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Bitcoin is not only the first encrypted currency; it is also the most famous of the more than 19,000 encrypted currencies that exist today. Financial media are eager to report every new dramatic height and appetizing fall, making bitcoin an inescapable part of it.


To understand the value of Bitcoin, it is important to understand the social problems that Bitcoin is about. The social problems that Bitcoin is about to solve are people’s coverage, interest size, demand elasticity, and it determines how far it can go. If you describe it in abstract terms, you can assume that someone told you that his project was dedicated to meeting the pains of XX school students who had no milk tea, and that it was a tea shop.


So it's important to understand why Ben-Heng invents bitcoin so that we can build a basic valuation framework and imagination. Then we go and discuss whether the middle-brained solution is logical. How does it work in reality? Okay, let's not talk about it, turn the brain on together.


2009年的1月3日,中本聪发布了开源的第一版比特币客户端,并通过“挖矿”得到了50枚比特币,由此产生的第一批比特币区块被称为“创世区块”(Genesis block)。值得注意的是,他在创世区块留了这么一句话:“当时正是英国财政大臣第二次出手纾解银行危机之时。”

On 3 January 2009, Nakamoto released the first version of the Open Source Bitcoin client and obtained 50 bitcoins, the first of which were called &ldquao; Genesis Block & & rdquao; (Genesis block). It is worth noting that he left this sentence in the founding block: &ldquao; it was the second time the British Chancellor of Finance was able to solve the bank crisis. & rdquao;


As we all know, the global subprime crisis of 2008 has been tragic for all of us. It is clear that this phrase is displeasure with the status quo and a mockery of the British government’s ill-adapted strategy. There is reason to believe that China is a loyal fan of an Austrian school, because the Austrian school of learning does not support the government’s use of inflation to mitigate the financial crisis, even because they think that the economic crisis and the economic downturn are caused by government manipulation of money.


Simply put, the followers of the Austrian school believe that the consequences of inflation can be avoided without the State issuing the currency. So, we ask three questions: (i) why the State issuing the currency creates the effects of inflation; (ii) why the reality is that the State is in charge of issuing the currency; (iii) who is in charge of the State issuing the currency; and (iii) who issuing the currency? Three questions are understood in order to understand the world view of Chinese Benz and Bitcoin.



To be clear, there is a consensus among modern economists that inflation cannot be eliminated, because inflation can occur without government. As long as there is a deal, there is a deal, and there is a general equivalent (currency), and there is inflation.


R.A. Radford described these arguments in his article on the Economic Organization in the Prisoners of War Camp as excellent. There were no government-issued banknotes in the camps, but prisoners of war had a variety of needs to exchange, so they agreed to exchange goods with “ cigarettes and & rdquao; as money. When there was an air strike around the barracks, people were frustrated and smoked today, then the total number of cigarettes became & ldquo; deflation & & rdquao; prices fell; the ICRC reportedly sent a shipment of cigarettes, so & ldquao; inflation & & rdquao; and prices rose. When the news of the delivery of cigarettes proved to be false news, prices fell back, bubbles fell.


So inflation cannot be eliminated, and neither the professors of the Austrian school of thought nor the middle-brains are trying to eliminate & ldquo; inflation & & rdquo; themselves. They speak out against the & & ldquo; inflation & rdquo; they believe that this & & ldquo; inflation & rdquo; the bad nature of this is causing disaster to the entire nation and to the people of the world.

所以,不要把“通货膨胀”看作政 治不正确。中本聪只是想解决恶性通货膨胀。

So, don't think of & ldquao; inflation & rdquao; governance is not right. Central Hsien just wants to deal with hyperinflation.



There are two types of government currency-making inflation: overt and undertook.

先说明目张胆型。所谓明目张胆,就是政府开动印钞机直接印钱,然后用凭空出来的钱换老百姓辛勤造出来的商品。这是赤 裸 裸的打劫,每当政府这么做了,后果都挺严重。

It's a naked robbery, and every time the government does that, the consequences are serious.

