以太坊白皮书(原版译文)以太坊(Ethereum ):下一代智能合约和去中心化应用平台

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当中本聪在2009年1月启动比特币区块链时,他同时向世界引入了两种未经测试的革命性的新概念。第一种就是比特币(bitcoin),一种去中心化的点对点的网上货币,在没有任何资产担保、内在价值或者中心发行者的情况下维持着价值。到目前为止,比特币已经吸引了大量的公众注意力, 就政治方面而言它是一种没有中央银行的货币并且有着剧烈的价格波动。然而,中本聪的伟大试验还有与比特币同等重要的一部分:基于工作量证明的区块链概念使得人们可以就交易顺序达成共识。作为应用的比特币可以被描述为一个先申请(first-to-file)系统:如果某人有50BTC并且同时向A和B发送这50BTC,只有被首先被确认的交易才会生效。没有固有方法可以决定两笔交易哪一笔先到,这个问题阻碍了去中心化数字货币的发展许多年。中本聪的区块链是第一个可靠的去中心化解决办法。现在,开发者们的注意力开始迅速地转向比特币技术的第二部分,区块链怎样应用于货币以外的领域。

The first is Bitcoin, a decentralized online currency that maintains its value without any asset guarantee, inner value, or central issuer. To date, Bitcoin has attracted a lot of public attention, and it is only politically effective if it is a currency with no central bank and with severe price fluctuations. However, there is no inherent way to decide which of the two deals is as important as Bitcoin: the concept of a grid based on workload proof allows consensus to be reached on the order of transactions. The applicable bitcoin is described as the first reliable centralization solution: if a person has 50 BTCs and sends the 50 BTCs simultaneously to A and Bs, it will be effective only if the transactions are first recognized.

常被提及的应用包括使用链上数字资产来代表定制货币和金融工具(彩色币),某种基础物理设备的所有权(智能资产),如域名一样的没有可替代性的资产(域名币)以及如去中心化交易所,金融衍生品,点到点赌博和链上身份和信誉系统等更高级的应用。另一个常被问询的重要领域是“智能合约”- 根据事先任意制订的规则来自动转移数字资产的系统。例如,一个人可能有一个存储合约,形式为“A可以每天最多提现X个币,B每天最多Y个,A和B一起可以随意提取,A可以停掉B的提现权”。这种合约的符合逻辑的扩展就是去中心化自治组织(DAOs)-长期的包含一个组织的资产并把组织的规则编码的智能合约。以太坊的目标就是提供一个带有内置的成熟的图灵完备语言的区块链,用这种语言可以创建合约来编码任意状态转换功能,用户只要简单地用几行代码来实现逻辑,就能够创建以上提及的所有系统以及许多我们还想象不到的的其它系统。

Another important area that is often asked is “intelligent contracts” – systems that automatically transfer digital assets on the basis of pre-defined rules. For example, a person may have a storage contract in the form of “A can raise up to X coins per day, B can up to Y per day, A and B together can take away alternative assets (domain currency), A can cut off B's right to cash. The logical extension of such contracts is to go down to the central self-government organization (DOs) – a smart contract that includes the assets of an organization and encodes the rules of the organization over the long term.



去中心化的数字货币概念,正如财产登记这样的替代应用一样,早在几十年以前就被提出来了。1980和1990年代的匿名电子现金协议,大部分是以乔姆盲签技术(Chaumian blinding)为基础的。这些电子现金协议提供具有高度隐私性的货币,但是这些协议都没有流行起来,因为它们都依赖于一个中心化的中介机构。1998年,戴伟(Wei Dai)的b-money首次引入了通过解决计算难题和去中心化共识创造货币的思想,但是该建议并未给出如何实现去中心化共识的具体方法。2005年,芬尼(Hal Finney)引入了“可重复使用的工作量证明机制”(reusable proofs of work)概念,它同时使用b-money的思想和Adam Back提出的计算困难的哈希现金(Hashcash)难题来创造密码学货币。但是,这种概念再次迷失于理想化,因为它依赖于可信任的计算作为后端。

The concept of decentralised digital money, as was the case with alternative applications such as property registration, was introduced decades ago. The anonymous e-cash agreements of the 1980s and 1990s were largely based on Chaumian blinding technology. These e-cash agreements provided a high degree of privacy, but none of them were popular because they relied on a centralized intermediary. In 1998, B-Money of Wei Dai introduced the idea of creating currency by addressing the problems of computing and decentralizing the consensus, but the proposal did not provide a concrete way to achieve a decentralized consensus.


