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比特币的创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)是一个极其神秘的人物,迄今为止我们尚不知这个名字背后的真实身份。


比特币的供应总量是有限的,最多只能产生2,100,000 个。截至2024年3月27日,尚未被挖掘出的比特币数量为 1,334,237 枚,不到总数的6.4%。(你可以在这里查看最新数据:https://explorer.btc.com/en/btc)


中本聪在比特币的创世区块中嵌入了一条来自《泰晤士报》的消息:“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”,这被认为是对当时金融危机的一种评论。


2009年,中本聪向程序员 Hal Finney 发送了10个比特币,这被认为是世界上第一笔比特币交易


在2010年5月22日,程序员 Laszlo Hanyecz 用10,000枚比特币交换了两个披萨。这笔交易被视为比特币实际用途的第一个记录,并且现在每年的这一天被比特币社区庆祝为“比特币比萨日”






在2013年,一位名叫 Mike Caldwell 的比特币爱好者和探险家,在到达北极点时埋下了一个比特币纸钱包,象征性地将比特币带到了地球的极端。






在2018年,一家名为 “Long Island Iced Tea” 的公司宣布将改名为 “Long Blockchain”,其股价随即大涨了200%。




有一种加密货币叫做 “PotCoin” ,它是专门为大麻产业而设计的。


虽然比特币是第一个成功的加密货币,但它并不是人类在此领域的第一例尝试。1998年,计算机工程师 Wei Dai 提出了 “B-money” ,一个未实现的匿名、分布式电子现金系统。Nick Szabo 也提出了名为 “Bit Gold” 的概念,这些都可以看作是比特币的前身。


在关闭在线黑市“丝绸之路”(Silk Road)时,FBI没收了大量比特币。一段时间内,这使得美国政府成为世界上最大的比特币持有者之一








CryptoKitties 是在2017年推出的一个基于以太坊的游戏,它允许玩家购买、收集、繁殖和交易虚拟猫,每只猫都是一个独一无二的非同质化代币(NFT)。这个游戏在推出后迅速走红,并对以太坊网络造成了显著的拥堵。







在2014年,一家名为“火星地契”(Mars One)的公司开始接受比特币购买火星土地的“地契”,尽管这没有法律效力。










想要方便地查询你的比特币地址余额吗?试试用 Google 搜索吧,因为它已将比特币区块链信息整合到其搜索结果中,使数十亿用户能够在常规网络搜索结果的同时访问地址余额和交易详细信息。












2014年,一家名为 Genesis Mining 的比特币矿业公司发送了一枚纸质比特币钱包到太空,通过气球达到了大气层外部。这次行动被称为比特币的第一次“太空交易”。



