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前言:在区块链的多个热门话题里,EOS一直都是难以忽视的一个——“EOS超过ETH”的言论也始终不绝于耳。之前大家都将注意力集中在计算速度,并发处理等等方面,本文从更多角度来说明EOS和ETH的差异,也表明了作者的一个观点,即如果EOS项目顺利落地,公链上线,正常运行,EOS is the killer to ETH, 是有可能实现的。

Foreword: EOS has been one of the most indistinguishable topics in the block chain – the talk of “EOS above ETH” has always been heard. Before everyone has focused on calculating speed and dealing with it, etc. This paper gives more insight into the differences between EOS and ETH and shows the author's view that if the EOS project has landed smoothly, the public chain has been lined up, and the EOS is the killeler to ETH, it is possible.


Before we go any further, we need to answer one question — why is EOS there? Is EOS really needed in the world of block chains?


Why is EOS here? Do you really need EOS?


Shortly after Bitcoin’s launch, a handful of polar guests began to realize that the block chain behind bitcoin has enormous potential, not just as a foundation for new electronic currencies. Indeed, in the short years of Bitcoin’s development, dozens of new distributed applications were built on technologies similar to the public account block chain behind bitcoin.

其中比较成功的包括:加密消息传递(Bitmessage),分布交易所(Bitshares),赌博/博彩(Peerplays),云计算(Golem),当然还有社交媒体(Steem /Steemit)。在这个新的区块链经济中,创新者和应用程序开发者面临的一个挑战就是从头构建一个新的区块链应用程序的困难。

Among the more successful are encoded messages (Bitmessage), distribution exchanges (Bitshares), gambling/gaming (Peerplays), cloud computing (Golem), and, of course, social media (Steem/Steemit). In this new block chain economy, one of the challenges faced by innovators and application developers is the difficulty of building a new block chain application from scratch.

最重要的是,通过传统的工作量证明(POW)和股权证明(POS)共识机制,网络和应用程序的安全性依赖于大量的hash能力(hashing power)/或大量的网络代币。对于小企业主和创业公司来说,这些挑战使得进入行业的壁垒高得不切实际——一家小型创业公司无法独立投资于分布广泛,功能强大的计算机网络来保护其应用程序。

Most importantly, the security of networks and applications depends on a large amount of hashing power / or a large number of network tokens, through traditional workload certification (POW) and equity certification (POS) consensus mechanisms. For small business owners and start-ups, these challenges make barriers to entry unrealisticly high – a small start-up company that cannot independently invest in a widely distributed network of powerful computers to protect its applications.


Of course, other consensus mechanisms, such as the Certificate of Equity Credit (DPOS), could be operated by a relatively small number of processors without the same network security concerns, but there would still be other problems for developers, including how to achieve large-scale distribution of network tokens, as well as the development, password and block chain technology to interact with applications.


For example, if every computer game designer had to build a computer from the beginning to run a given game, and they had to develop a game-specific operating system to deliver instructions between the game and the computer, most of the games and applications would never be built if the design pattern were the same.


In order to address this problem, the idea of an intelligent contract platform has been put forward by the Taiwan network. can be seen as a platform for the development and operation of distributed applications (DAPPs), and users can trust that the DAPPs will operate in accordance with the design of the program without interference from third parties . The market value of the network now exceeds $100 billion, which is enough evidence of the need for a smart contract platform.

Dan Larimer(Bitshares,Graphene和Steem / Steemit的发明人)与eos.io团队宣布开发EOS,这是一个共识区块链操作系统,给程序开发者提供数据库,帐户权限,日程安排,身份验证和基于Internet的操作系统。

Dan Larimmer (inventors of Bitshares, Graham and Steem/Steemit) and team Eos.io announced the development of EOS, a consensus block chain operating system that provides a database for programme developers, account privileges, scheduling, identification and Internet-based operating systems.


EOS will therefore provide developers with the tools they need to focus on the particular business logic of their applications without fear of password realization or communication with distributed computers (i.e. block chains). In addition, EOS will use a co-match mechanism to achieve possible block chain expansion to achieve potentially millions of transactions per second.


This paper presents some of the technical capabilities and limitations of EOS and ETH, as well as the differences in design concepts between the platforms.


