《元宇宙十大技术》出版 “开放与兼容”2022元宇宙共享大会8月9日将在京召开

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: On 21 July, at 1500 p.m., the ninth press conference of the China Mobile Communications Federation Committee of the Yuan Cosmos Industry, hosted by the Executive Secretary of the Committee, Wu Yanfang, was held successfully on a live link platform, with briefings on 9 August & & ldquo; Open and Compatible & & rdquao; General Conference of the Won Universe. The press conference invited the Vice-President of the Committee, the former Inspector General of the Ministry of Industry and Informationization, Zhao, to enter the live room and to make a speech, in which the Director recommended, inter alia, that the book, “Ten Technologies of the Woncosmos”, be launched in collaboration with the University of China.


On 21 July, at 1500 p.m., the China Mobile Communications Federation's Committee on Won-Cosmos Industry (hereinafter & ldquo; NCSI & rdquo;) successfully organized the ninth press briefing on the Sunlink live platform.


$2022 cosmos-sharing conference to be held on 9 August 2022 at the State Department & Middot; almondwood Hills (Beijing)


The first session of the press conference was solemnly announced by the Secretary-General of MEAC, Wu Yanfan, on 9 August 2022 at the State Department & Middot; and on the basis of the results of the $2022 Consensus Congress, “ the opening and compatibility & rdquo; the $2022 Congress on Space Sharing and the launch of the book entitled " Ten Technologies of the Yuan Cosmos " ; and the first session of the Plenary Committee of MEAC, which will be held on 9 August 2022 at the State Department & Middot; and the Monument of Alimilin (Beijing).

元宇宙产业委执行秘书长 武艳芳

U-Yan Fung, Executive Secretary of the Won-Cosmos Industry Council.


At the WonCosmos Congress, the book " Ten Technologies of the Woncosmos ", which was built by a team of experts from the Woncosmos Industry Board and published by Chinese publishers, will be launched at a book launch ceremony to be held in association with the Committee. At the briefing, Jo Cho, Deputy Director of the Woncosmos Industry Board and Inspector of the former Department of Industry and Informatization, stated that the status of the book in the Woncosmos industry was extremely important and was of great interest to a wide range of corporate groups in society.

元宇宙产业委副主任委员、工业和信息化部原机关巡视员 赵忠抗

Deputy Director of the Yuan Cosmos Industry Council, Inspector of the former Department of Industry and Informatics.


At the same time, the first plenary meeting of the Commission will be held simultaneously, with the Secretary-General's team reporting on the work planning of the Commission throughout the year.


The Meso-Cosmos Consensus, sharing, co-creation, co-governance and win-win conference will continue to bring about the Meso-Cosmos Forum for industrial co-promotion. Consensus cannot be created without being supported by sharing. Technology sharing, convergence of ideas, shared mission. The Conference will be based on “ openness and compatibility & rdquao; and a mindset that provides CSI members and institutions of society and enterprises with a full range of opportunities for business capture and cooperation.


& nbsp; WME World dollar Cosmos Expo 2023 will be held in Beijing & Middot from 23 to 25 April 2023; the National Convention Centre will be crowned with


At this press briefing, the Executive Secretary of the Yuan Cosmos Industry Commission announced that the WME World Won Expo 2023 (www.wmewmc.com) will be held in Beijing from 23 to 25 April 2023; the National Convention Centre will be held in a solemn fashion. As of this time, the director of the Expo has indicated that there is a strong interest in cooperation among international and national institutions, businesses, media, etc., in participating in the Expo.


The Secretary-General of the Committee expressed the view, & & ldquo, that the Committee's first WME World-Way-Cosm Expo was a joint event, sharing resources and focusing its efforts on major events that would be of great benefit to industry, to associations, and to businesses. Our aim was to recruit high-quality meta-cosm enterprises to gain visibility, serve businesses, find suitable business applications for them, and open up a new business market for them. We welcome the high-quality companies in industry to sign up and join in. & & rdquao;


The head of the WME World Centauri Expo, for his part, said & ldquo; we will make every effort to promote the success of the first WME World Centauri Expo, using the diverse industry and client resources accumulated in the vast global business network of the Games, as well as the professional and internationalization experience gained by the multi-year Deep Farm Conference exhibition industry. & & rdquo;


Preparations for the WME World Meta-Cosmos Expo are currently proceeding in an orderly manner, following up on the launch of plans for the highlight events for the same period, including the Won-Cosmos Award, the WME meta-exposure space concept and the WMC-Cosmos Global Congress, if you need more information, contact the host: 400-060-3388.


Since this week, the Committee has launched a nationwide programme for the collection of digital collections since the beginning of the week.


As our digital collection industry thrives, and in order to explore the landscape ecology of digital collections, to speed up the rapid diffusion of knowledge about digital collections and to analyse the logic of values behind digital collections, and to open up new ideas for digital collectors, investors and fans, the Commission has since this week launched a nationwide programme for the collection of case studies on digital collections.

