
2023-04-05 11:00:07 views

The Swiss Finance Minister explained that the government intervention in Credit Suisse's acquisition of Credit Suisse could not last a day, which is the global financial crisis. The Swiss Finance Minister said that the Swiss government was forced to intervene to save Credit Suisse because in the case of an investor confidence crisis, Credit Suisse may not last until Monday, if there is no solution. Virtual Currency Exchange Platform in digital currency Virtual Currency Exchange Platform in digital currency Virtual Currency Exchange Platform in digital currency Home News. Blockchain Blockchain Encyclopedia Home Encyclopedia The Swiss Finance Minister explained that the government intervened in the acquisition of Credit Suisse. If it didn't last for a day, it would be the global financial crisis to acquire Swiss companies. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

瑞士财政部长Karin Keller-Sutter表示,瑞士政府之所以被迫出手干预拯救瑞信,是因为在爆发投资者信心危机的情况下,瑞信可能撑不过周一,“如果没有解决方案,瑞士与瑞信的支付交易将受到严重干扰,甚至可能崩溃”。 她估计称,瑞信“无序破产”的影响可能达到瑞士经济产出的两倍,从而引发全球金融危机。Keller-Sutter还反对将此次瑞士政府的“撮合”与救助行为画上等号,称政府没有任何资金流向银行。 此前3月20日消息,瑞银以33亿美元收购瑞信,瑞士央行将提供1000亿瑞士法郎的流动性援助。(Business Today)
