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2022 年 3 月 10 日,IT 桔子(itjuzi521)

收录 52 起投资/收购/IPO排队事件

法奥机器人获超5000万美元B轮投资 ,本轮融资由源码资本领投,阿里及美团龙珠共同参与,顺为资本、高瓴创投与钟鼎资本等老股东持续跟进,元启资本任长期独家财务顾问。此次资金将主要用于产能提升以及软件团队扩充。

robots won over $50 million in B-round investment . This round of financing is financed by source capital, with Ali and the United States Dragonballs participating in continuous follow-up with old shareholders such as capital, high-rise investment and bellow capital.



completes a new round of strategic financing for science and technology 是一家全固态激光雷达解决方案提供商,赋予无人驾驶汽车、机器人等人工智能应用三维深度视觉能力,专注于从事激光雷达系统的研发与设计,旗下产品激光雷达主要应用于智能机器人、无人驾驶汽车等领域。

One-dimensional technology国内投资事件

1. 达观数据获得C轮投资

span>1. access to round C investment


daemon data is a national high-technology enterprise focused on text-smart processing technology that uses advanced natural language understanding, natural language generation, knowledge mapping, etc. to provide large enterprises and government clients with smart software systems such as text extraction, vetting, error correction, search, referral, writing, etc. to enable computers to replace manual automation of business processes and significantly improve enterprise efficiency.

2. 联元智能获得A轮投资



Associated Smart Technology is an innovative energy Internet integrated value-added service provider that relies on capital and energy goods networking platforms to develop products and solutions using technology such as big data, social networks, machine learning and cloud computing.

3. 蓝芯科技近亿元完成B+轮融资

3. Blue-chip nearly 100 million dollars to complete B+ rotation finance /span >


Blue-chip technology develops mobile platform perception and control systems and related core technologies. Provides software, hardware products, and overall solutions for mobile platform perception and control systems. Makes mobile platform providers more intelligent and functional based on our systems.

4. 光之树科技完成新一轮战略融资

4. to complete a new round of strategic financing for the tree of light /span >


is the world's leading block and artificial intelligence enterprise, autonomously developing a credible data collaboration framework based on high performance, security, configurable and block-based chains, enabling governments, finance and Internet enterprises to undertake credible joint learning and joint calculations without exposing raw data. Today, two successive rounds of financing are officially announced. It is understood that the fourth-class and deep-seated investment rounds, respectively, amount to nearly billions. The founder of Light Tree and CEO Jia-il indicated that two rounds of financing would be used for continuous research and development and commercial expansion of products.

5. 宁德时代入股一矿产开采公司,持股比例65%

5. Equity in Ningde Mineral Mining Company, 65% share 是一家矿产资源开采服务商,致力于为用户提供矿产资源开采、矿产资源勘探、矿产资源投资管理经营等服务。近日被宁德时代收购,占比65%。

New energy mining in the era of is a mineral resource extraction service provider working to provide users with services such as mineral resource extraction, mineral resource exploration, mineral resource investment management, etc. was acquired in the recent Ninder era, accounting for 65%. > /span >

6. 赛舵智能完成5000万美元B轮融资

6. rudder smartly finish $50 million in round B finance /span >

赛舵智能是一家智能客服产品研发商,赛舵主要聚焦语音识别、语音合成、自然语言处理和语义理解相关技术和应用,致力于为当地金融科技企业及传统金融机构提供本地化的催收、质检等AI智能客服产品及服务,解决客户在客服方面的痛点。近日完成了5000万美元B轮融资,这让该公司在过去12个月里的融资总额达到6000万美元。新投资者Tiger Global(老虎环球基金)、Coatue、Cathay Innovation(凯辉创新基金)、First Plus和VenturesLab(创业工场)参加了B轮融资,之前的投资者红杉资本印度公司(Sequoia Capital India)和华山资本也参与其中。

rudder smart is a smart customer product developer that focuses mainly on voice recognition, speech synthesis, natural language processing and semantic understanding related technologies and applications, and is committed to providing localised products and services for local financial science and technology enterprises and traditional financial institutions, such as the collection, Quality Check and other AI smart customer service products and services, as well as to address client pains in the service. The recently completed $50 million B round of finance, which has brought the company to $60 million over the past 12 months. The new investors Tiger Global (Tiger Sphere Fund), Coatue, Cathay Innovation (Cayfide Innovation Fund), First Plus and Ventures Lab (Employing Field) are involved in B wheel finance, with the former investor Sequoia Capital India (Sequatia Capital India) and the capital of Huasan participating in .

