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Do you want to invest in virtual money, but do you crawl on the Internet with the first two? This article will introduce virtual currency (encrypted currency) investment in the most crude way, taking you from "doesn't know" to "understand what virtual money investment is"; it will also show how the various virtual currency frauds that newcomers may encounter are going to take the first step on their investment path.


This paper is long and it is suggested that it could be collected and read slowly.


Also, it's important to say that virtual currency investment is a big area, like stock investment, and it's impossible to tell you "what strategy is going to make" or "what currency is going to make."


The so-called "virtual currency" and "encrypted currency", "digital currency" or simply "currency" refer to the same thing, which is a digital commodity built on the chain of blocks, and what you hear is "bitcoin BTC" and "ETH" are one of many virtual currencies.


There are now more than 10,000 encrypted currencies, so there are super-highly many currencies that can be bought and sold. Of course, anyone with some technical background is also able to give themselves a coin at home, so the focus is not on the amount of money, but on what is of interest.


What you often talk about is those currencies with a larger market value (and, indeed, hundreds of them), such as BTC, ETH, DOGE, BNB, SOL, CRRO&hellip, etc., and hundreds of encrypted currencies in United States dollars, such as USDT, USDC, DAI&helip, etc. (known as stable currency).


In addition, there are already many derivative financial goods in the world of virtual currency investment, such as futures (or contracts), options (double-currency investments), quantitative transactions, survival, etc., that are no different from traditional finance in the real world.


However, virtual currency investments are also at great risk, one of which is that many currencies do not actually have “fundamentals” when they rise or fall. After all, many of the encrypted currencies do not have the capacity to match dividends with equities, their value estimates are very different from those of stocks. Moreover, the Government does not guarantee the benefits claimed by some of the encrypted currencies or platforms, so that if they are bought to zero (i.e., cold or junk) they are also unclaimed.


Simply put, you can imagine virtual currency as a parallel universe similar to traditional finance, with money, commodities, exchanges, banks, and so on, but there is no government that can guarantee the security of these platforms, so that virtual monetary investment is widely recognized as a high-risk behaviour.


For newcomers, the path of virtual currency investment is full of setbacks and pitfalls, so it is not recommended to invest too much, and it would be better to do so with a "no matter" amount; after a while, once you have fully understood the nature and risks of virtual currency, then slowly increase the amount. . does not want to invest because of the rich stories surrounding it or the Internet, otherwise it is likely that you will lose everything by accident.


After reading the text above, how do we proceed with the virtual currency investment?


For newcomers, the following actions are suggested:

开设主流的交易所帐号,开设一个冷钱包,步骤很多,请见:MetaMask 小狐狸钱包教学:如何使用、下载

A mainstream exchange account, a cold wallet, many steps: MetaMask Little Fox Wallet Teaching: How to Use, Download


It is very difficult to complete the two steps alone, because the exchange accounts need to be authenticated, and Metamask's wallets need to be marked, but these steps cannot be saved, so don't run off to the Internet to find a simpler exchange because it is often a strong's fraud


So don't be a bother. Let's finish the top two steps. I'll tell you what these steps are.


The exchange recommends the use of money, money, money, money, money, and, if they do not exist, gas.io. Others are not recommended for the time being.
Whether you want to convert a French currency into an encrypted currency (known as gold), or to buy a virtual currency, or to deposit it back into a bank (referred to as gold), it needs to be done through an exchange, so the exchange number must be opened.


Many of the newcomers will be intercepted at this step by the strong , register a small, unknown exchange, and then the money will never come in & Hellip; so it is important to keep an eye on this.


During the registration process, you need KYC (identifying), which will require you to upload your identity card in order to ensure your true identity and to avoid fraud


After applying for the account number, then you have to deposit the money into the exchange in order to buy the money.


When the money is paid, your money will appear in the balance of the exchange, so that you can start making virtual money investments!


The so-called cold wallet refers to a personal wallet in which you can store encrypted money (but it cannot be traded directly through the cold wallet, so you can only save money, you can't buy and sell).


