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Yesterday (October 30), Bitcoin prices were re-innovated, reaching 6345 dollars at a time. After

915 regulatory limitations, the domestic Bitcoin exchange was shut down without blocking the pace of investors, and the diasporas, micro-messages, groups of QQQs, were still active.


Liu Wei, who is the owner of a Bitcoin out-of-the-field trade group of more than 300 people, who trades 300,000 dollars a day, receives around 0.5 to 1% of the co-payment from him and operates several out-of-the-way trading groups. Thus, Lau Wei earns 3,000 dollars a day and 90,000 dollars a month.


In addition to the micro-message, the off-site trading platform is also very hot. Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola and BitcoinWorld attract a large number of Chinese users. Public data indicate that since 2017, 96.3 per cent of the trading orders in Paxful have been made available through payment bonds; and in CoinCola, 85 per cent of the bill advertisements have been selected for payment.


The two mainstream bitcoin trading platforms, the Currency Net and the OKCoin, are also being transformed, and the professional station Huobi.Pro, under the global flag of the coin, is about to go to the off-site off-site trading service to support the global exchange of French currency against digital assets.


From the exchange to the out-of-the-ground platform, this game of gamblers is far from over.



At first glance, Liu Wei is a slightly out-of-the-mainstream young man with a small body, a low-visibility jacket and a self-screech with his sunglasses, and it is hard to imagine that he rolls a large amount of money every day in his account.


Before August of this year, his circle of friends was more monolithic, sending pictures of steaks, taking pictures of flowers and grasses on the road. His cover of the circle of friends said, "Always believe that good things will happen."


In mid-September, under the supervision of Liu Wei's Bitcoin off-site business began to explode.


He has set up a number of Bitcoin out-of-the-field micro-message groups, each with hundreds of users, often making up for more than 300,000 transactions a day. Recently, he began to hang out with his friends on recent payment treasures, micro-mail transfers, and six figures are often the norm.


In addition to Bitcoin, Ether, which is the mainstream digital currency, he is also involved in the trading of digital tokens.


"38,700, out of two bitcoins."


“Twenty-three hundred in taels, direct calls for me to contact the deal, pay online money, support the guarantee.”


"The price has risen too fast in these two days, and it's too late to collect."


♪ Bitcoin Off-Street Trade Cartograph ♪


Risks are inescapable.


In Liu Wei's OTC out-of-the-ground trading group, users have their own goals and often bring friends to create new ones.


He had spoken out in the crowd: “Recently, it has been discovered that a large number of members of the private sector have formed small groups, that members of the group have been deluded, and that the group owners do not recommend any guarantee groups other than their own, if they have been defrauded in other small groups.”


There are often liars in the group, who use the trade as bait to put money in their hands, and who, when they strike it into their wallets, do not pay as promised.


Liu Wei invents a method whereby the group guarantees, which brings together the participants who have made a deal, and each transaction creates a separate micro-conveyor, and when the transaction is completed, it withdraws, and the group is charged a certain amount of security.


Liu Wei has a large number of miner clients and a large number of mine owners are looking for exports after the exchange has been banned.


“Netnet B prices are collected in real time, without charge, without charge, without capping, to pay the gold banknotes for a second, and the miners' owners are welcome to settle for a long time.” He writes in his friends' circles.


♪ Bitcoin Off-Street Trade Cartograph ♪


It's just the tip of a deal out of a hot spot.


According to public data, the Monitoring Report on Out-of-Sale Transactions in Bitcoin, published by the National Task Force on Mutual Funds in recent days, shows that:


“Since the opening of the main domestic trading platform in June 2017 for the withdrawal of currency, there has been a marked decline in the volume of transactions. With the clean-up of domestic ICO and Bitcoin transactions in early September, the volume of off-site transactions has again prospered. In the last two weeks, LocalBitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola's three offshore trading platforms together accounted for 680 million dollars.”