Since currency is a first application and the order of transactions is essential, decentralized currency needs to find a way to achieve a decentralised consensus. The main obstacle to all pre-bitcoin electronic currency agreements is that, despite years of research on how to create a safe Byzantine-fault-tolerant multi-party consensus system, the agreement addresses only half of the problem. These agreements assume that all participants in the system are known, and create secure borders in the form of “N/4 malicious participants if N is involved in the system.” This assumption, however, is that, in an anonymous situation, the system has a secure border that is vulnerable to witch attacks because an attacker can create thousands of nodes on a server or zombie network, thereby unilaterally ensuring a majority share.


The innovation in China is to introduce the idea of combining a very simple node-based decentralized consensus agreement with a workload proof mechanism. The node has acquired the right to participate in the system through a workload proof mechanism, wrapping transactions into blocks every 10 minutes, thus creating a growing chain of blocks. The node with a great deal of arithmetic has greater impact, but it is much more difficult than creating a million nodes than the network as a whole.



For example, in the standard banking system, the status conversion function is a balance sheet, a request for a transfer of US$X from account A to account B is a transaction, and the status conversion function will be reduced from account A to account B, adding US$X to account B. If the balance of account A is less than US$ X, the status conversion function will return the error hint. So we can define the status conversion function as follows:


In the banking system referred to above, the status conversion function is as follows:



比特币系统的“状态”是所有已经被挖出的、没有花费的比特币(技术上称为“未花费的交易输出,unspent transaction outputs 或UTXO”)的集合。每个UTXO都有一个面值和所有者(由20个字节的本质上是密码学公钥的地址所定义[1])。一笔交易包括一个或多个输入和一个或多个输出。每个输入包含一个对现有UTXO的引用和由与所有者地址相对应的私钥创建的密码学签名。每个输出包含一个新的加入到状态中的UTXO。

The “state” of the bitcoin system is a collection of all unexplored bitcoached bitcoins (technically known as “unspent transaction output, unspent transaction outputs or UTXO”). Each UTXO has a face value and owner (defined by the 20 bytes essentially as the address of the cryptographic public key [1]). A transaction consists of one or more inputs and one or more outputs. Each input contains a reference to the existing UTXO and a cryptographic signature created by a private key corresponding to the owner's address. Each output contains a new UTO in its status.


In the Bitcoin system, the status conversion function can be broadly defined as follows:

  1. 交易的每个输入:
    • 如果引用的UTXO不存在于现在的状态中(),返回错误提示
    • 如果签名与UTXO所有者的签名不一致,返回错误提示
  2. 如果所有的UTXO输入面值总额小于所有的UTXO输出面值总额,返回错误提示
  3. 返回新状态,新状态中移除了所有的输入UTXO,增加了所有的输出UTXO。


The first part of the first step prevents the sender of the transaction from spending non-existent bitcoin, while the second part prevents the sender of the transaction from spending other bitcoins. The second part ensures that the value remains constant. The bitcoin payment agreement is as follows. Assuming Alice wants to send Bob 11.7BTC. In fact, Alice cannot exactly have 11.7 BTC. Assuming that the minimum amount of bitcoin she can get is: 6+4+2=12. So she can create a transaction with three inputs and two outputs. The first output has a face value of 11.7 BTC, owned by Bob (Bob's Bitcoin address), and the second output has a face value of 0.3 BTC, owned by Alice herself, i.e., zero.



If we have a trusted central service, the status conversion system can be easily achieved and can simply be accurately coding the above functions. However, we want to turn the bitcoin system into a decentralised monetary system, and in order to ensure that everyone agrees to the sequence of transactions, we need to combine the status conversion system with a consensus system. The decentralisation consensus process in bitcoin requires nodes in the network to constantly try to wrap the transaction into a “block”. The network is designed to produce a block about every 10 minutes, each containing a time stamp, a random number, a reference to the last block (i.e., Hashi) and a list of all transactions that have occurred since the last block was created. This creates a continuous chain of blocks as time passes, which is constantly updated to represent the latest status of the Bitcoin book.


In accordance with this paradigm, the following algorithms are valid for checking a block:

  1. 检查区块引用的上一个区块是否存在且有效。
  2. 检查区块的时间戳是否晚于以前的区块的时间戳,而且早于未来2小时[2]。
  3. 检查区块的工作量证明是否有效。
  4. 将上一个区块的最终状态赋于。
  5. 假设TX是区块的交易列表,包含n笔交易。对于属于0……n-1的所有i,进行状态转换。如果任何一笔交易i在状态转换中出错,退出程序,返回错误。
  6. 返回正确,状态是这一区块的最终状态。


In essence, each transaction in a block must provide a correct state conversion, bearing in mind that the "state" is not coded to the block. It is a purely abstract concept that is remembered by the verified nodes. For any block, it is possible to calculate the current state (in order) of every transaction, starting with the creation state, by adding each block in sequence. Also, it is necessary to note the sequence in which the miners record the transaction into the block. If there are A and B transactions in a block, B costs the UTXO created by A, and if A is before B, this block is valid, otherwise it is invalid.


