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The wallet file is about wallet programs and wallet files. The wallet program creates a public key to receive payment from bitcoins and uses the corresponding private key to spend bitcoins.


Allowing the acceptance and payment of bitcoins is the only feature of wallet software, but a particular wallet program does not need to do both, two wallet programs can work together, one program distributes a public key to receive bitcoins and one program makes a transaction signature to pay the bitcoins.


The wallet program also needs to interact with the peer-to-peer network in order to obtain information from the block chain and broadcast new transactions. Of course, the distribution of public keys and the transaction signature program does not need to interact with the peer-to-peer network itself.

因此钱包系统(wallet system)就有三个必须的,但是缺可以独立的部分:一个公钥分发程序,一个签名程序,一个联网程序。

Thus, the wallet system (wallet system) has three necessary elements, but a separate component is missing: a public key distribution program, a signature program, and a networking program.

NOTE: 这里说的是公钥分发的通常情形。在一些情况下,P2PKH和P2SH的散列值将被分发来代替公钥的分发,实际的公钥只有在他们控制的output被支付时才分发。
上面和下面说的输出outputs,通常就是指 未使用的交易输出 unspent transaction outputs 缩写是UTXO,就是比特币。

NOTE: This is the normal case of public key distribution. In some cases, the hash values of P2PKH and P2SH will be distributed in lieu of public key distribution, and the actual public key will be distributed only if the output they control is paid.
and the output of the output referred to below is usually the unused transaction output unspent translation outputs


The simplest wallet is a program that performs three functions:

  • 生成私钥,并派生对应的公钥,并在需要时分发这些公钥;
  • 监控支付给这个公钥的outputs,在支付outputs时,创建交易和进行交易签名;
  • 广播已经完成签名的交易。

现在几乎所有流行的BTC钱包都是Full-Service Wallets

Almost all the popular BTC wallets are now Full-Service Wallets.

Full-Service Wallets的优点是容易使用,单独的一个程序可以完成用户支付和接收比特币的全部工作。

The advantage of Full-Service Wallets

Full-Service Wallets的缺点是,他们把私钥保存在可以连接到Internet的设备上,因为联网所以这样的设备中的私钥被攻击会很容易。

The disadvantage of


Private keys can be stored in a separate wallet program in a safer environment to improve security, and these signature wallets and online wallets that can interact with the peer-to-peer network can be used.

签名钱包通常由确定性密钥(deterministic key)创建,用来创建可以生成子公私钥的父公私钥。

The signature wallet is usually created by the certainty key (deterministic key), which is used to create parent-private keys that generate sub-public and private keys.


When first running, the signature wallet creates a parent's private key and transmits the corresponding public key to the network wallet.


The online wallets use the parent key to produce a child key to help distribute them (optional), monitor outputs paid to the public key, create unsigned payment transactions and transmit unsigned payment transactions to signed wallets.


Users are usually given the opportunity to view details of unsigned transactions (in particular, details of unsigned transactions) with a signed wallet.


After the user has seen the step (optional), the signed wallet uses the parent's private key to produce the corresponding sub-key and sign the transaction to return the signed transaction to the online wallet.


The online wallet broadcasts signed transactions on the peer-to-peer network.

几个full-service wallets也可以当作两个独立的钱包使用:一个程序实例当作签名钱包(通常称为“离线钱包”),另一个程序实例当作联网钱包(通常称作在线钱包或者监控钱包)。



Unconnected wallets run on unconnected devices, which reduces the supply. In this case, the user usually controls the transmission of all data and uses mobile devices, such as USB drives. The user's workflow is as follows:

  • 1.(离线)关闭设备上所有网络连接,并安装钱包软件。以脱机模式启动软件,创建父私钥和父公钥,并赋值父公钥到可移动介质上。

    1. Close all network connections on the device (offline) and install wallet software. Start the software offline, create parent private keys and parent keys, and give the value parent keys to a mobile medium.

  • 2.(在线)在另一台设备上安装钱包软件。这台设备联网,从可移动介质上导入父公钥。下面的过程就像使用full-service wallet一样,分发公钥来接收支付。当准备消费比特币时,填写output详情并把钱包生成的未签名的交易保存到可移动介质上。

    2. Install wallet software on another device (on-line). This device is networked to import parent keys from a mobile medium. The next process is to distribute public keys to receive payments like full-servicewallet. When you prepare to consume bitcoin, fill out output details and save the unsigned transactions generated by wallets on a mobile medium.

