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After the introduction of the new Car Risk Code on 19 September 2020, although the official explanation that the implementation of the reform was laughter made it possible to achieve “three basics” in the short term, namely, “prices are essentially on the rise, guarantees are on the increase and services are on the increase”, the actual feedback from consumers suggests that the premium for the Car Risk Reform has indeed increased or decreased.


Why does someone get up and down? There are three reasons:


1. Seven major post-reform risks integrated into vehicle damage


This reform of the car’s insurance policy, which incorporates the more controversial types of insurance claims such as “glass break-up alone”, “no third-party deal” and “engine orange water” into the liability for vehicle damage, will increase the premium. This, however, will facilitate the settlement of the disputed portion of the claim, the rationalization of the liability relationship, the safeguarding of consumer rights, and the reduction of related claims disputes.


2. Changes in rate fluctuations


The China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board also issued a bulletin on the adjustment of liability limits and rate floating factors. The bulletin clarified that the tariff floating factor scheme in all regions of the country was broken down from the original 1 to 5 categories, and that the ceiling in the floating surrogate ratio remained unchanged (i.e., 30 per cent), rising from the lowest of -30 per cent to -50 per cent, while the lower of the inland and less developed regions was higher than the lower of the coastal and developed regions.


On the basis of the above-mentioned rate-floating coefficient formula, it is known that if the owner is not insured for three years, the reformed premium will be reduced by up to 50%, or 20% more than the original 30%. After this reform, the record of the non-reimbursement premium has been changed from one year to three years. For example, the owner has not been insured in the previous year, but twice in the next three years, it will also affect the premium margin for the next three years.


Different types of vehicles “zero integer” (the price of spare parts versus the whole vehicle)


The “zero ratio” of high-end vehicles, such as Audi, BMW, and Mercedes, is relatively high, and their maintenance costs are proportionately higher. In accordance with the principle of reform that provides a better match between premium and risk, commercial vehicle insurance increases of this type are particularly significant, while the baseline net risk premium is lower for low accident rates and low maintenance costs.


Taken together, the reform has led to a decrease in the overall premium, and individual premiums vary from one person to another.


The discounts for commercial insurance policies have been reduced, so their premiums have increased.


Reasons for the increase in car risk


1. Related to vehicle prices: the insurance premium has increased for cars with more than 140,000 types of insurance, the owner of which reflects that the premium is not cheap at all, but more expensive; the discount for cars with a price of about 100,000 is even more obvious, and the full insurance premium is only one or two thousand if the risk is not incurred for three years in a row.


(b) Relevant to the region: for tariff adjustment schemes with high risk, the rates vary from one region to another, with the five schemes ABCDE distributed throughout the country, with Area A not in danger for three years, with a maximum of 50 per cent discount, and only $475; in some cases, the E zone has a maximum of 30 per cent discount and the cheapest of $665;


3. Linked to the number of exposures: in the event of settlement of claims for enhanced and commercial insurance, the number of exposures may affect the next year's premium.


4. Vehicle damage insurance: The cost of the reformed insurance coverage is the largest of the insurance coverage, with some companies having higher, lower and different prices.


5. Reduction in discounts: The main reason for the increase in vehicle insurance in 2021 was that the commercial insurance premium was lower than in previous years, which led to an increase in premiums.


6. Reduction in the level of benefits: the new policy introduced earlier by the Silver Insurance Board, which requires the uploading of insurance policy data in a synchronized manner, is highly regulated and can only be reduced at the following levels.

7、 包含项目增多:新的车险保障的范围更广,项目更多,所以保费会有所上涨。

7. Increased number of projects included: new vehicle insurance coverage was broader and projects were more extensive, resulting in an increase in premiums.


Outreach materials:


The formula is calculated as: insurance premiums for vehicle loss = (base premium + vehicle acquisition rate *). In this formula, the base premium and rates are approved by the China Insurance Council. The purchase price of the vehicle is based on the actual vehicle type. The discount factor is determined by the insurance companies themselves on the basis of the compensation for the year in which the vehicle was destroyed and the insurance policy for the insurance company’s vehicle insurance policy. There are three forms of insurance for vehicle damage: first, insurance for the purchase price of the new vehicle; second, insurance for the actual value of the vehicle; and third, insurance for the price of the vehicle. Most insurance companies use the first form, the difference between the latter two forms for fibre-optics and the first is that they are paid on a pro rata basis, while the first is paid in full for the purchase price of the new vehicle.


There are several concerns about vehicle loss insurance:


1. The amount of insurance cannot exceed the value of the vehicle: for example, 100,000 new vehicles had an accident and the amount of insurance claimed could not exceed 100,000.


The vehicle loss insurance policy is essentially one of the highest costs in private car insurance.


A lot of people with cars buy their own car insurance, so they can be compensated by insurance companies in the event of accidents. But this year, many owners have also found that the cost of insurance insurance has increased considerably.




In fact, the price of car insurance is highly relevant to the price of the car, and many owners indicate that the purchase price of his car is more than 140,000, so the premium for this type of car has increased. There are also drivers who indicate that insurance is not cheap at all, but more expensive, because each car has a different type of car, and the premium for insurance that needs to be purchased is different.


II. Related to the number of car adventures


Some people drive very poorly, often in traffic accidents, and then seek compensation from insurance companies. Then, in the second year, when you buy a car insurance policy, the insurance company will check your car insurance record for the last year and find out that you have had many traffic accidents in the previous year, and the cost of your car insurance will be much higher. So the cost of the insurance will be tied to the number of risks, and if you make multiple payments and traffic violations, it will increase the cost of the insurance policy for the second year.


III. The number of vehicle-risk projects


There is also a reason why the new car insurance includes more items than last year, so the premium is a little more expensive than last year. We also know that if there are more guaranteed items, the corresponding insurance premium will increase. So if you don't want to pay so much insurance, you can negotiate with the insurance company to remove some of the items, and the premium will decrease.


The main reason for this is that insurance costs have risen, owing to lower discounts on insurance schemes, such as commercial insurance, than in previous years.


Under the principle of essentially no increase in consumer premiums, support is given to industry to expand the scope of liability for vehicle insurance insurance. The main insurance provisions that guide industry in the introduction of motor vehicle model products, build on existing insurance obligations by increasing liability for motor vehicle theft, stand-alone broken glass, self-burning, perturbing and incendiary risks, overcompensation rates, and the inability to find a third-party offer.


Support the industry in the development of additional insurance products such as the single-wheel loss insurance and the liability insurance for medically insured medicines.


Car insurance attention.


If a car insurance policy has been purchased and when a policy is received, a careful examination must be made, in addition to the information given above, to detect authenticity. Generally, the policy has a prostheses, along with a number of references related to the monitoring of the insurance commission, as well as a comment on the place of sale.


When an insurance document is received, it must be carefully checked to see whether the third link of the document is printed in white non-carbon paper and printed with light brown prostheses, whether the upper left corner of the document is printed by the Chinese Insurance Supervisory Board, whether the upper right corner is printed in a limited number of words sold in the province (municipality, autonomous region) and, if not, whether the signature can be refused.

以上内容参考? 百度百科-汽车保险缓凳行

100-degree encyclopedia-car insurance.


The above article is about why the 2021 Car Risk is more expensive than last year and why the 2021 Car Risks are more expensive than 2020 is over and hopefully will help us all; of course, if you want to know more about it, pay more attention to us!


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The title of the article:


Article link: title="Why the 2021 Car Risk is more expensive than last year (Why the 2021 Car Risk is more expensive than 2020) >https://www.btchangeqing.cn/527048.html


Update: 03/05/2023



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