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原创 庄建林 健康防护林

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The last time I spoke with the United Kingdom about the group’s immunization strategy, there was no time to write when there was no day or night for a line of defense, and the heat of the days of discussion in the group decided to write its own opinion. If anything, please advise.

1.什么是herd immunity (群体免疫力)?

1. What is herd immunity?


Within a specific population group, the proportion of the population with immunity from a certain infectious disease (%, percentage) is referred to as group immunity.

有别于个体的免疫力,这种群体中有免疫力的人群对同一人群中无免疫力人群的间接保护被定义为群体保护效应(herd effect)。

Unlike individual immunity, the indirect protection of the immunised population in this group against the immunised population in the same group is defined as the protective effect of the group (herd effect).


It is commonplace to say that a large part of a group of people is immune, that, even when infectious diseases occur, their spread is limited and does not easily lead to outbreaks, and that even if a small part of the population is immune, they are “protected” by the fact that the issue of probability of exposure is not contagious.

参考文献:CatherineJ. Luke, ... Kanta Subbarao, in Vaccines(Sixth Edition), 2013.



2. Where does immunity come from?

(1) 宝宝从妈妈体内先天性获得的(持续时间不长,且你得确保妈妈体内有一定的抗体水平);

(1) Progenitally acquired by the baby from the mother (for a short period of time, and you have to ensure that there is a certain antibody level in the mother);

(2) 自然感染(相当于“野生”的感染,抗体水平高,持续时间长,代价是不确定感染后是否能够活下来,以及各种并发症,后遗症);

(ii) Natural infections (equivalent to “breeding” infections, high antibody levels, long duration at the cost of uncertainty as to whether the infection will survive, as well as complications, after-effects);

(3) 疫苗(相当于“人工养殖”的感染,通常获得的抗体水平不如自然感染那么高且持久,但一般也达到保护水平;目前对付传染病普遍使用的方法,虽然有极少部分人发生接种后不良反应,但是从群体角度测算比自然感染的危害要低的多);

(3) Vaccines (the level of antibodies generally obtained is not as high and sustainable as the level of natural infections, but generally the level of protection; the methods currently used to deal with infectious diseases are much lower than the harm of natural infections from a group perspective, although very few people suffer adverse post-inoculation effects);

(4) 注射免疫球蛋白(相当于直接补充进人体的,短平快,但不适合大规模使用)等。

(4) Injection of immunoglobin (equivalent to direct addition to the human body, short and flat, but not suitable for large-scale use), etc.


In all four cases, vaccines are a more reliable means of building group immunity. But only if you have enough safe and effective vaccines.



3. How much mass immunity is needed to stop the new coronary virus epidemic?


Remember R0? Basic transmission is the average number of people who are infected with an infectious disease in natural situations. Obviously, the higher R0 is, the more powerful it is, the higher it is for the group to be immune.


参考文献:D. Reid, D. Goldberg,in MedicalMicrobiology (Eighteenth Edition), 2012



4. Can we now implement a group immunization strategy?


A friend asked me if most people in our country are immune now, and when we get infected abroad, we're in danger. So, can we implement a group immunization strategy?


When we go back to question 2, the time has not yet come to implement group immunization, because method 3-vaccination is not yet available. If method 1-4 is not taken into account, let us look at method 2, can we in theory construct a population immune barrier by way of a precise classification of natural infections (both high-risk and non-high-risk populations)?


Now that we are talking on paper, let us simply deduce the situation of our country itself.


(1) On the assumption that two-thirds of the group's immune capacity can stop the epidemic (not interrupt the outbreak), on the assumption that 50% of the unsymptomatic infections + 40% of minor disorders, rehabilitation after home or outpatient treatment + 9% of hospital treatment + 1% of deaths. This is a fraction of the whole population, what is the concept of 1% of deaths?


(2) At the end of 2018, the proportion of older persons aged 60 years or over was close to 250 million, or 17.9 per cent of the total population, and in some major cities, such as Shanghai, it has already reached about a third. If basic diseases (obese, hypertension, etc.) are counted as more than a third of the population at high risk, what happens?


(3) There are three generations of family structures in the country, and where the concentrated transmission of sexually transmitted infections is the primary cause of the new conglomerate of sexually transmitted diseases, so how do you stop transmission within the family (there are also high-risk and non-high-risk groups in the home)?


(4) Although children are mainly affected by mild illness after infection, the shortage of paediatricians and the scarcity of resources in our country is a clear problem, and parents who are in line at several major paediatric clinics in Shanghai every year after the onset of the flu season have had more say.


What is the concept of (5) 9 per cent hospitalization? Even if we assume that these people are not hospitalized, just come to the hospital with a drug and a person in five minutes would be enough to collapse existing medical resources.


