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How do you understand wallets for white users? Why does everyone need a wallet for their digital money security?


Original title: Why does everyone have a wallet? & nbsp; Written: White block chain


What's a wallet?


Generally speaking, digital money wallets are similar to payment treasures. Payment treasures are for your renminbi and wallets for your digital currency.


Classification of wallets?


When it comes to the classification of wallets, one has to say the concept of private keys.


The private key is the same as your bank card password, and the control of the private key controls the corresponding digital currency.

然后,按照私钥保管方式的不同,钱包分两类——将私钥托管在云端第三方的云端钱包,以及用户自己保管私钥的钱包(又细分成 HD 钱包和硬件钱包)。

The wallet is then divided into two categories, depending on the manner in which the private key is kept, the cloud wallet of the third party at the end of the cloud, and the wallet of the user who owns the private key (detailed into   HD  wallet and hardware wallet).


The advantages of cloud wallets are:


Quick-start, a mobile phone number is registered, and then the private key is held by a third party on the cloud.


Transfers are fast and convenient.


Facilitating the purchase of digital money-gaining products.


The availability of wind control systems further helps small white users to protect their assets.


Keep your own wallet of the private key -- that is, you don't depend on any third party, you keep your own digital currency. If you keep it, you take the corresponding risk.


You've just repeated a key word -- the private key. What's the private key?


The private key is the same as a bank password. But a bank password alone does not “take money” and requires an address. The address is the same as a bank card account. But the biggest difference between the address and the bank card account number is that the bank account number is sent to you, but the address is derived from the private key. The address corresponds to the private key. The private key can be derived from the address, but the address cannot be derived from the private key.


The bank account number must be the only one, so that two people don't control the same account number. How does the number currency's "address" guarantee this uniqueness?

因为地址是从私钥派生而来的,所以地址的唯一性其实就是私钥的唯一性。这里的逻辑可能有一点反直觉。这里的逻辑是——因为私钥的可能性足够多。大概有 2 的 256 次方这么多,所以,只要你随机从里面选一把私钥,别人跟你选中同一把私钥的可能性为零。大家对 2 的 256 次方这个数字有多大可能没概念,这个数字约等于宇宙中所有原子的数量。所以你从一个茫茫大的池子里面随机选择一个私钥,那这个私钥跟别人重合的概率就是零了。

Because the address comes from a private key, the only thing about the address is the only thing about the private key. The logic here may be a little counter-intuitive. The logic here is -- because there are plenty of possibilities for the private key. There are probably   2    256  there are so many, so as long as you randomly choose a private key from it, there is zero chance that someone else will choose the same private key as you. People are talking about   2  & nbsp; 256  and how large the number of sub-keys may be, which is roughly equal to the number of atoms in the universe. So the probability that you randomly choose a private key from a big pool is zero.


Here again, an important concept — random — has been introduced.


The pool of private keys is big enough. But you have to guarantee the randomness of the private key to make sure you don't choose the same private key as anyone else, or your private key will not be tested by hacker violence.


It's a cloud wallet with a private key, and the concept of a private key. What if I don't trust any third party and want to keep the private key for myself?

前面提过了,自己保管私钥的话,一般有两种方案,一种是 HD 钱包,一种是硬件钱包。硬件钱包属于比较高阶的玩法了。我们先聊一下 HD 钱包。

As mentioned earlier, there are generally two options for keeping your own private keys:   HD  wallets; and hardware wallets. The hardware wallets are a more sophisticated game. Let's talk about   HD  wallets.

用最简化的描述来解释的话其实很简单,HD 钱包最重要的功能就是帮你随机生成一把私钥,然后将这把私钥保存在手机本地的安全区,私钥不会被发送到任何第三方。然后在钱包内你就可以展示私钥生成的地址向别人收取数字货币了。你也可以把交易平台里面的数字货币转到 HD 钱包里面去。当你要转出一笔数字货币的时候,在 HD 钱包上输入了你要发送到的地址(可以扫码输入),然后输入要转出的金额。如果金额没有超过这个地址上的余额的话,HD 钱包就会用这个地址对应的私钥对交易进行“签名”。再把签名结果广播出去。

It's easy to explain by the most simplified description: HD  the most important function of the wallet is to help you generate a private key randomly, and then save the private key in the local security area of the mobile phone, which will not be sent to any third party. Then you can display the address generated by the private key in the wallet and charge digital money to someone else. You can also transfer the digital currency in the trading platform to   HD  wallet. When you want to transfer a digital currency, you can “sign” the transaction in   HD  the wallet has entered the address to which you are going to send (which can be scanned) and then enter the amount to be transferred. If the amount does not exceed the balance on the address, HD & nbsp; the wallet will “sign” the transaction using the private key corresponding to the address.


Here, “signature” is a cryptological concept, which means that, through cryptographic algorithms, it is proven that you have a private key, that is, the power to dispose of the digital currency on the corresponding address.