  • 3.(离线)在脱机实例中打开未签名的交易,审查交易的详情,确保支付金额和地址正确。这个可以阻止恶意软件(malware)欺骗用户签署交易,从而支付给攻击者。审查后,签署交易并保存到可移动介质。

    3. Open unsigned transactions in offline cases, review the details of the transaction to ensure that the payment amounts and addresses are correct. This prevents malware from deceiving the user to sign the transaction, thereby paying the attacker.

  • 4.(在线)在在线实例中打开已签名的交易,以便广播到peer-to-peer网络。

    Open signed transactions (on-line) in online instances for broadcasting to the peer-to-peer network.


The main advantage of offline wallets is that they are much safer than fully functional wallets. As long as the offline wallets are not damaged (or defective), the user will check all paid transactions before signing, even if the wire wallets are damaged, the user’s bitcoin is safe.


The main drawback of offline wallets is trouble, and in order to be most secure, the user must be offline. For Bitcoin to be paid, the offline device must be activated, and the user must return to the offline device from the on-line physical copy data to the off-line data.


Hardware wallets are wallets designed for signature, typically for security chip development, such as smart cards. They can communicate safely with other network devices, and users do not need to transmit data manually. The hardware wallet process is as follows:

  • (硬件)生成父私钥和公钥,将硬件钱包连接到一个联网设备上,这样联网设备就可以获得父公钥;
  • (联网)像使用完整功能钱包一样,分发公钥来接收支付,当准备支付比特币时,填写交易详情,连接硬件钱包,然后点击消费,联网钱包会将交易详情发送给硬件钱包;
  • (硬件)查看硬件钱包屏幕上的交易详情,一些硬件钱包可能会提示输入PIN,硬件钱包对交易进行签名,并将交易签名返回给联网钱包。


There are two common designs for this simple wallet:

  • 把大量的公钥或者地址保存到数据库中,然后根据请求分发一条数据库内的条目比如一个公钥或者地址。为了避免重复使用密钥,web服务器应该追踪使用过的密钥,并且永远不要用尽数据库中的公钥。

    Saves a large number of public keys or addresses in a database, and then distributes an entry in a database on request, such as a public key or address. To avoid duplication of use of keys, the web server should track the used keys and never exhaust the public keys in the database.

  • 使用父公钥创建子公钥。为了避免重复使用密钥,必须使用一种方法确保一个公钥不会被分发两次。

    Creates a child public key using a parent key. To avoid using a key again, a method must be used to ensure that a public key is not distributed twice.


Neither of these methods increases significant costs.


The core of the Bitcoin wallet is a set of private keys. These pools are digitized and stored in a file, even on a piece of paper.


The private key is the bitcoin used to unlock the public key address. In bitcoin, the private key in the standard format is a 256bit number with the following values:

这个范围是由比特币使用的secp256k1 ECDSA加密标准管理。

This range is managed by setp256k1 ECDSA encryption standard.


To make private key copy easy, you can import WIF in wallet format. WIF encodes private key using base58Check, significantly reducing the chances of copying error, like a standard bitcoin address.

  • 1.使用一个私钥
  • 2.在前面添加一个0x80作为mainnet地址,或者添加一个0xEF作为testnet地址;
  • 3.如果他应该和压缩公钥一起使用,在后面追加一个0x01.如果与未压缩的公钥一起使用,则不会追加任何数据。
  • 4.对扩展后的密钥进行SHA-256哈希;
  • 5.对SHA-256的结果进行SHA-256哈希;
  • 6.取第二个哈希结果的前4字节作为校验和;
  • 7.把从第5布获得的校验和添加到第2步扩展密钥的末尾;
  • 8.使用Base58Check编码把第7步的数据转换未Base58字符串。

迷你私钥格式是一种将私钥编码到30个字符以内的方法,可以将密钥嵌入到较小的物理空间中,比如物理比特币Token,或者QR Code中。

Mini-key format is a way to encode a private key into 30 characters, so that a key can be embedded in a smaller physical space, such as a physical bitcoin Token, or QR Code.

