玩家揭比特币洗钱内幕:国内买国外卖 几分钟转移资产

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A high volume of transactions attracts investors to illegally transfer assets for a few minutes to complete.


& ldquao; player & rdquao; exposing the inside of the money laundering using Bitcoin


Source: Rule of Law Daily & mdash; — Rule of Law Network




Any computer connected to the Internet can make point-to-point bitcoin transfers, and the flow of funds is based on networks and does not require third-party institutions, such as banks, so that it cannot be regulated at all.


Bitcoins can be replaced with other traditional currencies outside the Internet. The US MtGox website shows in real time the world’s main currency prices, such as the United States dollar and the euro.


Bitcoin is often used for illicit asset transfers — — bought in local currency, sold on foreign trading platforms, then removed in United States dollars


□ Rule of Law Network journalist Jo Li, Rule of Law Network intern Liu Sheyan


Recently, the price of a bitcoin jumped to RMB 10,000. Speaking of this, “ player & rdquo; & & ldquo; & & ldquo; and Bitcoin, which doubles and doubles, is now much more moderate than before. At the end of 2013, a bitcoin was worth US$ 1238, which exceeds the price per ounce of gold that day. Then, it shook the whole way to US$ 160 & rdquao.


This year, in the Chinese market, Bitcoin trading prices have experienced several & ldquo; jumping & rdquo; but they have gradually rebounded, and have created new heights. On 11 January 2017, the People’s Bank of China, three major trading platforms & & & & & & ldquo; crash & & & rdquo; a 17.92% fall on the day. On 9 February, the Central Bank continued to interview the Ministry of the People’s Bank’s Operations and Administration of the People’s Bank, which dropped by 6.63%, following the announcement of the Kyoto Bitco deal platform.



Each of the steep increases and drops in the price of the transaction of the combing bitcoin shows that, of all the influencing factors, &ldquao; legality & rdquao; and almost decisive position.


& ldquao; Legitimacy & rdquao; problem unresolved


In fact, there are not many places to consume bitcoin, more often just between bitcoin fever friends. In the real economy, bitcoin’s & ldquao; purchasing power & rdquao; and far from the legal currency, even from the virtual Queen.


This means that bitcoins can be replaced with other traditional currencies outside the Internet. The US MtGox website shows in real time the world’s main currency prices, such as the United States dollar and the euro.


& & ldquo; Bitcoin heat” starting in 2008, a programmer named Nakamoto (possibly aliases) wrote a paper outlining the design of Bitcoin, describing the currency that is traded electronically, which can be transferred to any corner of the world as long as your computer is connected to the Internet. It is named Bitcoin.


Nakamoto designed a complex algorithm, and you use a computer to crack that algorithm to produce bitcoin, which is called &ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; and when your computer completes a certain task, a new bitcoin is created.


Initially, it's easy to do this, and you can quickly produce a bunch of bitcoins with your computer. When you download the bitcoin client software and set it up as “ mining & rdquo; the pattern is that you contribute your own computer to the network as a whole, and the reward is 50 bitcoins. This is similar to the same BT download in the P2P model, and your computer is both downloading and uploading the resource. As more and more people join it, computers without a strong card cannot be mined in bitcoin in a few years.


At the Bitcoin Forum, a salesman who used to sell computer cards used “ hit chicken blood & rdquao; to describe his 2011 stimulus for Bitcoin. In April 2011, he sold 270 cards, &ldquao; when he came to the store to buy high-end cards, talking about it, 10 octies were used to get bitcoin, and in my store he displayed mine digging on the spot to compare the selection of the cards & rdquao;


The safety of such online transactions is one of the most important concerns. By cryptography, all Bitcoin users are connected through a distributed network, with each user having a pair of keys, the private key being authentication, hidden in a computer; the public key is accepting someone else to send a Bitcoin address.


Bitcoin transactions are much freer than real currencies. According to industry sources, any computer connected to the Internet can make point-to-point bitcoin transfers, and the flow of funds is based on a network that does not need to go through third-party institutions, such as banks, so that they cannot be regulated, and banks cannot collect fees or so-called limits.


However, by design, as more and more bitcoins are created, your computer will need to do more to create new bitcoins, and eventually, by about 2040, the amount of bitcoins will be permanently limited to 21 million.