7. 矩视智能获SIG数千万元A轮融资

7. /span >


recognizable NeuroBot is an industrial AI visual open platform provider that uses artificial intelligence in the visual field of industry, providing online character recognition, fault detection, size measurement, targeting, etc., covering thousands of industry segmented scenes, leading to common artificial intelligence in the visual field of industry.

8. 灵犀微光获亿元级B轮融资

8. >...................................................................................................................................................

灵犀微光是世界领先的AR光学技术公司。目前灵犀已经推出镜片式光学引擎OMP03,AR眼镜原型机Sapphire PT1, Sapphire PT2。我们为开发AR眼镜的合作伙伴提供光学解决方案。近日完成亿元级B轮融资,本轮融资资方包括国投美亚基金、富智康(前富士康国际控股有限公司,2038.HK)、美迪凯(688079)、北京天和创投和深圳五道资本。本轮融资完成后,将持续在AR光波导研发方面攻坚克难,集中解决阵列波导自动化生产问题,为其全面走向消费端市场铺路;继续推进全息光波导技术研发及大批量量产;加速打通AR产业链,促进AR普及落地。

We provide optical solutions for our partners in the development of AR glasses. We have recently completed phase B finance, which includes the National Investment Fund, Fu Ji-Kang (formerly Fuscon International Holdings Ltd., 2038.HK), Medicay (688079), Beijing Sky and Innovation and Shenzhen Five Capital, which will continue to struggle with AR light wave-led R & D, focusing on auto-based production in order to pave the way for its overall move to the consumer market; continuing to advance the development of full-time light wave guidance technology and large-scale production; and accelerating the expansion of the AR industry chain to promote the spread of AR landings.

9. 拓领博泰完成超亿元A轮融资

9. to complete multi-billion-dollar round of finance


is a natural science, medical research and experimental development service provider focusing on the development of new medicines for their own immune diseases. The company has a number of patents on small molecules that regulate natural immunization, including the world's leading drug research and development countries and regions.

10. 植得期待已完成天使轮融资

10. >.


planted expectations is a plant-based meat developer and develop, produce, sell, promote and experience as a company dedicated to becoming a high-quality supplier of plant meat in China. The company is mainly developing plant-based foods, alternative proteins, environmentally friendly foods, and promoting healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyles based on plant-based and alternative protein diets.

11. KIRI Innovation完成数千万元天使+轮融资

11. KIRI Innovation to complete tens of millions of angels + wheel financing /span >

KIRI Innovation是一家3D扫描重建技术服务商,专注于研发低成本3D扫描重建技术,并开发消费级3D扫描应用。目前,KIRI已推出一款名为KIRI Engine 3D扫描的手机应用程序,可适用于安卓和iOS系统。在KIRI Engine上,用户拍摄物品上传云端,即可获取物品的3D模型。已于近日完成数千万元天使+轮融资。本轮融资由青松基金领投,原股东英诺天使、普渡资本持续加注。本轮融资资金将主要用于加大研发投入以及市场推广等方面。

KIRI Innovation is a 3D scanning reconstruction technology service provider focusing on the development of low-cost 3D scanning reconstruction technology and the development of a consumer 3D scanning application. KIRI has now launched a mobile phone application called KIRI Engineering 3D, which can be applied to Andre and iOS systems. On KIRI Engineering, users take pictures of items to upload clouds and access 3D models of items.

12. 卡提医学完成超7000万元A+轮融资

12. >


Kati Medicine is a researcher in the development of a physical tumor, CAR-T cell therapy, focusing on the development and application of new technologies for immune cell therapy, with a technological platform with high barriers such as innovative CAR structural design, viruses and cell culture.

13. 臻准生物获惠远资本超亿元A轮独家投资

13. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


, a bio-high-tech producer of in vitro diagnostic instruments and a biohigh-tech company that has developed, produced and sold in vitro diagnostic instruments, has successfully developed China's first autonomous intellectual property chip digital PCR instrument, which is dedicated to building high-end Chinese medical equipment brands. Recently completed a round of A financing in excess of RMB hundreds of millions of dollars, with medical industry professional investment agencies benefiting from the exclusive investment of distant capital.

