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Introduction: Yesterday, Tesla had a few big events!


Tesla was interviewed first in China by five departments, and immediately announced acceptance of Bitcoin payments and stated that $1.5 billion had been invested.


After the news came out, the price of Bitcoin soared! As of the time of the release, $47,000 had been reached.


On 1 February, Musk said, “I should have bought bitcoin eight years ago, and I do now think bitcoin is a good thing”.

来   源丨21世纪经济报道(ID:jjbd21;记者:胡天姣、和佳)、漫话财经、中国基金报、央视财经、数据宝、公开信息等

& nbsp; & nbsp; Source Economic Report for the 21st Century (ID:jjbd21; Reporter: Hu Tianjin, Jian Jiao), Mandarin Finance, China Foundation, Public Information, etc.


Last night, Tesla had a lot to do!


First interviewed by the five departments in China, then announced that it would accept payment from Bitcoin, and then invested $1.5 billion (10 billion yuan) to fill the price of Bitcoin in an instant!


Tesla was interviewed by five departments at .

近日,市场监管总局与中央网信办、工业和信息化部、交通运输部以及应急管理部消防救援局,就消费者反映的异常加速、电池起火、车辆远程升级(OTA)等问题共同约谈了特斯拉汽车 (北京)有限公司、特斯拉(上海)有限公司,要求其严格遵守中国法律法规,加强内部管理,落实企业质量安全主体责任,有效维护社会公共安全,切实保护消费者合法权益。

In recent days, the General Directorate of Market Supervision, together with the Central Network Information Service, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the Ministry of Transport and the Fire and Rescue Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management, interviewed Tesla Motors (Beijing) Ltd. and Tesla (Shanghai) Ltd. on the issue of abnormal acceleration of consumer responses, battery fires, long-range vehicle upgrades (OTA), demanding strict compliance with Chinese laws and regulations, strengthening internal controls, enforcing corporate responsibility for quality security, effectively safeguarding public safety and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


Tesla response:


accepts the guidance of government departments and reflects deeply on


In the evening of 28 September, Teslav Weibo responded by saying that he accepted the guidance of the government departments in good faith and reflected deeply on the company’s shortcomings in its operations, strengthening self-censorship in a comprehensive manner. We will comply strictly with China’s laws and regulations and will always respect the rights and interests of consumers. The company is currently strengthening its internal working mechanisms and processes and strengthening all aspects of its internal management under the guidance of the government’s competent authorities.


Mask buys 10 billion! Bitcoin prices skyrocketed


On 8 February, Tesla announced that it was expected to begin accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment and that, under the new policy, Tesla had invested a total of $1.5 billion (equivalent to 10 billion yuan) in Bitcoin.


As soon as the news came out, Bitcoin was short-lined! Rapidly reached the 40,000-dollar gate, and the momentum continued. Bitcoin grew by 21.65 per cent 24 hours, reaching an all-time high of $47509 up to the date of its release.


AssetDash data show that the current market value of Bitcoin is over $790 billion, rising to eight in comparison with the market value of well-known companies, surpassing Facebook (the current market value is $76,557 million) and behind Tesla (the current market value is $80,78.29 million).


The price of Tesla shares increased slightly, with the closing rate rising by 1.31 per cent.

此外,区块链概念股跟随比特币一同大涨。其中Marathon Patent Group涨42.41%、Bit Digital涨46.20%、Riot Blockchain涨40.25%、嘉楠科技涨17.28%。比特数字涨46.2%,迅雷涨23.13%,

In addition, the block chain concept unit followed Bitcoin. The number of blocks rose by 42.41 per cent for Marathon Patent Group, 46.20 per cent for Bit Digital, 40.25 per cent for Riot Blockchain, and 17.28 per cent for KANO. The number of bits rose by 46.2 per cent, and by 23.13 per cent.


Tesla stated in a paper submitted to the regulator that in January, the company adjusted its investment strategy to make it more flexible in order to diversify and maximize its cash returns. After that, the company made significant investments in Bitcoin.


“Under this policy, we have invested $1.5 billion in bitcoin, in addition to which digital assets may be acquired and held on a regular or long-term basis.” The paper states.


Tesla states that its holdings of bitcoins will be treated as long-term intangible assets, but warns that this exposure may make its financial reporting more unstable. The company will analyse its holdings of bitcoins every quarter to determine whether they will be impaired on the basis of Bitcoin prices.

图 / IC

图 / IC


The value of Bitcoin has increased ninefold since the crash last March.


The social signature column had previously been changed to “bitcoin” by Musquel, who then said that bitcoin would be considered for remuneration. At that time, Bitcoin should have risen by 20 per cent, a one-time jump to $41478.


On 1 February, Musk said, “I should have bought bitcoin eight years ago, and I do now think bitcoin is a good thing”.


In addition to Bitcoin, Mask is also passionate about other encrypted currencies.