Cold wallets are also a step that can easily be encountered with fraud , and when you apply for cold wallets, there are dozens of notes that are actually similar to your passwords and must not be leaked to anyone under any circumstances, otherwise money can be easily diverted and there is no recourse.

市面上也有很多假的冷钱包,所以请直接通过过这篇文章去申请避免诈骗MetaMask 小狐狸钱包教学:如何使用、下载

There are also a lot of fake cold wallets on the market, so please use this article directly to apply for avoidance of fraud: MetaMask Little Fox Wallet Teaching: How to Use, Download .


Congratulations on seeing it here, but it's normal that it's taken a lot of time just to open the account and the cold wallet of the virtual money exchange.


But when the basic work is done, the virtual currency investment can then begin.


The first way to invest in a virtual currency is not to say much, it's to say, "buy money and so forth," which can be done on the exchange, so the question now is: What is going to increase?


In the crypto-currency market, it's run by Big Brother Second Brother, the so-called Big Brother is Bitcoin and Second Brother is Ether, and when these two currencies are rising, the other ones tend to be either bad or fall.


And when will the bitcoin and the ether rise to what price? That's where everyone thinks differently.

在QE 热钱来的时候,股、币双涨,升息压力一来的时候,又下跌了;而俄乌战争开打的时候,很多人想像虚拟货币会变成像黄金一样的避险部位,因此又连带行情上涨(只是在撰文的当下,又稍微跌下来了一点)。

When the QE hot money came, the shares and the coins went up and the pressure went up, falling again, and when the Russian war started, many imagined that the virtual currency would become a place of safety, like gold, and that it would go up (just a little down at the moment of writing).

当有事件发生时,如2023 年传闻美国通过比特币期货ETF 上市时,也带动了加密货币一大段涨幅。

When events occurred, as was the case in 2023, when there were rumours that the United States was on the market through the Bitcoin futures ETF, it also led to a large increase in the encrypt currency.


In short, because virtual currencies are less “foreseeable” than equities, short-term ups and downs are extremely difficult to grasp. If you are a bitcoin believer, you believe in replacing human currencies in the end, it is impossible to predict a rise in recent days and months.


It is because, in many cases, virtual currency booms and falls are unfounded, based solely on the market climate and hot money chases, that they are a high-risk investment behaviour; whenever there is a surge or a fall, people often ask, "What happened today?" But the answer is not really known.


In addition to the big brother-in-law-led market, there are times when certain currencies are particularly visible;

在2021 年的时候,冒出很多「以太链杀手」,大家期待这些币可以取代以太币,导致了一波「公链币」的上涨,像是$SOL 就在当时有好几倍的涨幅。当然,这些新兴的链,有的因为实在没有人在用,消失的速度也很快。

In 2021, a lot of "Ether Chain Killers" emerged, and it was expected that these currencies could replace them, leading to a wave of "public-chain" rises, like US$SOL, which was several times higher. Of course, some of these emerging chains are simply unusable and disappear quickly.

其他像是交易所平台的发展,也会带动交易所的「平台币」上涨,像是$BNB、$OKB 或是$BIT 等等。如果交易所倒闭,这些平台币当然也就变得没有价值,像是FTX 交易所的$FTT 就是如此。

Other developments, such as exchange platforms, will also drive the exchange’s “platinum coins” up, like $BNB, $OKB, or $BIT. If the exchange collapses, of course, they become worthless, as in the case of the FTX exchange’s $FT.


Virtual currency investments, though risky, are not entirely untraceable;


It is divided into several different fields (or track), such as:

平台币:如$BNB、$OKB、$BIT 等等GameFi 币(区块链游戏币):如$GMT、$THG、$SAND 等等DeFi 币:如$LUNA、$AVAX、$UNI 等等迷因币:如$DOGE、$SHIB 等等

Platform currency: $BNB, $OKB, $BIT, etc. GameFi (block chain playing currency): $GMT, $THG, $SAND, etc. DeFi: $LUNA, $AVAX, $UNI, etc., $DOGE, $SHIB, etc.