另外,很多人可能对 HD 这两个字母感到非常陌生,其实这两个字母代表了 HD 钱包除了生成私钥,保管私钥,私钥签名之外,一个非常重要的特性。就是“分层确定性”。英文是 Hierarchical Deterministic。中英文都很拗口和不好理解,其实含义很简单。因为现在大家拥有的币种和每个币种下的地址都越来越多,如果一把私钥对应一个币种下的一个地址的话,那可能有些用户手里会有几十把甚至上百把私钥。这是很不利于私钥管理的。所以就有天才开发者提出了,其实可以用一把母私钥,按照约定的规则,生成子私钥。然后用这些子私钥还能分层,比方说儿子那一层就管不同币种,孙子那一层就管这个币种下不同的地址。这样就有了“分层确定”的概念。一把私钥就能管好多好多币种和地址啦!

Also, many people may be very unfamiliar with   HD  these two letters represent   HD  wallets are a very important feature, except for the generation of private keys, the custody of private keys, private key signatures. This is “leveled certainty”. The English is   Hierarchical  Deterministic. The Chinese and English are both vague and difficult to understand, which is simple. Because there are more and more currencies in your possession and addresses under each currency. If one private key corresponds to an address under one currency, some users may have dozens or even hundreds of private keys in their hand. This is not good for private key management.

好清晰!那我追问一个问题,自己管私钥,用手机里面的 HD 钱包管,那手机坏了咋办?私钥不就丢了?资产不就丢了?

So clear! Then I'll ask you a question about my own private key, and I'll use the phone's & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallet pipe. What if the phone doesn't work?

好问题!所以这就引出了自己管私钥最重要的部分了!私钥你一定要备份!即使手机坏了,再下载一个 HD 钱包,就能用备份的私钥重新掌控你的资产了。

Good question! So this leads to the most important part of your own private key. You have to back up the private key. Even if the cell phone is broken, download another & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallet, you can regain control of your assets with the back-up private key.

而且,因为所有 HD 钱包几乎都遵循同一套分层确定的规则,所以其实你换一个 HD 钱包,用同样的私钥导入,得到的结果都是一样一样的。

And, because all & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallets follow almost the same stratification rules, you actually change one & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallets, imported with the same private key, get the same results.

明白了!用 HD 钱包一定要备份私钥!可是前面说私钥的可能性约等于宇宙中原子的数量,那私钥肯定很多吧。私钥应该很长吧?

Got it! Use & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallets must be backed up with a private key! But the possibility of a private key is about equal to the number of atoms in the universe. Must be a lot of private keys.

其实私钥备份的方法也有好多种,不一定是要把私钥完整的抄下来或者记录在哪里。在数字货币的早期,就有人想出一个办法——脑钱包。脑钱包的意思就是我用一句我能记住的话,比方说“I Love You”,这句话是可以通过密码学算法(也就是哈希),生成一个 256 位的字符串作为你的私钥。

In fact, there are many ways to back up private keys, not necessarily to copy them in their entirety or to record them. In the early days of digital money, someone came up with an idea -- a brain wallet. The idea of a brain wallet is that I can remember, for example, “I  Love  You”, which can generate a   256  bit string as your private key through cryptography algorithms (i.e. Hashi).


But, you know, the word "random." Private keys have to be random in order to be safe, but it's really bad in a wallet, or it's almost zero.

举例来说,中本聪的英文名是“satoshi nakamoto”,用这个名字作为脑钱包的话,

For example, the English name of Nakamoto is “satoshi  nakamoto”, which is used as a wallet.


The private key is...



The corresponding address is...



View the transfer records of this address with a block chain browser:



You'll see:



Attention is drawn to the fact that almost every time you move in and out, it happens at the same time. This is actually the automatic program that hackers write to monitor the address. Once someone uses the wallet, and the money goes in, the hacker's program automatically transfers the money.


So again, randomity is very important! Make sure your private key is created randomly!


Back to the issue of back-up private keys. In addition to the unwieldy way of brain wallets, there is now a widely used form of back-up that is called backup of letters.

同样的,也是在数字货币发展过程中,有一些天才程序员提出了助记词的概念。其实这个概念也不复杂,就是他们创建了一个 2048 个词的助记词表。私钥大家可以理解成一个很长的随机数,我们可以把这个随机数切分成几段,每一段相当于是一个对应助记词表中的一个词(准确地说对应的是词表中那个词的序号)。这样,大家就不用记忆长长的私钥了,可以用一组助记词来做记忆。这里助记词跟私钥之间其实是等价的。

Similarly, in the course of digital monetary development, there are talented programmers who have proposed the concept of assistive words. It is not a complex concept, which is that they have created a   2048  and a synonym for a word. Private keys can be understood as a long random number, and we can divide this random number into several paragraphs, each of which corresponds to a word in the corresponding list (and, to be exact, the serial number of the word in the table). So you don't need to remember long private keys, which you can remember with a long set of assistive words.