  • 1.迷你密钥的第一个字符是‘S’;
  • 2.为了确定私钥格式良好,再私钥上添加一个问号;
  • 3.计算SHA256哈希,如果产生的第一个字节是‘00’,他是格式良好的。密钥的限制规则是一种输入检查typo-checking方法,用户使用使用随机数生成密钥,直到生成格式良好的密钥;
  • 4.为了生成完整私钥,用户只需要获取原始迷你私钥的单个SHA256哈希值。这个过程是单向的,很难从生成密钥计算出迷你私钥格式;
  • 5.在很多实现中不允许字符‘1’出现在迷你私钥中,因为它与‘l’在视觉上相似;


It's weird. I'll go back and rewrite it.

比特币的ECDSA公钥表示特定椭圆曲线上的一个点,比特币使用的是secp256k1。再传统的未压缩形式中,公钥包含identification byte,一个32 bytes的X坐标,一个32 bytes的Y坐标。

Bitcoin's ECDSA public key represents a point on a given elliptical curve, and Bitcoin uses secp256k1. In the traditional uncompressed form, the public key contains reference byte, an X coordinates of 32 bytes, and a Y coordinates of 32 bytes.


The following super-simplified graphs indicate a point on an elliptical curve used by Bitcoin, y2=x3+7


shares any of the x-coordinates along a curve with only two points, so just one bit is needed to indicate the positive or negative of the Y-coordinate, i.e. to compress the Y-coordinate into 1bit, so that close to 50% of the public key compression is achieved without changing any content


uses this compressed public key to avoid loss of data. Only a small number of calculations are needed to recreate the Y coordinates and use uncompressed public keys. The uncompressed and compressed public keys are described in the official document of secp256 and both formats are generally supported by the widely used cryptographic libraries.

因为容易使用,他们减少了区块链的空间,压缩的公钥是比特币内核Bitcoin Core的默认值,也是所有比特币软件的推荐默认值。

Due to ease of use, they reduce the space of the block chain, and the compressed public key is the default value for Bitcoin Core in Bitcoin and the recommended default value for all bitcoin software.

Bitcoin Core在0.6之前的版本,使用了未压缩密钥。这个造成一些复杂性。未压缩的密钥和压缩的密钥哈希形式不同。所以同一个密钥适用两个不同的P2PKH地址。这也就意味着在签名脚本中密钥必须以正确的格式提交,以便与前面输出的公钥脚本中的哈希值匹配。

Bitcoin Core, in its pre-0.6 version, uses uncompressed keys. This creates a number of complexities. Uncompressed keys and compressed keys have different forms. So the same key applies to two different P2PKH addresses. This means that keys must be submitted in the correct format in the signing script to match the Hashi values in the public key scripts previously exported.

因为这个原因,Bitcoin Core使用了几个不同的identifier byte来帮助程序识别密钥应该如何使用:

For this reason, Bitcoin Core uses several different identifier byte to help the program identify how the key should be used:

  • 与压缩公钥一起使用的私钥在Base58编码之前附加了0x01;
  • 未压缩的公钥以0x04开头;压缩的公钥0x03或者0x02开头,这个前缀也在secp256k1


An earlier Bitcoin client's wallet is a random collection of private keys that users need to save their own copies. If the key is lost, the corresponding wallet cannot be accessed and the wallet-controlled bitcoin cannot be used. Bitcoin has a principle of avoiding duplicated addresses, each bitcoin address can be traded only once, so users have a large number of private keys to save and back up, so early solutions are not a good option.


The layered certainty keys and transmission protocols significantly simplify wallet backup, eliminate the need for duplicate communication between multiple programs using the same wallet, allow for the creation of sub-accounts that can be operated independently and empower each parent to monitor or control its sub-accounts, even if the sub-accounts are damaged, and divide them into full access and restricted access to both parts, so that untrusted users or programs can receive or monitor payments but cannot pay out.


The HD protocol uses the ECDSA public key creation function - point(), which goes to a large number (private key) and converts it to a point on the curve (public key):


Because point() works in a way that makes it possible to create a sub-key by combining an already existing public key (father key) with another public key (by an integer(i) value). p is a global constant used by all bitcoin software .


This means that two or more independent programs, if agreed on an integer sequence, can create a series of unique subkey pairs from a single parent key pair without the need for additional communications. In addition, distribution of new public keys for collection can take place without contacting private keys, allowing the public key distribution program to operate in an unsafe environment (web server).


