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Who can't resist the power of the cycle and the tide!


In 1949-2019, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the new China took 40 years to reform and open up.


Over the past four decades, our country's national movement has been on the rise and our fellow countrymen have been developing their economies day and night, attacking the shield of capitalism with the spear of capitalism, finally achieving today's second global economy.


How many difficulties and confusions have been overcome. In Napoleon's eyes, the great dragon sleeping in the East has awakened.


After the 2008 financial tsunami of US, Bitcoin was invented to subvert the hegemonism of the dollar and has been operating steadily for 10 years now as a sign of . Bitcoin's life is so strong that it cannot be killed by the United States Government, it has not been killed by the theft of the world's largest Bitcot exchange, and the financial elite has been slowly accepted from the beginning of resistance.


The existence of


Today, the Chinese-American trade war is imminent. Justice will prevail over injustice. After all, humanity will come together as a community of destiny. The concept of distributed commercial collaboration, represented by block-chain technology, is being empowered.



The year 2018 was a year of a downturn in the economic cycle, with the market value of the entire encrypted currency shrinking by more than 70%, and the stock market experiencing an avalanche. During the year, many people lost “power” from what they had previously earned by “lucky luck.”


In the face of a deteriorating economic environment, we need to strengthen our capacity to screen opportunities and information, to tighten our belts and to stabilize our cash flow.


There are opportunities in the crisis, and success will always be for those who are good at digging the opportunities to solve the difficulties. Maeun said that it was clear where the opportunities were, and that it was better to stay the course and not fall on the eve of victory.


Religion and belief have flourished for thousands of years because there is hope for the future. Hope is there, and everything is there.


a new era, technologically empowering the value of a “human”


With the rapid development of new technologies, the Internet empowers every individual. After the shivering reds have a large number of fans, live broadcasts are made, and there is no problem with a 100,000 monthly account number with hundreds of thousands of fans.


The network speeds up the flow of information and empowers more of those who are not traditionally socially integrated, allowing them to develop their talents more freely on the network.


For example, after 30 years of vagrancy, masters with hysteria were finally recognized by society through the Internet.


On the other hand, Internet models are naturally problematic.


Stomp the bubble of capitalism!


With 10 million ofo users queuing for refunds, the ofo is in a financial crisis and the business model centred on the “shared economy” is over.


The big guys talk about the so-called “Internet thinking” under the magnesium light: the wool is on the pig. They are used to white wolves with empty gloves, to trick users with one big idea after another, and to attract users to his platform with so-called red bags, voucher subsidies. At this point, even with a lot of wool parties, they don’t care if they bring more users and prestige.


By the time the market matures, it will certainly be good to get rid of the competitor, to merge if it does not. The market is large enough to create a monopolistic pattern, the sheep in the market will be their own, and the wool of the user will be crazed.


“Big Data Snuff”, “Commercial Users Eating Profit”, platform companies have created new monopoly platforms based on so-called technological innovations, allowing consumers and more users to volunteer to work for them. Of course, they are themselves workers, and more profits are attracted to capital.


For centuries, the greed of capitalism and the plundering of the resourceless have cost the environment. More and more working people and consumers are not eating it.


The mediocre economy has led to experiments in distributed commerce, which may accelerate the demise of capitalism. The future business model may evolve from a centralized model of the past to a distributed business model.


Li Bin stated:

  也许就在三年或五年之内,分布式商业就将全面接棒共享商业的大旗,恰如今天的 UBER、Airbnb,未来我们也将看到琳琅满目的分布式出行、分布式住宿、分布式电商、分布式能源、分布式餐饮、分布式娱乐、分布式金融等杀手级商业应用场景。而改变的时机就在当下,且将新火试新茶,乘风破浪趁年华。

Perhaps within three or five years, distributed commerce will have a full-scale share of business banners, just like today’s UBER, Airbnb, and in the future we will see Lin Ying travel with a full-scale distribution, distributed accommodation, distributed electricity, distributed energy, distributed catering, distributed entertainment, distributed finance, and other killers’ business applications. The time for change is right now, and new fires will be tested for new tea, using the wind to take advantage of the age.


distributed commercial experiments:


BTCMedia Asia Pacific CTO peaks believe that distributed business theory and methodology primarily address the “four deficits” that enterprises often face, namely: shortage of people, lack of money, lack of markets and lack of credit.


The issue of “deficit” is addressed through distributed internal incentives.