比较直观的就是上世纪德国,9年之内德国货币贬值了1000亿倍,夸张到德国老百姓烧钱取暖,因为那一堆钱也换不来几根木头,不如直接烧钱。小偷投装钱的袋子,因为刚偷到的钱可能立马贬值到买不起一个袋子。还有比较直观的例子是委内瑞拉,本国印货币来不及,就委托地下印钞厂加印,结果加印钱的加总价值还不够运费。还有就是解放前的国民 政 府印发“金圆券”,最后导致崩盘。总之,明目张胆的后果都是很严重的。

In the last century, in Germany, the German currency was devalued 100 billion times in nine years, exaggerating that the German people were burning money for warmth, because the pile of money could not be replaced by a few logs, rather than burning money directly. In the bag, the thief poured money, because the money just stolen might simply depreciate to the point where it could not be bought. In Venezuela, the printing of the country’s currency was delayed, and the total value of the printing of the money was not as high as the freight cost. In addition, the pre-liberation National Administration issued & ldquao; the bond & rdquao; and, finally, the result was a collapse. In all cases, the obvious consequences were severe.

再说暗度陈仓型。现代政府也学聪明了,不再直接印钞票,代替的方法是“信用货币”。新增货币必须对应现实社会的价值资产,那未来收益算不算?你可能有点理解“信用货币”的意义了。把信用(未来偿债)作为印发货币的对应价值。那就不是抢 劫了,毕竟,我是要还的。虽然现在没有这么多实际资产,但是未来有。

Modern governments are smart enough not to print banknotes directly, instead of “ credit currency & rdquo;. The new currency must be a value asset for real society, so is the future gain? You may understand the meaning of “ credit currency & rdquo;.


In the United States, for example, a trillion-dollar bond was issued to be repaid on American government credit guarantees, and then the Fed loaned $1 trillion to the government, charging interest annually, and the government put the loan money into society. The activities ahead were known as QE, the & ldquao that you often heard; quantitative easing & & rdquao;


In any case, social wealth is now 100 dollars in real terms, and the currency in circulation is 200 dollars, and the currency is going to expand. It is just that the future will deliver 100 dollars of wealth, making the current value of the increased currency equivalent.


When, according to Keynesianism, markets fail, governments need to push when they fail to put economic order back on track. In times of economic crisis, for example, large-scale stagnation in production, and no one wants to consume, a little inflation is created to stimulate people to move and restore the economy.


So Keynesian scholars say that it is not bad for governments to properly create inflation through monetary policy. It can keep the economy booming, as long as the government takes good care of the balance.



The Austrian school of thought stood up and said that Keynesianism was tactful and short-sighted. They pointed out that the government was guilty of making inflation and that in the long run it was more bad than good.

奥地利学派的代表人物理查德·坎蒂隆提出了“坎蒂隆效应”,他指出政府发币一定是损人利己的。还原到真实的世界里,从政府发币到通货膨胀被市场感知,物价上涨有一个过程。新币并不是一瞬间平均流通给所有人,而是从第一个人到第二个人再流向无限后者。第一个人拿到新币时商品价格还没有变,也就是他可以用新币买到当时购买力的一切东西。但第一百个使用者拿到钱的时候可能没这么幸运了,他使用新币时,只能买到缩水购买力的东西。经济学家把这个过程形象的比喻为“从蜜变水”的过程。只要政府增发货币,最先拿到钱的人就会获益,较晚拿到钱的人被 迫承担损失。而谁能最先拿到钱?只有富人。所以,只要政府印发货币,就会产生原罪,就会加剧贫富差距。

The representative of the Austrian school, Richard & Middot; Cantillon, introduced & & ldquo; he pointed out that the government must have paid money at the expense of others. Back to the real world, there was a process of price increases, from government coins to inflation being perceived by the market. The new currency did not flow to everyone in an instant average, but from the first person to the second person to the next. When the first person got the new currency, the commodity price could still change, that is, he could buy everything from the purchasing power at the time. But the first 100 users might not be so lucky when they got the money, and when he used the new currency, he could only buy something from the purchasing power of the water.


