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In the eyes of many, Web3.0 is just a concept that the capital market boasts. If web3.0 is tied to the depth of the capital market, it would be too simple and arbitrary.


More recently, none of the most significant concerns in China than the article published by the Director General of Science and Technology of the Chinese CSRC, Web3.0: Towards a New Generation of the Internet, has emerged as a positive sign of the development of Web3.0 in China.


In the article, Yao stated that Web3.0 is a “safe and credible value Internet” based on distributed book technology, cipher technology for value-to-point transmission, and a “smart all-interest Internet” combining 5G, margin computing, AI, virtual reality technology.


In Yao's view, Web3.0 would be an effective solution to the problems of “monopoly”, “lack of privacy protection”, and arithmetic malpractice” in the existing Web 2.0 ecology.


Several of the key words mentioned in this article have been the focus of attention in China's Internet ecology in recent years.





Since 2020, laws and regulations, such as the Data Security Act and the Personal Information Protection Act, have been introduced with a view to maximizing data rights and interests of Internet users.


In addition to regulation at the national level, there is a need for strong technical means to support it. The technological characteristics of Web3.0 are compatible with the resolution of the above-mentioned problems and, to some extent, augur well for its development space in the Chinese market.


Among these, privacy calculations are emerging as a necessity for Web3.0 as a key technology to address data privacy issues.


In the Web3.0 era, users will tend to protect personal data privacy in a more thorough way, thereby triggering a transfer of ownership and value of the data. By using techniques such as same-state encryption, multiple-safe computing, and a credible enforcement environment, privacy calculations can ensure that data are not visible in their use.


It is worth noting that privacy protection is multifaceted. With the decentralisation of Web3.0 applications and the availability of data on the chain, user behaviour, resulting data and even application protocols are also subject to privacy protection.


As a result, data protection provided by privacy calculations can have multiple dimensions, such as privacy protection for basic block chain platforms, privacy of stored data (distributed storage), private key management for users, anonymous protocols, etc.


Since the second half of 2021, under the Web3.0 privacy track, projects have become more aggressive, with agreements and applications giving rise to many privacy projects.

1. 隐私交易协议

1. Privacy agreement


The privacy trading network, which focuses on the privacy processing of transactional data on the chain, supports privacy transactions by users through technical origins such as proof of zero knowledge, which ensures that their privacy data are not viewed from outside, while supporting the development of more types of privacy applications in the agreement.


Since 2021, a network of at least dozens of block chains, mainly dealing in privacy, has emerged with the support of mainstream investment institutions such as a16z, Redwood Capital and others, one of the most favoured tracks in the capital market.


According to incomplete statistics, the privacy trading network includes the Layer1 privacy agreement, which has more than a dozen projects in the former category, and the Layer2 privacy agreement, which has three projects in the latter category. At present, most of the privacy trading network is in the testing and development stages.

2. 隐私计算协议

2. Privacy Calculating Protocol


Privacy calculation protocols, which primarily protect privacy through data generation, collection, preservation, analysis, use, destruction, and, in addition to common deFi and NFT scenes, are planned for in-depth integration with big data and the AI industry.


Compared to other forms of privacy, privacy computing protocols are a lower infrastructure, and specific transaction information (currency type and quantity, etc.) is often publicly accessible through block browsers, with greater emphasis on the privacy of users'use of data.


The main privacy technologies at present include proof of zero knowledge, security multi-counting, federal learning based on modern cryptography, credible enforcement links (TEEs).


It is worth noting that privacy calculation is not the original product of a block chain, just as distributional storage existed before the block chain was born. The fundamental difference between privacy calculation based on a block chain and other types of privacy calculation is that the bottom technical block chain is decentralized to exclude a credible third party (TTP).

目前比较知名的区块链隐私计算网络包括Oasis Network、PlatON、Phala Network、ARPA、Aleph Zero、Findora和Deeper Network等。

The current well-known privacy computing network of block chains includes Oasis Network, Platon, Phala Network, ARPA, Aleph Zero, Findora and Deeper Network.


The current physical application of the privacy computing network is also limited, as it is still rarely used in industrial projects and some technologies are not yet mature.

3. 隐私应用

3. Privacy application


Privacy applications are those that are based on the Layer1 or Layer2 agreements and provide different applications of site privacy protection for users or Dapps, such as transactions, payments, mail, etc.

据不完全统计,隐私应用目前也有16个了。其中,Tornado Cash是目前最为常用的隐私应用,如今许多加密用户都会使用该应用对资产信息进行隐私化处理。

According to incomplete statistics, there are currently 16 privacy applications. Of these, Tornado Cash is the most commonly used privacy application, which is now used by many encryption users for the privacy of asset information.

4. 隐私币

4. Privacy notes


The private currency refers to an encrypted currency that was originally meant to support privacy and that does not allow the outside world to view information on the specific type of transaction, amount, etc. between the parties to the transaction, often does not support smart contracts and related applications, and the project was born as early as 2014.


The chain catchers are not fully counted, and the more well-known private currency is currently seven.


At present, the development of the privacy currency is common and the number of users and transactions is significantly lower than the number of smart contract platforms and other track projects such as DeFi.


Privacy Protection and Open Together


Web3.0 faces regulatory challenges


In the context of Web3.0 protection of privacy and open co-construction, this does not mean that Web3.0 applications need not be regulated. As a result of the huge innovation in Web3.0 application of business models, regulatory approaches are bound to change dramatically in order to adapt to new developments.


In fact, the lack of clarity about compliance is one of the main factors preventing privacy from calculating large-scale commercial transactions.


While privacy calculations are more conducive to meeting data compliance requirements than traditional modes of explicit transmission, package circulation, and effectively address the safety risks of data during secondary diffusion by controlling raw data out of domain, transmitting only gradient information, desensitizing input models, encryption, etc., there are still defaults in the recovery of raw data, model leaks, participants breaching the Convention, etc.


In particular, existing regulations do not provide a clear basis for data availability and processing, and there is a lack of contextual reference on how data authorization, data classification, etc., fit for regulation, which will lead to a further increase in compliance risks in the application of privacy calculations.


As a result, some agencies interviewed indicated that, following the introduction of new regulations such as the Data Security Act, the Personal Information Protection Act and others, agencies were mainly cautiously watching, and industry expected more landing cases to be consulted.


According to industry, user anonymity and data protection may exist as a regulatory scheme for calculating compliance paths around privacy:


Controlling KYC at the bottom of the block chain network, while achieving appropriate anonymity at the intermediate protocol level and application level. The so-called KYC certification, in fact, is a real-name certification mechanism designed to prevent offences such as anti-money-laundering, identity theft, financial fraud, etc. Of course, regulation can be flexible, and information such as the user KYC can be stored in multiple-sign networks with regulatory involvement.


In addition to this, however, there are a number of problems with privacy calculations in the use and flow of data, such as the difficulty of using jointly modelled data for purposes that are covered by the authorization agreement and the difficulty of obtaining second authorization from users.


concluding remarks


During the past few years, the market has repeatedly announced that the Web3.0 private track is about to break out, but it is still seen as a small market, with low usage and low usage, even when many consider privacy to be a pseudo-prosecution.


The fact that the private track has not yet broken out is largely due to a number of technical, security and regulatory challenges that have not yet been resolved, and the market's demand for this area has not yet been evident.


In the long run, however, the introduction of data regulation policies has always been better than the private computing market, which will also give further impetus to the development of the Web3.0 infrastructure, giving users genuine data autonomy.


At that time, the Internet will certainly be a new face.


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