经济学人全球早报:美22州起诉特朗普,哪吒将在北美上映,苹果9月10号发布iPhone 11

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力阻美国政府放宽对燃煤电厂限制 22州联合起诉特朗普政府

has prevented the U.S. government from easing restrictions on coal-fired power plants by co-indicting the Trump government in 22 states.

由美国22个州组成的联盟在联邦上诉法庭上对特朗普政府提起诉讼,试图阻止当局政府放宽对燃煤电厂限制的决定。今年6月,为取代奥巴马政府提出的“清洁能源计划”( Clean Energy Plan),美国环境保护局(EPA)应特朗普政府要求重新制定了“可负担清洁能源计划”( Affordable Clean Energy Plan)。这一计划实现了特朗普总统竞选时推翻“清洁能源计划”的承诺,也与其退出全球应对气候变化的行动相吻合。对此,22个由民主党主导的州的总检察长提起诉讼,要求上诉法庭委员会对该政策进行审查。

A coalition of 22 states of the United States sued the Trump government at the Federal Court of Appeal, seeking to prevent the authorities from easing their decision to restrict coal-fired power plants. In June this year, “ Clean Energy Plan & & rdquo; Clean Energy Plan, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at the request of the Trump government, re-established & ldquo; Affordable Clean Energy Programme & & rdquo; Affordable Clear Energy Plan, which overthrew & & & & & & rdquao; Clean Energy Plan; and its commitment to withdraw from the global response to climate change.

票房破38亿!《哪吒之魔童降世》将登陆北美 具体时间未定

"Strong" tickets broke 3.8 billion dollars! "The Death of the Devil" will land in North America at an unspecified time.


As of August 15, at 18:23:36, the ticket house had broken by $3.8 billion, the fourth in China’s history book. The American film company WellGo announced yesterday that it had been confirmed that it would be shown in North America. The official of The World confirmed the news and said: & ldquo; on board the windmill, far further away. Little partners in North America, the master is coming to see you! & & rdquo; however, it is not yet clear exactly when and how it will be shown in North America.

苹果或9月10号发布iPhone 11

Apple or launch iPhone 11 on September 10th

8月16日,苹果发布了最新的iOS 13开发测试版7。同样还是针对BUG进行修复并且提供开发者进行测试与App适配。国外网站iHELP BR在测试版中发现了一个截图,截图的名字叫做HoldForRelease,等待发布。而里面的日历的日期就是9月10号。跟之前的预测判断相吻合,那iPhone 11的发布会大概率应该就是在美国时间9月10号发布了。新的iPhone 11 Pro发布会应该会在中国时间9月11号凌晨1点开始。

On August 16, Apple released its latest iOS 13 development test version 7. The same thing is to fix BUG and provide developers with tests that match App. In the test version, the foreign site iHEP BR found a screenshot, the name of which is HoldForRelease, awaiting release. The calendar is dated September 10th. Consistent with previous predictions, the release of iPhone 11 should probably be released on September 10th. The new iPhone 11 Pro launch should start at 1 a.m. on September 11th, Chinese time.



2 billion full cash acquisition network of Alibaba


According to sources close to the transaction, the transaction between Alibaba’s acquisition network, Icoola, has been identified for $2 billion, but the details are not confirmed and are still at the negotiation stage. Alibaba will be paid in full cash, and there will be other forms of cooperation and transactions between the parties in the future.


Ali response & ldquao; deferment of IPO & rdquao in Hong Kong; no comment on market rumours


According to the New York Post, Alibaba Group is considering postponing IPOs in Hong Kong, and Alibaba responded to 36 kryptons and said that it did not comment on market rumours. On 13 June, according to a quote from Bombo, the Alibaba Group had submitted privately to Hong Kong for listing with a maximum circulation of $20 billion, although Alibaba had not yet finalized funding targets.


Ali received $11,49.24 million in the first quarter of the fiscal year 2020, an increase of 42 per cent over the same period


On 15 August, the Alibaba Group announced its quarterly performance as at 30 June 2019, opening a new fiscal year with sustained strong growth. This quarter, the Alibaba Group earned $11,49.24 billion, an increase of 42 per cent, compared with the adjusted EBITDA, an increase of 34 per cent.