除此之外,还有各式各样的如NFT 币、隐私币等等有的没的,光是分类就有几十种跑不掉,每一种币都有不同的功能,当他们试图解决的问题被市场上关注,就很有可能带动一波上涨(或下跌)。

In addition to this, there are various types of NFTs, private coins, etc., where there are dozens of different kinds of non-runs, each with a different function, and when the problems they try to solve are noticed in the market, it is likely that they will drive a wave of increase (or decline).


It's just the roughest talk of the basics of the currency, where the actual upper currency fluctuates and drops very fast, and sometimes the games that everybody's concerned about suddenly pass through, and the fall is horrible.


If the off-the-shelf has done well, they can also be leveraged in the exchange to magnify up and down, using products called “contracts”.


If you don't want to bear the price fluctuations, the virtual currency can make a deposit (live) investment, and the interest rate will be much higher than that of the bank!

很多交易所里面都有活期理财产品,如果进阶一点,DeFi 上也有很多类存款收息的产品。

Many exchanges have current property items, and DeFi has many types of deposit-collecting products if one step forward.

选择活存或定存,基本上币价的涨跌就跟你无关了,你就是稳稳地存钱领利息而已,这就算是相当低风险的投资行为,唯一的风险是交易所跑路,或是钱包/ 合约被骇而已。

The choice of a living or a fixed deposit is basically independent of you, and you just keep the money and receive interest, which is a rather low-risk investment, the only risk being an exchange run, or a wallet/contract being horrified.

之所以在虚拟货币投资可以有这么高的定存/ 活存利率,是因为这个市场上的总资金量较少,因此很多人有该杠杆炒作的需求。

The fact that a virtual currency investment can have such a high default/living interest rate is due to the fact that the total amount of money in the market is small, so that many people have the need to leverage it.


And with a lot of leverage, it is natural to borrow money and invest, which allows people who want to borrow money (i.e., you live and you stay in it) to enjoy high interest rates.

除了买卖币以外,现在虚拟货币投资也衍生出了很多量化交易策略,像是通过机器人每跌几% 就买入、涨几% 就卖出,在震荡行情中不断买进卖出这样。

In addition to buying and selling currency, virtual money investments now have a number of quantitative trading strategies, such as buying, selling and selling through robots for every % drop.


You can also set up "the more you fall, the more you buy" until you get a little higher, and then sell all the Martingart strategies, as you can see: Sendnet's "Martinger Strategy" analysis: Is buying the more you fall, the more you buy, the more the rule?

这些量化交易策略,可以通过自己写程式达成,不过最常见的方式还是透过别人写好的App 进行;一般会建议直接用派网的工具即可,设定简单且经常维护,不过这对新手而言算是稍微进阶了一点点,建议还是循序渐进吧。

These quantitative trading strategies can be achieved through self-written programming, although the most common method is through the App that has been written by others; it is generally recommended that the tools be used directly on the network, that they be simple and often maintained, but that is a little bit more advanced for newcomers and that they be gradual.

虚拟货币的投资方式众多,实在是不可能在这一篇文章中介绍,大家在网路上爬文时或许还会看到各种如「流动性挖矿」、「质押赚币」、「套保」 、「ICO/IEO」等等,每一种方式其实都是蛮大的领域,风险与预期收益也都不一样。

There are many ways to invest in virtual money, and it is not possible to describe in this article that when you crawl on the Internet, you may also see a variety of ways, such as "mobility mining", "mortial money-earning", "snaps", "ICO/IEO" and so on, each of which is actually a very large area, with different risks than expected.

不过上面提到的名词其实也都算比较进阶了,正在看这篇文章的你应该还在研究或观望阶段,因此建议先别想太多,一步一步来吧!虚拟货币的投资机会和时机很多,千万不要因为FOMO(Fear of missing out,害怕错过)而贸然投资。

But the nouns mentioned above are actually more advanced, and you should be in the research or watching phase of the article, so it is suggested that you do not think too much, one step at a time! There are many opportunities and opportunities for investment in virtual money, and do not venture because of FOMO (Fear of missing out, afraid of missing).


