
2023-04-10 13:00:07 views

The United States issued an investor warning to be cautious about encrypted asset securities. The United States announced that it no longer needed investment banking intermediary virtual currency exchange platform. digital currency, March. The United States today issued an investor warning that it should be cautious about encrypted asset securities. According to the federal securities law, companies are not allowed to issue or sell securities unless the securities issuance has been registered or can be exempted from registration. The virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency, the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency, the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency, the home news, the blockchain and the encyclopedia. The United States issued an investor warning to be cautious about encrypted asset securities. The United States announced that it no longer needed investment banking intermediary. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

3月23日消息,美国SEC今日发布投资者警示称,谨慎对待加密资产证券。根据联邦证券法,公司不得发行或出售证券,除非证券发行已在 SEC注册或可获得注册豁免。同样,法律要求证券经纪自营商、投资顾问、另类交易系统 (ATS)和交易所等各方在 SEC、州监管机构和/或自律组织 (SRO)(例如FINRA )注册。此外,涉及借贷或质押的实体和平台加密资产可能受联邦证券法的约束。证券发行登记要求发行人向公众披露有关公司、发行和证券的重要信息。加密资产证券的未注册发行可能无法提供投资者做出明智决策所需的关键信息。

那些提供加密资产投资或服务的人可能不遵守适用法律,包括联邦证券法。 对加密资产证券的投资风险极高,而且往往波动较大。 欺诈者继续利用日益流行的加密资产来引诱散户投资者进行诈骗,往往导致毁灭性的损失。 制定投资计划以及了解您的风险承受能力和时间范围,对您的投资成功至关重要。