14. 工品一号完成1.6亿元B+轮融资

14. complete 160 million B+ rotation finance /span >

工品一号是一个专注于标准化工业零配件行业的在线交易平台,主要面向全国从事标准零配件贸易的中小B商户,旨在为客户提供一站式采购平台。近日完成B+轮约1.6亿元人民币股权融资。本轮融资由正瀚投资(Immensus Capital China PE Fund II (Cayman) LP)领投,产业资本跟投。本轮融资将用于信息化研发投入、市场与供应链拓展以及人才储备。

Product No. 1 is an online trading platform focused on the standardized industrial spare parts industry, which is aimed primarily at small and medium-sized B vendors engaged in standard spare parts trade throughout the country and is designed to provide a one-stop shop for customers. The B+ round has recently been completed with about 160 million yuan in equity financing. The round of financing is financed by Immenus Capital China Fund II (Cayman) LP, with industrial capital and investment. The round of financing will be used for information-based R & D inputs, market and supply chain expansion, and talent reserves.

15. 梵得元完成数千万人民币A轮融资

15. >.


Vandeer is a research and development developer of wireless charging technologies and products, focusing on the development of wireless charging and electrical equipment based on magnetic resonance technology. The Vandean is now launching a multi-power, high-wire charging module that uses magnetic resonance technology at a distance of up to 40 mm, which ensures more than 80% of transmission efficiency at any location within this distance, as well as safety at the same time as ensuring recharge efficiency.

16. 超惠学获抖山资本数百万元天使轮融资



Ultra-Purpose is a domestic platform for sharing educational information services, using small and sub-line educational institutions as entry points for practical pains such as reducing operating costs, improving institutional resilience to risks, and fundamentally addressing educational training institutions' recruitment, operation and management difficulties. Millions of angel wheels have been completed in recent days, and this round of financing is being carried out with the exclusive ownership of Tshiyama capital. The financing will be fully invested in team-building and market promotion, rapidly increasing market ownership and using innovative models to empower teachers who are in a state of dissipation after the “span” policy.

17. 浙江恒威今日上市 发行价格33.98元/股

17. Zhejiang has been listed today at a price of $33.98/share /span >


Helium Battery is a battery manufacturer, mainly engaged in the development, production and sale of high-performance, environmentally friendly alkaline and environmentally friendly carbon batteries, with products of five and seven alkaline batteries, etc., and has adopted the Quality Management System Certification IS09001:2015 standard, with a range of countries and regions in Europe, the United States, and Japan and Korea. Today it is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's start-up board, with a company security code of $301222, issued at a price of $33.98/equity, with a market gain of 38.2 times.

18. 芯擎科技完成数亿人民币战略投资

18. /span > completes hundreds of millions of yuan in strategic investments.


CubeTechnology is a car electronic chip researcher who works mainly in the design, development and marketing of car electronic chips, with branches in Beijing and Shanghai providing automobile electronic chip services to users. Hundreds of millions of yuan in strategic investments have been completed in recent days, with one-volt group investing in them.

19. 富奥星完成A轮融资

19. > >.


Fuostar is a microwave radar chip and solution provider at the national level for high-technology enterprises focusing on microwave radar chips and providing complete solutions, dedicated to microwave antennas, microwave chip circuits, multi-mode chips, radar signal processing and key algorithms, equipped with chip, module and application design development capabilities, strong competitiveness from chip to system research and development, and a global leader of 10 GHz radar chip products.

20. 威伏半导体数千万元B轮融资

20. tens of millions of bouncing semiconductor B rounds of finance /span>


Volvo Semiconductor is an integrated circuit design service provider that provides a professional crystal test service for major integrated circuit design companies and manufacturing companies.

21. 东方科脉完成新一轮战略融资

21. < oriental completion of a new round of strategic financing /span >


Eastern Pulse is a manufacturer of electronic paper products whose main products are DKE-electronic paper, dual-state electronic paper, industrial-type LCD products, industrial-type LCM products, and smart sunscreens.

22. 德特威勒进军中国市场,收购烟台鑫汇包装

22. Det Weiler marches into the Chinese market and acquires cigarette platform syllable packaging 是一家医药包装材料研发生产商,致力于医药包装材料的研发、生产及销售。公司主要产品包括丁基橡胶塞、聚异戊二烯垫片。产品均取得由国家食品药物监督管理总局颁发的产品注册证。近日被德特威勒收购,占比100%。

Packaging by sinks is a manufacturer of pharmaceutical packaging materials dedicated to the development, production and sale of pharmaceutical packaging materials. The company’s main products include butiki rubber plugs, polymetaladiene gaskets. Products are registered as products issued by the National Directorate-General of Food and Drug Control.