It's all about money, but it's because of NFT. What the hell is that?

NFT 其实也是币,只是每一张图(或动画、或html、或音乐,都可以)都是独一无二的,所以又称为「非同质化代币」。

NFT is actually a currency, but every image (or animation, or html, or music) is unique, so it's called "unhomogenous token".

而NFT 的投资与币的投资也很不一样,基本上不太能透过中心化交易所如币安进行(其实也是可以,但选择少很多)

And NFT investments are very different from those in money, and they're basically not very good at centralizing the exchange, like currency.


invests in virtual currency with the following steps:

开设中心化交易所入金之后,在交易所买以太币(ETH)把ETH 转到你的MetaMask 小狐狸钱包去到Opensea 等NFT 市场用MetaMask 小狐狸钱包里的以太币购买NFT持有该NFT,或等上涨时卖掉

After opening a central exchange to make money, the exchange buys the Ether to your MetaMask little fox purse to Opensea and the NFT market buys the NFT to hold the NT in the MetaMask little fox purse, or sells it when it rises.


NFT investments are almost another area where there is less overlap than transactions in currencies, and there is no way to describe them in too much detail here, and the assessment of risks and prices is very different from that of currencies.

如果想讨论NFT,也欢迎大家到苹果仁新手LINE 群,那边什么都可以问,当然也包括NFT。

If you want to talk about NFT, you're welcome to the Apple Neighbors Line Group, where you can ask anything, including NFT, of course.


And finally, for the newcomers, be very careful about what's in the virtual currency.


In the community, the victims of `strong' fraud are often seen every day (almost every day), so before you embark on the path of virtual currency investment, please remind yourself of the need to be careful and suspicious of everything, because there is too much `strong' fraud `strong' in this field.


Here are a few of the most common ways in which /strong' can be mentioned.


This is one of the most common old strong frauds , and to deal in virtual currency, make direct use of the big exchange.


Don't go to register an exchange for trouble and so on. Because the rookie doesn't know which virtual money exchanges are real or fake. Like BN, OK.


There are many other small exchanges where you can't get your money in, you can't get it in, you can't get your money back in the first place, and you can't get it when you get the money.

他们可能会要你补税、补手续费才能领钱,这些100% 是诈骗!你把所谓的「税」转进去后,就连那个税金也被骗走了。

They may want you to collect the money by paying taxes and fees, 100% of which are strong's frauds! After you've transferred the so-called tax, even the tax money has been stolen.

这类型交易所往往也Google 不到负评,因为名字都是新的或是被洗掉了,所以上网是找不到诈骗纪录的;

The type of exchange is often no negative for Google because the names are new or have been washed out, so there's no record of fraud on the Internet;

这个也是超级常见,很多人说一个月10%、一天1% 等等听起来超极高的报酬率,有很大机率是诈骗;虽然币圈确实不乏动辄上百趴的报酬机会,但这些都是要非常花时间去研究才能取得的。

It's also super common, as many say, 10 percent a month, 1 percent a day, and so on, and so on, and there's a good chance that is cheating ; while the currency circle does have a 100-party pay opportunity, it takes a lot of time to study it.


Remember, the Virtual Money Investment Office is a trap, so don't listen to friends, Internet friends, miners, money-buying, and so on, and throw the money in.


Because there are many strategies to invest in virtual money, and because newcomers are often unfamiliar with these terms, there is no way to distinguish the project "never heard" from older ones; so I'll advise you that everything that you have not heard is a fraud! When you do a thorough study, you find it a misunderstanding and then invest in the money.

只要你在社区公开发文或留言,马上就会碰到有人私信你。知乎、贴吧、微博、LINE、Telegram、Discord 也是。

If you write or leave a message in the community, you'll find someone who believes you. Know, post, Weibo, LINE, Telegram, Discord, too.


This is not the kind of people in the currency circle who are keen to help, it is the fraud of ! and it is as many as it is horrible.


If you ask questions in the community, someone at the bottom of the message says, "You'll have a beautiful woman whispering to you." This is the irony that the strong's fraudulent account will soon recognize the newcomer and trust him, and then you will sign you into a fake exchange, buy counterfeit money, and so on.