The report states that four Bitcoins off-site trading platforms, which are now commonly used by domestic users, are overseas, including Local Bitcoins, Paxful, CoinCola and BitcoinWorld, where off-site transactions often have no border restrictions and where platforms can provide services globally.

其实场外交易(over-the-counter OTC )这一概念由来已久,又称“店头交易”或“柜台交易”,此前,一些非上市或上市的证券,不在交易所内进行交易,而在场外市场进行交易,私下以高于或低于交易所规定的价格或附有其他条件,比如搭配次货、以物易物等,达成交易。

In fact, the concept of off-site transactions (over-the-counter OTC) has a long history and is also referred to as “stand-to-house” or “counter-to- counter transactions”, following which a number of non-listed or listed securities are not traded in the exchange, while transactions in the off-site market are carried out in private at or below the price specified in the transaction or under other conditions, such as blending, barter, etc.


Since the beginning of the year, off-site transactions have experienced a number of ups and downs.


The above-mentioned reports show that the volume of off-site transactions was relatively small until February 2017; that the main domestic Bitcoin trading platform prohibited the withdrawal of currency in early February and that the scale of transactions had increased in an outbreak; that the volume of transactions had decreased significantly since the opening of the main domestic trading platform in June; and that the clean-up of domestic ICO and Bitco dealings in early September had contributed to the resurgence of off-site transactions.


In the case of the Bitcoin off-site trade, rising prices have also raised the question of whether there are bubbles.

在Alan S.Blinder的《音乐停止之后》一书中,也许我们可以找到答案:

In Alan S. Blinder's book After Music Stops, maybe we can find the answer:


“Humans tend to be overconfident, influenced by sheep behavior, hypotheses, and a large number of individual subjective ideas, which are important reasons for the bubbles. As long as there is speculation in the market, there will always be bubbles. We can hardly stop the bubbles from being created, nor will it be possible to eliminate them, but we should do something more feasible, such as reducing the frequency of foams, reducing their impact, and affecting the destructive power of foams when they break.”



Liu Wei's business benefits from a wave of regulation.


As the institution joins, the gunnet and OKCoin continue to open off-site trading platforms, and his operations will inevitably be affected, he is constantly forming new micro-messages, taking the last chance to develop the trade.


Off-site trading platforms also attract a large number of users, and websites such as otcbtc.com, CoinCola and others remain active in the country. otcbtc.com is an off-site trading platform in the country, similar to the Treasures Network, where users are free to publish advertising messages such as buying and selling money, including payment of treasures, micro-letters, and silver unions. In each transaction, the platform charges the user 0.001 BTC for advertising, and 0.1% for paperwork. CoinCola is an off-site platform in Hong Kong that attracts a number of domestic investors as a result of language communication.


An off-the-shelf transaction on the gunnet is supported by an off-the-shelf exchange service for the global French currency against digital assets at the Humobe. The so-called "point-to-point trading service" is for those who have a demand for money and a demand for it, go on to the platform and negotiate for it and do it themselves.


The official in charge of public relations in the currency network has indicated to all-weather technology that further details of the operation and layout of point-to-point transactions from off-site sites will be published in the near future.


Out-of-the-horizon, trading out to the sea is the next step after the platform completes the process of clearing users in mainland China.


In terms of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has a Korean dollar-based digital asset-trading platform, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has a United States dollar-based digital asset-trading service to eligible global investors.


In addition, a few days earlier, an article entitled " This may be the safest, simplest and fast way to bargain money after October 31 ", was suddenly released by OKCoin. Soon, the original text was deleted by OKCoin, and many users assumed that after October 31, the overseas platform OKEX of OKCoin had plans for off-site transactions.


In the view of industry, the decision by mainstream platforms to open off-site transactions will have a significant impact on the market and even reshape domestic trading patterns.



Off-site transactions are one of the ways in which Bitcoin traders respond under strong supervision.


