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作者:Victoria Chynoweth 来源:forbes 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网


与此同时,现实世界资产(RWA) 越来越多地被视为传统金融(TradFi)未来的关键方面,包括有形和无形资产的利用。

在考虑将 RWA 集成到 Web3 的影响时,在可访问性、安全性和透明度方面对消费者体验有明显的影响。从投资策略和实践到整体资产管理,RWA 和 Web3 结合的影响带来了以前不可能的实用性。

探索 RWA 与 Web3 的融合,强调了这种融合如何通过增加流动性、部分所有权和透明交易来增强消费者体验。考虑到不断发展的互联网和金融空间的背景,揭示了对 RWA 有形和无形方面、其在区块链技术中的代币化以及资产可及性民主化的潜力的见解。

叙述从现在延伸到不久的将来,以行业专家的见解为特色,他们解决了整合这两个领域的实用性和监管挑战,强调了这种整合对全球 TradFi 和 DeFi 所代表的重大转变。

RWA-Web3 集成

RWA 由现实世界的有形和无形资产组成,两者对于确保创新、品牌、创造和所有权都至关重要。有形资产,实际上是有形的,包括房地产、实物艺术品以及石油或黄金等商品。而无形资产缺乏实物形式,如版权、商标、知识产权、专利等。

Web3 代表了现代互联网体验的进步,称为 Web2,其特点是交互性、社交媒体和用户生成内容的兴起。要过渡到 Web3,必须融入去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的基础知识。在区块链技术的支持下,互联网发展的这一阶段需要通过消除 TradFi 中介机构并通过不可替代代币(NFT)引入数字资产所有权来实现金融民主化。

RWA 与 Web3 的现代集成已经在进行中。新加坡中央银行于 2022 年底推出“Project Guardian”,探索 DeFi 在批发融资市场的潜在应用。“首次试点”涉及摩根大通和星展银行等银行星展银行 0.0%银行通过流动性池(LP)进行政府债券交易和外汇交易,流动性池由代币化的政府证券债券和货币组成。

我与ENO (一个去中心化社交俱乐部的 Web3 中心)的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Alberto Fernández 进行了交谈,讨论了他对将 RWA 集成到 Web3 中的看法。

他表示:“Web3 技术增强了透明度和安全性,并为我们提供了探索价值和所有权的新定义的机会。与 RWA 相结合,我们很高兴看到未来的前景,用户不仅可以通过数字空间中的共享体验,还可以通过在现实生活中建立有意义的联系来构建、改善彼此和他人的生活。”


NFT 提供数字所有权和所有权所带来的效用,可以通过区块链技术的不变性来验证非实物资产的产权。这提供了通过代币化安全、透明地代表 RWA 的机会,促进流动性流入和流出的增加,同时使资产可访问性民主化。


用于管理 RWA 集成到 Web3 中的法律框架仍在开发中。因此,未来两者的整合肯定会带来监管障碍;有些是可以规避的,有些是不可避免的。

为了进一步了解 RWA 公司面临的挑战,我联系了 DePIN Daily 的创始人兼国家资本计划和项目咨询公司Anser Advisory的项目经理 William Ross。

“除了稳定币之外,代币化 RWA 在实践中还是相当新的,因此许多公司的行动速度不得不比他们希望的慢得多,”他说。“如果没有明确的工作框架,这些公司就被迫小心翼翼地绕过监管机构。另外,虽然对房地产等资产进行代币化是消除某些摩擦和简化流程的好方法,但对已经缺乏流动性的资产进行代币化并不能保证增加流动性。”


对消费者体验的影响始于 RWA 代币化,让曾经传统的非流动性资产获得流动性和部分所有权。这通过获得以前无法获得的高成本资产(例如房地产)来增强消费者对其投资组合的控制。

区块链技术及其所有权记录和交易历史的不变性能力确保了这些资产的分割和代币化的安全。这种透明度可以向不熟悉加密货币或 DeFi 的 TradFi 投资者灌输信任,同时遵守 Web3 去中心化的原则。

CoinMarketCap 上 RWA 代币的总市值显示,近 570 亿美元的流动性已经进入该领域,4 月 1 日的 24 小时交易量约为 34 亿美元。


尽管 RWA 和 Web3 在协同意义上看起来非常接近,但弥合两者之间的差距需要全球监管合规性,重点是“全球”。跨境监管差异造成了监管障碍,在将 RWA 集成到 Web3 中才能合法、安全地引入消费者体验之前,必须解决这些障碍。

例如,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)多年来一直积极讨论数字资产监管框架的话题,重点是对被视为证券的数字资产进行监管。而欧洲加密资产市场(MiCA) 监管框架为欧盟(EU)成员国提供了广泛的加密资产监管。

为了成功进行全球整合,RWA 和 Web3 必须克服美国各州之间的监管差异,遵守欧盟 MiCA 法规,然后被归类为非安全或安全,以确保 SEC 监管合规性。

未来的另一个重大挑战是区块链之间的互操作性扩展以及代币化 RWA 的顺利管理和转移。尽管多种解决方案正在开发和测试中,例如Chainlink 的跨链互操作协议(CCIP),但许多区块链仍在解决这个问题。