In addition, the Austrian school also points out that the underlying cause of the economic depression is the inflation caused by the government’s currency, so it is like “ & & & & & & & ;. As Cantillo says, the money printed by the government is gradually left in every corner of society, and the natural price increase is also an industry-driven one. The price of the first sector in which new money is flowing will rise before other commodity prices are associated. This will make entrepreneurs and consumers in the first sector misperceptions that they are profitable.

事实上,凯恩斯也看到了长远的弊端,并留下著名的名言:In the long run, we are all dead(从长期来看,我们都将死去)。他也知道,从长远看,印钞票的后果迟早会来。但他更强调,必须把眼前问题先解决。

In the long run, we are all dead (in the long run, we are all dead in the long run). He also knows that, in the long run, the consequences of printing banknotes will come sooner or later.


Speaking of this, you should understand why the Austrian schools so hate inflation caused by the government and call on the government not to mess with it. These ideas must have profoundly affected such calves as Chinese Benz who would think about and try to build a monetary order without government coins.


It is disputed how the precise classification of the bitcoin can be made.


Is it a currency, a value deposit, a payment network tool or a virtual asset?

幸运的是,对比特币的定义相对更容易。 它是由软件程序构成,并非像金光闪闪的硬币图片所描绘的实物。

Fortunately, the definition of bitcoin is relatively easier. It is made up of software programs and is not a physical description of a golden flashy coin picture.


Bitcoin is made up of a pure set of figures and is the result of a set of agreements or algorithms.


It was not the first, but the most successful, attempt in history to create virtual currency through the use of cryptography (technology and technology for cryptography and decryption).


After Bitcoin, it has inspired the creation of thousands of digital currencies, but it remains the largest encrypted currency in terms of market value, keeping it dominant for more than a decade of its history.

(补充说明:根据比特币基金会的说法,“比特币-Bitcoin”一词在将加密货币称为实体时被大写,而在指代某种货币或单位本身时被称为“比特币-bitcoin”。比特币也缩写为“ BTC”。)

(Supplementary note: According to the Bitcoin Foundation, &ldquao; Bitcoin-Bitcoin&rdquao; the term is overwritten when referring to an encrypted currency as an entity and &ldquao when referring to a currency or unit itself; Bitcoin-bitcoin&rdquao; Bitcoin is also abbreviated as &ldquao; BTC”)


1. 比特币是一种数字货币,是一种去中心化系统,可在被称为区块链的分布式账本中记录交易。

1. Bitcoin is a digital currency, a decentralised system that records transactions in distributed books known as block chains.

2. 比特币矿工使用复杂的计算机硬件来解决复杂的数学难题,以确认一个区块中的所有交易的有效性。完成后,这些区块将被添加到区块链记录中,并向该矿工奖励少量的比特币,这个过程被称为“挖矿”。

Bitcoin miners use sophisticated computer hardware to solve complex mathematical problems to confirm the validity of all transactions in a block. When completed, the blocks will be added to the block chain record and a small amount of bitcoin will be rewarded to the miner, a process known as &ldquao; dig & rdquao;

3. 挖矿并不是获得比特币的唯一方式,比特币市场的其他参与者可以通过加密货币交易所或点对点方式买卖 比特币。

3. Mining is not the only way to obtain Bitcoin, and other participants in the Bitcoin market can buy and sell Bitcoin by means of an encrypted currency exchange or point-to-point.

4. 比特币分布式账本通过无信任系统得到保护,以防欺诈行为。即便比特币交易所在进行高度安全防范的条件下,依然有潜在的盗窃行为,而备受瞩目的盗窃案已经发生数次。

4. Bitcoin-distributed books are protected against fraud through untrustworthy systems. Even in high-security conditions at the Bitcoin exchange, potential thefts continue to occur, and high-profile thefts have occurred several times.


That's why Nakamoto invented bitcoin? How does bitcoin work?

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