In terms of the number of users, the number of mobile monthly active users of the Alibaba retail platform amounted to 755 million, an increase of 34 million from the previous quarter, and 56 million from 1 January 2019 to the present half-yearly.


On the various lines of operation, the Ali Core Electric Company received $99,544 million in net profits of $35,549 million; cloud computing earned $7,787 million, with a loss of $1,509 million, at a loss of 5 per cent; recreation earned $6,311.2 million, at a loss of $3,159 million; and innovation earned $1,281 million, at a loss of $3 billion.


The first 5G is officially sold today at 10 o'clock for $6,199.

根据华为终端官方消息,其在国内首款5G手机Mate 20 X 5G版将于今日10点正式发售,售价是6199元。据华为“心声社区”此前披露,截至8月15日中午12点,目前唯一支持SA/NSA的5G双模手机华为Mate 20 X 5G版预约量突破100万(台)。

According to Chinese terminal official news, its first 5G mobile phone, Mate 20 X 5G, will be officially launched today at 10 o'clock, at a sale price of $6,199. According to Chinese & ldquo; community & rdquo; as previously disclosed, the only 5G two-model mobile phone that supported SA/NSA was currently at 12 pm on 15 August, with an appointment of 1 million copies of Mate 20 X 5G.


Associated Chairman Wang Xiaochu: Minimum $190 connection 5G functional package with differential pricing in the future


At China Connect's mid-term performance launch in 2019, the President and Chief Executive Officer of China Connect, Wang Xiaochu, stated that the 5G functional package currently introduced by Connect would cost a minimum of 190 yuan and that, in the long term, pricing would be sought based on differences in the quality and speed of users.


Post a new game number: >. >.


On 15 August, according to the official website of the former General Directorate of State Press and Publications, a total of 43 new games have been released, with the approval date of 15 August, as well as the approval of such games as " Dossy ", " Yoo-yang Master: A Billboard ", a company of Chengdu Lungbu Network Technology Ltd., etc.


We're autonomously developing the maximum diameter shield in Shenzhen


In recent days, our country has developed the largest-scale mud-shield unit & ldquo; Spring Wind & rdquo; officially launched in the Shenzhen Spring Wind tunnel. The device is the largest-scale mud-water equilibrium shield unit ever designed and built autonomously in the country, and its design and manufacturing techniques are at the world's best. As described, “ Spring Wind & rdquao; total power of more than 1.15 kW, compared to & & ldquao; Renouveau & & rdquao; the total pull power of high iron is 10 per cent higher, with a push of up to 2.46 million tons, the country's largest current launch vehicle & ldquao; Long 5 & rdquao; about 24 times.


Soning buy-back: proposed to buy back shares of $1 billion to $2 billion for the Stakeholder Scheme

苏宁易购公告称,拟以10亿-20亿元回购股份,回购价格不超过15元/股,回购股份比例约占公司总股本的 1.43%,本次回购股份用于员工持股计划或者股权激励。

The Sunning Repurchase Proclamation states that it is proposed to buy back shares of $1 billion to $2 billion, at a purchase price not exceeding $15 per share, and that the share buy back represents about 1.43 per cent of the company's total equity, and this repurchase is used for employee holding schemes or equity incentives.


Strategic Co-operation between Science and Technology and the University of Narizhen, Thailand


On August 15, Viagra announced a strategic collaboration with the University of Narizen, Thailand, which will provide a block-link solution to more than 490 medical institutions managed by the University of Narizen, Thailand. Both sides will provide comprehensive medical history references to doctors in hospitals in remote areas of Thailand through case information chaining, information interconnections and retrospectives while protecting patient privacy.


Beijing will allow foreign capital to provide online audio-visual programming services

8 月 15 日,北京市公布服务业扩大开放综合试点重点领域开放改革三年行动计划。互联网信息领域三年行动计划推出 16 项开放改革措施。 今年年底前,北京将推动开放互联网游戏、视频和图书等互联网内容运营业务外资准入条件,探索在北京试点开放区域,突破现有政策,允许外资在满足内容监管和数据安全的前提下,提供网络游戏下载和网络视听节目服务。

On August 15, Beijing announced a three-year action plan for the expansion of the services sector’s comprehensive pilot area of open-door reform. The three-year action plan for Internet information launched 16 open-door reforms.