Thus, in the hope of achieving mass immunization through natural infections, vaccines are now the necessary route to creating mass immunization unless the virulence of the new coronary virus is significantly reduced and the virulence is reduced to a level similar to seasonal influenza.


A sero-epidemiological survey at the national level has been gradually deployed, and we can then look at the immunization of populations in different regions through infection in areas beyond the north and the north of the lake.



Is there a group immunization strategy in place abroad?


Each country, depending on the local context, takes preventive measures, and because the information it receives is incomplete, it cannot comment on it. As for the preventive effect, it can be compared between the number of confirmed cases (new, cumulative) issued by WHO, the number of serious cases, and the number of deaths.


Traditional methods of control and control of infectious diseases are control of the source of infection (segregated treatment of cases), cutting of transmission routes (face masks, ventilation, hand washing, maintaining social distance), protection of vulnerable populations (vaccination, preventive medication, etc.). Natural infections are not included.


Without a vaccine, if you want to get a high level of immune barriers, you can refer to question 4.

在一些传染病,到底自然感染好和疫苗接种好的问题上,国外的一部分家长更倾向于自然感染,因为他们觉得“野生”的抗体更可靠。最典型的就是“水痘聚会 chickenpox party”,顾名思义,就是一个小朋友生水痘了,邀请其他小朋友来参加party,从而感染获得免疫力。

In some cases of infectious diseases, natural infections and vaccinations, some parents abroad prefer natural infections, because they feel that the antibodies of the “breeding” are more reliable. The most typical is “chickenpox party,” which, by definition, is a small friend who gives birth to a pox and invites other small friends to join the party, thereby infecting them with immunity.


Unfortunately, since the new crown is not a pox and most people end up itching two weeks after a childhood infection, the question of whether or not this method will be applied is well known.



6. Do you need a vaccine to deal with the new coronary virus pneumonia?


Vaccines, or special effects, one can do it.

详见《新冠笔记11 我们能消灭新冠病毒吗?》。

For more details, New Crown Note 11, can we get rid of the new crown virus?


Articles link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/icMDE2OZ1LY9GJVBjVxEw



What if the new coronary virus is RNA?


This fear is very professional, and the RNA virus is more likely to change than the DNA virus. The flu virus that we used to have, and the non-viral virus, have changed faster. What should we do?


First, significant changes in the new coronary virus have not yet been monitored.


Secondly, if the new coronary virus produces a mutation similar to the influenza virus, it will need to move from an immunization strategy to a vaccination campaign.


Furthermore, if new sub-types are produced, the same rationale is applied to other vaccines, considering multi-priced vaccines.


Precondition: A vaccine that can prevent the current strain must first be developed. Fear of a change in the strain does not make current vaccine development meaningless.



8. What is the use of group immunity for us?


Of course it works.


The epidemic is more than just a new coronary virus pneumonia, and we have a lot of mature vaccines at our disposal. For kids, because of the delays in vaccination caused by the epidemic, it can be met and replaced as the epidemic stabilizes in the country.


In the case of older persons, the welfare of older persons over 60 years of age in Shanghai: free 23-priced pneumonia vaccine can also be considered and grown.


Among adults, the hepatitis B vaccine, the measles-rubella-mumella vaccine, the influenza vaccine, the HPV vaccine, the herpe belt vaccine, etc., are recommended for vaccination and can be taken into account by populations at risk.


There's a lot of "group immunity" coming from a wide range of vaccinations.


[This paper was updated on April 8, 2020, and as the epidemic and research progresses, the knowledge points may change, so please remain focused. This picture is taken from the web and the annotated reference, not original.]

总顾问:姜庆五教授 医学顾问:长宁区疾控中心 赵文穗主任医师 蔡恩茂主任医师 汤泓副主任医师

General Counsel: Prof. Kang Kyung-woo, Medical Adviser: Dr. Jo Wen-ho, Director of the Changning District CDC, Dr. Choi En-moo, Deputy Director Tom.

IT技术支持:上海悦米信息技术有限公司 医学内容:庄建林名医工作室 编辑:张展 高慧

IT technical support: Shanghai Happiness Information Technology Co. Ltd. Medical content: Mansion Forest Clinic Editor: Zhang Xuan Goe-hyeok


*Project funding: This document is funded by the Shanghai City Council for Science and Technology (SCSTC) project (project No. 18dz 23007000)


Public Health Security Project of the Health and Family Planning Committee of the Changning District (2017)


4th Round (2018-2020) Innovation Team (back-up) (Research and Development Team for Infectious Disease Control and Control based on Artificial Intelligence and the original IP System)


Drangning District Medical Specialist: Acute Communicable Diseases Prevention Unit (According Communicable Disease Surveillance and Control in Schools)


Original title: Immunization of the Convergence Group.



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