The interesting part of the block validation algorithm is the concept of “calendar proof”: as each block is treated by SHA256 Hashi, which will be treated as having a length of 256 bits. If the current target value is 2192, the target value is approximately 2190. The purpose of the workload certification is to make it difficult to create blocks, thereby preventing witches from maliciously regenerating blocks. Since SHA256 is a completely unpredictable pseudo-random function, the only way to create an effective block is simply to try and miscalculate, increasing the value of the random number constantly, and to see whether the new Hashi value is less than the target value. If the current target is 2192, it means that an average of 2 to 64 attempts will be made to produce a valid block.


In order to better understand the purpose of mining, let's analyse what happens when there is a malicious attacker on the Bitcoin network. Because the cryptographic base of Bitcoin is very secure, the attacker chooses to attack the part that is not directly protected by cryptology: the order of transactions. The attacker's strategy is very simple:

  1. 向卖家发送100BTC购买商品(尤其是无需邮寄的电子商品)。
  2. 等待直至商品发出。
  3. 创建另一笔交易,将相同的100BTC发送给自己的账户。
  4. 使比特币网络相信发送给自己账户的交易是最先发出的。


Once step (1) occurs, the miner will pack the transaction into a block, assuming that it is the 270,000th block. In about an hour, there will be five blocks behind the block, each of which will indirectly point to the transaction and thereby confirm the transaction. The seller will receive the money and deliver the goods to the buyer. We assume that it is a digital commodity, and the attacker will receive the goods immediately. Now, the attacker will create another transaction, which will send the same 100 BTC to his account. If the attacker only broadcasts the information to the whole network, the transaction will not be processed.



左:仅提供默克尔树(Merkle tree)上的少量节点已经足够给出分支的合法证明。 右:任何对于默克尔树的任何部分进行改变的尝试都会最终导致链上某处的不一致。

Left: Providing only a small number of nodes on Merkle tree is sufficient to give legitimizing proof of the branch. Right: Any attempt to change any part of the Merkle tree will ultimately lead to inconsistencies somewhere in the chain.


An important scalable feature of the Bitcoin system is that its blocks are stored in multilayered data structures. The Hash of one block is actually just Hash of the block, which contains a time stamp, random numbers, the Hash of the previous block, and a piece of data about 200 bytes from the Merkel tree, where all blocks are traded.


The Merkel tree is a two-fork tree, consisting of a set of leaves nodes, a set of intermediate nodes and a root node. The following is a large number of leaves nodes contain basic data, each of which is the Hasi of its two subnodes, and the root node is the Hasi of its two subnodes, representing the top of the Merkel tree. The Merkel tree is intended to allow the data of blocks to be transmitted in a piecemeal manner: node can still be recorded as a completely different block (almost certainly supported by an incorrect workload) from one source downloading block. This is because of the proliferation of Hashi: if a malicious user tries to add a forged transaction to the lower part of the tree, the changes that will result in changes in the upper node of the tree, as well as changes in the upper node, eventually leading to changes in the root node and changes in the Hashi section.


In April 2014, a full node in the Bitcoin network - the node for the storage and processing of all data on all blocks - needed to occupy 15 GB memory space and grow at a rate greater than 1 GB per month. At present, this storage space is acceptable for desktop computers, but mobile phones can no longer carry data of this magnitude. Only commercial agencies and fans will be able to act as complete nodes in the future. Simplification of payment confirmation agreements allow another node to exist, which is turned into a “light node”, which downloads blocks, uses block heads to confirm the workload certificate, and then downloads only the Merkel Tree “branch” associated with the transaction. This makes it possible to safely determine any status of the transaction and the current balance of the account compared to the special currency by downloading only a small fraction of the entire block chain.



The idea of applying the idea of block chains to other areas has long emerged. In 2005, Niksabo introduced the concept of “ownership as the name of property” in which it describes how the development of database-reproducing technologies has enabled systems based on block chains to be applied to the registration of land titles, creating detailed frameworks that include concepts such as property rights, trespasses, and Georgia’s land taxes.


Thus, consensus-building agreements are generally based on two approaches: the creation of an independent network and the establishment of an agreement on a Bitcoin network. While the first approach has been successful with applications such as the Domain Currency, its implementation is very difficult because each application requires the creation of an independent block chain and the establishment, testing of all state conversions and network codes. Moreover, we predict that the application of decentralized consensus technologies will be subject to the rule of law, that most applications are too small to guarantee the safety of free block chains, and we note that a large number of decentralized applications, especially decentralized self-governing organizations, require interaction between applications.

