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更新时间 · 11:56:23 作者:区块探险家2023
币界网报道:?币圈IEO是2019年开年第一轮最热的玩法,是率先由币安开启的,众交易所在犹豫了几个月之后才跟上的IEO模式。通过交易所发币被称为IEO(Initial Exchange Offering),首次交易所发行,是指用交易所作为募资平台,向该交易所用户发行(售卖)代币的行为。此举并非币安首创,早在2017年就已经存在,而最早的代币融资模式ICO(Initial Coin Offering)是指首次代币发行,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。

币圈IEO是2019年开年第一轮最热的玩法,是率先由币安开启的,众交易所在犹豫了几个月之后才跟上的IEO模式。通过交易所发币被称为IEO(Initial Exchange Offering),首次交易所发行,是指用交易所作为募资平台,向该交易所用户发行(售卖)代币的行为。此举并非币安首创,早在2017年就已经存在,而最早的代币融资模式ICO(Initial Coin Offering)是指首次代币发行,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。

The currency chain IEO was the hottest game in 2019, and it was the first to be opened by the currency, and the exchange followed the IEO model after several months of hesitation. The first issue of the exchange, known as the IEO, was the exchange’s use as a fund-raising platform to issue (sale) coins to the exchange’s users. This was not a currency first, it existed as early as 2017, and the earliest proxy financing model ICO (Initial Coin Offering) referred to the first currency issue, the collection of currency and the use of universal digital currency such as the Taiku.



In addition, industry has appeared before: .

IFO(Initial Fork Offering),首次分叉发行,以比特币及其他主流币的功能属性和用户为基础,以修改未来路线或补充缺陷为原由,通过分叉某种加密货币生成新的代币的发行方式。

IFO (Initial Fork Offering), first issued forkouts, based on the functional attributes and users of Bitcoin and other mainstream currencies, based on a modification of the future route or addition of defects, and the generation of new forms of currency through a split fork of an encrypted currency.

IMO(Initial Miner Offering),首次矿机发行,指项目方自己售卖矿机(硬件产品),用户通过购买官方认证的硬件产品挖矿的方式来发行代币。

IMO, first-time miner distribution, refers to the project's own sale of miners (hardware products) and the issuing of tokens by means of mining through the purchase of officially certified hardware products.


By contrast, it can be seen that the IXO mentioned above is in essence issued in one way or another for the purpose of raising funds for the project. The middle letters C (demonstration), E (exchange), F (fork), M (mine machines) represent only different forms of fund-raising and media.


The emergence of the ICO as the nominee for currency collection has greatly accelerated the pace of fund-raising for currency-circle projects.


Traditional equity investments, which require a long series of elaborate processes, negotiations, etc., before investment agreements can be finalized, are very common for months from initial contact to final investment. It can be said that the process has been very time-consuming.


And in the block chain world, the ICO was born, breaking the previous long pace of equity investment financing. Many of the original block chain projects rely on a white paper, and they start to raise money.


The emergence of ICO has led to traditional finance once being called classical finance and equity investment being called classical investment.


Such rapid fund-raising, however, inevitably leads to uneven quality of the project. Many liars see a high tide in the block chain, moving into the block chain industry, wearing the jackets of the block chain, in the name of the block chain, defrauding, and mixing fish on the market at one time.



Launchpad, a platform for the distribution of block-chain assets under the currency’s flag, was launched in 2017, and remained silent for a whole year after the release of GIFTO and BREAD in 2017. After the relaunching of Launchpad in 2019, BTT and FET were issued, which triggered the market’s frenzy. After the BTT’s online exchange, prices rose by 500%, causing a wave in the quiet bear city.


When Lauchpad completed his two generation fund raising, BNB grew by 110% in just one month. Many exchanges see this and start the IEO model.

2017年3月7日,有消息传出,火币近期将上线一个类LaunchPad的产品,名为“Huobi Prime”,随即HT 在市场的非理性推动下上涨了 104%。

On 7 March 2017, it was reported that the currency would soon be on the line for a type of LaunchPad product called “Huobi Prime


而在最近,OKEX CEO JayHao也在微博透露,OKEX即将上线utility token销售平台“OK Jumpstart”产品,用于扶植真正优质的项目和早期创业者。

Recently, OKEX CEO JayHao has also revealed on Twitter that OKEX is about to go online to sell the “OK Jumpstart” products of the platform “OK Jumpstart” to foster truly high-quality projects and early entrepreneurs.


With the exception of currency security, coins, OKEX, other exchanges such as BitMax, MXC, etc. follow the IEO model.


and on the Launchpad platform, the BTT and FET projects are almost instantaneous.


On January 31, 2019, BTT opened nearly five times the price of the raise. On February 28, FET opened nearly three times the price of the increase. At the same time, BNB went all the way up and flew.


The profits are so high that they are not visible. The B net (bittrex), the coin, and the OKEx follow closely, and the IEO asset distribution platform is being launched.

2019年3月12日下午,OKEx CEO JayHao在微博中透露,OKEx即将上线utility token销售平台“OK Jumpstart”产品。

On the afternoon of 12 March 2019, in a tweet, OKEx CEO Jayhao revealed that it was about to go online to sell the products of the “OKJumpstart” platform.


It is understood that OKEx began researching platform products for type IEO models in July last year, but has been working on them for compliance reasons. JayHao also states that IEO is not only a good source of financing for truly high-quality projects and early entrepreneurs, but can also save substantial costs and energy from online trading platforms that focus on project research and development and community operations.