With the recovery of the market, more and more newcomers have come to the encryption world, but besides the most widely known energy of creating wealth, the great charm of this circle lies in the fact that king of thailand, which is fermented and awakened by internet culture and encryption humanism, has staged countless strange and staggering stories in the short evolution history of more than ten years. In this article, I will select and list 100 representative encryption tips to share with you. Perhaps this is the case. It's not surprising that some of them sound like treasures, but I believe they will still be fresh to most newcomers. Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, is an extremely mysterious figure. So far, we don't know the true identity behind this name. The total supply of Bitcoin is limited, and at most, only one bitcoin that has not yet been excavated can be produced. You can check the latest data here. Satoshi Nakamoto has embedded one in the creation block of Bitcoin. A piece of news from The Times is considered as a comment on the financial crisis at that time. In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto sent a bitcoin to a programmer, which is considered to be the first bitcoin transaction in the world. On January, the programmer exchanged a bitcoin for two pizzas. This transaction is regarded as the first record of the practical use of bitcoin, and now this day is celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day by the bitcoin community every year. In 2008, a computer programmer who mined bitcoin mistakenly deleted his computer hard disk, so he lost it. The estimated value of this lost asset in today's year is $ billion. In 2008, the world's first bitcoin was launched in Vancouver, Canada, which enabled people to easily convert cash into bitcoin. In 2008, a bitcoin enthusiast and explorer named buried a bitcoin paper wallet when they arrived at the North Pole, symbolically bringing bitcoin to the extreme of the earth. In 2008, a bitcoin holder bought a hamburger French fries and cocoa with bitcoin in a McDonald's in Canada. This is the first time that Bitcoin has been used in a physical store. Bitcoin transactions were verified on the International Space Station in, which means that Bitcoin has actually entered space. In, a company named announced that it would change its name to its share price, and its share price soared in. Microsoft became the first large-scale technology company to accept bitcoin payment. There is a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin, which is specially designed for the cannabis industry. Although Bitcoin is the first successful cryptocurrency, it is not the first time that human beings have tried it in this field. Computer engineers put forward an unrealized anonymous distributed electronic cash system, and also put forward a concept called "The", which can be regarded as the predecessor of Bitcoin. When the online black market Silk Road was closed, a large amount of Bitcoin was confiscated, which made the US government one of the largest bitcoin holders in the world for a period of time. Some small countries, such as Marshall Islands, are trying to create their own national cryptocurrency to attract investment and promote economic development. The speed of the block network will adjust the difficulty of mining every block about two weeks, which ensures that the speed of bitcoin production remains relatively stable no matter how the global computing power changes. Ethereum is an open source blockchain system, which introduces the concept of smart contracts. These smart contracts are automatic programs that can execute complex transactions and contract terms without intermediaries. It is a game based on Ethereum launched in 2008, which allows players to buy, collect, breed and trade virtual. Every cat is a unique non-homogeneous token. This game became popular quickly after its launch, and caused significant congestion to the Ethereum network. In 2008, the concept of Ethereum was put forward. At that time, he was only years old. When the participants in the blockchain could not reach a consensus on some rules, the blockchain might bifurcate. In this case, a single chain would be divided into two different versions of the chain, and each chain had its own rules and records. Bitcoin and Ethereum had experienced many significant bifurcation research tables. The volatility of the cryptocurrency market may have a significant impact on investors' mood and behavior. There is even a word like bitcoin anxiety to describe those who pay too much attention to market volatility. In 2006, a company called Mars Deed began to accept bitcoin to buy the title deed of Mars land, although this has no legal effect. In Venezuela, due to serious inflation, traditional currency almost lost all its value, and many residents turned to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as exchange media and value storage. Secret currency here not only helps people to protect their wealth from inflation, but also enables them to receive remittances from abroad. Bitcoin tycoons usually spread their wealth in multiple wallets, but according to the blockchain public data, some wallet addresses hold more than 10,000 bitcoins. These wallets may belong to personal exchanges or other types of organizations. The blockchain of Bitcoin can not only record transactions, but also store a small amount of arbitrary data, which makes some people use Bitcoin. Network to store permanent and unchangeable data, such as copyright notice or other important information, started with the hash of a bitcoin block in 2008, which is a number with special meaning in cryptography and physics, which immediately triggered widespread speculation and theory in the community. Some people think that this is an intentional behavior rather than a random event. Want to conveniently check your bitcoin address balance? Try searching because it has integrated the bitcoin blockchain information into its search results. One billion users can access the address balance and transaction details at the same time as the regular online search results. It is estimated that there are about ten thousand bitcoins that may never be used. These bitcoins may disappear for various reasons, including the forgotten wallet password, the damage of the hard disk and the death of the owner of bitcoin without leaving instructions to use its legacy. With the popularity of cryptocurrency, many countries have begun to formulate tax guidelines, requiring citizens to declare cryptocurrency transactions and pay corresponding taxes, except bitcoin and There are thousands of other cryptocurrencies besides Ethereum, many of which have very strange names, such as dogecoin garlic coins and banana coins. In addition to the workload proof mechanism used by Bitcoin, there are many other types of consensus mechanisms, such as the certificate of rights and interests, the certificate of entrustment rights and Byzantine fault tolerance, etc. Each mechanism has its own characteristics and application scenarios. In addition to Bitcoin Pizza Day, the cryptocurrency community also celebrates other days, such as Ethereum Day and dogecoin Day. A bitcoin mining company named Bitcoin sent a paper wallet into space and reached the outside of the atmosphere through a balloon. This action is called Bitcoin No.1. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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