& ldquo; The biggest feature is that Bitcoin is decentralised, and its distribution is not dependent on any issuer, such as banks, governments, and businesses, but on the algorithm itself, which essentially ensures that no person or institution can manipulate the amount of Bitcoin. ” Yoo Yoo, Director of the Communications Law Research Centre at Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, told the Rule of Law Journal reporter.


In 2011, organizations such as WikiLeaks, the Internet Archives, the Free Software Foundation, and the Electronic Frontline Foundation announced their acceptance of the Bitcoin donation. Some Internet companies subsequently indicated their acceptance of the Bitcoin payment modality.


On August 19, 2013, the German government became the first country in the world to officially recognize the legal identity of Bitcoin. On October 29, Vancouver, Canada, activated the world's first Bitcoin ATM.


But most countries, including China, do not recognize the legal monetary status of bitcoins. That is why, among the many factors influencing bitcoin prices, &ldquao; legitimacy & rdquao; and almost decisive.


On 19 November 2013, the United States Senate held discussions on the policy issues raised by Bitcoin, which stimulated a surge in bitcoin prices on the same day, but no legislative proposals were made. This cautious approach allowed Bitcoin’s prices to fall quickly after the same day.


In China, less than a month later, the People's Banking Officer of China posted on the Internet a previously issued Notice for Protection against Bitcoin Risk by the Central Bank and five other sectors, making it clear that Bitcoin is only a specific virtual commodity and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.


& ldquao; black means & rdquao; recurring


Because of the lack of legitimacy in many countries, bitcoin has been in dispute, the most prominent of which is the fact that bitcoin is very easy to become a money-laundering tool for outlaws. For example, hackers pay bitcoin as a & ldquao; ransom & rdquao; the way in which they pay their victims.

从2014年开始,一种诡异的敲诈方式陆续在世界各地出现:用户某天打开电脑一看,突然发现自己所有文档文件都被加密了,屏幕上一行大标题写着“你的文件都已被加密”(your files are encrypted);标题下面详细介绍了支付赎金的方法——将一个比特币发给特定的账户,收到钱后就会把解密的密码发给你。

Starting in 2014, a strange form of extortion has emerged around the world: one day a user opens a computer and suddenly discovers that all his document files are encrypted, and the headlines on the screen are &ldquao; your files are encrypted & &rdquao; your files are encrypted; — & mdash; sending a bitcoin to a specific account and the decrypted password to you when the money is received.

如果你稍有迟疑,勒索的赎金价格就会翻倍;一旦超过了规定的付款时间,敲诈者就再也不会理你。电脑里的图片、文档、资料等文件,此刻都已经被64位加密成为“人质”。有些苹果用户也遇到类似的敲诈:有人窃取Apple ID后,谎称手机丢失而将设备锁定,并留下一个联系方式勒索。

If you hesitate a little, the ransom price for ransom will double; once the payment time has passed, the blackmailer will never listen to you again. The pictures, files, information, etc. in the computer are now being encrypted by 64 people as “ hostage & & rdquo; some apple users encounter similar blackmail: someone who steals Apple ID falsely claims that the mobile phone is missing and locks the equipment and leaves a contact to extort.


Some fast-food chains in the United States have also received letters of extortion in paper or electronic form, and suspects have extorted a bitcoin from shop owners, adding up to three more times than required. Suspects have threatened to misjudge the restaurant on an evaluation website if they do not pay for it; acting as consumers and complaining to the consumer protection department about the restaurant's charges; madly harassing the restaurant's customer service hotline; deliberately damaging the restaurant's property; pretending to be a fake customer's order to order a meal, causing him to leave the restaurant empty all day; and anonymously reporting to the police and health authorities that the restaurant is suspected of providing criminal clues about spoiling food, money laundering, tax evasion, etc.


In addition to cyber extortion, money-laundering, illegal transactions, evasion of foreign exchange controls, etc., have also taken advantage of the anonymity of Bitcoin.