23. 芜湖佳纳能源获得14.7亿元战略投资

23. >. 1.47 billion dollars in strategic investment in energy access to Lake Jana /span >


Lake Jianna Energy is the operator of the three-dollar pre-diversion of lithium electric materials under the Dow technology flag, mainly for the three-dollar pre-diversion drive and its ancillary operations. The company has received 1.47 billion yuan in strategic investments, including $144 million from the Lake Hujiang North Development Investment Fund Ltd. (“the former Gulf Fund”), corresponding to 1.27 per cent of the shareholdings; $453.6 million from Antai Investment Guides Ltd. (“the Antai Fund”), corresponding to 3.99 per cent of the shareholdings; $388.8 million from the Lake Bank Silver Lake Business Company Ltd. (“the Silver Lake Business”) and 3.42 per cent of the shareholdings; and $453.6 million from the Lake Lake Industry Investment Fund Ltd. (“the Industrial Fund”), corresponding to 3.9 per cent of the shareholding shares.

24. 顾思特汉堡完成A轮融资



"Strong" ("Strong") ("Strong") ("span") is a Hamburger Express brand that combines the formerly tall burgers with the country's favorite fast foods, which are both soothing and easy to eat, and eliminates Hamburg's oily taste and appetite for eaters. Recently, round A financing has been completed, and invests in glorious capital.

25. 渡河之众获千万融资

25. > /span >


The river crowd is an emerging cross-border power provider SaaS platform dedicated to the provision of cross-border multi-platform flow, content optimization, and interactivity services to live electricity providers, and the company's current product technology meets the compliance requirements for live cross-border broadcasting and enables the global webcast resource movement and multi-platform distribution of content. The first financing, recently completed, was the first test water-level market for the river's people, with seed vessels receiving more than RMB 10 million, which is now valued at RMB 100 million, and is among the leading companies in the industrial chain.

26. 超星未来完成A+轮融资

26. Superstar will complete A+ Round of finance

超星未来是一家智能驾驶计算平台方案提供商,致力于为全球汽车行业客户提供开放、高效、灵活便捷的智能驾驶感控平台,并打造符合AUTOSAR ADAPTIVE标准,ISO26262 ASIL D安全级别,提供车规级、安全、可靠的自动驾驶软件中间件平台。近日获得由高远资本领投的亿元A2轮融资。通过本轮融资,公司将进一步加大底层核心技术研发,扩大工程化和商业化团队,全面加强公司技术和产品的产业化落地。

Superstar Future is a program provider of smart-driving computing platforms dedicated to providing global automobile industry clients with open, efficient and flexible smart driving awareness platforms and to creating engineering and commercialization teams that meet the AUTOSAR ADAPTIVE standards, ISO2662 ASIL D security level, which provides an intermediate platform for car regulation, safe and reliable autopilot software.

27. 中海宏洋拟10.24亿收购龙光控股汕头一项目

span>27. China Ocean proposes to buy 1,024 million for the Dragon Photo Controlled Stock Head Project


is a real estate developer whose business involves real estate development, real estate information consultation, and marketing program planning.

28. 松井股份:筹划并购锐涂化工约70%股权 9日起停牌

28. Matsui: Planning and procuring about 70 per cent of the equity of the intensive coating industry. >


is a producer of specialized paint products for the development, production, marketing, training and technical services of a company that produces and operates a variety of insulation resins, general resins, special coating products and accessories, dilutors.

29. ST国医最新公告:拟向商洛交投转让商洛医院99%股权

29. ST Country Medical Update: 99% shareholding to be transferred to Commercial L.A. Hospital


Commercial Loc Hospital is a general hospital operator that brings together clinical, rehabilitation, scientific research, teaching, training, specialized regional internationalized medical centres, composed of women and children hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals and general hospitals with specialties such as nerves, tumours, chest, digestion, osteoporology, ophthalmology centres, etc.

30. 中潜股份拟向瑞智中和增资5100万元以拓展新业务 增资完成后获其51%股份

30. < strong > > > is proposed to expand the new business by $US 51 million for the new business. /span >


and are the developers of a photo-voltage feeder system with a core patent for an original photo-voltage tracking system, which focuses on the development of applications and system integration for photovoltaic tracking systems and is dedicated to providing one-stop service to the owners of photovoltaic power plants, significantly increasing the rate of return on the power stations. The company is mainly engaged in the development, design and application of photo-volt-tracking feeder systems and roof-distributed power station EPC operations.



