
2023-04-08 06:00:09 views

Usdc.cool数据显示,当前 USDC总发行量为339.1亿美元,Solana链上USDC发行量为7.08亿美元,为USDC发行量第二大网络。此外,以太坊链上发行量最大,约为321.51亿美元;第三名Torn链上USDC发行量为5.09亿美元。

The circulation on the chain is US$ 100 million. The trend of the virtual currency exchange platform in the second half of the year digital currency data shows that the current total circulation is US$ 100 million. The circulation on the chain is the second largest network. In addition, the circulation on the Ethereum chain is about US$ 100 million. The platform of the digital currency virtual currency exchange platform and the platform of the digital currency virtual currency exchange are digital currency home news. The trend data shows that the circulation on the blockchain is US$ 100 million in the second half of the year. At present, the total circulation is $ billion, and the circulation on the chain is $ billion, which is the second largest network. In addition, the circulation on the Ethereum chain is about $ billion, and the circulation on the third place is $ billion. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
