华尔街质疑以太坊ETF需求 全球第二大代币难现狂热涨势?

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Some Wall Street investment agencies have been informed recently that, for the first time in the near future, it is expected that the demand for Ether’s Ether Ether Ether’s Ether Ether’s Ether is likely to fall far short of Bitcoin’s spot EtF, a prospect that the second-largest encrypted currency in the world’s total market value will be dimmed at the price of the ether. Global top regulators such as Black Rock, Fiddleity, and others are preparing to issue ETFs in Taitaya, and analysts from Morgan Chase expect that the demand for ETFs in the Ether Branch could be only a fraction of what was once a strong Bitcot’s spot ETF demand.


ETF distributors, such as Belede and Fuda, are seeking approval for ETA ETF, and they are anxiously waiting for the final formal approval of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Analysts from Morgan Chase, Wall Street, expect that the net ETF inflows will be much smaller than the $15.3 billion in global funds that will flow to Bitcoin this year.


The establishment of the five-month-old Bitcoin ETF benefits from the controversial claim that the market’s leading tokens are called “digital gold,” which is lacking in the Tails. Nor will the relevant funds provide so-called “mart awards” for block maintenance, which can be used for the return of the pledge through direct possession of the tokens.

来自BTC Markets Pty的首席执行官卡罗琳·鲍勒表示:“以太坊没有类似比特币的知名度。”她补充表示,比特币的市值高达1.4万亿美元,是以太坊的三倍。“我预计它不会产生同样的影响。”

Chief Executive Officer Caroline Baller from BTC Markets Pty said: “Etheria has no reputation similar to Bitcoin.” She added that Bitcoin had a market value of $1.4 trillion, three times that of Taicha. “I don't expect it to have the same effect.”




For investors interested in Etheria, the surprising turning point was that last month the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had unexpectedly turned to agreeing to an initial approval of Ether's spot ETF, after the Court had set aside its award in 2023, and that the Commission had only reluctantly allowed Bitcoin's spot ETF. This shift pushed the prices of Ether's transactions up significantly, but over the past year, the 109% increase in Etherayas has lagged behind the alarming 169% increase in Bitcoin, including the new height of Bitcoin's history, which was created in March.

北京时间5月24日凌晨,SEC意外批准了多家ETF发行商的以太坊现货ETF 19b-4表格申请,包括贝莱德、富达以及灰度。然而,尽管这些表格已获批准,ETF发行商们还需要等待S-1注册声明生效后才能开始在美股市场进行交易。SEC目前已开始与发行商们讨论S-1表格相关细节。虽然具体时间尚不明确,但分析师们普遍推测这个过程可能需要大约一个月。

In the early hours of May 24, Beijing time, the SEC unexpectedly approved applications for ETF 19b-4 forms from several ETF distributors, including Belede, Fuda, and Greyscale. However, despite the approval of these forms, ETF distributors will have to wait for the S-1 registration declaration to come into effect before they start trading in the US stock market.

以分析师Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou为首的摩根大通分析团队预计,未来的以太坊投资组合规模将在今年剩余时间内吸引“适度”高达的10亿至30亿美元的净流入。Bloomberg Intelligence 资深ETF分析师Eric Balchunas则表示,这些产品可能难以获得美国比特币ETF资产的大约20%,目前美国全部比特币ETF资产规模高达625亿美元。

The Morgan Chase team, headed by analyst Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, predicts that the future size of the Pacific investment portfolio will attract a modest net inflow of $1 billion to $3 billion for the rest of the year. Eric Balchunas, a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, has indicated that these products may be difficult to access about 20% of the US-bitcoin ETF assets, and the current size of all of the United States-bitcoin ETF assets is as high as $62.5 billion.


来自加密货币领军者K33 research的高级研究分析师维特尔·伦德(Vetle Lunde)属于乐观派。他预计,前五个月将有高达40亿美元的净流入规模,他还预计“巨大的供应吸收冲击”将大幅提振以太坊价格。

The senior research analyst from the encrypt currency leader K33 Research is an optimist. He predicts a net inflow of up to $4 billion in the first five months, and he anticipates that the “big supply absorbs shocks” will boost the prices of the talisman significantly.


At the same time, Van Eckk, the fund manager that is seeking to launch the ETA ETF, sees the popularity of the ETA block chain, which is based on that token, in applications such as encryption financial services.

VanEck数字资产研究主管Matthew Sigel表示:“随着时间的推移,我们预计投资者会得出这样的结论:以太坊生态系统的应用规模和创新潜力可能比比特币系统大得多。”

According to Matthew Sigel, Director of Digital Assets Research at Van Eck, “We expect investors to come to the conclusion over time that the scale of application and the potential for innovation in the Taiwan ecosystem may be much greater than in the bitcoin system.”


