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  讯 : 以太坊,流通市值第二名的加密货币,仅次于比特币,被称为区块链 2.0。但是以太坊是怎么从一个默默无闻的小币种成长为全球第二大加密货币的呢?

Etheria, the second-placed encrypted currency in circulation, after Bitcoin, is called the block chain 2.0. But how did Etherbe grow from a quiet little currency to the second largest encrypted currency in the world?


Ether's birth.

  2013 年末,以太坊诞生。Vitalik Buterin 发表了以太坊白皮书,并于 2014 年 1 月在美国佛罗里达州迈阿密举行的北美比特币会议上正式宣布了以太坊,这是以太坊在世界上的首次亮相。

In late 2013, Ether was born. Vitalik Buterin published the Etherwood White Paper, which was officially announced at the North American Bitcoin Conference, held in Miami, Florida, United States, in January 2014, the first time in the world that Ether was seen.

  2014 年 4 月,Gavin Wood 发表了以太坊黄皮书,作为以太坊虚拟机的技术说明。而且以太坊已经可以用七种编程语言实现(C++, Go, Python, Java, Java, Haskell, Rust),大大优化了软件总体,提升了以太坊开发的兼容性,对于后期以太坊的发展提供了稳固的基石。

In April 2014, Gavin Wood published the Etherwood book as a technical note on Ether's virtual machine. Moreover, it has been implemented in seven programming languages (C++, Go, Python, Java, Java, Haskell, Rust), which greatly optimizes the software as a whole and enhances the compatibility of Ether's development, providing a solid foundation for the development of later Ether's.

  2014 年 6 月,以太坊基金(Stiftung Ethereum)在瑞士楚格建立。以太坊基金是一个非营利性组织,它的使命是促进新技术和应用的开发,尤其是在新的开放的、去中心化的软件架构领域。它的目标是开发、培育、促进和维护去中心化、开放的技术。它主要但并非唯一的重心是促进以太坊协议和相关技术的开发,以及扶持使用以太坊技术及协议的应用。

In June 2014, the ETA Foundation was established in Chug, Switzerland. The ETA Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the development of new technologies and applications, especially in the area of new, open, decentralized software architecture. Its objective is to develop, nurture, promote and maintain decentralized, open technologies. Its main, but not only, focus on promoting the development of ETA and related technologies, and to support the use of ETA technologies and protocols.

  2014 年 7 月 24 日 , 以太坊开放为期 42 天的以太币预售,募集到 31,591 个比特币,当时价值 18,439,086 美元,交换出大约 60,102,216 以太币,是当时排名第二大的众筹项目。

On July 24, 2014, Etheria opened a 42-day pre-sale in Ether, collecting 31,591 bitcoins worth $18,439,086 in exchange for approximately 60,102,216 in the second-largest crowd.

  2014 年 10 月份,以太坊将区块链的出块时间从原来的 60 秒缩减到了 12 秒,标志着以太坊性能的进步,给后来基于以太坊运行的 DAPP 提供更好的基础。

In October 2014, Etheria reduced the length of the block chain from 60 seconds to 12 seconds, marking progress in Ether performance and providing a better basis for the DAPP, which was later based on Ether.

  2014 年 11 月,以太坊在柏林举办了第一次小型开发者会议(DEVCON 0)。

In November 2014, Etheria organized the first Small Developers Conference (DEVCON 0) in Berlin.

  2015 年 4 月,DEVgrants 项目发布,这个项目为所有对以太坊平台和基于以太坊的项目所做的贡献提供基金。并且,DEVgrants 会优先支持那些正在进行中但急需一些资金支持就能取得进展的项目。

In April 2015, the DEVgrants project was launched, which provides funds for all contributions to the Etherm platform and Ether-based projects. Moreover, DEVgrants will give priority to supporting ongoing projects that are in need of some funding to make progress.

  2014 年末到 2015 年上半年,以太坊安全审查开始。以太坊请了很多第三方软件安全公司对所有协议关键的组成部分(以太坊 VM,网络,工作量证明)开展端对端审查。

In late 2014 and the first half of 2015, the peer-to-peer security review began. Ether has engaged a number of third-party software security companies to conduct end-to-end reviews of all key components of the agreement (the Taiyu VM network, certified workload).

  2015 年 5 月,团队发布最后一个测试网络(POC9,此前已经有 0~8 个测试版本),代号为 Olympic。

In May 2015, the team released its last test network (POC9, which had already had 0-8 test versions), code-named Olympic.