1. WalletConnect获得1100万美元A轮融资

span>1. WalletConnect gets $11 million in round A

WalletConnect成立于 2018 年,现在已与 100 多个钱包、200 多个应用程序集成。该项目还在开发多协议消息传递网络,涉及钱包用户之间的直接消息传递以及来自应用程序的链上和链下事件的推送通知。近日宣布完成 1100 万美元 A 轮融资,Union Square Ventures 和 1kx 共同领投,Coinbase Ventures、Semantic Ventures、Zerion 等机构参投, Alex Svanevik、Eric Conner、Arjun Bhuptani、Viktor Bunin、Mara Schmiedt、Anna Rose 和 Ajit Tripathi 等天使投资人也参与了该轮融资。

WalletConnect was established in 2018 and is now integrated with more than 100 wallets and 200 applications. The project is also developing a multi-agreement messaging network involving direct messaging between wallet users as well as notification of chain- and chain-based events from applications. The recent announcement of the completion of a $11 million A round of financing, co-directed by Union Square Ventures and 1 kx, with the participation of angels such as Coinbase Ventures, Semantic Ventures, Zerion and others, with the participation of Alex Svanevik, Eric Conner, Arjun Bhuptani, Viktor Bunin, Mara Schmidt, Anna Rose and Ajit Tripathi.

2. UNXD获得400万美元战略投资

2. UNXD secured $4 million in strategic investments/span>

UNXD是一个元宇宙时尚数字奢侈品和文化市场,致力于为收藏家提供这些具有重要文化意义的作品的最佳物品和体验。近日宣布完成 400 万美元融资,Animoca Brands、Polygon Studios 和 Red DAO 参投。

UNXD is a meta-cosm digital luxury and cultural market dedicated to providing collectors with the best items and experiences of these culturally significant works. Recently, $4 million in financing has been announced, with the participation of Animoca Brands, Polygon Studios and Red DAO.

3. Blockmetrix获得4300万美元B轮融资

3. Blockmetrix gets $43 million in round B finance /span>


Blockmetrix is a bitcoin company dedicated to bringing the highest degree of professionalism to the crypto-mining industry.

4. Cega获得430万美元种子轮融资

4. < strong>Cega received $4.3 million in seed rotation finance

Cega是一个DeFi衍生品协议,Cega计划开发多种类型的奇异衍生品,第一个产品将是固定利率票据,为投资者提供了优越的收益率、下行保护和复合回报。近日宣布完成 430 万美元种子轮融资,由 Dragonfly Capital Partners 领投,Pantera Capital、Coinbase Ventures、Alameda Research、Solana Ventures 等参投,估值为 6000 万美元。

Cega is a deFi derivative agreement that plans to develop several types of odd derivatives, the first product of which will be a fixed-interest-rate instrument providing investors with an excellent rate of return, downside protection and compound return. Recently, $4.3 million in seed rotation financing was announced to be completed, led by Dragonfly Capital Partners, Pantera Capital, Coinbase Ventures, Alameda Research, Solana Ventures, etc., valued at $60 million.

5. EthSign获得1200万美元种子轮融资

5. EthSign gets $12 million in seed rotation finance /span >

EthSign是一家去中心化电子协议签约平台,即将在最新版本的 EthSign上 部署几条兼容 EVM 的区块链主网。近日宣布完成 1200 万美元种子轮融资,红杉风险投资的三个部门红杉资本、红杉资本印度和红杉资本中国都支持了该轮融资,红杉资本印度与 Mirana Ventures 共同领投,Amber Group、Circle Ventures、NGC Ventures、HashKey Group、Matrixport 以及天使投资人 Balaji Srinivasan、Tegan Kline (The Graph)、Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon)、Sid Powell (Maple Finance)和 Thomas Vu (Riot Games)等参投。

EthSign is a decentralised e-agreement signing platform for several EVM-compatible grids to be deployed on the latest version of EthSign. A recent announcement has been made for the completion of $12 million in seed rotation finance, which is supported by three sectors of Redwood venture capital, Redwood capital India and Redwood capital China, where Redwood capital India and Mirana Ventures are co-directed, Amber Group, Circle Ventures, NGC Ventures, HashKey Group, Matrixport and Angel investor Balaji Srinivasan, Tegan Kline (The Graph), Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon), Sid Powell (Maple Finance) and Thomas Vuit Game (Root Games) .