Design concept

EOS和ETH以太坊网络之间的主要区别之一在于网络背后的设计理念。以太坊网络几乎可以被描述为与应用无关,也就是说它被专门设计为所有潜在应用的中立平台。正如github上Ethereum Design Rationale文档所说:Ethereum没有“特性”,拒绝构建“甚至是非常常见的,作为内在的协议部分”。

One of the main differences between EOS and ETH is the design concept behind the network. is almost described as unrelated to the application, that is, it is designed to be a neutral platform for all potential applications . As the Etheum Design Nationale document on github says, Etheeum has no “characterity” and refuses to construct “even very common, as an intrinsic part of the agreement”.


This rationale reduces the inflating of applications, but it also requires many different applications to re-use the code, and efficiency gains for application developers will certainly be realized if the platform itself provides some of the more common functions.


Contrary to this approach, EOS recognizes that many different applications require the same type of functionality and seeks to provide these functions, such as encryption algorithms and communication tools required for many applications. With this concept, EOS will introduce generic role-based competencies, the Web toolkit for interface development, self-description interfaces, self-description of database programmes and declaratory rights options.


It is my understanding that these functions provided by EOS will be particularly useful in streamlining the generation and management of user accounts, as well as security issues such as access and account restoration.


2. Consensus mechanisms and management


Another notable difference between EOS and Etheria is the block chain consensus mechanism and the whole block chain governance approach. will use graphene technology, using the equity authorization consensus mechanism (DPOS), given the

Ethereum网络背后的当前工作量验证实施的一个问题是难以修复已损坏的应用程序。例如,以前DAO遭遇了严重的bug /黑客攻击。值得注意的是,那些具有“code-is-law”思想的人认为DAO是一个“特性”,而不是一个失败,用户应该更加负责任地更仔细地理解代码。在任何情况下,DAO失败都表明,在以太坊破产的申请,可能导致投资者面临潜在的重大损失或破坏性的硬分叉。

It is worth noting that those with the idea of “code-is-law” consider DAO to be a “character” rather than a failure, and that users should understand the code more responsibly and carefully. In any case, the failure of the DAO indicates that an application for bankruptcy in Etai may expose investors to potentially significant losses or destructive hard forks.


Through the existing Ether House workload consensus mechanism, each hard fork can also lead to the risk of creating multiple chains of competition, as in Ether for example, when the break-up with the Tai fort has taken place after the failure of the DAO. Moreover, destructive hard fork is needed to repair damaged applications, which also harms the entire Ether network.

相比之下,EOS包含冻结和修复破损,即冻结应用程序的机制。例如,如果DAO已经在EOS上实施,它可能已被冻结,修复和更新,而不会中断其他EOS应用程序。此外,EOS的DPOS共识机制在硬分叉期间不可能产生多个竞争链。 Steem网络所经历的十八个成功的硬分叉也证明了这一点,该网络也采用了Graphene技术。此外,EOS将包括一个具有法律约束力的宪法,建立一个解决争议的共同管辖权,它还将包括自我资助的社区福利应用,将通过加权投票选定。

By contrast, EOS includes freezing and repairing damage, i.e. freezing application mechanisms . For example, if DAO has already been implemented on EOS, it may have been frozen, repaired and updated without disrupting other EOS applications. Moreover, the GEO-DPOS Consensus mechanism is unlikely to generate multiple competitive chains during hard splits.


3. Expandability


In order to see the platform as commercially viable, scalability is essential, and it is also a key area of difference between EOS and Ether.

目前,以太坊网络受限于CPU的单线程性能。早期的测试网络实现了每秒25个交易(在某种程度上优化的条件下),通过优化,这个网络可能会增加到50或100 tx/s。然而,在真实应用的负载下,以太坊网络的当前交易限制可能在10 tx/s以下。过去,这个网络已经不堪重负,交易量大,除了收费最高的交易,都被拒绝。这在最近的项目众筹募资中尤其明显,例如Status众筹时,ETH代币遭遇了大规模的闪存崩溃。

At present, the Taiwan network is subject to one-way performance limited to CPUs. Early test networks have achieved 25 transactions per second (with some degree of optimization), which may increase to 50 or 100 tx/s by optimising. However, under the load of real applications, the current transaction limits of the Taiwan network may be below 10 tx/s. In the past, the network was overwhelmed and the volume of transactions was rejected, except for those with the highest fees. This is particularly evident in recent project fund-raising, such as a massive flash crash of the ETH Currency when Status was raised.