另一方面,基于比特币的方法存在缺点,它没有继承比特币可以进行简化确认支付(SPV) 的特性。比特币可以实现简化确认支付,因为比特币可以将区块链深度作为有效性确认代理。在某一点上,一旦一笔交易的祖先们距离现在足够远时,就可以认为它们是合法状态的一部分。与之相反,基于比特币区块链的元币协议不能强迫区块链不包括不符合元币协议的交易。因此,安全的元币协议的简化支付确认需要后向扫描所有的区块,直到区块链的初始点,以确认某一交易是否有效。目前,所有基于比特币的元币协议的“轻”实施都依赖可信任的服务器提供数据,这对主要目的之一是消除信任需要的密码学货币而言,只是一个相当次优的结果。

On the other hand, there are shortcomings in the Bitcoin-based approach, which does not succeed to Bitcoin’s simplified recognition of payments (SPV). Bitcoin can achieve simplified confirmation of payments, because Bitcoin can use the depth of a block chain as a validity confirmation agent. At a point, once the ancestors of a transaction are sufficiently far away, they can be considered to be part of a legal state.



In fact, the basic public key ownership mechanism is also achieved through scripts: scripts use elliptical signature as input, authenticating transactions and having the address of the UTXO, if proven successful, return to one, or return to zero. More sophisticated scripts can be used in other different applications. For example, one can create scripts (multiple signatures) requiring two of the three private keys to be traded, which are very useful for company accounts, savings accounts and certain business agents. Scripts can also be used to reward users who solve computational problems.


However, there are serious limitations to the script language of the Bitcoin system:


We have examined three ways of establishing advanced applications in cryptography: creating a new block chain, using scripts on the bitcoin block chain, and establishing a currency agreement on the bitcoin block chain. The way of building a new block chain is free to achieve arbitrary characteristics, at the cost of developing time and nurturing efforts. The method of using scripts is very easy to achieve and standardize, but it has limited capacity.

以太坊的目的是基于脚本、竞争币和链上元协议(on-chain meta-protocol)概念进行整合和提高,使得开发者能够创建任意的基于共识的、可扩展的、标准化的、特性完备的、易于开发的和协同的应用。以太坊通过建立终极的抽象的基础层-内置有图灵完备编程语言的区块链-使得任何人都能够创建合约和去中心化应用并在其中设立他们自由定义的所有权规则、交易方式和状态转换函数。域名币的主体框架只需要两行代码就可以实现,诸如货币和信誉系统等其它协议只需要不到二十行代码就可以实现。智能合约-包含价值而且只有满足某些条件才能打开的加密箱子-也能在我们的平台上创建,并且因为图灵完备性、价值知晓(value-awareness)、区块链知晓(blockchain-awareness)和多状态所增加的力量而比比特币脚本所能提供的智能合约强大得多。

The goal is to consolidate and improve the concept of a single-chain meta-protocol, based on scripts, competitive currency, and chain-based meta-protocol, so that developers can create any consensus-based, scalable, standardized, well-defined, easy-to-development and synergistic applications. By creating the ultimate abstract base layer - a block chain with built-in programming language - anyone can create a contract and decentralize the application of their freely defined ownership rules, mode of dealing and status conversion functions. The main framework of a domain currency requires only two lines of code, and other agreements, such as monetary and reputation systems, require less than twenty lines of code.



In the Etheria system, the status is made up of objects called “accounts” (each account with a 20-by-tem address) and a conversion of the status of the transfer of values and information between the two accounts.


The Ether is the main encrypted fuel in the Taiku, which is used to cover transaction costs. In general, there are two types of accounts in the Taiku: externally owned accounts (controlled by private keys) and contractual accounts (controlled by contract codes). All external accounts have no code, and people can send messages from an external account by creating and signing a transaction. Whenever a message is received from a contractual account, the internal code is activated, allowing it to read and write, send other messages or create a contract for internal storage.



There are three important differences between the two. First, the message can be created by outside entities or contracts, but the deal can be created only from outside. Second, the message can choose to include data. Third, if the recipient of the message is a contractual account, it can choose to respond, which means that the message also contains a function concept.


In order to prevent an exponential explosion and an unlimited cycle of codes, each transaction requires a restriction on the computational steps triggered by the execution code, including initial messages and all information generated by the execution. STARTGAS is a limitation, whereby each calculation step involves paying the cost to the miners. If the transaction is carried out, “excessed gas” changes the status quo ante, but the transaction costs already paid are uncollectible. If the transaction is suspended, the gas will be returned to the sender. There is a separate transaction type and corresponding message type for the creation of the contract; the address of the contract is calculated on the basis of the random number of the account number and the transaction data.