The arbitrage of

1月11日,9只首批美国比特币ETF上市交易后,比特币最初大幅下跌,同一天,十多年前成立的灰度比特币信托(Grayscale Bitcoin Trust)——当时最大规模的此类投资组合——从封闭式结构转换为ETF。

On 11 January, after the first nine United States Bitcoin ETFs were listed, Bitcoin first fell significantly, and on the same day, the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, the largest portfolio of such investments at that time, was transformed from a closed structure to an ETF.


This initial fall reflects uncertainty about potential purchase needs and the continued outflow of the grey scale fund's funds, as arbitrators benefit from the unit price of the portfolio versus the net value of assets, which ends when the fund becomes an ETF asset.


In the end, however, strong demand for new ETFs exceeded the size of the greyscale fund's outflow, and Bitcoin prices rose again.


This time, the greyscale investment is intended to convert its 11 billion dollars into the ETF category. As was initially the case with the Bitcoin ETF, arbitrators may leave the largest ETA-related fund.


The crypto-currency research company Kaiko stated that the size of the Greyscale Fund was a reasonable price expectation for the extensive “sale pressure” imposed by the Taiyo price once it was approved for sale with the Taiyo ETF, but that the impact of potential financial outflows on the overall crypto-currency market was not clear.


At a transaction price of $3847 in London on Thursday, Taiga. Although Bitcoin is still expected to make a new historical record, it is still some distance from the historic peak of $4,866 that was created during the period of the new crown’s encrypted currency, the El Niño Supermarket.

ByteTree Asset Management包括首席投资官查理?莫里斯(Charlie Morris)在内的一个团队在一份报告中写道:“全球投资者对以太坊的热情长期以来不温不火,多年来他们一直可以通过欧洲和加拿大获得以太坊。”

A team of ByteTree Asset Management, including Chief Investment Officer Charlie Morris, wrote in a report: “Global investors' enthusiasm for Etheria has long been unheated, and they have been able to acquire Ether through Europe and Canada for many years.”


may not be good for Ether after ETF approval: sets the trigger on a high risk.

即使以太坊ETF正式发行上市后需求乐观,可能也难以提振以太坊这一标的资产的价格走势。知名评级机构标普全球(S&P Global)曾发布报告警告称,美国证券监管机构批准以太坊现货ETF(Ether ETF)的这一市场预期可能将加剧以太坊生态系统的过度集中度问题,对于以太坊(ETH)价格走势来说甚至可能产生负面效应,主要因为批准预期或者实际批准后大概率将质押以太坊代币保留在少数供应商手中。

Even if the demand is optimistic after it is officially released, it may be difficult to boost the price of the assets that are the subject of Taiyana. A well-known rating agency, S&P Global, has issued a report warning that US securities regulators’ approval of the market with the Taiwan spot ETF may be expected to exacerbate the problem of excessive concentration of the ecosystem and may even have a negative effect on the performance of the Ether (ETH) prices, mainly because of expectations or the likely retention of the pledge in a small number of suppliers at the time of approval.

来自标普全球的分析师Andrew O 'Neill和Alexandre Birry表示,此类代币的ETF规模“可能变得足够大,以至于改变以太坊网络中的验证器集中度”;反过来,这可能将使得以太坊网络暴露于操作风险之中,例如单点故障导致的不活动,或恶意串通。

Andrew O'Neill and Alexandre Birry, analysts from the pamphlet world, say that the ETF size of such tokens “may become large enough to alter the concentration of the authentication devices in the e-Taiwan network”; this, in turn, may make it possible for the network to be exposed to operational risks, such as inactivity due to a single point failure, or malicious collusion.

风靡全球的加密货币交易所Coinbase Global Inc.已经是以太坊网络中第二大验证者(或者说将区块验证为区块链的提供商),控制着约14%份额的质押以太坊。标普全球的分析师们引用Dune Analytics和Rated数据写道,顶级提供商Lido则控制着高达31.7%份额的质押以太坊代币。

Coinbase Global Inc., a world-wide crypto-currency exchange, has been the second-largest certifier (or provider of block chains) in the Taiwan network, controlling around 14% of pledges to the Taiku. Global analysts cite Dune Analytics and Raded data, and Lido, a top provider, controls up to 31.7% of pledges to the Taiwani currency.


The U.S. investment agencies that issue the Taiwan ETF are more likely to choose large encrypted money institutions such as Coinbase as specialized digital asset custodians than Lido and others to decentralize the protocol platform. Analysts write that if Coinbase holds a significant share of pledges in Taiyin coins, this means that there is a growing risk of concentration in Taiyin.


For the recently approved Bitcoin ETF, Coinbase is one of the most popular encrypt currency asset hosting options for issuers. Overall, pamphlet global analysts believe that the impact of anchoring ETF products on Ether concentration will depend on whether the issuer spread its currency pledge share to multiple encrypted money custodians.



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