证监会认可 香港首批虚拟资产现货ETF获批

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4月15日,华夏基金(香港)、博时基金(国际)有限公司、嘉实投资陆续在公众号发出公告,宣布获得香港证监会原则性批准发行比特币与以太坊现货ETF。其中,华夏基金 (香港)与OSL合作,托管机构为中银国际英国保诚信托有限公司。嘉实投资也选择了OSL作为首家虚拟资产交易平台和托管合作伙伴,而博时国际则与HashKey Capital进行共同发行及管理。


4月10日,路透社就报道比特币现货 ETF可能本月在香港推出,首批名单最快下周可能公布。同一时间,腾讯财经《一线》也再度传出消息,称香港证监会计划赶在4月15日对外公布香港首批4家比特币现货ETF的名单,含嘉实国际,华夏基金、博时基金以及惠理金融,整个比特币现货 ETF 项目早期和港交所提前做过详细的沟通和计划,预计大约10天可完成。证监会原计划4月25日左右,最晚不超过4月底在港上架比特币现货 ETF。





但对于申请机构而言,ETF申请则代表更多的直接利益。以美国的比特币ETF为例,截至4月15日,根据SoSoValue数据,比特币现货ETF 总资产净值为 562.2 亿美元,ETF 净资产比率(市值较比特币总市值占比)达 4.26%,历史累计净流入达 125.3 亿美元。

如此庞大的资金资产自然让发行方赚得盆满钵满,也会吸引到其他基金发行机构。据CoinDesk报道,Matrixport 在一份报告中预测,在香港上市的比特币ETF可能会释放高达250亿美元的需求。报告认为,随着内地投资者利用南向通计划,如果香港上市的比特币现货 ETF 获得批准,高达 250 亿美元的资金可能会从中国大陆涌入。当然,根据现行法规,内地若要参与仍是困难重重,不仅要面临外汇资金的限制,也要应对KYC的难题。从银行卡开办与交易所账户开通情况而言,内地参与者几乎难以参与其中。



实物则对应的基金份额申赎是BTC实物,流动性与价格方向反应更为迅速,发行商承担的风险责任更小,操作也更为便捷,相对应的是市场风险传递加大。但香港,也接受了该种方式的申赎。据Foresight消息,HashKey Capital 和博时基金(国际)有限公司共同发行及管理的两只虚拟资产现货 ETF就将采用实物申购机制,允许投资者直接使用比特币和以太坊认购ETF份额。

从利益相关者来看,除了直接发行方,托管方也成为了其中的香饽饽。当前,已取得香港证监会虚拟资产1、7号牌照的交易平台仅有OSL与 Hashkey。尽管两者在牌照成本过高、币种上架少、离岸竞争力低等问题下一度面临叫好不叫座的局面,其中OSL甚至传言曾遭母公司BC科技集团断臂求生寻求转手,但在ETF的推动下,两者都将迎来新经济增长点,托管费与交易手续费有望突破。


另一方面,香港的虚拟资产期货ETF发行方将迎来挑战。相对现货ETF,期货ETF受到合约展期与交易手续的限制,尽管近月来在比特币上涨趋势中净值与赚钱效应得以提升,但流动性与价格追踪显然难以企及现货ETF,后续极有可能出现资金外流。或是为吸收流量,在近日的大会期间,期货ETF发行方南方东英在香港大量巴士投放广告,内容为比特币在2024年前两月上涨 45%,全球关注供不应求。

从香港加密行业发展来看,一个有趣的对比是,截至4月15日,Coinbase 上线了246个币种,全球最大的加密货币交易所Binance上线了390个币种,但作为香港头部的HashKey Exchange,仅上架了21个币种。

尽管看似夹缝求生,但从乐观的方向看,这也代表着香港加密的广阔潜力。香港加密货币公司 VDX 联合创始人Adam Zhou就曾在接受采访时直言,“香港加密行业肯定会出现一只独角兽。”