同时,现在几乎市面上所有的 HD 钱包或者硬件钱包,你在钱包内都看不到你的私钥了,都是通过记录助记词的形式来做钱包的备份。

At the same time, almost all & nbsp; HD& nbsp; wallet or hardware wallets on the market, you can't see your private keys in your wallets, and they're all backed up by notes.

用过 HD 钱包的用户可能记得,创建 HD 钱包的时候钱包内会展示一系列的助记词然后叫你保存。如果手机出了问题,就另下载一个 HD 钱包,用助记词恢复出你的钱包。于是你又能控制你的资产了。

Used   HD  wallet users may remember, creating   HD  wallets show a series of assistive words and ask you to keep them. If there's a problem with your cell phone, download another   HD  wallet, restore your wallet with help. So you can control your assets again.

所以,这里强调今天的第二个重要概念——如果用 HD 钱包或者硬件钱包的话,一定要好好保管你的助记词!

So here's an emphasis on today's second important concept: if you use   HD  or a wallet or a hardware wallet, take care of your notes!


The first important concept is -- if you're White, start your wallet trip with a cloud purse.


So it's really important to keep the notes. So how do you keep them safe?


First of all, tell everyone not to use it. Don't keep it on your cell phone in any form. Don't have a screenshot, don't keep it on your laptop, and don't upload it on your cloud. If you take your assets seriously, don't keep it on your cell phone.


The more original way of saving is to copy the notes on paper and then to keep them in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box.

更安全的方法是使用 Cobo 金钢匣这样的金属助记板。再强调一下——如果你用 HD 钱包,一定要备份好助记词,并且保存好。很多 HD 钱包都允许用户不备份就直接使用,但大家不要怕麻烦,一定备份好!

The safer way is to use metal boards like   Cobo  gold steel box. Again, if you use   HD  wallets, you have to back up good letters and save them. Many   HD  wallets allow users to use without backup, but everyone is not afraid of trouble.

可是,还有一个问题。前面说到助记词存在手机里面不安全,但是 HD 钱包是把私钥放在手里面做签名,这样就安全了吗?

But there's another problem. It's not safe to say there's a handwriting in the phone, but   HD  the wallet is to put a private key in your hand and sign it. Is that safe?

好问题!首先,HD 钱包保存私钥,跟助记词放在手机记事本,安全性是差很多的。因为 HD 钱包 保存私钥是保存在手机安全区。你可以理解成你的私钥是跟你的指纹解锁信息之类的保存在一块儿。所以安全性上比相册会高很多很多。

Good question! First of all, HD  wallets with private keys, notes with cell phones, security is much less important. Because   HD  wallet & nbsp; private keys are saved in a cell phone safe zone. You can understand that your private keys are stored with your fingerprint unlocking information and so on. Security is much higher than the album.

但是,相对于 HD 钱包,的确有更安全的方案——那就是硬件钱包。

But as opposed to   HD  wallets, there is indeed a safer solution — that is, a hardware wallet.


There are many kinds of hardware wallets, and you have to be careful when choosing hardware wallets:


Hardware wallets must be encrypted. If hardware wallets are still in the system's safe zone with private keys, there's no big difference to using software wallets. The safe zone is vulnerable to side-breeding, or by side. It doesn't start here.

加密芯片的好处是,随机数也就是私钥,不是算法随机生成的。而是物理振荡器随机生成的。物理振荡器生成随机数或者私钥,是被相关机构认证过的真随机。HD 钱包都是用随机算法实现的随机,是一种伪随机。这里可能会出现 bug 导致随机性不足。历史上也出现过因为算法随机的随机性不足,导致 HD 钱包生成的私钥被暴力试出来并发生资产被盗。再强调一下前面的知识点:因为私钥的可能性足够多(宇宙中原子的数量),所以是充分随机选出来的私钥,是不可能被暴力试出来。

The advantage of encryption chips is that random numbers are private keys, not randomly generated by algorithms. Physical oscillators are randomly generated. Physical oscillators generate random numbers or private keys that are authenticated by the institutions concerned. HD  wallets are randoms that are made by random algorithms and are false. There may be   bug  which leads to insufficient randomity. History has also seen & nbsp; HD  private keys generated by wallets are tested violently and assets stolen.


Another advantage of encryption chips is to be able to resist attacks of all kinds.

硬件钱包一定要脱网。这里的脱网最好是真脱网。我们不建议大家使用用数据线或者蓝牙或者 NFC 连接的硬件钱包。Cobo 金库是通过二维码与外界做数据交换。用户可以验证每一个二维码里面都是合法信息,不会导致私钥泄露等问题。

Hardware wallets have to be offline. This is better offline. We don't recommend data lines or bluetooths or   NFC  connected hardware wallets. Cobo  vaults are exchanged with the outside world through two-dimensional codes. Users can verify that every two-dimensional code is legal and does not lead to the disclosure of private keys.


Source link: www.ellobtc.com

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