6. Canza Finance获得327万美元种子轮融资

6. < strong > Canza Finance received $3.27 million in seed rotation finance /span >

Canza是一家新兴银行服务商,专注于构建一个非机构的金融体系,能够依靠去中心化金融和金融货币市场网络,提供货币交易及资产管理等服务,致力于为用户提供相关的金融银行解决方案。近日宣布完成 327 万美元种子轮融资,本轮融资由分布式资本领投,Dominance Ventures、Bixin Ventures、ConsenSys Mesh、Protocol Labs、Emurgo Ventures、MEXC Global、NGC Ventures、XanPool、HashKey、Celo 创始人参投。

Canza is an emerging banking service provider that focuses on building an uninstitutionalized financial system capable of providing users with relevant financial banking solutions through services such as decentralised financial and financial currency market networks, currency transactions and asset management. Recently, $3.27 million in seed-cycle financing has been announced, with distributed capital as the founder of the current round, Dominic Ventures, Bixin Ventures, ConsenSys Mesh, Protocol Labs, Emurgo Ventures, MEXC Global, NGC Ventures, XanPool, HashKey, Celo.

7. CityMall获得7500万美元C轮融资

7. CityMall gets $75 million for round C /span >

CityMall是印度的一家社交电子商务平台,通过WhatsApp上的点对点(peer-to-peer)推荐销售生活方式和策划产品。近日宣布已经筹集了7500万美元,由Norwest Venture Partners牵头,Norwest Capital、Citius Fund、Jungle Venture、Elevation Capital、AM Holding、General catalyst、Waterbridge Ventures和Accel参投。

CityMall is a social e-commerce platform in India that recommends the sale of lifestyles and planned products through a peer-to-peer on WhatsApp. Recently it was announced that $75 million has been raised, led by Norwest Venture Partners, North Capital, Citius Fund, June Venture, Elevation Capital, AM Holding, General Datalyst, Waterbridge Ventures and Accel.

8. Forma获得4000万美元B轮融资

8. Forma received $40 million in round B finance /span >

Forma是一家员工福利平台提供商,帮助企业人力资源团队解决与远程和混合工作环境有关的首要挑战,并为员工提供10倍的体验。员工可以通过直观的界面直接访问所有可用的福利选项。通过精心挑选的供应商来支付福利津贴,这些供应商提供首选价格,无需报销,从而节省时间和金钱。近日宣布在B轮融资中筹集了4000万美元。本轮融资由Ribbit Capital领投,Forma的所有现有投资者都参与了本轮融资,包括Emerge Capital,Stripe,Designer Fund,Upside Partnership和AngelPad。

Forma is a staff welfare platform provider that helps corporate human resources teams to address the top challenges associated with remote and mixed work environments and provides 10 times as many experience as employees. Employees can directly access all available benefits options through visual interfaces. Welfare benefits are paid through carefully selected suppliers, which provide a preferred price without reimbursement, thus saving time and money. Recently it was announced that $40 million was raised in B-round financing. This round of financing was financed by Ribbit Capital, and all existing investors in Forma were involved in the round, including Emerge Capital, Skip, Designer Fund, UPSide Partnership and AngelPad.

9. AngelList完成1亿美元融资,Tiger Global领投

9. AngelList completes $100 million in financing, and Tiger Global projects /span>

AngelList是一家专门连接早期创业企业和投资者的融资平台和社交网络。公司宣布已以 40 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元融资,Tiger Global 领投,Accomplice 等参投。AngelList Venture 还将面向过去 12 个月在平台上进行投资的普通合伙人(GP)开放社区轮融资。

AngelList is a financing platform and social networking network dedicated to connecting early start-ups and investors. The company has announced that it has completed $100 million worth of financing with a $4 billion valuation, Tiger Global, and other contributions such as Accomplice. AngelListVenture will also open community revolving finance to ordinary partners (GP) who have invested in the platform over the past 12 months.