Sub-keys can also create their own child-keys (Sunsun Keys) by repeating their sub-key decentralized operation:


Whether to create a child public key or a public key for a future generation is no better for all transactions than using a single public key in a predictable integer sequence, because anyone knows that a child public key can find all the other public keys that are dispersed through the parent public key. On the contrary, a random seed is used to determine the integer sequence that is generated, so that those who do not have a seed cannot see the relationship between the child public key.

HD协议使用一个单一的根种子和无关联的确定代际(unlinkable deterministically-generated)的整数来创建子代,孙子代和其他更后代的密钥。每个子密钥也通过它的父代获得一个代际(deterministically-generated)种子,称为链代码(chain code),所以一个chain code受到破坏,不会破坏整个序列的层次结构。

The HD protocol uses a single root seed and unrelated intergenerational determination (unlinkable determinative-generatived) to create the key for generations, grandchildren and other generations. Each sub-key also acquires an intergenerational (deterministically-generated) seed, called chain code (chain code), so that a chain code is destroyed and does not destroy the hierarchy of the entire sequence.


HD key fragmentation requires four inputs:

  • 父私钥和父公钥,常规的未压缩256 bits的ECDSA密钥;
  • 父chain code是256 bits看起来随机的数据;
  • 索引index是程序指定的32-bit整数。

在上图所示的标准形式中,父chain code、父公钥和索引index被输入到单向哈希HMAC-SHA512中,生成确定代际但是看起来随机(determistically-generated-but-seemingly-random)的512 bits数据。哈希输出总共512 bits,右边的256 bits(低256 bits)数据被用来作为新的子chain code。哈希输出的左边256 bits被当作一个整数和父私钥或者父公钥组合(父私钥和哈希输出的高256bits椭圆曲线上做加法模G运算),来创建子私钥或者子公钥:

In the standard form shown in the figure above, the father Chain code, the father's key and index index index were entered into HMAC-SHA512 one-way Hash, generating 512 bits data that determine intergenerational but appear random (determistally-generated-but-seemingly-randang). Hashi exports a total of 512 bits, with 256 bits (low 256 bits) data from the right side being used as a new sub-chain code. 256 bits from the left side of Hash are used as an integer and parent private key or parent public key combination (the parent's private key and the high 256bits ellipse curve from Hash is used to create a private or public key:

父chain code、父公钥、索引index计算HMAC-SHA512的过程如下:父公钥(256bits)和子密钥的index(32bits)进行拼接,公钥在高位索引在地位,合并后的字节序是大端,对合并后的数据进行HMAC-SHA512运算,父chain code作为哈希密钥。

parent Chain code, parent key, index index index index indexing HMAC-SHA512 is as follows: parent keys (256bits) and sub-keys indexes (32bits) are collated, public keys are in position, the merged byte order is large, the merged data is calculated by HMAC-SHA512, and the parent chain code is the Hashim key .

可以看出来,父私钥和对应代际的chain code可以算出子私钥,然后用point()和子私钥可以算出子公钥,还可以用子公钥和point(父chain code)算出子公钥,这样也可以在不需要私钥的情况下,只知道某一代际的公钥和对应代际的chain code就可以算出下一代的公钥。

shows that a parent's private key and an intergenerational chain code can calculate a child's private key, then a child's public key can be calculated with a point() and a child's private key, and a child's public key can be calculated with a child's public key and a point (the father's key) so that only a generation's public key and an intergenerational chain code can be calculated without the need for a private key.

指定不同的代际索引index,可以使用相同的父密钥分散出不同的无关联的子密钥。子密钥使用子chain code重复密钥分散过程可以生成无关联的孙密钥。

Specifies a different intergenerational index index index to separate different unrelated sub-keys using the same parent key. The sub-keys use the subchain code repeat key dispersion process to generate unrelated grandkids.

因为创建子密钥需要密钥和chain code两者,密钥和chain code合在一起被称作扩展密钥。一个扩展私钥和对应的扩展公钥具有相同的chain code。 主私钥(最顶层)和主chain code是由随机数生成。

Because creating a sub-key requires both keys and chain code, the keys and chain code together are called extension keys. A extended private key and the corresponding extended public key have the same chain code. The primary private key (the top layer) and the main chain code are generated by random numbers.