事实证明,IEO并不是难事,甚至可以说是非常好“抄”的。还有很多中小型交易所也在蠢蠢欲动,币赢网CoinW宣布战略入股立刻网,协助立刻网推出去中心化募资平台LaunchPad;KuCoin将上线Spotlight;ZBG交易所将上线ZBG Launchpad……

As it turns out, IEO is not a difficult, if not a very good, copying. There are also a lot of small and medium-sized exchanges, and the currency win network CoinW announces its strategy to immediately launch LaunchPad, a central fund-raising platform; KuCoin will be on-line Spotlight; and the ZBG Exchange will be on-line ZBG Launchpad.


For the project side, IEO is an airway, very fast! Under the IEO model, FET is 22 seconds out, officially online in three days. Also, the STO has a lot to go for two years, and one can go for six months to a year.


There's no mystery to IEO.


In fact, IEO is not mysterious at all and, like 1CO and STO, it is a means of financing the project party.


Simply put, project parties need only the approval of an exchange to raise money in a stand-alone asset distribution platform, where investors can buy money from the project party with a platform dollar, and then the project can be officially transferred to the trading platform. Thus, the exchange is equivalent to completing the project party’s work on a one-stop basis.


Compared to the time-consuming and costly work of a CO and a SCO, IEO is standing on the shoulders of giants to pick fruit. 1 CO needs projecters to work to make themselves known to the general public, SO needs to work towards compliance to gain institutional approval, and IEO can be generous in putting publicity and compliance on the exchange.


IEO's just old wine, and it's suddenly red, just because it's a good time.


In the first place, 1CO is no longer in the market, many of the 1CO projects ran off in 2018, had their share of market enthusiasm for 1CO, and it would be more difficult for the project to borrow through 1CO than to go to heaven.


We know that in October last year the market began to hope for integration into the regulated STO model, but because of the high threshold of the STO model and the fact that the project would take up to two years, the market seems to have returned to calm after a stroke.


1 CO and STO are not moving, and IEO certainly has the advantage of messing with it at this point.


This was a better task for an exchange. Previously, the exchange was just an intermediary linking investors and project parties, and now the exchange can bring project players and the investor community under its own flag, connecting them through its own platform currency, and the exchange is truly the king of the trade ecology.



At the very least, this table shows that, following the introduction of the IEO model, the platform currency is going to fly as compared to the increase in the first three currencies.


What they need is money, whether in large currencies such as BTC, ETH, EOS, or BNB, HT, or OKB, which is the same for the project. Moreover, in the current bear market situation, it is better to raise more than 80% of the already devalued ETH than to raise a platform currency with a stable or even an increase in value.


So IEO's a good thing to think of as being loved.



On the face of it, IEO seems to be a joyful, very dangerous and even the last fresh blood in the overdraft market.


Under the 1CO model, people's consideration of a currency, including project white papers, teams, codes, communities, fund-raising, etc., now requires only one reference factor, i.e. an exchange.


In fact, when people's trust in the market has run out, the only trust left has been transferred to the head exchange, which has become the role of project endorsement and platformer.


In fact, IEO’s risk is not lost. Because the project is the same as the one in which the exchange endorsed the screening, it is still a high-risk block chain project.


If the market begins to see the first broken IEO project, people’s targets will no longer point to the project, but to an exchange at the top of the ecosystem of the block chain. For an exchange, at least for a head exchange, the IEO is really dangerous and a cruel game of “success, no failure.”


Moreover, with the proliferation of this model, IEO is likely to become a powerful tool for poor exchange groups to work together. After all, the project side and the exchange are no longer separated from each other, but rather a community of interests.


If formerly an exchange “harvesting” project party, now an exchange takes the initiative to embrace the project party and partnerships between the exchange and the project party, they will join together to “harvest” the vegetables in the stock market.


In addition, at the external regulatory level, IEO has a strong sword on its head. On August 24, 2018, the China Silver Insurance Board issued a Risk Alert on the Prevention of Illegal Fund-raising in the name of the “virtual currency” “block chain”, which refers to models such as 1CO, IFO, and IEO.



After the sounds of the IEO fire, many people began to wonder whether the defection of the project side, i.e. belonging to an exchange that would be easier to raise funds, would pose a great threat to the ecology of the ICO currency ETH and EOS.


In fact, LaunchPad is, after all, a financing act, the public chain developed by the exchange is still in its early stages, there is no real block chain ecology, there is still a need to compare them to the ecological, developmental, market basis of the project, and even if the exchange has a flow advantage, it is difficult to eat a fat man.


A lot of people, however, don't appreciate this model, even expressing concern. The founder of CoinTiger, Franklin, has recently said in a circle of friends that the essence of IEO is similar to that of equity, that it is an adventure and predicts that it won't last a month.


This market requires innovation, but each time it is based on a stock market, it ends in failure and undermines confidence in the ecology as a whole.


Looking back on the past year, the exchange has been very competitive, with the upper currency items, transactions, i.e. mining, futures contracts, and the current IEO, where smoke has never stopped.


The Fcoin-in-kind “trading and mining” traffic battle has so far been witnessed. Now that the Fcoin is no longer the same, Zhang Jian has been scolded, and most of the exchanges that copied Fcoin have run off or closed down.


In the IEO model, the currency is the first to eat crabs, but it's hard for other exchanges. Because of the network effects of the currency itself, other exchanges lose their users if they don't follow up. If the exchanges follow, the IEO project remains uneven. We can predict that the IEO will end with hair breaking, collapse, death, and tainting the whole ecology like the ICO.


The core content of this post is from the Twitter public: beep News

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