10. Ascenders获得640万美元战略投资

10. Ascenders received $6.4 million in strategic investments /span>

Ascenders是一家3A级动作类RPG链游服务商,专注于从事动作角色扮演游戏,具有完全去中心化、玩家驱动的经济,玩家可以在数字资产上建造城市,包括武器、盔甲、英雄、皮肤、资源、动物伙伴等。近日宣布完成640万美元私募融资,Paramount Capital、Three Arrows Capital、Sino Global Capital、Merit Circle联合领投,DeFiance Capital、Blizzard Fund、Colony Labs、GuildFi、Momentum 6、Forward Analytics、Avocado Guild、ZeePrime、Snack Club、Layer X、Mintable等参投。

Ascenders is a 3A action class RPG chain service provider focused on action role-playing, with a fully decentralised, player-driven economy where players can build cities on digital assets, including weapons, armor, heroes, skin, resources, animal partners, etc., recently announced the completion of $6.4 million in private fund-raising, Paramount Capital, TeleArrows Capital, Sino Global Capital, Merit Circle, DeFiance Capital, Blazzard Fund, Clonny Labs, Guid Fi, Momentum 6, Forward Analytics, Avocado Guild, ZeePrime, Snick Club, Layer X, Mentable, etc.

11. KurateDAO获得685万美元种子轮融资

11. KurateDAO received $6.85 million in seed rotation finance /span >

KurateDAO是一个Web3内容数据库,基于以太坊运行,与Web 3应用程序和其他众包的在线信息中心合作,如音乐策划和就业公告板网站。近日宣布完成685万美元种子轮融资,由Polychain Capital领投。

KurateDAO is a Web3 content database based on the operation of the Etheria, working with Web3 applications and other crowdsourced online information centres, such as the Music Planning and Employment Bulletin Board website. Recently, $6.85 million in seed rotation financing has been announced for investment by Polychain Capital.

12. Kado获得540万美元种子轮融资

12. Kado received $5.4 million in seed rotation finance /span>

Kado是一家稳定币支付基础设施提供商,专注于通过创建让用户更容易消费和使用的产品来支持Terra的UST稳定币生态系统。近日宣布完成540万美元种子轮融资,Hashed 领投,R ace Capital、Circle Ventures、Collab+Currency、Republic Capital、PrimeBlock Ventures、0xVentures、T&G Ventures、Skyvision Capital、Lunatic Capital、Contango Digital、TPS Capital 和包括 Blockworks 联合创始人 Jason Yanowitz 在内的一些天使投资人参投。

Kado is a stable currency payment infrastructure provider that focuses on supporting the UTS ecosystem in Terra by creating products that make it easier for users to consume and use. Recently, $5.4 million in seed rotation finance has been announced, with Hasshed taking the lead, Race Capital, Circle Ventures, Collab+Currence, Republic Capital, PrimeBlock Ventures, 0xVentures, T&G Ventures, Skyvision Capital, Lunatic Capital, Continental Digital, TTP Capital and a number of angel investors, including Blockworks co-founders Jason Yanowitz.

13. Rocket Health获得500万美元A轮融资

13. Rocket Health gets $5 million in round A finance /span>

Rocket Health是一家乌干达医疗科技研发商,致力于在非洲推广远程医疗,提供在线医疗咨询、样本上门采集和药品配送等服务。也为无法连接互联网的用户提供USSD服务。近期宣布获得500万美元的A轮融资,由Mulliez家族支持的投资公司Creadev领投,非洲早期项目投资者Grenfell Holdings、LoftyInc Capital Management跟投。

Rocket Health is a Ugandan medical science and technology researcher dedicated to the promotion of telemedicine in Africa, providing online medical counselling, sample house-to-door collection and drug distribution services. USSD services are also available for users who cannot access the Internet. A round of $5 million has recently been announced, led by Creadev, an investment company supported by the Mulliez family, and an early African project investor, Grenfell Holdings, LoftyInc Capital Management.

14. Calico AI获得210万美元种子轮融资

14. Calico AI received $2.1 million in seed rotation finance /span>

Calico AI是一家加拿大服装行业供应链管理提供商,面向服装行业品牌商与供应商用户提供服务,帮助品牌商进行服装生产的全程供应链管理包括服装设计、服装制造等。日前完成了210万美元的种子轮融资,由 Serena Williams 领投,Maple VC、Inovia Capital、Hyphen Capital 和众多行业天使参投。

Calico AI is a Canadian supplier of supply chain management for the garment industry, providing services to branders and suppliers, and helping branders in the entire supply chain management of clothing production, including clothing design, clothing manufacturing, etc.