根种子(root seed)是由123 bits、256 bits或者512 bits的随机数生成的。这个根种子,最少128 bits是需要用户备份的唯一数据,将来用于通过特定的钱包和设置来分散所有的密钥。

Root torrents (rootseed) are generated by random numbers of 123 bits, 256 bits, or 512 bits. This seed, at least 128 bits, is the only data that needs to be backed up by the user and will be used to disperse all keys through specific wallets and settings.

根种子通过哈希来创建512 bits看起来随机的数据,通过这些数据来创建主私钥和主chain code(合在一起称作主扩展密钥)。主公钥通过主私钥使用point()计算得出,主公钥和主chain code合在一起称作主扩展公钥。主扩展密钥和其他扩展密钥在功能上等效,只是因为它位于最上层的位置,所以才显得不同。

Root feeds create what appears to be random data through Hashi, which creates the main private key and the main chain code (collectively known as the main extension key). The main public key is calculated using point(), which together is called the main extension key. The main extension key and other extension keys are functionally equivalent, only because they are located at the top.

根种子的哈希后512 bits的输出,左边256 bits作为主私钥,右边256bits作为主chain code

512 bits after of the seed, 256 bits on the left as the main private key and 256bits on the right as the main chain code

强化扩展密钥(Hardened extended keys)修复了普通扩展密钥的一个潜在问题。如果攻击者获得了一个普通扩展密钥的父chain code和父公钥,他就可以暴力获得所有的通过这个chain code派生出来的chain code。如果攻击者还获得了一个子私钥、孙子私钥或者更下一代的私钥,他就可以使用chain code生成这个私钥后代所有的私钥了。

The enhanced extension key (Hardened Keys) fixes a potential problem with the ordinary extension key. If the attacker gets a common extended key, the parent chain code and the father key, he can use violence to obtain all the chain code derived from this chain code. If the attacker also acquires a private key, a grandchild's private key, or a next generation's private key, he can use the chain code to generate all the private key of the private key for future generations.

更糟糕的是,攻击者可以逆向(reverse)普通的子私钥分散公式,只要从子私钥中减去父chain code就可以恢复父私钥,如上图子代和父代所示。这意味着一个攻击者,只要获得了一个扩展公钥和及其后代的任何私钥,就可以恢复出改公钥的私钥及其分散出的所有密钥。

Worse still, the attacker can reverse (reverse) the common sub-key separation formula, and by subtracting the parent's chain code from the sub-key, he can restore the parent's private key, as shown by the image above and by the father's. This means that an attacker, by acquiring an extended public key and any private key of his or her offspring, can restore the private key of the change and all the keys that he or she has dispersed.

因为扩展公钥中有对应层级的chain code,所以可以得到这个公钥后代任意代际的公钥,所以只要获得了这个公钥后代的私钥,就可以算到这个私钥上一代的chain code,然后通过私钥-chain code计算出上一代私钥,最后推算出这个公钥和后代的所有密钥。

, because the extension key has a corresponding level of chain code, gets a public key for any generation of the public key, so if you get a private key for the next generation of the public key, you can count the chain code for the last generation of the private key, and then calculate the last generation of private keys through the private key-chain code, and ultimately all the keys for the public key and future generations.

上面的强化公示将索引index、父chain code和父私钥组合在一起用来创建产生子chain code和子私钥的数据。这个公示让在不知道父私钥的情况下不能创建子公钥。换句话说,父扩展公钥不能创建强化子公钥。

The enhanced publicity above combines index index index, parent chain code and father's private key to create data that generate sub-chain code and sub-key. The publicity allows a sub-key to be created without knowing the parent's private key. In other words, a parent's extended public key does not create a reinforced sub-key.

强化密钥生成过程,在父私钥前面补一个0x00字节,父私钥和索引index拼接,私钥在高位,索引在低位,字节序为大端。对拼接后的数据进行HMAC-SHA512运算,哈希密钥是父chain code,父私钥和哈希的高256 bits做椭圆曲线上的加法模运算生成子私钥,低256 bits是子chain code。如果ECC模运算结果出现0,那么索引值递增,然后再次计算密钥。子公钥可以通过子私钥计算出来。

因此,强化扩展私钥没有普通的扩展私钥有用,然而强化扩展私钥会创建一个防火墙,使得多层密钥分散泄露不会发生。因为强化子扩展公钥无法仅仅靠自己生成孙chain code,父扩展公钥的泄露不能和孙私钥的泄露组合创建重孙扩展私钥。

Thus, there is no ordinary extension private key for the enhanced extension, but an enhanced extension private key creates a firewall, so that multiple layers of the key are not leaked. Since the enhanced child extension public key cannot generate Sun Chain code on its own alone, the disclosure of the parent extension public key cannot create a grandchild extension private key with a combination of Sun private key leaks.