你如果加入一些TG 群,会发现很多管理员的帐号就是「私信一率是诈骗」,正是因为私信诈骗在虚拟货币投资世界中实在太过猖狂,你只要认定,任何热心助人的私信网友全部都是假的,这样就可以了。

If you join some of the TG groups, you will find that many of the administrators' accounts are "strong's rate of fraud

所以谨记:不会有人热心私信你、管理员不会私信你、无论如何都请在公开版面发言,这样就可以避免90% 的私信诈骗

So remember: no one will believe in you, no administrator will believe in you, and no matter what, you will be invited to speak on the public page, so that 90 per cent of your personal letters can be avoided by fraud .


The remaining 10 per cent is a more advanced set of frauds, and he will drag you into a group where dozens or hundreds of people are all concocts, but in a different way recommend certain exchanges or coins, NFTs, and create a credible illusion.


It's very common for a private letter like strong to cheat / strong / strong, and I can almost assure you that you'll meet at least once if you roll around the currency for a week or two; I've already touched at least a hundred /hellip; < strong > ; it's not a rare strong fraud / strong / strong, it's a strong / strong / strong / strong, and you must be very careful who trusts you when you invest virtual money. < /u < / strong >

这类型诈骗主要在NFT 上,当一个热门的NFT 出来之后,会有很多「仿冒品」随之诞生,因为NFT 很多时候往往就是一个JPG 而已,所以你是不可能分辨出真品跟仿冒品的(因为长得一模一样)。

This type of strong fraud is mainly on NFT, and when a popular NFT comes out, there will be a lot of counterfeits, because NFT is often just a JPG, so it is impossible for you to distinguish between the real and the counterfeit (because it looks the same).

所以要买NFT 或币,请务必认明正品的购买连结,找到官方的Twitter/Instagram 再从连结点进去,不要通过百度、Google 等搜索引擎。

Therefore, in order to buy NFTs or coins, it is important to identify the link between the purchase of the original items, find the official Twitter/Instagram and then go through the connection points, and do not go through search engines like 100 degrees, Google, etc.


When you buy money, the newcomer buys it from a centralized exchange, not a decentralized exchange that needs to be connected to a wallet. The centralized exchange waits for you to invest in virtual money, get familiar with contracts and so on.


It's also super-crazy, and even a lot of old men who have been rolling for years have been tricked.


Basically, it appears in the decentralized exchange, because the decentralized website needs to be connected to your wallet, so many people build a pirated wallet and then they transfer the money directly.

而盗版的网站跟正版网站可以长得一模一样,网址也很雷同,甚至这些盗版网站还会买Google 搜寻广告,所以当你搜寻关键字的时候,排在前面的都是假的网站,非常危险。

And pirated websites can look exactly the same as the original ones, and they have the same web sites, and even these pirated sites buy Google for advertisements, so when you search for keywords, the ones in front of them are fake and dangerous.


Also, trusting your fake accounts will throw you all kinds of fishing sites, so be very careful.


The old saying is, "Don't let the newcomer get in, stay on the central exchange for a while, come out of the new village and challenge the others!"


The final paragraph of the summary is for those who want to invest in virtual currency.


Virtual currency has a lot of opportunities, not to impulsively invest in areas that are not familiar to you, and not to trust anyone who believes in you personally.


Investment strategies take place first on the exchange, and the returns from the various commodities will be much lower than outside, but this part will be much safer if you stay patient and have a thorough understanding of how to transfer, how to buy money, how to contract, and then try out services.

如果是NFT,那就必须要开好交易所买以太币,然后开一个MetaMask 钱包、到Opensea 进行;买过几次熟悉流程了,再去Mint 一手的NFT。

In the case of NFT, an exchange must be opened to buy the Ether, then a MetaMask wallet must be opened and conducted in Opensea; several times to get familiar with the process and go to Mint's first-hand NFT.


/strong' so that you can move safely along the path of virtual currency investment.


I wish you every success in your investment!

Tag:虚拟货币   投资  


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