  以太坊一共分四个阶段,Frontier(前沿), Homestead(家园), Metropolis(大都会), Serenity(宁静),阶段之间的转换需要通过硬分叉的方式实现。前三个阶段是采用工作量证明 (POW) 体系,最后一个阶段采用权益证明 (POS) 体系。

The first three phases are the Workload Certification (POW) system, and the last phase is the Certification of Interests (POS) system.


  2015 年 7 月团队正式发布以太坊网络 Frontier 阶段(前沿),此为第一阶段,开发者开始在以太坊上编写智能合约和去中心化应用以部署在以太坊实时网络上。Frontier 只有命令行界面,没有图形界面,你需要非常精通整个以太坊模型,对工具的掌握的非常好。

In July 2015, the team officially released the Frontier phase (frontline), the first stage in which developers began to develop smart contracts and decentralised applications in Ether for deployment on the Ether real-time network. Frontier has only command line interfaces, there is no graphical interface, you need to master the entire Etherm model, and you have great mastery of tools.


  2016 年 3 月 14 日,以太坊发布了 Homestead (家园),此为第二阶段。与前沿相比,家园没有明显的技术性变革;以太坊提供了图形界面的钱包,易用性得到改善,普通用户也可以方便地体验和使用以太坊。 2016 年 6 月,以太坊上的一个去中心化自治组织 The DAO 被黑客攻击,市值五千万美元的以太币被转移。价格从 19.42 美元跌至 11.32 美元,跌幅 41%。 2016 年 7 月 20 日,以太坊进行硬分叉,所有的以太币(包括被移动的)回归原处,目前,以太坊的“官方”版本 ETH,是由其原始开发者进行维护的。这是第一次主流区块链为了补偿投资人而通过分叉来变更交易纪录。此次分叉衍生出来的两个市场,总价值达 12 亿美元以上。

On March 14, 2016, the Homestead (Home) was launched in Ether. There was no apparent technological change in the home compared to the frontier; Ether provided a graphically wiring wallet, improved ease of use, and ease of experience and use for ordinary users. In June 2016, a decentralised self-government organization in Ether was attacked by hackers, with the value of $50 million being transferred in TT$. The price fell from $19.42 to $11.32, with a 41% drop.


  2016 年 12 月 9 日,以太坊第三阶段 Metropolis (大都会),此为第三阶段,将使未来的硬分叉变得很安全。Metropolis (大都会)是 一个为非技术用户设计的、功能相对完善的用户界面,也就是发布 Mist 浏览器。

On December 9, 2016, with the third phase of the Taiku Metropolis (Metropolis), the third phase will make the future hard fork safe. Metropolis (Metropolis) is a relatively well-functioning user interface designed for non-technical users, i.e., the publishing Mist browser.


  2020 年 3 月,Vitalik 宣布了以太坊 2.0 的最初模型和未来 5-10 年的展望,以太坊 2.0 也叫 ETH 2,是以太坊的第四阶段 Serenity (宁静),是以太坊区块链的下一次重大升级。以太坊 2.0 将引入分片,其效果是将区块链变成一条有几十条车道的高速公路,所有这些都将提升可以并发处理的交易数量。

In March 2020, Vitalik announced the original model of Etheria 2.0 and its vision for the next 5-10 years, known as Etheria 2.0, or ETH 2, which is the fourth stage of Taichenity, and the next major upgrade of the Tether block chain. Ether 2.0 will be introduced, with the effect of turning the block chain into a highway with dozens of lanes, all of which will increase the number of transactions that can be processed and processed.

  2020 年 12 月 2 日,Vitalik 表示 ETH 2.0 正在有序进行中,许多步骤都已完成,但是还有很大一部分需要继续改进钻研。

On 2 December 2020, Vitalik indicated that ETH 2.0 was proceeding in an orderly manner and that many steps had been completed, but that a significant portion of the drilling needed to continue to be improved.


Ether's rise.

  2021 年 4 月 6 日,据行情数据网站报价显示,加密货币以太坊价格突破前高 2040.62 美元 / 枚,创历史新高,最高触及 2141.07 美元,截止 2021 年 4 月 7 日,价格维持在 2101 美元左右,日内涨幅达 8.47%。

On April 6, 2021, according to quotes from the Leisure Data website, the price of the encrypted currency was at an all-time high of $2040.62 per item, reaching an all-time high of $214.07. As of April 7, 2021, the price remained at around $2101, with an increase of 8.47 per cent per day.


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