On February 8, Mask posted on social networking site a tweet entitled “Who lets the dog out,” and the dog price responded in a timely manner, rising to eight cents, when it jumped by 68%, and continued to rise to an all-time high. The dog price rose by 900% in two weeks, from 0.4 cents in the beginning of the year. Its market value reached $7 billion, the eighth place in encrypted currency.


But this is not the first time that Musk has expressed his love for dog coins, which he published last week, December, and April 2019.


But then Mask said he was just making a little joke.


"I sometimes joke about dog money, but it's really just a joke," Mask explains, "But the best thing to laugh about is often the most likely result. And it can also be considered the best and the most dramatic outcome to be the future currency of the Earth."


But the market doesn't know if it's a joke or not.


The Central Bank of Nigeria issued a statement on 5 February calling on its banks, non-banking financial institutions, and other financial institutions to close accounts involving encrypted currency transactions, while prohibiting the purchase and sale of encrypted currency or the provision of services. Failure to comply with this requirement will be subject to strict regulatory measures.


As a bitcoin trading market after the United States, Nigeria has traded some 60215 bitcoins since 2015, cumulatively or exceeding $566 million.


The Royal Bank of Canada analyst said that apples could be the next big business to invest in Bitcoin.


And the market will pay close attention to whether there will be more large companies following Tesla to invest in Bitcoin. Mickey Stevens, an analyst at the Royal Bank of Canada, has a bold prediction that Apple could be the next big company to enter the crypto-currency market.


Tesla has a high incidence of recent accidents

2020年12月30中午12时左右,在浙江杭州,一辆特斯拉Model 3车型从温德姆酒店对面的停车场开出后突然“意外加速”,撞碎了酒店的玻璃墙闯入酒店大堂。所幸此次事故没有造成人员伤亡。

On 30 December 2020, at about 12 noon, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a Tesla Model 3 vehicle was suddenly “accidentally accelerated” when it came out of a parking lot opposite the Windham Hotel, breaking the hotel's glass wall into the hotel lobby. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

据杭州当地媒体《钱江晚报》报道,接到读者爆料后记者于13时20分赶到现场,交警当时已在现场拉起了警戒线,事故车辆驾驶员正在配合交警调查,他表示驾车从停车场出来后,感觉车辆突然加速,那个瞬间感觉踩刹车也没用,他想用酒店门口树盆缓冲未果,在撞击了一辆停着的特斯拉和一辆奔驰车后,最终冲进了酒店大堂。据这位驾驶员说,他已有40多年驾龄,而且其所驾驶的Model 3事故车辆是今年10月购买的新车。

According to the local press in Hangzhou, the journalist arrived at the scene at 1320 hours after receiving an explosion from his readers, the traffic officer had put a cordon on the scene and the driver of the accident was cooperating with the traffic police investigation. He said that when the car came out of the parking lot, the car suddenly accelerated, the brakes were not working, and he wanted to use the tree basin in front of the hotel as a buffer, and then ran into the hotel lobby after hitting a parked Tesla and a Mercedes. According to the driver, he had been driving for more than 40 years and the Model 3 vehicle he was driving was a new car purchased in October of this year.

去年12月18日,在深圳,一辆特斯拉Model S正常行驶过程中突然加速,将前方一辆出租车撞至路边后并未停止前进,随后与前方的一辆货车发生追尾,车头损毁严重。12月12日,北京市海淀区一居民区内,一辆特斯拉Model S突然失控,以80公里时速撞向居民楼。8月12日,浙江温州一辆特斯拉Model 3失控冲向停车场拦截杆,并在连撞多车后发生侧翻。8月9日,上海一辆特斯拉Model 3突然失控冲入一座加油站。而在12月9日,韩国首尔一辆特斯拉Model X,更是在一公寓停车场内突然撞墙起火,导致车内一人死亡、两人受伤。

On December 18, last year, in Shenzhen, a Tesla Model S was suddenly accelerated in the normal course of his journey, and did not stop following a taxi in front of him to the side of the road. On December 12, a Tesla Model S was suddenly out of control in a residential area in the Haidian district of Beijing. On August 12, a Tesla Model 3 in Zhejiang County lost control of the parking stop and turned side by side after the crash. On August 9, a Tesla Model 3 in Shanghai suddenly lost control of the road into a gas station. On December 9, a Tesla Model X in Seoul, South Korea, suddenly hit a wall in an apartment parking lot, killing one and injuring two people inside the car.


The owner of the Shenzhen accident had indicated that, at the time of the accident, it suddenly felt as though the brakes were not moving and the direction of the vehicle could not be hit, that the car was going forward, hit a taxi, hit a big truck and then stopped by a big van, and that the whole car was like a dead machine for the mobile phone system.


Statistics show that as many as 10 out-of-control accidents have occurred in Tesla in China since May last year, and that the basic accidents are due to the sudden acceleration of vehicles that cannot brake.