Speculators respond to & ldquao; the communauté is suspended & rdquao; and will be placed on the cellular platform at vivo and OPPO


In response to the ban on Microsoft Microice, the Vice-President of Microsoft (Asia) Internet Engineering and Head of Little Ice, Li Ding, said: & ldquo; that the ban on micro-envelopes had no effect on small ice, and that the small ice project was still under way, and that the two sides would announce their cooperation.


In addition, Microsoft Vice-President Shen announced to the Ocean that Microsoft Ice would be officially installed on the Vivo and OPPO mobile phone platforms at the seven-generation launch of the Ice Age. In addition, he said that, in terms of content, it had added the headlines of the day, based on keeping news of the new wave and online news, and that it was now connected to 450 million third-party devices.


Samsung video service will be officially closed on 31 December 2019


The three-star video team issued an announcement that, due to business adjustments, the three-star video service would be officially closed on 31 December 2019 and that the user would be able to perform & ldquao at client alerts before the service was officially closed; & & & & rdquao, & strapped and the original VIP rights would not be affected.


<p><strong>宝马在美国推出无线充电试点项目</strong></p><p>The BMW launched the Wireless Charging Pilot Project in the U.S.</p>
<p>近日,宝马宣布将在美国加州推出无线充电试点项目。据悉,这套无线感应充电系统由位于车辆底盘的CarPad充电模块,以及安装在地上的GroundPad充电设备组成。这套系统的充电功率为3.2kW,为本试点项目所定制打造的宝马新5系插电混车型可在3.5小时内充满电。</p><p>Recently, BMW announced that it would launch a wireless charging pilot project in California. It is known that the wireless sensor charge system consists of the CarPad charger module, which is located on the vehicle chassis, and the GroundPad charger, which is installed on the ground.</p>
<p><strong>Twitter测试新功能:利用机器学习技术过滤不相关内容</strong></p><p><strung> Twitter test new feature: filtering irrelevant content using machine learning techniques</strong></p>
<p>Twitter表示正利用机器学习技术来过滤一些不相关的内容, 以便用户关注特定主题,并查看高质量的帖子。Twitter产品主管凯文·贝克普尔称,Twitter的Android App的一些用户已经在测试这项新功能,并将在今年年底向所有用户发布。</p><p>Twitter has indicated that it is using machine learning techniques to filter off unrelated content so that users can focus on specific topics and view high-quality posts. Kevin & Middot, the head of Twitter products; and Beckpur says that some of the users of Android App on Twitter are already testing this new feature and will be available to all users by the end of this year.</p>
<p><strong>美第三台E级超算“酋长岩”竞标结果出炉,克雷公司包揽政府全部E级超算合同</strong></p><p><strong> Third United States Class E Super & ldquao; Chief Rock & rdquao; bid results, all government Level E Super Contract </strang ></p>
<p>美国能源部国家核安全管理局(NNSA)13日宣布,与克雷公司签署价值6亿美元的合同,以建造该局首台E级(百亿亿次)超算系统“酋长岩”。克雷至此成为美E级超算研制的最大赢家,包揽了政府全部3台E级超算合同,合同总价高达17亿美元。“酋长岩”预计于2022年底交付,其浮点运算速度为每秒150亿亿次,比目前最快的超算快7倍。</p><p>The National Nuclear Safety Administration (NSA) of the United States Department of Energy announced on 13 a $600 million contract with Cray to build its first class E super-counting system & ldquo; Chief Rock & rdquo; and Cray became the biggest winner of the US-E super-calculus development, with a total contract value of $1.7 billion. & ldquo; Chief Rock & rdquo; expected to be delivered by the end of 2022 at a rate of 15 billion times per second, seven times faster than the current fastest.</p>
<p><strong>苹果起诉创业公司Corellium:未经许可复制iOS</strong></p><p><strong> Apple v. Corporate: Unauthorized copy of iOS</strong></p>
<p>苹果指控创业公司Corellium以帮助发现安全漏洞为幌子非法出售iOS操作系统的虚拟副本。在周四于佛罗里达州西棕榈滩提起的侵权诉讼中,苹果表示软件公司Corellium未经许可复制其操作系统、图形用户界面和设备的其他方面,并希望联邦法官禁止这种侵权行为。</p><p>Apple accused the business firm Corellium of illegally selling a virtual copy of the iOS operating system under the guise of helping to detect a security gap. In a tort suit filed on Thursday at West Palm Beach, Florida, Apple indicated that the software company Corellium copied its operating systems, graphical user interfaces, and other aspects of equipment without permission, and hoped that federal judges would prohibit such abuses.</p>
<p><strong>迪士尼继续打破纪录,《玩具总动员4》全球票房破10亿美元</strong></p><p>Disney continues to break the record.</p>
<p>迪士尼继续打破票房纪录。该公司周四宣布,《玩具总动员4》(Toy Story 4)周三票房突破10亿美元大关,成为该公司今年第五部票房突破10亿美元的电影。《玩具总动员》系列第四部是皮克斯第四部票房达到10亿美元的电影,目前是史上票房第八高的动画电影。</p><p>Disney continues to break the ticket office record. The company announced on Thursday that Toy Story 4 had passed the $1 billion mark on Wednesday, making the company’s fifth ticket house this year a $1 billion film.</p>
<p><strong>三星电子正在美国测试如何利用5G技术提高芯片制造</strong></p><p><strong' three-star electron is testing how to use 5G technology to improve chip manufacturing in the United States </strong></p>
<p>三星电子正在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀的芯片制造厂测试5G如何加快连接速度。三星电子已经与美国电话电报公司的通信部门合作,开发一个定制的5G网络,以试验如何将该网络用于芯片制造。</p><p>Three-star electrons are testing 5G at a chip manufacturing plant in Austin, Texas, for how to speed up connectivity. Three-star electrons have developed a customized 5G network to test how to use the network for chip manufacturing, in collaboration with the communications department of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.</p>
<p><strong>智能音箱全球销量持续飙升 ,亚马逊、谷歌、百度市场份额位列前三</strong></p><p>The global sales of <strong> smartphones continue to rise, with Amazons, Google, 100% of the market in the top three </strang's]</p>
<p>8月15日消息,市场研究机构Strategy Analytics最新发布的研究报告显示,2019年Q2智能音箱的全球销量达到3030万台,同比增长95.8%,其中亚马逊(660万台)、谷歌(560万台)、百度(470万台)、阿里巴巴(430万台)、小米(340万台)、苹果(140万台)排名出货量前六。</p><p>On 15 August, according to a recent study published by the Market Research Institute, Strategy Analytics, global sales of Q2 smartphones reached 3.3 million in 2019, an increase of 95.8 per cent compared with the previous year, with Amazon (6.6 million), Google (5.6 million), 100 degrees (4.7 million), Alibaba (4.3 million), Mi (3.4 million) and Apples (1.4 million) ranking six of the highest volume.</p>
<p><img src=