An important consequence of the information mechanism is that the community’s “first-class citizen” property-contracts have the same rights as external accounts, including the right to send messages and create other contracts. This allows the contract to play several different roles at the same time. For example, users can turn a member of a decentralized organization (one contract) into an intermediary account (the other), an individual who has a biased use of a Quantum-based signature (the third contract) and a co-signing entity that uses an account (the fourth contract) with five private keys to secure it.




Convert function with the status of Taiwan: This can be defined as follows:

  1. 检查交易的格式是否正确(即有正确数值)、签名是否有效和随机数是否与发送者账户的随机数匹配。如否,返回错误。
  2. 计算交易费用:,并从签名中确定发送者的地址。从发送者的账户中减去交易费用和增加发送者的随机数。如果账户余额不足,返回错误。
  3. 设定初值,并根据交易中的字节数减去一定量的瓦斯值。
  4. 从发送者的账户转移价值到接收者账户。如果接收账户还不存在,创建此账户。如果接收账户是一个合约,运行合约的代码,直到代码运行结束或者瓦斯用完。
  5. 如果因为发送者账户没有足够的钱或者代码执行耗尽瓦斯导致价值转移失败,恢复原来的状态,但是还需要支付交易费用,交易费用加至矿工账户。
  6. 否则,将所有剩余的瓦斯归还给发送者,消耗掉的瓦斯作为交易费用发送给矿工。 例如,假设合约的代码如下:


It should be noted that in reality the contract code is written from the bottom using the EVM code. The contract above is written in our advanced language, Serpent, and it can be compiled into the EVM code. Assuming that the contract repository is empty at the beginning, one value is 10 ff., gas is 2000 and gas prices are 0.001 and 64 bytes, and the first 32 bytes of block representative number 2 and the second bytes are treated as follows:

  1. 检查交易是否有效、格式是否正确。
  2. 检查交易发送者至少有2000*0.001=2个以太币。如果有,从发送者账户中减去2个以太币。
  3. 初始设定gas=2000,假设交易长为170字节,每字节的费用是5,减去850,所以还剩1150。
  4. 从发送者账户减去10个以太币,为合约账户增加10个以太币。
  5. 运行代码。在这个合约中,运行代码很简单:它检查合约存储器索引为2处是否已使用,注意到它未被使用,然后将其值置为CHARLIE。假设这消耗了187单位的瓦斯,于是剩余的瓦斯为1150 - 187=963。 6. 向发送者的账户增加963*0.001=0.963个以太币,返回最终状态。 如果没有合约接收交易,那么所有的交易费用就等于GASPRICE乘以交易的字节长度,交易的数据就与交易费用无关了。另外,需要注意的是,合约发起的消息可以对它们产生的计算分配瓦斯限额,如果子计算的瓦斯用完了,它只恢复到消息发出时的状态。因此,就像交易一样,合约也可以通过对它产生的子计算设置严格的限制,保护它们的计算资源。



The code for the Taiwan contract is written in low-level, stack-based byte-codes, known as " By Taiwan Virtual Machine Code " or " EVM Code ". The code consists of a series of bytes, each of which represents an operation. In general, the code execution is an infinity loop, and the program counter performs an operation for each additional one (initial value zero) until the code is executed or there is an error, or command. The operation can access the space in which three types of data are stored:


The code allows access to values like the data on the head of the block, the sender and the data in the message received, and the code returns the byte queue of the data as an output.


The formal implementation model of the EVM code is surprisingly simple. When running in the Taiwan virtual machine, its full computing state can be defined by the array, which contains the global state of all account balances and storage. At each round of implementation, the current command is found through the first (programme counter) bytes of the code that are transferred out, and each command defines how it affects the set. For example, when two elements are out of stock and their contents are in stock, one (gas) will be reduced and one will be added, the top two elements will be out of stock and the second will be inserted into the contractual storage position defined by the first element, and the maximum 200 gas values will be reduced and one will be added. While there are many ways to optimize the Taiku by instantaneous editing, the basic implementation of the Taiku will be accomplished by hundreds of lines of code.



Although there are some differences, Ether’s block chain is in many ways similar to the Bitcoin block chain. The difference in their block chain structure is that Ether’s block contains not only transaction records and the most recent state, but also block serial numbers and difficulty values.

