区块链应用体系架构之智能合约层 (智能合约是区块链2.0的标志)

2023-03-04 13:30:01 views

Intelligent contract layer of blockchain application architecture Intelligent contract is the symbol of blockchain. Virtual currency exchange platform digital currency is responsible for compiling and deploying the business logic of blockchain system in the form of code, and completing the conditional triggering and automatic execution of established rules to minimize human intervention. According to Turing's completeness, intelligent contract layer Virtual currency exchange platform digital currency Virtual currency exchange platform digital currency Virtual currency exchange platform digital currency Home News Blockchain Blockchain Encyclopedia Home Encyclopedia The intelligent contract layer of blockchain application architecture is the symbol of blockchain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

负责将区块链系统的业务逻辑以代码的形式实现、编译并部署,完成既定规则 的条件触发和自动执行,最大限度地减少人工干预。


① 图灵完备的智能合约有较强的适应性,可以对逻辑较复杂的业务操作进行编 程,但有陷入死循环的可能。

② 图灵不完备的智能合约,不能进行复杂的逻辑操作,但更加简单、高效和 安全。

智能合约是区块链安全风险的高发领域,在提升安全性能方面,有几种参考思 维 :形式化验证、智能合约加密及规范合约语言的语法格式。