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On the floor, the dollar-cosmos segment of the Web 3.0 concept saw a sharp rise in shares, a 20-cent rise in stocks of 20-CM, a fall in shares of the sky and the sky and the sky, and a subsequent shift in the index, which was marked by a resurgence of shocks and a decline in the start-up of the business. The concept of the new crown line continued to divide, with the popular drug industry rising again. On the floor, the race track unit fell by 292 million pieces, with multiple shares such as microelectronics, Tyre lasers falling by over 5 per cent. Overall, the share of the franchise dropped by a factor of more than 2800 shares.


A total of 48 shares in both municipalities (excluding ST and unopened new shares), 9 shares have remained unenclosed and suspended, with 82% in both municipalities. Today, the number of companies in the two municipalities has increased to 14, including the Contributor's conceptual share of the swan 9; the Consumer's share of the conglomerate 6; the Consumable's diet of the Cylon 4; the Portfolio's concept of the Cyclops 4 company; the Supply and Marketing Agency's concept of the Starlight Farming Unit and the chip sub-windet of the chip; and the Xi'an, Silver Billion, the popular pharmaceutical industry, the Special Pharmacy Industry, Immin Medicine, New Manzawa, the Skyfon stock, and the China Farmers'2 group.

板块方面,web 3.0 概念掀涨停潮,其中创业板福石控股获20CM涨停,天下秀、华扬联众、东港股份、天地在线、榕基软件、二六三等个股涨停。整体来看,web 3.0概念是虚拟现实方向的延伸炒作。近期有关于该方向的消息面利好不断,近日,工业和信息化部等五大中央部委印发《虚拟现实与行业应用融合发展行动计划(2022—2026年)》,提出到2026年,我国虚拟现实产业总体规模(含相关硬件、软件、应用等)超过3500亿元。此外, 2022世界VR产业大会将在本周末于江西南昌举办,加剧了对于该领域的预期炒作,预计后续仍有望反复活跃。

On the block side, the web 3.0 concept has stagnated. Five central ministries, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Development, have recently issued the Action Plan for the Integration of Virtual Reality and Industry Applications (2022-2026), which proposes that, by 2026, the total size of our virtual reality industry (with associated hardware, software, applications, etc.) will exceed 350 billion yuan. Moreover, the World VR Industry Congress will be held in Jiang Xiancheng this weekend, and it is expected that it will continue to be active.

医疗信息化板块同样涨幅居前,其中,嘉和美康大涨20%,国新健康、塞力医疗、久远银海涨停,创业慧康、思创医惠、易联众等个股涨幅居前。消息上来看,11月9日,为推动“十四五”期间全民健康信息化发展,国家卫生健康委、国家中医药局、国家疾控局制定了《“十四五”全民健康信息化规划》(简称《规划》),提出到2025年,初步建设形成统一权威、互联互通的全民健康信息平台支撑保障体系,基本实现公立医疗卫生机构与全民健康信息平台联通全覆盖。 而随着行业信创的逐步推进,预计医疗信息化行业的集中度有望进一步提升,对于医疗信息化头部企业而言或将迎来实质性利好。

On 9 November, the National Health Council, the National Institute of Health and Medicine, and the National Authority for Control and Control of Diseases developed the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Information and Communication of Health for All " ( " the Plan " ), which, by 2025, will initially establish a unified, interconnected and universal health information platform that will support a system of security that will be fully integrated between public health institutions and the National Health Information Platform. With the gradual growth of the industry, it is expected that the concentration of the health information industry will increase further and that it will be beneficial for the health information headlines.

供销社概念持续走强,其中天鹅股份9连板,此外天禾股份与中农联合、新力金融同样涨停。在短线龙头天鹅股份的带动下,供销社概念成为当前延续性最强题材方向,并且赚钱效应在板块整体得以扩散。中邮证券认为,“重启”供销社有利于服务“ 三农” ,契合“ 乡村振兴” 战略发展以及维护农产品市场稳定,助力粮食安全。故后续重点留意,市场对于“乡村振兴”以及种业方向的延伸炒作。

Led by a short-line confluence of swans, the concept has become the most persistent topic of the day, and the profit-making effect has spread throughout the plate. In the view of the SMS, “relaunching” is a useful service for “tri-farmers,” coupled with the strategic development of “village revitalization” and the maintenance of stability and food security in the agricultural market.


According to recent studies on financial instruments, the total supply of hotel rooms in the country was 2,089,000 nights (+1.6 per cent of the same year) and a total demand of 1,073,000 nights (+8 per cent of the same year) was lower than the demand of 1,017,000 nights (+14.1 per cent of the same year). By comparison, the demand ring was +4.3 per cent, the demand gap was 3.1 per cent, and overall, the overall demand rate of occupancy rose to 53 per cent.


In short, the market’s size and size have been further accentuated, and the end of the index has again been frustrated by the weight of the value and the drag of the track shares. On the other hand, high-profile subject directions remain highly active, with swan shares, sky and earth online, the pharmaceutical industry, the Xian diet, and ash aggregates, which represent a problem, re-emerge and further push the short-line mood back and forth, but it is important to note that there is a risk that the high-stock direction will follow, or fall, after an emotional surge, and that there will be no need to go any further at this time, to focus on the possibility of refilling some of the hot panels.


Midday Growth and Analysis Diagram




On November 10, FAFI announced the launch of the Shenzhen Won Institute of Astronautics at the 2022 Global Won Cosmos Congress in Shenzhen. The FAFI journalist learned that the Shenzhen Won Cosmos Institute planned a phased breakthrough in technology acquisition for the meta-cosm core during the construction period, which would address the cutting-edge theories and future technological developments in the global meta-cosm industry, addressing key issues such as meta-cosm, digital twin creation, modelling and interaction, presentation and display, transmission and security.


2. On 10 November, the Federation of Financial and Insurance Associations of China, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank, revised the Regulations on the Administration of Insurance Guarantee Funds, which were promulgated in 2008. With the approval of the State Council, they were implemented as of 12 December 2022. The main elements of the amendments included: a revision of the provisions governing the collection of insurance guarantee funds; an adjustment of the current system of fixed rates of insurance guarantee funds to a risk-oriented rate system; a clear separation of insurance guarantee fund rates from base rates and risk-differentiated rates; the establishment and adjustment of the rates proposed by the Insurance and Insurance Committee; the renewal of the insurance guarantee fund by the relevant agencies and their reporting to the State Council for approval; the suspension of the maximum payment of the insurance guarantee fund; the adjustment of the ceiling for property insurance companies and personal insurance companies from 6 per cent of the company's total assets, 1 per cent to 6 per cent to 1 per cent of the industry's total assets, respectively; and the clarification of the financial requirements of the insurance fund.


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