元宇宙产业委常务副秘书长 晏蕾

Deputy Secretary-General of the Committee for the Monetary Industries


The types of cases collected were “ project-type cases & & rdquo; & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & & quo; technology cases & & & & rdquo;. The selected projects will be included in & & & & & & & &, and the certificates issued; the approved case units will be given a research event organized by industry experts and will have the opportunity to get a seat on the NAAC Book Board, a list of which will be widely publicized at a meta-cosm win event to be held at the end of the year to support excellent projects for road shows and displays.


Formal Online Development of Complaints Management Regulations for Regular Service Platforms


In keeping with the principle of promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the WonCosmos industry, it guarantees the legitimate rights of its members, directs its members to comply with its activities in accordance with the law, regulates the handling of complaints by its members, and, in accordance with relevant provisions, such as the Regulations on the Work of the China Mobile Communications Federation Committee for the Woncosmos Industry and the Convention on Self-regulation of the WonCosmos Industry, formally establishes on-line regulations for the regulation of complaints against regular value-added service platforms.


During the press briefing, the Secretary-General of the Joint Secretariat of the Committee and the partner of the law firm, Xiaojun, were specifically contacted to provide a comprehensive explanation for the observance of the RVA platform.

右为元宇宙产业委联席秘书长、中伦律师事务所合伙人 樊晓娟

To the right, he's the co-general of the Yuan Cosmos Industries Commission and a partner in the law firm of Central London, Xiaojun.


The Commission calls for active oversight at all levels of society and for complaints to be reported to its team of secretaries-general, which should be managed through complaint mailboxes, online service windows, public number sub-programs, etc., published by its team of secretaries-general.


"Strange" has opened up a pre-sale channel for the country's first comprehensive analysis of meta-cosmology principles, practices, trends, and associated ecological and industrial books


"Ten Technologies in the Woncosmos" book cover.

《元宇宙十大技术》由元宇宙产业委组织撰写,是国内第一本全面剖析元宇宙技术原理、实践、趋势,以及相关生态和产业的书籍。本书将元宇宙技术体系归纳为五大地基性技术和五大支柱性技术,“五大地基性技术”包括:计算技术、存储技术、网络技术、系统安全技术和AI 技术;“五大支柱性技术”包括:交互与展示的技术、数字孪生与数字原生的技术、创建身份系统与经济系统的技术、内容创作技术和治理技术。该书对元宇宙做了具有原创性且有深度,并兼有历史视角和哲学思辨的诠释,具有可观的知识含量。囊括了现阶段元宇宙涉及的几乎所有技术的演进脉络,并作了深入浅出的阐述;同时描绘了相关技术在元宇宙中的应用案例和前景,为有技术背景的读者思考和理解元宇宙技术发展提供了方向。该图书有王恩东院士、倪光南院士、沈昌祥院士、郑纬民院士等专家和朱嘉明、姚前、倪健中、李正茂等五十多位学者联袂推荐。

This book consolidates the meta-cosm technology into five ground-based and five-pillar technology, “ five ground-based technology & & rdquo; includes: computing technology, storage technology, network technology, system security technology and AI technology; & ldquo; five pillars of technology & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &,


At present, there is also a strong incentive for the pre-sale of Ten Technologies in the Woncosmos, and the purchase of books will be sent to the annual membership card, which is worth 299 links to live broadcasts.


& ldquao; Yuan cosmology development and governance & rdquao; subject study


In keeping with the spirit of the meta-cosmology, the Commission is conducting forward-looking thinking and research on the regulation and self-regulation of national regulation and industry, and entrusts the University of Qinghua with the academic unit on the subject.


Ongoing research on major theoretical issues and policy needs in international governance of artificial intelligence provides intellectual support for China’s active participation in the development and governance of the Woncosmos. The topics will be & & ldquo; industry, commerce, culture, tourism, science, city, finance, health, government and & rdquo; eight panels will be set up to create a general group and eight sub-topic groups to conduct in-depth research, programming and presentation of results on each section of governance.


The Commission called for the study of the development and governance of the meta-cosmos to be a major task, inviting all sectors of society to give high priority and to participate actively in it. It was to be hoped that the members of the Unit would select scientific experts and coordinate the work of their counterparts, adapt to the developments of the meta-cosmos industry and industry and contribute to the national strategy of the meta-cosmos.


Since this week, the Committee has launched and further national research site recruitment efforts at .


In order to follow up in depth on key regional meta-cosm enterprises and industrial economics, take stock of industry dynamics and business developments, set standards for research in meta-cosm enterprises, and NCSI has launched and conducted a national research site recruitment exercise since this week.


Gathering is a group of stars scattered around the sky, and the meta-cosmos research site will assist in the collection, research and analysis of information on the meta-cosmos project, the compilation of data on the meta-cosm enterprise as a whole, the volume and location of the meta-cosm competition in the market, and the compilation of trends in the overall data.


At the same time, core users of meta-cosm enterprises, familiar with the most loyal users of meta-cosm enterprises, conducted research on key regional meta-cosm enterprises and industrial economies, supported data analysis and meta-cosm industry positioning systems, and set standards for the research of meta-cosm enterprises as a whole.

   (文/央链直播  张东华)

& nbsp; & nbsp; (Man/Line live & nbsp; Chang Donghua)


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