After the US Bitcoin spot passed, Hong Kong also won another city, month and day. Huaxia Fund Hong Kong Bosera Fund International Co., Ltd. Harvest Investment announced that it had been conditionally approved by the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission to issue Bitcoin and Ethereum spot, which also marked that Hong Kong became the second judicial region in the world to pass such products after the United States. Compared with the United States, which is the most influential in the world, Hong Kong's virtual assets spot is obviously more open due to various considerations, not only will it be an ether under discussion at one time. In terms of mechanism design, it is more inclusive than the United States to gain the first-Mover advantage, but in terms of encryption influence, Hong Kong is actually not dominant under the siege of the western world. Even in the past year, despite frequent policies, there is little discussion, which is quite stagnant. Will this listing change this pattern? Anyway, with the listing of Hong Kong's encryption wheel, Huaxia Fund Hong Kong Bosera Fund International Co., Ltd. has issued announcements in WeChat official account to announce its acquisition. The Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission approved in principle the issuance of Bitcoin and Ethereum spot, among which Huaxia Fund Hong Kong and the cooperative custodian are Bank of China International Prudential Trust Co., Ltd. Harvest Investment also chose to be the first virtual asset trading platform and custodian partner, while Bosera International jointly issued and managed it. Looking at the adoption of this application timeline, it was not unexpected. As early as last month, the market was in the critical period of application, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued a notice on the CSRC's approval of funds to invest in virtual assets. Since then, more than 100 related institutions have begun to enter the spot, with Harvest International Bosera Huaxia Fund Shengli Securities as a typical representative. Take Harvest International, the first applicant, as an example, on March, it announced that it has become an applicant for bitcoin spot. On March, Reuters reported that bitcoin spot may launch the first list in Hong Kong this month, and it may be announced as soon as next week. At the same time, news came out again that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission plans to catch up with the month. The list of Hong Kong's first batch of bitcoin spot was announced on January, including Harvest International Huaxia Fund Bosera Fund and Huili Finance. The entire bitcoin spot project was communicated and planned in detail with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in advance. It is expected that the original plan of the CSRC will be completed in about days, and the bitcoin spot will be put on the list in Hong Kong at the latest at the end of the month. According to the official website of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, there are currently two institutions entering the list of virtual asset management funds in Hong Kong, among which Huaxia Fund and Harvest International have been approved by the CSRC. The asset number plate can manage the portfolio invested in virtual assets, which can be issued independently. Bosera Fund and Huili Finance need to seek a licensed exchange or other institutions for cooperative issuance because they don't have independent licensees yet. In the long run, this application is of far-reaching significance. After Hong Kong issued new regulations last month, due to the restrictions of capital access and market capacity, the encryption market developed rapidly but its foundation was unstable. After that, public perception collapsed due to many fraud incidents. After the application of the licensed exchange ended this year, the market discussion continued to decrease, and the influence was far less than that of the absolute dominant party, the United States, Singapore, Dubai and other regional regions. It was not until the activity week that Hong Kong was pushed to the stage again. According to the disclosure of the Hong Kong regulatory authorities, more than 100 related companies from the mainland, Europe and the United States have set up offices in Hong Kong, but actually, due to the limitations of space and cost, although the number of offices has increased, most enterprises only set them as operations or In this context, the adoption of the Technology Division can directly broaden the investment channels, reduce the regulatory resistance, promote the further migration of Hong Kong's old money to the encryption field, provide new vitality for its industrial development, and once again enhance Hong Kong's open image in encryption and enhance the competitiveness of its virtual assets. Why do you choose to adopt it at the moment? First, you need to take the first-Mover advantage under the premise of a stable regulatory mechanism. The licensed application is still over and other frameworks are followed up one after another. Second, the United States has tried the water first to smooth out certain regulatory obstacles, but for the applicant, the application represents more direct interests. Take Bitcoin in the United States as an example. According to the data, as of March, the net asset value of Bitcoin spot was $ billion, and the net asset ratio was $ billion. The cumulative net inflow of such huge capital assets naturally made the issuer earn a lot of money and attracted other fund issuers. It was reported in a report that it was predicted in Hong Kong. According to the report, with the mainland investors using the Southbound Plan, if the spot of bitcoin listed in Hong Kong is approved, up to billion dollars of funds may flood in from Chinese mainland. Of course, according to the current laws and regulations, it is still difficult for the mainland to participate, not only because of the restrictions on foreign exchange funds, but also because of the difficulties it has to deal with. Undoubtedly, Hong Kong is more advanced than the United States. The American authorities do not allow the physical subscription in China, but only adopt the cash subscription method. In the process of creation and redemption under the cash model, the fund share corresponds to the fact that cash issuers buy physical objects through cash and increase cash custodians in the meantime, thus reducing the number of intermediaries who contact the actual bitcoin. Building a relatively closed system makes each transaction of market makers easier to track, reduces the anti-money laundering problem, and excludes financial institutions such as banks that actually participate in it. The risk can be seen that this move is more in line with the traditional securities trading method, and it also shows that the American regulators are worried about the product and hesitate about the real thing. The fund share redemption is the real thing liquidity and the price direction respond more quickly, and the issuer bears less risk responsibility and the operation is more convenient. Correspondingly, the market risk transmission is increased, but Hong Kong has also accepted the news of this way of redemption and the two virtual assets jointly issued and managed by Bosera Fund International Co., Ltd. will adopt the real thing. The subscription mechanism allows investors to directly use Bitcoin and Ethereum to subscribe for shares. From the stakeholders' point of view, in addition to the direct issuer, the custodian has also become one of the hot cakes. At present, the only trading platform that has obtained the license of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission's virtual asset number is and, although the license cost is too high, the currency is few, and the offshore competitiveness is low, both of them once faced a situation of being applauded. It is even rumored that the parent company's technology group has broken its arm to survive and sought to change hands, but both of them will usher in new economic growth points, and the custody fee and transaction fee are expected to break through 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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