  1. 检查区块引用的上一个区块是否存在和有效。
  2. 检查区块的时间戳是否比引用的上一个区块大,而且小于15分钟。
  3. 检查区块序号、难度值、 交易根,叔根和瓦斯限额(许多以太坊特有的底层概念)是否有效。
  4. 检查区块的工作量证明是否有效。
  5. 将赋值为上一个区块的。
  6. 将赋值为区块的交易列表,一共有笔交易。对于属于的,进行状态转换。如果任何一个转换发生错误,或者程序执行到此处所花费的瓦斯(gas)超过了,返回错误。
  7. 用给赋值, 向矿工支付区块奖励。
  8. 检查是否与相同。如果相同,区块是有效的。否则,区块是无效的。

这一确认方法乍看起来似乎效率很低,因为它需要存储每个区块的所有状态,但是事实上以太坊的确认效率可以与比特币相提并论。原因是状态存储在树结构中(tree structure),每增加一个区块只需要改变树结构的一小部分。因此,一般而言,两个相邻的区块的树结构的大部分应该是相同的,因此存储一次数据,可以利用指针(即子树哈希)引用两次。一种被称为“帕特里夏树”(“Patricia Tree”)的树结构可以实现这一点,其中包括了对默克尔树概念的修改,不仅允许改变节点,而且还可以插入和删除节点。另外,因为所有的状态信息是最后一个区块的一部分,所以没有必要存储全部的区块历史-这一方法如果能够可以应用到比特币系统中,经计算可以对存储空间有10-20倍的节省。

This method of confirmation appears to be inefficient at first glance, because it requires the storage of all the state of each block, but in fact the efficiency of the Taiwan identification can be compared to that of Bitcoin. The reason is that the state is stored in tree structures (tree rule), with each additional block only a fraction of the tree structure being changed. As a general rule, therefore, most of the tree structure of the two adjacent blocks should be the same, so that data can be stored once and can be quoted twice with a pointer (i.e., a sub-tree). A tree structure called “Patricia Tree” can achieve this, including a change in the Merkel tree concept, allowing not only a change of node, but also the insertion and deletion of nodes. Moreover, since all state information is part of the last block, it is not necessary to store all the history of the blocks - a method that can be applied to a bitcoin system and can be calculated to save the storage space by 10-20 times.


The first is financial applications, which provide users with stronger ways to manage and participate in contracts with their money. These include sub-currencys, financial derivatives, hedge contracts, savings wallets, wills, and even some types of comprehensive employment contracts. The second is semi-financial applications, where there is money but where there is a significant non-monetary aspect.



The chain of command systems has many applications, ranging from sub-currencys representing assets such as United States dollars or gold to company shares, with separate tokens representing smart assets, secure and non-forgerable coupons, and even a token system that has no connection to traditional values to provide a credit incentive. It is easy to implement a token system in Ether. The key point is to understand that all money or token systems are essentially a database with the following: subtracting X units from A and adding X units to B units, provided that (1) A has at least X units prior to the transaction and (2) transactions are approved by A. Implementation of a token system is to implement such a logic into a contract.


The basic code for implementing a token system in the Serpent language is as follows:


In essence, this is a minimal implementation of the “bank system” state transformation function that this paper will further describe. Additional codes are needed to provide the function of distributing money in initial and other peripheral situations, ideally adding a function to allow other contracts to search for the balance of an address.



Financial derivatives are one of the most common applications of “smart contracts” and one of the most readily available codes. The main challenge in achieving financial contracts is that most of them need to be based on an external price publisher; for example, a very high-demand application is an intelligent contract used to hedge against price fluctuations in the Tai currency (or other cryptographic currencies) against the United States dollar, but the contract needs to know the price in the same currency against the United States dollar. The simplest way is through a “data supply” contract maintained by a particular institution (e.g. Nasdak), which is designed to enable the agency to update the contract as needed and to provide an interface to enable other contracts to send a message to the contract to obtain a response containing price information.


When these key elements are ready, the hedge contract will look like the following:

  1. 等待A输入1000以太币。.
  2. 等待B 输入1000以太币。
  3. 通过查询数据提供合约,将1000以太币的美元价值,例如,x美元,记录至存储器。
  4. 30天后,允许A或B“重新激活“合约以发送价值x美元的以太币(重新查询数据提供合约以获取新价格并计算)给A并将剩余的以太币发送给B。 这样的合约在密码学商务中有非同寻常的潜力。密码学货币经常被诟病的一个问题就是其价格的波动性;虽然大量的用户和商家可能需要密码学资产所带来的安全和便利,可他们不太会乐意面对一天中资产跌去23%价值的情形。直到现在,最为常见的推荐方案是发行者背书资产;思想是发行者创建一种子货币,对此种子货币他们有权发行和赎回,给予(线下)提供给他们一个单位特定相关资产(例如黄金,美元)的人一个单位子货币。发行者承诺当任何人送还一个单位密码学资产时。发还一个单位的相关资产。这种机制能够使任何非密码学资产被“升级“为密码学资产,如果发行者值得信任的话。 然而实践中发行者并非总是值得信任的,并且一些情况下银行体系太脆弱,或者不够诚实守信从而使这样的服务无法存在。金融衍生品提供了一种替代方案。这里将不再有提供储备以支撑一种资产的单独的发行者,取而代之的是一个由赌一种密码学资产的价格会上升的投机者构成的去中心化市场。与发行者不同,投机者一方没有讨价还价的权利,因为对冲合约把他们的储备冻结在了契约中。注意这种方法并非是完全去中心化的,因为依然需要一个可信任的提供价格信息的数据源,尽管依然有争议这依然是在降低基础设施需求(与发行者不同,一个价格发布器不需要牌照并且似乎可归为自由言论一类)和降低潜在欺诈风险方面的一个巨大的进步。