People of the People's Network launched the publication of the Blue Book on Block Chain Applications


The " Blue Book on the Application of Block Chains in China " (2019) (hereinafter & ldquo; Blue Book & rdquo); a book prepared by the People's Network People's Institute for the Creation of Block Chains ", published recently by Social Science Documentation. Through extensive first-line research and data analysis, the " Blue Book " is a systematic and in-depth review of the progress of core technological innovations in the block chain, the state of industrial applications and the basic development of industry and markets in the country, taking stock of the characteristics of the application development of the block chain, the characteristics of industrial development and the challenges and development opportunities of the technology and application of the country's block chain.

区块链+宠物=高收益? 浦东网警:比特猪被立案调查

block chain + pet = high profit? Pudong Net police: Bit hog opened for investigation


Recently, the police opened a police investigation into a platform called & ldquo; Bit hog & & rdquo; and in this case, the victim, Mr. Dong Jiang Suzhou, told him that he had been dragged into an investment group and that he was taught daily by teachers to adopt “ block chains & & rdquo; virtual pets of technology & & ldquao; Bit hog & rdquo; a platform acquired 15 days later, with 28 per cent of the proceeds. Mr. Dong, after a small gain, was adopted again until the platform could not land at the end of July, and Mr. Dong discovered that he had been defrauded.