1月19日,一辆特斯拉Model 3在上海某小区自燃爆炸的消息再次“引爆”汽车圈。

On 19 January, news of a spontaneous explosion in a small area of Shanghai by a Tesla Model 3 was once again “exploitated”.

据悉,当晚上海茂盛城市花园地库发生车辆起火爆炸事故。通过现场图片可辨认出涉事车辆为特斯拉Model 3,但由于车辆损毁严重,火情被排除后只剩下车架,车辆是标准续航还是长续航版本等具体车型信息暂未明确。

According to the information received, there was a car fire in the garden vault of the Mausheng city at night. Images from the scene identified the vehicle as Tesla Model 3 but only the racks were removed due to the damage caused to the vehicle, and it was not clear whether the vehicle was a standard or a long-duration version of the vehicle.


When the vehicle entered the underground garage, it was reported that the owner of the vehicle had found a fire and then asked for security help, but had not waited for the vehicle to return to “exploit” directly, so that the owner would “save away” from it. The firemen who arrived then extinguished the fire, when the vehicle as a whole was virtually burned down.


over 170,000 Tesla's been recalled for control issues


In the recent past, Tesla has carried out the largest failure recall on a global scale, involving more than 170,000 vehicles.


On 2 February, Tesla announced that some 135,000 ModelS/X would be recalled as a result of the loss of certain security features caused by the touch screen.


On 5 February, the website of the Directorate-General for the Supervision of the National Markets indicated that Tesla had recalled a total of 20,400 imported ModelS vehicles and 15,700 ModelX vehicles, some of which had been recalled because of hardware problems that could have resulted indirectly in back-up image failures, frost removal/morthopaedic control failures and failure of external turnlights that could not be lit.

由于质量问题,国内特斯拉公司多次召回缺陷汽车。查询显示,特斯拉在去年2月、10月、11月对有安全隐患的进口Model S或Model X车辆进行召回,涉及车辆超过3万辆。特斯拉近期屡屡发生安全事故,包括自动驾驶系统失控、电池损坏导致起火、新车充电后故障等等。

Due to quality problems, Tesla in the country has called back defective cars on several occasions. Queries indicate that Tesla recalled the imported Model S or Model X vehicles in February, October, and November last year, which involved more than 30,000 vehicles. Tesla has recently experienced a number of security incidents, including the loss of control of the automated driving system, the fire resulting from battery damage, the failure of the new vehicle after charging, etc.


The Tesla CEO also admitted with his own eyes that Tesla had a quality problem. In an interview, Mask advised clients not to buy Tesla cars during the company's increased production, and it was difficult to do all the details well during the production expansion.


New Energy Motors Concept Unit pre-enhanced performance of


The heat of the new energy plate has re-emerged. According to the Securities Times, the Treasure Statistics, there are currently 247 new energy car block companies on the market that have issued a performance forecast or fast-track report for 2020, of which 163 have pre-emerged and 88 have doubled their profits.


Statistics show that 66 of the new energy car concept units whose performance is expected to double have accumulated negative values since this year, with five listed companies, including two technologies, having retreated by more than 30%. Many of the companies listed for the primary battery materials performed well, with the cumulative increase of 22.51% and 19.23% in the Chinese-friend cobalt industry and the lithium industry.


Surgery: What's Bitcoin?


What's a bitcoin? Why is it so hot? What does mining mean?


Let's talk in comics:


The birth of Bitcoin


"A purse is a passer-by when it comes to the sea"


To dig a mine, the cost is a server and electricity.


Most of them are electricity.


There's only a limited amount of bitcoin that a small pit can dig up.


And big ponds have higher investment costs.



So, right now, the diggers are in the middle of something.


no significant number of slobs


How do you buy and sell bitcoin?


Bitcoin consists of randomly generated addresses and private keys.


Like a bank card number and password.


It's just the two of them at the same time.


To manage Kari's money.


So there's a high degree of confidentiality.


There's one more thing that matters.


Bitcoin is not a legal currency in China.


Formal traders don't support this kind of payment.


A while ago.


A manufacturer advertises support for digital money to buy cars.


We'll drop the ad and apologize soon.


The common man wants to cast bitcoin. What do you need to be careful about?


White: Why has bitcoin been so volatile lately?


Currency professionals: Bitcoin is not tied to any French currency, precious metals or other in-kind, is a pure investment, and a significant portion of its price is determined by community consensus, and the probability of large fluctuations is a façade.


Xiao Bai: What should I care about when the bulk, like me, wants to invest in bitcoin?


Currency professionals:


Ordinary people want to invest in bitcoin, learn! Learn! Learn!


Bitcoin is a typical and most well-known application of block chains. It must be distinguished from bitcoin. In the future, bitcoin depends on how much consensus communities can grow.

本期编辑 刘巷

Editor of this issue, Liu Xing.


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