The earliest replacement currency, domain currency, is an attempt to provide a name registration system using a bitcoin-like block chain where users can register their names and other data together in a public database. The most commonly used application is a domain name that corresponds to an IP address, like “bitcoin.org” or “bitcoin.bit”. Other applications include e-mail validation systems and potentially more advanced credit systems. This is a basic contract for providing a name registration system similar to a domain currency in Taiwan:


Contracts are simple; they are a database that can be added but cannot be modified or removed in the Taiwan network. Anyone can register a name as a value and remain constant. A more complex name registration contract will contain a “functional clause” that allows other contract queries, as well as a mechanism that allows the owner of a name to modify data or transfer ownership (i.e. the first registrant).



In the past few years, a number of popular online document storage start-ups have emerged, most notably Dropbox, which seeks to allow users to upload their hard disk backups, provide back-up storage services and allow users to access them in order to charge them monthly fees. On this point, however, this document storage market is sometimes relatively inefficient; rough observations of existing services suggest that the monthly price of mainstream document storage costs, especially at the level of the “Mystic Valley” 20-200GB, which has neither free space nor firm-level user discounts, means paying for the entire hard disk in one month. The Taipan contract allows for the centralization of the ecological development, so that users can lower the cost of document storage by renting their own hard disk or unused network space.

这样的设施的基础性构件就是我们所谓的“去中心化Dropbox合约“。这个合约工作原理如下。首先,某人将需要上传的数据分成块,对每一块数据加密以保护隐私,并且以此构建一个默克尔树。然后创建一个含以下规则的合约,每N个块,合约将从默克尔树中抽取一个随机索引(使用能够被合约代码访问的上一个块的哈希来提供随机性), 然后给第一个实体X以太以支撑一个带有类似简化验证支付(SPV)的在树中特定索引处的块的所有权证明。当一个用户想重新下载他的文件,他可以使用微支付通道协议(例如每32k字节支付1萨博)恢复文件;从费用上讲最高效的方法是支付者不到最后不发布交易,而是用一个略微更合算的带有同样随机数的交易在每32k字节之后来代替原交易。

The underlying building blocks of such a facility are what we call the “decentralization of the Dropbox contract.” The principles of the contract are as follows. First, a person will need to upload data blocks, encrypt every piece of data to protect privacy, and build a Merkel tree accordingly. Then create a contract with the following rules, each N, to draw a random index from the Merkel tree (to provide randomity using the previous section of Hash, which can be accessed by the contract code), and then give the first entity X too much to support a specific section of the tree with a similar simplified certification payment (SPV).


An important feature of this agreement is that, while it appears that a person trusts many random nodes that are not prepared to lose documents, he can divide them into many small blocks by secret sharing, and then learn, through surveillance contracts, that each one of them is kept by a certain node. If a contract is still paying, then there is evidence that someone is still saving the document.


通常意义上“去中心化自治组织(DAO, decentralized autonomous organization)”的概念指的是一个拥有一定数量成员或股东的虚拟实体,依靠比如67%多数来决定花钱以及修改代码。成员会集体决定组织如何分配资金。分配资金的方法可能是悬赏,工资或者更有吸引力的机制比如用内部货币奖励工作。这仅仅使用密码学块链技术就从根本上复制了传统公司或者非营利组织的法律意义以实现强制执行。至此许多围绕DAO的讨论都是围绕一个带有接受分红的股东和可交易的股份的“去中心化自治公司(DAC,decentralized autonomous corporation)”的“资本家”模式;作为替代者,一个被描述为“去中心化自治社区(decentralized autonomous community)”的实体将使所有成员都在决策上拥有同等的权利并且在增减成员时要求67%多数同意。每个人都只能拥有一个成员资格这一规则需要被群体强制实施。

The concept of “decentralized self-organization” usually means a virtual entity with a certain number of members or shareholders, relying, for example, on a 67% majority to decide how to spend and modify the code. Members collectively decide how to allocate the funds. The method for allocating the funds may be a reward, a wage, or a more attractive mechanism, such as an in-house monetary reward. This merely reproduces the legal significance of traditional companies or non-profit organizations for enforcement.