15. Serve Robotics获得1000万美元战略投资

15. Serve Robotics secured $10 million in strategic investments /span>

Serve Robotics是一家美国自动驾驶送货机器人研发商,主要进行机器人的设计、开发和运营零排放漫游车,可为食品领域提供配送服务。近日,芯片制造巨头Nvidia正在向Uber分拆出来的Serve Robotics投资1000万美元。

Serve Robotics is a U.S. autopilot robotic researcher, mainly for the design, development and operation of zero-emission cruisers, which can provide distribution services in the field of food. Recently, Nvidia, a chip-making giant, is investing $10 million in Server Robotics, which was split out of Uber.

16. Quintessence获得C轮融资

16. Quintesse gets round C /span >

Quintessence是澳大利亚一家量子网络安全解决方案提供商,开发了一套数据安全技术、产品和解决方案,以保护传输中的数字信息。近日宣布获得C轮融资,由Chevron Technology Ventures投资。

Quintsence, an Australian provider of quantum network security solutions, has developed a set of data security technologies, products and solutions to protect digital information in transmission.

17. Wildflower获得2600万美元战略投资

17. Wildflower gets $26 million in strategic investments /span>

Wildflower是一家家庭医疗护理服务提供商,主要服务于女性及老幼人群。通过打破提供者、支付者和一流合作伙伴之间的隔阂,将妇女和家庭连接到更好的护理中。支持整个生态系统——提供者、支付者、家庭——提供临床综合解决方案,旨在推进更有效、更高效的护理,以及为其提供动力的支付模式。近日宣布获得2600万美元战略投资,TT Capital Partners领投,Echo Health Ventures、Hatteras Venture Partners、Health Enterprise Partners、Providence Ventures参投。

Wildflower is a family medical care service provider, serving mainly women and young and old. Women and families are connected to better care by breaking the gap between providers, payers and first-class partners. Supports the entire ecosystem — providers, payers, families — provide comprehensive clinical solutions aimed at promoting more effective and efficient care and providing a motivated mode of payment. Recently, $26 million in strategic investment was announced, led by T Capital Partners, Echo Health Products, Hates Venture Partners, Health Enterprise Partners, Production Partners.

18. Selfbook获得1500万美元A轮融资

18. Selfbook gets $15 million in round A finance /span>

Selfbook是一家酒店支付平台研发商,旨在帮助用户无缝、安全地支付酒店预订费用。该其平台使酒店能够接受一键式支付,支持所有全球信用卡和借记卡品牌以及数字钱包和替代支付方式。Selfbook 消除了直接预订的障碍,使酒店业能够通过轻松连接所有现有预订系统来推动更好的转换、捕获移动预订、增加收入和统一支付流程。近日已经完成了1500万美元的A轮融资,投后估值为3亿美元。新的战略投资者JAWS Estates Capital——酒店经营者Barry Sternlicht的家族办公室——也对扩张项目进行了投资。

Selfbook is a hotel payout platform researcher designed to help users pay hotel bookings seamlessly and safely. The platform enables hotels to accept one-key payments, supporting all global credit and debit card brands, digital wallets and alternative payment methods. Selfbook removes barriers to direct bookings, enabling the hotel industry to facilitate better conversions, capture mobile bookings, increase revenue and harmonize payment processes by easily connecting all existing booking systems.

19. ULab获得战略投资,松柏资本投资

19. Ulab gets strategic investments, pine capital investments /span>

uLab Systems是一家美国牙齿矫正医疗服务提供商,该公司主要提供数字治疗计划及矫正器产品uDesign 6.0,可一键式支架移除,致力于为其患者提供数字医疗服务。近日松柏投资宣布战略投资北美ULab。

uLab Systems is an American dental orthotic medical service provider that provides digital therapy plans and orthotic products uDesign 6.0, which can be removed from a single-key staircase and is committed to providing digital health care for its patients.

20. orthobrain获得战略投资,松柏资本投资

20. orthobrain gets strategic investments, pine capital investments /span>

Orthobrain是一家美国牙科正畸护理服务商,帮助牙医和牙科服务机构提供正畸护理培训以及整体解决方案。近日获松柏投资战略投资,用于建设一站式正畸临床支持平台。 返回搜狐,查看更多

Orthobrain is a dental or malformation service provider in the United States that helps dental and dental services to provide training and holistic solutions for positive malformation care. Recently received a strategic investment in pinetic investment to build a one-stop orthopaedic clinical support platform.



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