Thunderlink Together with Narizen University, Thailand, Block Chain Technical Enabling Agency 490+ Medical Institution

8月15日,国内领先的区块链平台迅雷链宣布与泰国那黎宣大学(Naresuan University )建立战略合作关系,将迅雷链先进的区块链技术应用于泰国那黎宣大学管理的490多间医疗机构。基于迅雷链的解决方案,那黎宣大学将下属医疗机构的病例信息上链,在保护病人隐私的同时进行信息互联和追溯,助力泰国健康信息系统(Health Information System,简称HIS系统)的建设。

On August 15, the country’s leading block chain platform, the Thunderlink, announced a strategic partnership with the University of Naresuan University of Thailand to apply advanced sector chain technology to more than 490 medical institutions managed by the University of Narizen in Thailand. Based on the solution of the Thunderlink, the University of Narizen links case information to medical institutions under its supervision, interconnecting and retrospective information while protecting patients’ privacy, and contributing to the construction of the Health Information System in Thailand (HIS).

挪威航空将推加密货币交易所 用数字货币做财报

Norwegian Airlines will encrypt the currency exchange to account for it in digital currency .


According to external sources, Norwegian Airlines is launching its own encrypted currency exchange & mdash; & mdash; Norwegian Air Zone Chain Exchange (NBX). Norwegian Airlines is the third largest airline in Europe.

美国国税局行动升级 又发信向加密货币用户追缴税款

The IRS has upgraded its operations and sent letters to secure currency users to collect taxes


IRS is sending a new round of letters to encrypted currency holders, in which they list the specific taxes owed by citizens.


Zhao Chang Peng: There is 1,000 times more room for escalation in the crypto-money market


In an interview with the broadcaster Felipe, the main encrypted currency exchange's currency, CEO Changpung, said that there was 1,000 times more room for the encryption market. Zhao Changpeng claimed that the currency had performed well by 2019 and that income had increased by 50 to 60% in the previous two quarters. He said that the company was currently mainly committed to building the ecosystem and application landscape for the currency.

大量抛售比特币 旁氏骗局PlusToken跑路资产异动

"Strong" sells a lot of Bitcoin.

Primitive Ventures创始人Dovey Wan(万卉)呼吁关注比特币庞氏骗局PlusToken案件,出现了大规模抛售比特币的现象。

The founder of Primitive Ventures, Dovey Wan, called attention to the case of the PlusToken scheme by Bitcoin, which saw a large-scale sale of Bitcoin.


bitcoin will either close the CME futures price gap to $8,400

加密货币分析师The Cryptomist表示,比特币填补芝加哥商品交易所(CME)期货的价格缺口只是时间问题。

The Encrypted Currency Analyst The Cryptomist stated that it was only a matter of time before Bitcoin filled the price gap for futures on the Chicago Commodity Exchange (CME).


1. 8月15日,图森未来(TuSimple)宣布获得美国快递公司UPS的投资,投资金额未透露。

2. 近日,创新型CRO平台“药研社”宣布完成C轮3亿元融资,本轮投资由钟鼎资本和红杉中国共同领投,经纬中国、元璟资本和元生资本继续跟投。

2. In recent days, the innovative CRO platform & ldquo; IDA & rdquo; announced the completion of the C round of 300 million yuan financing, with the current round of investments co-led by China, China, China, China, China, China and China.

3. 自动化分拣机器人研发商“XYZ Robotics”(星猿哲科技),已于近期近期完成由高榕资本、晨兴资本领投的800万美元A轮融资,天使轮投资人创新工场、New Wheel Capital及硅谷无人驾驶公司Aurora CTO Drew Bagnell跟投。

3. Autonomy robotic researcher & ldquo; XYZ Robotics & rdquo (Son Ape Science and Technology) recently completed a $8 million A round of financing from high capital, morning capital, the Angel Wheel Investor Innovation Field, New Wheel Capital and the Silicon Valley Unmanned Company Aurora CTO Drew Bagnell.

4. 软银向瑞士企业投资1.1亿美元,愿景基金首次投资能源。愿景基金表示,已完成对瑞士初创企业Energy Vault的1.1亿美元投资。该公司生产可再生能源存储产品。

4. Soft and Silver invested $110 million in Swiss enterprises and Vision Fund invested energy for the first time. Vision Fund stated that it had completed an investment of $110 million in the Swiss start-up Energy Vault. The company produces renewable energy storage products.