HD协议使用不同的索引index来指示是生成普通还是强化密钥。索引Index从0x000x7FFFFFFF将生成普通密钥;索引Index从0x800000000xFFFFFFFF将生成强化密钥。为了便于描述,许多开发者使用'(prime symbol)来表示强化密钥,所以第一个普通密钥(0x00)是0,第一个强化密钥(0x80000000)是0'。

The HD protocol uses a different index index index to indicate whether to generate a normal or enhanced key. The index index Index will generate a normal key from 0x000x7FFF; the index index from 0x800000x12 will generate an enhanced key. For ease of description, many developers use 'prime symbol'to indicate an enhanced key, so the first common key (0x00) is 0 and the first reinforced key (0x80000000) is 0'.

(比特币的开发者通常使用ASCII的撇号,而不是使用unicode的prime symbol。)

(Bitcoin developers usually use the ASCII punctuation instead of the unicode prime symbol.


This compressed description is further combined with slashes and m or M prefix, indicator level (hierarchy) and key type.m means private key, M means public key. For example, m/0'/0/122' means the first generation (index=0) of enhanced subkeys for private keys (index=0) and the 123rd generation (index=122) enhanced subkeys for ordinary subkeys (index via index index).

遵守BIP32 HD协议的钱包只创建主私钥(m)的强化子密钥来防止子密钥泄露而导致主密钥泄露。因为主密钥不存在普通子密钥,所以主公钥也不会在HD钱包里使用。所有其他密钥可以有普通子密钥,所以可以使用对应的普通扩展公钥。

The wallet that complies with the BIP32 HD protocol only creates a reinforced subkey for the primary private key (m) to prevent the sub-key from being leaked, leading to the disclosure of the primary key. Since the primary key does not exist, the main key will not be used in the HD wallet. All other keys can have a normal sub-key, so the corresponding normal extended public key can be used.


The HD protocol also describes the format of the sequenced extension of the public key and the extension of the private key. See also the BIP32 protocol for details.

HD协议里的根种子(root seeds)是128、256或者512 bits的随机数,这些种子需要备份保存。为了方便,可以使用非数字化备份的方法,比如记忆、手抄等。BIP39定义了一个方法,通过助记符来创建512 bits的根种子。

The root seeds in the HD protocol (rootseeds) are random numbers of 128, 256 or 512 bits, which need to be backed up. For convenience, non-digitized backup methods, such as memory, handcuffs, etc., can be used. BIP39 defines a method to create 512 bits of root seeds by means of a sign.


Generates words associated with the entropy values used:

Entropy Bits Words
128 12
160 15
192 18
224 21
256 24

密码短语(passphrase)可以是任意长度,它可以简单得追加到助记符pseudo-sentence,mnemonic和password将使用2048次HMAC-SHA512运算,产生一个看起来随机的512 bits种子。

The passphrase (passphrase) can be of any length and can simply be added to the assistor pseudo-sentence, mnemonic and password will use 2048 HMAC-SHA512 calculations to produce a random 512 bits seed.

松散密钥钱包似乎中文也有叫零型非确定钱包,也被称作Just a Bunch Of Keys(JBOK),是一种Bitcoin Core客户端早期的钱包形式,已经被弃用。Bitcoin Core客户端钱包通过伪随机数发生器自动创建100个公私钥对供以后使用。

The loose key wallet, also known as the zero undetermined wallet in Chinese, is also known as a Bunch Of Keys(JBOK), which is an early wallet of Bitcoin Core clients and has been discarded. Bitcoin Core client wallets automatically create 100 public-private pairs for later use through a false random number generator.

这些没有使用的私钥存储在一个虚拟的密钥池(key pool)中,之前生成的密钥被使用后,就会生成新的密钥放到池中,保证池中有100个未使用的密钥。

These unused private keys are stored in a virtual key pool (keypool), and when previously generated keys are used, a new key is created in the pool, which contains 100 unused keys.


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