2013年10月,利用比特币进行匿名非法买卖的电子交易平台Silk Road被美国多个执法部门查缴,同时被查封的还有26000个比特币,当时约值360万美元。平台创始人和运营者罗斯·威廉姆斯·乌布利希——一个从无前科、正在攻读学位的29岁的年轻人以“恐怖海盗罗伯茨”的另一重身份活跃在网上,在短短两年时间内将Silk Road变成网络世界最大的“黑市”,拥有近100万名客户,销售总额高达12亿美元。在这个平台上,服务涵盖了办假护照、非法入侵系统和获取信息、买卖毒品武器、提供色情服务等,只是所有交易都通过比特币支付完成。正是利用了比特币的匿名性特征,不法分子“完美”避开了监管部门通过银行卡交易记录追踪每笔钱来龙去脉的可能。

In October 2013, Silk Road, an electronic trading platform using Bitcoin for anonymous illicit trade, was seized by several United States law enforcement agencies and seized with 26,000 bitcoins, at that time worth about $3.6 million. Ross·, the founder and operator of the platform, Williams· Ubrishi & mdash; & mdash, a 29-year-old young person who had no priors and was studying his degree, was “ Roberts & rdquo, a terrorist pirate, was also active online, using the anonymous character of Bitcoin, to turn Silkad into the largest & ldquao in the world; Black City & & rdquao; with nearly 1 million customers, selling up to $1.2 billion. On this platform, services covered counterfeit passports, illegal intrusion systems, and access to information, drug trafficking, and the provision of pornographic services, all of which were paid through Bitcot.


& & ldquo; Gambling is another major pillar of Bitcoin, mainly because of a website. The site uses the Bitcoin block chain (the block chain is the core part of Bitcoin technology and its function is simply similar to that of an account book recording all transaction data & mdash; & mdash; journalist notes) to develop an algorithm that makes it impossible for those who go to their website to make a mistake, to ensure fairness in the algorithm, and thus to be popular with the gamblers, which only receives transactions. & & rdquo; Liu Young told the Journal of the Rule of Law that there are two & ldquao; & & rdquo; & rdquo; & rdquo; support, it's hard to die at half a time, or to pull it up again in the secondary market.


In addition, according to industry sources, Bitcoin is also used for illicit asset transfers — — bought in national currency, sold on foreign trading platforms and taken out in United States dollars, and the transfer of assets can be completed in a few minutes.


regulation will become more and more stringent


For Liu Yong, the methods of making money for trading out of Bitcoin are not really mysterious: &ldquao; brick arbitrage & rdquao; and arbitrage through low prices and high prices for domestic and foreign trading platforms.


Liu Yung said that in 2013, Bitcoin experienced a wave of surges, with a relatively large difference in domestic and foreign prices & “ at most, $5 million was purchased in foreign markets one day and sold domestically, with a difference of 10 per cent & rdquo;


For a long time, data from some trading platforms indicate that daily bitcoins are even more than a hundred million. Liu Yong says, however, that these figures contain a lot of water, and that the real bitcoins are far less.


The reasons for the high volume of transactions are not mysterious, either because they are almost “ rules & & rdquo; or brushes. Industry sources have described three ways in which Bitcoin trading platforms are generally brushed: one is to report directly the volume of transactions; the other is to set up an account with a procedure that is reversed through a self-trading process, which constitutes a transaction on the face of which no Bitcoin is actually transferred; and the third is to set up two accounts that allow for high frequency opposites between the two accounts through a procedure.


Liu Young said that brushing was technically easy to achieve, and would only be done by writing the code. The aim of the brushing was to create a false boom that would attract more investors and users.

在零手续费模式下,一些程序化交易用户利用代码、机器人(18.920, 0.24, 1.28%)进行自动交易,由于不同平台之间存在价差,而且交易平台又不收手续费,因此存在一定套利空间,也是造成比特币交易量超高的原因之一。

Under the zero fees model, some process-trading users use codes, robots (18.920,   0.24,   1.28 per cent) for automated transactions, and the existence of a certain margin of interest due to price differentials between different platforms and the fact that the trading platforms do not charge fees is also one of the reasons for the high volume of Bitcoin transactions.


On 6 January 2017, the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank of China and the Ministry of Business Management in Beijing interviewed the principals of the currency network, the currency line (OKCoin), and the BTC China China (BTchina). Five days later, the joint investigation team of the People’s Bank of China took up three main trading platforms and conducted on-site inspections of the situation.


Subsequently, on 11 January, the People's Bank of China issued a circular requesting Beijing, Shanghai and Shanghai to join the local financial authorities, the Bureau of Commerce and Industry and the Directorate of Public Security to form law enforcement inspection teams and to establish three platforms for comprehensive law enforcement inspections.


& mdash; — “ & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & ; ; & & & & & & ;. Liu Young believes that the tightening of regulation will come from two directions, the first being that client identification will become more stringent; and the second being that the derivatives of the trading platform will become more and more stringent. /


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