5. 专注POCT血糖检测,杭州微策生物完成数千万元新一轮融资。

5. Focusing on POCT blood sugar tests, Hangzhou microbots completed a new financing round of tens of millions of dollars.

6. 三盛教育拟收购中育贝拉不低于40%股权,拓展国际教育业务。

6. Three schools are about to acquire no less than 40 per cent of Ybera's equity to expand international education operations.

7. 偶像经纪公司好好榜样宣布完成来自三七互娱的新一轮融资,双方达成战略合作,将就未来游戏、偶像、影视等产业方向展开联动。

7. Illustrative brokerage companies have set a good example and announced the completion of a new round of financing from three or seven games, with strategic cooperation between the two sides, which will bring together the industrial directions of future games, idols, videos, etc.

8. 开创家庭科技健身方式,Fiture获红杉资本600万美金首轮融资。本次融资资金将主要用于硬件、软件及内容的研发。

8. The first round of financing of $6 million in redwood capital will be used mainly for the development of hardware, software and content.

9. 主攻高端医疗设备,深圳帧观德芯科技完成近亿元B轮融资。其已于去年正式推出全球第一台“面阵式量子计数钼靶”,接下来还将发布全球首款面阵型量子计数乳腺机、同步辐射探测器等产品。

Top-of-the-line medical equipment, deep-view German core technology has completed nearly a billion yuan B rounds of financing. It has officially launched its first global & ldquao last year; its face array Quantum & & rdquao; and it will be followed by products such as the global first Quantum Quantum mammography machine and the Synchronization Radiation Explorer.

10. 大数据智能服务提供商“富数科技”获近亿元Pre-B 轮融资,达泰资本领投。

Large data intelligence service providers & & ldquao; rich technology & & rdquao; nearly billion yuan in Pre-B round finance, with Datai capital investments.



1. 创新工场AI子公司计划2021年上市,估值10亿-20亿美元。外媒称,李开复说的这家人工智能子企业名为创新奇智公司(AInnovation),公司成立于2018年3月,为零售、制造和金融等行业的企业开发人工智能产品。

1. The Innovative Works AI subsidiary plans to be marketed in 2021, with an estimated value of $1 billion to $2 billion. According to the foreign media, the family's industrial intelligence firm, Li Kai, is known as the Innovation Wonder Corporation, which was established in March 2018 to develop artificial intelligence products for businesses in retail, manufacturing and finance industries.

2. 15日,证监会官网显示,重庆农商行通过证监会发审委审核,将成为第34家A股上市银行,同时也是全国首家“A+H”股农商行、第12家“A+H”上市银行。

On 15 September, the CVM Network indicated that Chongqing Chamber of Commerce and Industry, through the CVM-DAC, would become the 34th A stock listing bank and the country's first & ldquo; A+H” 12th & ldquo; A+H” and listed bank.

3. 玖富登陆纳斯达克IPO上市,首发价9.5美元/股。募集资金8455万美元。如果行使全部超配授权,募集金额将达到9723万美元。

The sum of $84.55 million will be raised. If you exercise the full excess authorization, the amount will be $9.723 million.

4. 众创空间鼻祖WeWork的母公司We Company周三正式提交IPO招股书,在长达350页的招股书中,中国被提到了173次。

4. The IPO offer was officially submitted on Wednesday by We Company, the parent company of the founder WeWork, China was mentioned 173 times in a 350-page offer.


1. 富时中国A50指数期货开盘涨0.27%。

1. China's A50 index began with a 0.27 per cent increase in futures.

2. 美股三大指数涨跌互现。道指涨0.4%,纳指跌0.1%,标普500指数涨0.3%。值得关注的是,美国10年期国债收益率跌至1.5%关口。消费股涨幅居前,沃尔玛涨逾6%;通用电气跌11.4%,创11年最大单日跌幅,公司被指隐瞒财务问题。

2. The three main indices of the United States stock have increased and declined. The index rises by 0.4 per cent, the index drops by 0.1 per cent, and the index rises by 0.3 per cent. It is a matter of concern that the rate of return on US public debt has fallen to 1.5 per cent over the 10-year period.

