报告:今年前 7 个月元宇宙招聘职位数同比增 16%_虚拟币交易所平台,数字货币,NFT
据潇湘晨报消息,智联今天发布《2022 元宇宙行业发展报告》显示:今年 1-7 月元宇宙职位数同比增长 16.6%,实现了招聘需求较大幅度增长。制造业今年 1-7 月招聘元宇宙岗位同比增加 22.3%,发展态势良好。招聘元宇宙的 TOP5 行业为互联网/IT/电子/通信,职位数占比 73.3%;教育培训/科研占 4.9%;广告/传媒/文化/体育占 4.8%;制造业占 4.3%;房地产/建筑占 2.5%。
According to xiaoxiang morning herald News, Zhilian released a report on the development of Meta-Universe industry today, which shows that the number of posts in Meta-Universe increased year-on-year this year, and the demand for recruitment increased significantly. The manufacturing industry recruited Meta-Universe jobs this month increased year-on-year, and the development trend was good. The number of posts in the Internet and electronic communication accounted for education, training and scientific research, advertising, media, culture and sports, manufacturing and real estate construction. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
在元宇宙相关岗位中,研发、视觉/交互/设计分别以 38.3%、17.9% 的占比占据主力,其次为产品占 7.5%、运维/测试占 7.1%、运营占 3.3%。从细分岗位看,U3 D(游戏开发引擎)职位占比最高,为 12.1%。U3 D 是基于虚拟引擎进行游戏开发的岗位,也支持 VR/AR 相关应用的开发,前景广阔,人才需求相对较高。
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