请注意,Vitalik Buterin已经制定了一个严格依赖分区概念的“无限可扩展性”路线图。据我了解(这是不好的),分区( sharding)是一个技术上具有挑战性的概念,肯定会增加网络的复杂性和攻击面,并可能降低网络的安全性

Please note that Vitalik Buterin has developed a road map of “infinite expansion” that relies strictly on the concept of zoning. As I understand it (which is not good), the subsector is a technically challenging concept that will certainly increase the complexity and impact of the network and may reduce the security of the network .


I will never use the subregion as a viable method for the successful expansion of the Ethernet network, although it is likely to be implemented successfully in order to achieve reasonable benefits in terms of scalability.


However, as far as scalability is concerned, EOS will have two distinct advantages over ETA, and once implemented, EOS will be the only platform that can handle truly commercial-scale decentralized applications: .

首先,EOS将依靠Graphene技术,这已经在压力测试中显示出每秒达到10,000-100,000次交易;其次,EOS将使用并发机制来扩展网络,可能高达每秒数百万次的交易。如果实现这些基准,EOS应该能够支持数千个商业规模的DAPP。 EOS将使用异步通信和单独的执行认证来实现加速,并且由于它不会有交易费用,所以EOS也不需要计数操作。

First, EOS will rely on Graphene technology, which has shown 10,000-100,000 transactions per second in pressure tests; second, EOS will use a synthesizing mechanism to expand the network, possibly up to millions of transactions per second. If these benchmarks are met, EOS should be able to support thousands of commercial-scale DAPP


4. DoS attacks


It is also important to discuss the potential attack medium of the network, which is related to the scalability of the network. The Dos attack is the use of traffic by malicious assailants to attack the network to prevent the passage of legal traffic. In my view, the `strong' Ethionet has proved vulnerable to such an attack, and EOS should not be able to withstand it.


In the Ethernet, it is well known that miners give preference to high-fee trading to increase the block chain. Given the limited bandwidth and computing capacity in the network, it is easy to imagine that a maliciously high-cost but unjust deal effectively discourages many legal transactions with low-cost costs.


You might think that this could be a costly attack on the Internet, but it could be done with economic incentives. Or, for example, using Status, a similar event occurred at the time, in order to receive money effectively at a huge discount.


By contrast, EOS should not be vulnerable to DoS attacks.


The ownership of EOS tokens gives users a share in network bandwidth, storage and computing capacity. Therefore, network waste manufacturers can only consume the proportion of their EOS tokens assigned to their networks.


DOS attacks may occur on a given application, depending on the design of the application, but they will never disrupt the entire EOS network. Entrepreneur companies that invest few shares in the EOS network will ensure reliable bandwidth and computing, and it will be difficult to affect the security of the entire EOS network even if many other malicious actors attempt to send several large web applications.

5. 经济效益

5. Economic benefits


Finally, I would like to discuss briefly the different economic models of EOS and ETH-Ethionet. Basically, this is a difference between ownership and lease patterns .


Moreover, because miners prefer the most expensive transactions, the volatility of costs can be dramatic. This is particularly evident in pre-generation activities, where the cost of $100 is still too low, even for small business. Moreover, as discussed above, the economic model creates a scenario in which rich people can flood the network with high-cost transactions. Moreover, this model requires developers and start-ups to charge fuel on a continuous basis throughout the development and deployment of the application.


By contrast, EOS will use the ownership model, which holds EOS tokens that give users a proportionate share of their network bandwidth, storage and processing capacity . This means that if a person has 1% EOS token, they will always be able to acquire 1% of the network bandwidth regardless of the load of the rest of the network. In this way, small start-ups and developers can buy relatively small parts of the network to obtain reliable, predictable network bandwidth and computing capabilities, and simply buy more of the EOS medals when the application needs to be expanded. Moreover, because of zero transaction costs, there are no network development costs except for the first purchase of the EOS currency. However, if they so wish, these can always be sold to recover the initial investment.


Source: Linked finance 责任编辑:


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