4. 热门中概股涨跌各异,财报靓丽,唯品会、阿里巴巴分别涨15.02%、2.89%;搜狐、斗鱼涨超2%,京东、新浪、微博、拼多多涨超1%;网易、蔚来跌超2%,百度跌0.53%。

4. The booms and busts in the popular stock market ranged from 15.02 per cent to 2.89 per cent in the al-Baba region and 15.02 per cent and 2.89 per cent, respectively; the search for foxes and fish to over 2 per cent, and over 1 per cent in Kyoto, Niang and Weibo; and the net and wind fell by more than 2 per cent and 0.53 per cent.

5. 日经225指数开盘下跌111.65点,跌幅0.55%,报20405.65点。韩国KOSPI指数开盘下跌15.92点,跌幅0.82%,报1938.37点。

5. The opening of the 225-day index fell by 111.65 points, or 0.55 per cent, or 20405.65 points. The opening of the Korean KOSPI index fell by 15.92 points, or 0.82 per cent, or 1938.37 points.

6. 日本10年期国债收益率跌至-0.25%,为2016年以来最低水平。

6. Japan's 10-year rate of return on its national debt fell to -0.25 per cent, the lowest since 2016.

7. 国内商品期货开盘,沪镍涨3%领涨,粳米期货今日正式上市,主力合约开盘涨1.41%,红枣、苹果涨逾1%。

7. The opening of domestic commodity futures, with a 3 per cent rise in nickel and nickel, and today's official market for rice futures, with an increase of 1.41 per cent in the opening of major contracts and more than 1 per cent in the number of dates and apples.


<p><strong>动脉介入器械每年能卖多少钱?</strong></p><p>How much do you get for an artery per year?</p>
<p><strong>前瞻产业研究员:</strong>主动脉疾病主要包括主动脉夹层和主动脉瘤。目前,我国治疗主动脉疾病的临床方案主要分为药物保守治疗、外科开放式治疗、腔内介入治疗。腔内介入治疗是近年来迅速发展起来的一门崭新临床治疗技术,采用一系列介入器械与材料和现代化数字诊疗设备进行结合的诊断与治疗操作。与传统外科开放手术相比,主动脉腔内介入治疗技术只需在患者腿部股动脉切口,将覆膜支架系统导入到病变部位后进行释放,使覆膜支架在血管腔内将动脉瘤隔绝,消除动脉瘤壁承受的血流冲击并维持主动脉血流通畅。主动脉腔内介入治疗凭借其创伤小、并发症少、安全性高、患者痛苦少的优势,近年来受到临床医生和患者的高度认可。服务于腔内介入治疗需求,主动脉覆膜支架是主动脉疾病治疗中经常使用的介入医疗器械。 </p><p>Intra-clan intervention is a new clinical technique that has developed rapidly in recent years, combining a range of intervention devices with materials and modern digital diagnostic equipment for diagnosis and treatment operations. In comparison with traditional surgical openings, the aorta intervention technique is required only for the arteries of the patient's leg, for the release of the overcoat stubble system after it has been imported into the pathologies, for the dissipation of the arteries, for the dissipation of the arteries in the veins, for the elimination of the blood flow from the arteries and for the maintenance of the flow of the arteries. The intervention in the aortic cavity is based on the advantages of small traumas, low complications, high safety, and low patient suffering, and has been highly recognized in recent years by clinical doctors and patients.</p>
<p>近年来,受益于政策支持及我国人均医疗支出的提高,我国主动脉血管腔内介入医疗器械正处于高速成长阶段,市场规模由2013年的5.5亿元增长至2017的10.3亿元,复合增长率高达17.2%。随着我国主动脉疾病筛查技术不断发展、临床相关经验不断提升、人民健康意识的不断提高,我国主动脉介入医疗器械预计市场规模于2022年增长至19.5亿元。 </p><p>In recent years, thanks to policy support and an increase in health-care spending per capita in the country, the country's aorta-vascular intervention equipment is growing at a rapid rate. The market has grown from 550 million yuan in 2013 to 1,030 million yuan, with a complex growth rate of 17.2 per cent, and is expected to grow to 1.95 billion yuan in 2022, as the country's aortic intervention equipment continues to develop its aortic disease screening technology, clinically related experience has increased and people's health awareness has increased.</p>
<p><img src=


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