On September 15, the state regulatory board ordered a ban on Bitcoin transactions, and under a policy shock, the price of bitcoin on the gunnet fell to 16827 yuan. After September 15, prices rose steadily, reaching $37,887.


This is why the participants, fearlessly, followed the shadow of regulation.


There are currently three main forms of off-site transactions in Bitcoin, including online P2P transactions, off-line B2C transactions and off-line transactions.


Online P2P transactions are generally done through off-site trading platforms such as LocalBitcoins and CoinCola, which provide information-distribution sites for Bitcoin buyers and sellers, similar to “weaves”, where buyers and buyers make one-on-one transactions based on published information.


According to the Bitcoin Out-of-Sale Transaction Monitoring Report, out-of-Standard transactions cover bank transfers, cash remittances, payment treasures, micro-mails, gift cards, etc.


On-line B2C transactions, the user buys or sells bitcoin directly to the platform, the price of which is specified by the platform. After receiving payment from the user, the platform releases bitcoin directly to the buyer or, upon receiving bitcoin, to the seller.


Liu Wei’s micro-groups are offline transactions. Both buyers and sellers deal online or offline, either by means of online chat tools such as QQ, micro-message, Telegram, Slack, or by means of face-to-face plain-line transactions.


Off-site transactions are accepted by many users, as bitcoin transactions are also limited to smaller circles, participants are more receptive to new things, and there are risks behind them.


“Bitcoin itself does not have the concept of borders, and so does the Bitcoin transaction, but the extra-synthetic transaction costs are high, there is a lack of credible intermediaries, and there are problems of financial security, virtual currency security.” The Director of the Center for Internet Finance Studies at the Suning Institute of Finance, Xue Hong, told all-weather technology.


In the view of Mr. Wu Wei Minh, a law firm in Jinten City, out-of-the-art transactions are less monitored by neutral third parties, and investors are at increased risk of fraud, with two solutions: first, investors have the basic skills to invest and be able to carry out the necessary operations; and second, payment is made after confirmation of the receipt of Bitcoin.



It was no surprise that Bitcoin player Lau Crawford saw the news of the exchange off the opening of the gunnet, and he did not sell the bitcoin in his hand during the regulatory wave.


And the digital money trading platform that he worked on, though it stopped trading, did not dissolve. He heard that the founders of the platform were planning to invest in the first level of the market, and he started preparing for the private qualification examination.


Those who were not involved in the Bitcoin transaction did not understand the value of the bitcoin, and the holders believed that prices would rise.

这个有趣的现象,可以用今年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Richard Thaler提出的“禀赋效应”来解释:“人们把已经拿到手的东西看得很重,会在它的本来价值之上附加另一重价值。”

This interesting phenomenon can be explained by the “grant effect” proposed by Richard Thaler, the Nobel laureate in economics this year: “People look very hard at what is already in their hands and add another value to its original value.”


In another dimension, off-site trading is the self-dancing of investors.

“流动性就像音乐,一旦音乐停下,事情就会变得复杂,但只要音乐还在,舞蹈就得继续,我们还在跳舞。”这是2007年7月8日,花旗银行集团前董事长Chuck Prince的原话,在他说完这句话后的一个月,音乐和舞蹈突然停止了,次贷危机爆发了。

"Mobility is like music, and once music stops, things get complicated, but as long as music is there, dance goes on, and we're still dancing." This is what Chuck Prince, former head of Citibank Group, said on July 8, 2007, and one month after he said that, music and dance suddenly stopped and subprime loan crises broke out.


Thus, the government issued regulatory news about Bitcoin and digital tokens, suddenly breaking the music in the market, dancing people falling on the floor, everyone looking for a chair, someone finding a chair, some continuing to dance and groaning their own music.


Liu Wei's troupe is still lively and news of the new deal keeps popping up.


As long as there are markets, there are poor information and opportunities to make money, there will always be people involved.


(Source: Wall Street News - All-weather Technology (iawtmt), by Sun Rao)


(ed. Leung Woo Fung)


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