尽管面临障碍,RWA 与 Web3 的融合为消费者体验提供了几个引人注目的用例,包括市场准入、投资组合控制和流动性准入。

如果整合取得成果,对未来金融可及性和资产管理的影响将永远改变,就像 TradFi 遇上 DeFi:面对面、代币到代币一样。

The author puts forward the concept of Shanouba Bitcoin trading network, and puts forward the next evolutionary step of the Internet, giving priority to user sovereignty, using blockchain technology to realize untrusted transactions and establish decentralization. At the same time, real-world assets are increasingly regarded as the key aspects of the future of traditional finance, including the use of tangible and intangible assets, which have a significant impact on consumer experience in terms of accessibility, security and transparency when considering the impact of integration, from investment strategy and practice to integration. The influence of the management and combination of physical assets has brought about the practical exploration and integration that was impossible before, and emphasized how this integration can enhance the consumer experience by increasing the liquidity, partial ownership and transparent transactions. Considering the background of the ever-developing Internet and financial space, it has revealed the potential of tangible and intangible aspects in the tokenization of blockchain technology and the democratization of asset accessibility. The narrative has extended from now to the near future, featuring the opinions of industry experts, and they have solved the whole problem. The practicality and regulatory challenges of these two fields emphasize that this integration is a major change for the world and represents. The integration is composed of tangible and intangible assets in the real world, which are essential to ensure the creation and ownership of innovative brands. Tangible assets are actually tangible, including real estate, physical works of art and commodities such as oil or gold, while intangible assets lack physical forms, such as copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property patents, which represent the progress of modern Internet experience. It is called interactive social media. With the support of blockchain technology, at this stage of Internet development, it is necessary to eliminate intermediaries and introduce digital asset ownership through irreplaceable tokens to realize financial democratization and modern integration. The Central Bank of Singapore has launched at the end of the year to explore the potential application in the wholesale financing market. The first pilot involves banks such as JPMorgan Chase and DBS Bank. The dynamic pool deals in government bonds and foreign exchange. The liquidity pool is composed of token government securities, bonds and currency. I talked with the CEO and co-founder of a decentralized social club center and discussed his views on integration. He said that technology has enhanced transparency and security and provided us with opportunities to explore new definitions of value and ownership. We are very happy to see the future prospects. Users can not only share in the digital space. Experience can also be built by establishing meaningful connections in real life to improve the life integration of each other and others, and provide digital ownership and the effectiveness brought by ownership. The property rights of intangible assets can be verified through the invariance of blockchain technology, which provides an opportunity to represent them safely and transparently through token, promote the increase of liquidity inflow and outflow, and democratize asset accessibility. As a developing technical supervision magnifying glass, it comes into being to ensure compliance and compliance. The legal framework and the security and legality of smart contracts are due to the lack of supervision and legal certainty in this low-level industry. The legal framework for management integration is still under development, so the integration of the two will definitely bring regulatory obstacles in the future, some of which can be avoided and some of which are inevitable. In order to further understand the challenges faced by the company, I contacted the founder and project manager of the National Capital Planning and Project Consulting Company, in addition to stabilizing the currency. In practice, it is quite new, so many companies have to move much slower than they hoped. He said that if there is no clear working framework, these companies will be forced to carefully bypass the regulatory agencies. In addition, although tokenization of assets such as real estate is a good way to eliminate some frictions and simplify the process, tokenization of assets that are already illiquid cannot guarantee to increase liquidity. The impact of tokenization on consumer experience begins with the traditional illiquidity. Assets acquire liquidity and partial ownership, which enhances consumers' control over their portfolios by acquiring high-cost assets that were previously unavailable, such as real estate. Blockchain technology and its invariance of ownership records and transaction history ensure the security of these assets' segmentation and tokenization. This transparency can instill trust in investors who are not familiar with cryptocurrencies and abide by the principle of decentralization. In principle, the total market value of tokens shows that the liquidity of nearly 100 million US dollars has entered this field. The hourly transaction volume is about $100 million, which is the obstacle to progress. Although it seems very close to the synergy, bridging the gap between the two requires global regulatory compliance. The focus is that global cross-border regulatory differences have caused regulatory obstacles, and these obstacles must be solved before they can be legally and safely introduced into the consumer experience. For example, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has been actively discussing the topic of digital assets regulatory framework for many years, with the focus on the supervision of digital assets regarded as securities, while Europe. The regulatory framework of crypto-asset market provides EU member countries with extensive supervision of crypto-assets. In order to successfully integrate globally and overcome the regulatory differences among American states, it is necessary to comply with EU regulations and then be classified as unsafe or safe to ensure regulatory compliance. Another major challenge in the future is the interoperability expansion between blockchains and the smooth management and transfer of tokens. Although many solutions are being developed and tested, such as cross-chain interoperability protocols, many blockchains are still being solved. To solve this problem, despite the obstacles, the integration provides several striking use cases for the consumer experience, including market access, portfolio control and liquidity access. If the integration achieves results, the impact on future financial accessibility and asset management will change forever, just like meeting face-to-face tokens. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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