The problem of “deficit” is addressed through the design of sound money-distribution mechanisms.


The issue of “market deficit” is addressed through the design of reasonable cyclic incentive mechanisms.


The problem of “deficit credit” is resolved by making use of the immutable characteristics of block chain technology and by writing the system into a procedural algorithm that allows fair and transparent enforcement of the algorithm.


According to relevant data, the tourism sector contributes 10.4 per cent of global GDP, with industry growth well above the seven major traditional sectors


The aim of the AITC is to create a community-wide tourism platform for guided tours. Through block chains and artificial intelligence technology, a radical change in the way tourism operates today and the transfer of tourism ownership to tourists, providing every tourist with the most appropriate, well-developed and affordable hospitality.


The AITC is a platform for personal socialization and entrepreneurship, which will be integrated into shared guided tours, travel experiences, and a whole new tourism experience. Through a merciless economic design, each entrepreneur above will receive the attention, the clientele they serve, the ratings they receive, the Internet will be connected, the flow of information will be accelerated, and the chain of blocks will quantify the value of the individual.


Success = perfect strategy + aggressive implementation. We see AITC’s design very close to our real-life needs. The only challenge that needs to be faced is that the big one’s resources run out and the AITC needs the courage to fight. Not to forget, as long as the central thrust of the good for the people and the good for the people remains the same, the masses will be on this side.


Explosion level DAPP was born in an empty space

  区块链技术之所以迟迟无法落地是因为缺少爆款应用,据悉4月19日,AITC团队将推出一款闯关游戏助力AITC DAPP引擎的发动。

The delay in the arrival of block chain technology was due to the lack of explosive applications, and it was reported that on 19 April the AITC team would launch the AITC DAPP engine, which was the catalyst for the break-in game.


The experts predicted that the first one to land on the block chain would be the game, leaving a little suspense, and that last year there was a game called Fomo3D, designed by AITC, which also had the potential to detonate the currency ring.


The more early a project becomes, the greater the benefits it receives, and the same goes for AITC.


100-fold gain for


If you are interested in participating in the start-up of the AITC game, a friend with a certain amount of research on block chain technology or a special interest in playing block chain games, you now have the opportunity to recruit the first round of breakers, ranging from 1,000 AITCs to 100,000 AITCs, to participate in the process of detonation of the game from 0 to 100 times.

  AITC俱乐部粉丝招募令将会以N轮的方式无限的循环推广下去。每一轮都需要在有限的时间内成功闯关(分单双关)。第一关招募100名粉丝,第二关招募120名粉丝,按照每一轮+20%人数持续闯关,直到50关, 80 关,100关都有可能。

Each round will need to be successful in a limited period of time (separate and separate). The first level will recruit 100 fans, the second level will recruit 120 fans, and will continue to break at 50, 80 and 100 per cent, depending on the number of people in each round + 20 per cent.

  由于本次活动的目的是通过游戏的方式为AITC生态圈注入更多的粉丝,让更多用户使用A I T C 的DAPP ,相当于拉新送福利来了。因此项目方也承诺参与零风险。

Because the purpose of the event is to inject more fans into the AITC biosphere by playing games and to increase the number of users using A I T C DAPP, which is equivalent to a new delivery of benefits. Project participants are therefore also committed to participating in zero risk.


Each fan, represented by a single/double level of participation, will receive a 10 per cent static gain and a 3 per cent dynamic gain in the promotion of the fan for each subsequent line/double level.

  假设您在第一关,第二关各投入1000 AITC,游戏第一轮走了62关,不算推广的动态收益,单单静态收益就是6000AITC。

Assuming that you invest 1000 AITCs at the first level and 1,000 AITCs at the second level, the first round of the game is 62, not the dynamic benefits of promotion, but the static benefits alone are 6,000 AITCs.


Each round of participants at the final second level will receive 80% AITC+20% CLUB as feedback. Since the CLUB has 10 times the value of the biosphere, all participants will be guaranteed 100%.


A hundred dollars in participation will bring back the money, and if you are lucky, you will get a few hundred times the return, and a hundred dollars to 10,000 or more.


To promote newness in a playful way would also allow participating users to obtain the maximum advance dividend, it can be said that the way the project has been promoted is very block-linked thinking, the users of the game have earned more profits, allowing more talented people to contribute to their own efforts and to contribute to the overall development of the ecology, and it is in my interest. Here we see the potential for AITC to become a distributed business giant.


Scavengering recruitment orders.


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The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑: HN666)


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