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“after 70 , after 80 >, after 90, after 00 >


The slogan is loud, the shoe market is crazy, and, with the star effect, the hunger market, this year's sneakers have successfully gone out and become the biggest black horse this year.


How hot are the shoes?


The initial sale price of a pair of shoes was RMB 1,399, and it was not long before the sale price on the Internet shopping platform was exceeded by RMB 10,000.


"The old man's shares, the middle-aged, the young people's shoes" became a new-generation consensus. Now, in all communities, even currency-circumnate players joke about: "Don't. Let's go.


If you want to ask them what their shoes are like, they'll answer you, "Don't ask, just ask." In the shoering ring, "go" is a cultural symbol, meaning "songha" in the currency ring.


The story of a million-month-old man who is rich because of his shoes is on the Internet.



Producers such as Nike, Adidas and Quakers have adopted hunger marketing strategies and introduced limited-size shoes, triggering the purchase of sneakers, which have become even more difficult because of the downward-drawn-up strategy of many vendors.

  比如,2015年adidas的第一双Yeezy问世时,初代Yeezy Boost750仅发售了9000双,当时还有消息称只有adidas的VIP用户才有资格购买,该款鞋从350美金在黑市炒到了10倍以上的价格。

For example, when the first pair of Yeezy in Adidas was born in 2015, the first generation Yeezy Boost750 sold only 9,000 pairs, and there were reports that only the VIP users in Adidas were eligible to purchase the shoes, which were more than 10 times the price of $350 on the black market.


“Shoes in the first-tier market tend to be two to eight times the price in the second-tier market. Many kids go to the bottom-of-line shop after ‘95’ and after ‘00’ and draw lots, just as we share a new share in the drawing of lots.” A senior investor says.


In the last two years, with the show "China has hip-hop, this is the street dance" and so forth, the shoe culture has been given the opportunity to go out, and the regular shoe has incorporated a lot of fashion, personality, star, and so on.

  8月19日,一张“吴亦凡上脚 Air Jordan 1蜘蛛侠”的照片点燃了整个鞋圈。短短 1 个小时内,同款球鞋涨了至少 5 倍。

On August 19th, a photo of "Air Jordan 1 Spider-Man" lit the entire shoering. Within an hour, the same shoe grew at least five times.


Source: New Wave Web

  “感谢吴亦凡!”炒鞋者聂侬一双原价 1299 元买的球鞋,呼哧一下,以 6999 元的高价卖出。“一双鞋破万跟玩似的”,聂侬说,“我从买鞋到现在快10年了,我都没发现买鞋还能挣钱!”

"Thanks Wu Yifan!" "A pair of shoes for $1299 was bought and sold at a high price of $6999." "A pair of shoes looks like a lot of fun." "I've been buying shoes for almost 10 years now, and I don't even see how I can make a living buying shoes!"


If you buy a pair of shoes, you'll have to look at the Kline.


increases as it warms up, and a small group of fans buys their shoes off the line and trades them on the line of scale.


In the last two days, many people's tweets have been painted with a small wave of “a weird K-line map”.


(Figure: Sina Weibo)


Even macro-analytical and techno-analytical theories have been used to study the price trends of sneakers. For example, one of the scaffolders drew a famous five-wave structure of the trading circle based on price diagrams, with a “macro-analysis”:


(Figure: Sina Weibo)


And the shoe sales platform has developed three indices of “shoes” based on the last 24 hours' turnover: the AJ index, the Nike index, and the Adidas index. The shoe-spillers usually follow the stock market every day, with the difference that the shoe-shoes are up and down every day, often double-digit.


Shoes, quickly turned from an ordinary commodity to a financial product. Opening up some APPs, almost every user comment on a two-shoe page is rehearsing the mood of viewing up or down, and there are very few comments on the sneakers themselves.


is now a currency-to-shoe migration. “Investment limits, there are often several times the return, and the threshold is particularly low.” The digital money investor explains the underlying reasons.


As a result of the advent of the scaffolding electronic disks, people in the Bitcoin circle even developed the concept of shoe markets, such as ice blue = bitcoin, flash purchase = secondary market, star ups and feet = big business cooperation, limit = never increasing, paddine = plate, platform = exchange, etc.


