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Create new digital advantages and accelerate digital industrialization. Promote technological innovation in block chains, develop block chain service platforms and apply programmes in areas such as financial science and technology, supply chain management, and government services, and improve regulatory mechanisms.


With the central goal of comprehensive rural revitalization and the construction of a digital China, the Digital China Institute (Fukuchi), China Netaan, Xin Sheung-hyun, Ali's auction, the stars' leapfrogging, large-scale corporations, state companies such as the built-up software, block parks, and the Won-Cosmos Unicorn Enterprise launched a project entitled “Kill-City-City-Cosmos.” The project uses the Digital China Block Service Infrastructure (Medium-Classing) as the bottom level, the “Know-Sin-Cult Chain” as the public-service layer of the chain, the National News-Multi-Cult Communication Model Platform to oversee the creation, the provision of digital collections of SaaS technology by thick construction software, in-depth cooperation with the National Inclusive Media Platform, and the development and operation of the Guangdong Zone Park Technology Ltd., with the World Wide-Class-Class Open Area Park, with its BoX3 exclusive engine, as an asset application site.


In recent days, the National Press and Publications Agency, under the direction of the Centre for the Application of Copyright in the Block Chains of the Integrated Focus Laboratory on Science, Technology and Standards, and the Nueva Shun Sichuan Digital Publishing Media, among others, have led the launching of the “MZ Project for a Credible Ecologic Alliance in the Mesococos” to launch an in-depth collaboration with the Area Garden.


In keeping with the spirit of this, and in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, eco-friendlyness, rural civilization, effective governance and well-being, the “Congress of Cities and Cities” takes full advantage of the role of informatization as a driving force for rural renewal, as well as the overall promotion and upgrading of agricultural and rural modernization and the promotion of all aspects of agriculture, the overall advancement of rural areas and the comprehensive development of farmers.


In September 2021, seven ministries, such as the Central Networking Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, included “intellectual recognition of agriculture” as a new form of rural development in the Guide to Digital Rural Construction 1.0. To help revitalize rural communities, help them to develop new ways of finding new solutions, and continue to promote spiritual civilization in villages. Based on modern people's quest for healthy food and the needs of urban dwellers to return to their fields, the “Men-City-City universe” will focus on the project “According and Experience” to achieve a dual physical and psychological link between rural and urban areas.


To date, the “Universal City cosmos” has entered into a cooperative approach with several cities throughout the country, contracting over 150 villages and actively promoting the common development of more than 50 local municipalities and more than 1,000 villages.


At present, our rural cultural industries are concentrated in traditional areas such as rural tourism, ancient village development, rural literary projects, and cultural towns, with little digital access. Digital villages are the strategic direction for rural revitalization and are an important element in building digital China.


The multiplicity of digital rights and interests, such as virtual advertising slots, digital space appreciation, circulation diffusion value addition, contribution conversion, elimination of production, virtual nursing, etc., will create a virtuous circle of eco-digital economies that will release numbers that magnify, add to, multiply to, and benefit most from, economic development, as well as the most beneficial benefits of participating projects and user-friendly spaces. The participating users have both digital identity rights and artistic values for the “digital countryside” and additional features such as personal digital spaces, 3D interactions, advertising slots, etc., that use the digital economy to empower entities, and that their meta-cosm digital collections will secure the value of the meta-cosmos world through copyright review, web publishing and post-publishing, guaranteeing the credibility of the value of the meta-cosmos world.


In the virtual reality of the meta-cosmos, high-quality creative products and services of digital culture are the “infrastructure” necessary for people to pursue digital survival and build future experiences of living well.” The World Economic Forum estimates that 70% of the new value created in the world economy over the next decade will be based on the digital economy.


The size of the “creative economy” and the user size of the creators brought about by the meta-coastal universe has gradually begun to be released with the structural demographic dividend. The UGC will give users of the meta-coastal living, personality, and real access to it, as long as it exists, a continuous stream of content will emerge, giving the meta-cosmos platform a strong life force, leading to sustainable ecological development, and realizing the vision of a user-created anti-crowded meta-coastal development platform.


The national mobile communication platform has adopted a spirit of guidance to promote integrated development of cultural tourism, keeping pace with the times, building the concept of “Branch+” communication, and promoting the integration of industries in a variety of fields, such as cultural travel, mantra, video, etc. The national mobile communication platform has been involved in creating and spearheading the use of physical styles to create a virtual world.


The first series of collections will be launched on 18 August at 11 o'clock at the auction platform of Bao Ali, which will officially open the doors of the new era of the Yuan cosmos. It will be followed by a joint cultural tourism rehabilitation programme, a joint cultural tourism initiative, a partnership with the San-An-Kan Island Lake Tourism Group, and the launch of a digital collection of the first Meso-Cosmos Museum, which will jointly create a new national 5A-class cultural tourism site, a new feature.


In the future, the “Congress of Cities” will develop in a healthy and orderly manner in the interests of the people and in the interests of social stability. It will further implement a strategy of rural renewal. It will create a multiplicity of village goods, a multiplicity of city-specific industries, a strong case for rural revitalization, a digital new infrastructure, and a more visible substantive progress towards shared wealth, so that users and the vast majority of farmers can share a high quality of life in high-quality development.


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