point of view, this is not the case. Many people know that bitcoin has performed very well in the past few months after each halving event, so they are likely to buy encrypted assets again soon, expecting that history will repeat itself. In addition, they expect Hong Kong securities and futures events. The financial supervision commission will approve the first launch of spot bitcoin in Hong Kong in the second quarter. Everything has paved the way for bitcoin. The upgrade is an upgrade that makes smart contracts and a stronger bitcoin two-tier solution. It seems that the upgrade will eventually be launched on the main network next month, which will allow the scalability of using an anchored asset in the network to reduce the network block time from minutes to seconds. This upgrade may trigger a new round of bitcoin. Tokens can also be regarded as a version of Bitcoin, which is by far the most popular project based on Bitcoin. The airdrop season announced last year revived the ecosystem. In April, several other well-known tokens will be launched. All these agreements will be airdropped. This list only contains officially confirmed airdrops, so there may actually be some unannounced large-scale airdrops that can have a huge positive impact on the ecosystem because they inject more streams into it. For example, the following is what happened after the announcement of the launch in June. Considering that the market value has now exceeded 100 million US dollars, I think it is unrealistic to expect to double it in the short term. However, it is likely to benefit a lot from the airdrops of these ecosystems. As in the past, the potential tokens on the main online line may go online in late April or early May. There are many reasons why the main network confirmed that it will go online in the next few weeks. This may be the best time to launch tokens at the same time. Many early investors said that tokens will It was released in late April or early May. In addition, April may also be the first month in which the active verification service went online. It is a popular example. It is a decentralized protocol for choosing, through renting a secure protocol from Ethereum, which can be called a side chain of Oracle. Many of these projects may be airdropped for users, just as they did when they launched their tokens a few months ago. According to the team, one will soon start to distribute points or token rewards to the holders of liquid re-pledged tokens. In the past month, hundreds of millions of dollars of institutional funds flowed into bitcoin in the chain. As shown in the above figure, the inflow of institutional bitcoin has increased sharply since the launch of spot bitcoin, which reminds me of what will happen if the institutional adoption of spot Ethereum is also approved later this year. It is increasingly obvious that institutions are beginning to realize that cryptocurrency is indispensable. The latest progress of 3 reconfirming that it is a commodity has increased the possibility of approving spot Ethereum, and announcing that tokens will be launched for supply on March. It should be airdropped to early adopters. A grant agreement of $100 million has been issued, which enables accounts to sign transactions for any blockchain. The goal is to improve the cross-chain user experience, and its cross-chain transfer agreement has been released on the Internet. Now holders can transfer their capital on the chain with high efficiency. A market related to decentralized artificial intelligence has been launched, and the goal is to become the largest decentralized artificial intelligence ecosystem. A blockchain built for artificial intelligence will be built by using bitcoin. Security to protect its network. The goal of launching the portal for developers to enter the ecosystem is to improve the developer experience agreement. A profitable and supported dollar stable currency will have several anti-decoupling mechanisms and have the same liquidity. It is announced that the subsidiary of the first network launched will pay its income to the displayed key features. The interest rate set by users aims to create an effective market between borrowers and stable currency holders. A popular agreement that was distributed as total supply in the second quarter and will end on March was attacked by hackers of 10,000 dollars. Fortunately, hackers have returned the funds. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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