At present, according to relevant sources in the currency circles, the well-known digital currency exchange COINEX, BBX, ZB, among others, has opened up digital currency and is trading with a number of popular sneakers such as AJ1, Yeezy, Black Star, and claims that they can be contractually traded.


The rise of the exchange and of the shoe market as a whole has led to a massive influx of speculators from the currency ring into the shoe market, with a direct surge of 50 per cent in the day following the listing of a large number of shoes on the related shoe.


On August 19th, out of 100 shoes before the deal, 26 hotshots reached $454.25 million.


What is the concept of $454.225 million? On that day, the new three-board 9431 companies had only $3.8994 million in turnover, 26 shoes had won over 10,000 shares, and now the shoe market has gone beyond the hot new three.


Is it a new mouth or a cut?


In shoe rings, there are two kinds of ploy logic. One is to grab shoes through official channels and then sell profits on the market; the other is to raise prices through large-scale hoarding and hot spots, such as the price of same-shoes worn by Wu Yafan.


But either logic is essentially speculative. Hide-and-seek, tea, limestone, weeds of the past all kinds tell us that everything can be blown up, except this time it's the shoe.


In the current situation, the market for sneakers, which is dependent on the scaffolding APP, is almost a secondary market for alternative investment, which exists in a regulatory vacuum. Even derivatives like have been developed, with risks of potentially high price volatility and lack of regulation on the platform.


  以某平台销量榜排名第一的鞋款为例,从7月5日至今,这双AIR FORCE共有28260条交易记录,平均每天589条记录,按照该平台每天20小时的交易时间计算,平均每小时仅有不到3条交易记录。

For example, from 5 July to the present date, the two AIR FORCE, with an average of 589 records per day, ranked first in the sales list of a platform, recorded less than 3 transactions per hour, based on 20 hours of transaction time per day.


In the above-mentioned platform, when there is a large trade, prices are extremely vulnerable to pull-ups or pressure. Even bitcoin, which is known for its volatility, is rarely as high as 100 per cent per day.


Many platforms currently use “pre-sale vouchers” and “ coupons, which are very similar in nature to futures. The shoe trade has shifted from a traditional vendor-to-sell mode to a platform-to-sending mode, with a completely blacked middle.


Although each voucher corresponds to a physical commodity as described by the platform, there is currently no corresponding regulatory body to regulate it.


Apart from the platform itself, no one will know how much cash the sellers have deposited on the platform, let alone whether each ticket is matched by a real pair of shoes. They may be emptied of “over-haired” shoes to expand the scale of the transaction, generate traffic and service charges.


and even if the platform is on the spot, it's not clear whether the spot is real or not. Because of the booty of football shoes, coupled with brand controls, a large number of shoe factories have started trading in counterfeited shoes. It is said that several times more counterfeits are blended into the secondary market every year.

  一双被炒到五六千的球鞋,莆田鞋厂通常会有几个档次的仿品,一般的仿货批发价 150 元,质量好点的 280 元。 如果需要的话,还能提供鞋盒、包装袋以及鉴定证明。

A pair of five or six thousand pairs of sneakers, usually with several simulators, usually with a bulk price of 150 yuan and a better quality of 280 yuan. & nbsp; if necessary, it also provides shoe boxes, bags and identification certificates.

  ▲莆田高仿的耐克的FF WHITE x Nike Blazer Mid彩虹配色鞋(图源:谷歌图库)

FF WHITE x Nike Blazer Mid rainbow coloured shoes (Figure: Google Library)


Some platforms have even opened up a “shoes service” to prove that they are in circulation. However, there is a huge risk that this mechanism will be flawed by selling shoes on the side of the platform.


Some say it's not as good as fried shoes, at least they don't come back with zero, they just fall through -- they fall to the bottom and wear them. But even if we put on shoes, we can't guarantee that what we wear is real.


Of course, for those who love speculation, whether shoes or coins are real or false, the labels are not important at all, and even the air is going to burn as long as they are profitable.


Finally, regardless of the currency or the shoe, borrow the classic words of Soros — “In order to gain wealth, it is by recognizing its illusions and putting them into it and then withdrawing from the game before it becomes known to the public.”


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:张洋 HN080)


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