The following is an outline of how to use a code to achieve a DO. The simplest design is a code that can be self-modified if two-thirds of the members agree. Although the theoretical code is unalterable, the code can be modified by placing the core of the code in a separate contract and pointing the address of the contract to a variable storage that can still easily circumvent the barrier. In one such DAO contract, there are three types of transactions that are distinguished by the data provided by the transaction:

然后合约对每一项都有具体的条款。它将维护一个所有开放存储的更改记录以及一个谁投票表决的表。还有一个所有成员的表。当任何存储内容的更改获得了三分之二多数同意,一个最终的交易将执行这项更改。一个更加复杂的框架会增加内置的选举功能以实现如发送交易,增减成员,甚至提供委任制民主一类的投票代表(即任何人都可以委托另外一个人来代表自己投票,而且这种委托关系是可以传递的,所以如果A委托了B然后B委托了C那么C将决定A的投票)。这种设计将使DAO作为一个去中心化社区有机地成长, 使人们最终能够把挑选合适人选的任务交给专家,与当前系统不同,随着社区成员不断改变他们的站队假以时日专家会容易地出现和消失。 一个替代的模式是去中心化公司,那里任何账户可以拥有0到更多的股份,决策需要三分之二多数的股份同意。一个完整的框架将包括资产管理功能-可以提交买卖股份的订单以及接受这种订单的功能(前提是合约里有订单匹配机制)。代表依然以委任制民主的方式存在,产生了“董事会”的概念。

A more complex framework would add built-in electoral functions such as sending transactions, adding or reducing members, and even providing voting representatives such as mandate democracy (that is, anyone can entrust another person to vote on their own behalf, and that the trust relationship is transferable, so if A entrusts B and then B entrusts C with the vote, then C will decide A. Such a design would allow DAO to grow organically as a decentralized community, and would eventually allow the task of selecting suitable candidates to be assigned to experts, unlike the current system, and would easily emerge and disappear as members of the community change their team leave to a time-to-day basis. One alternative model would be to centralize the company, where any account could have zero to more shares, and where a two-thirds majority of the shares would be required for decision-making.


More advanced organizational governance mechanisms may be realized in the future; a decentralized organization (DO) can now begin to describe it from decentralised self-government (DAO). The difference between DO and DAO is vague, a broad dividing line is whether governance can be achieved through a similar political process or an “automatic” process, and a good intuition test is “non-universal language”: if two members do not say the same language organization can function properly. Clearly, a simple traditional stock-holding company would fail, but a bitcoin agreement is likely to succeed, and Robin Hansen's “futarchy” mechanism of organizing governance by predicting the market is a truly good example of what “autonomy” governance might look like. Note that a person does not need to assume that all DAOs are superior to all DOs; autonomy is only one that has great advantages in some particular contexts, but many semi-DAOs may exist.


  1. 储蓄钱包。 假设Alice想确保她的资金安全,但她担心丢失或者被黑客盗走私钥。她把以太币放到和Bob签订的一个合约里,如下所示,这合同是一个银行:
  1. 作物保险。一个人可以很容易地以天气情况而不是任何价格指数作为数据输入来创建一个金融衍生品合约。如果一个爱荷华的农民购买了一个基于爱荷华的降雨情况进行反向赔付的金融衍生品,那么如果遇到干旱,该农民将自动地收到赔付资金而如果有足量的降雨他会很开心因为他的作物收成会很好。
  2. 一个去中心化的数据发布器。 对于基于差异的金融合约,事实上通过过“谢林点”协议将数据发布器去中心化是可能的。谢林点的工作原理如下:N方为某个指定的数据提供输入值到系统(例如ETH/USD价格),所有的值被排序,每个提供25%到75%之间的值的节点都会获得奖励,每个人都有激励去提供他人将提供的答案,大量玩家可以真正同意的答案明显默认就是正确答案,这构造了一个可以在理论上提供很多数值,包括ETH/USD价格,柏林的温度甚至某个特别困难的计算的结果的去中心化协议。

5.云计算。EVM技术还可被用来创建一个可验证的计算环境,允许用户邀请他人进行计算然后选择性地要求提供在一定的随机选择的检查点上计算被正确完成的证据。这使得创建一个任何用户都可以用他们的台式机,笔记本电脑或者专用服务器参与的云计算市场成为可能,现场检查和安全保证金可以被用来确保系统是值得信任的(即没有节点可以因欺骗获利)。虽然这样一个系统可能并不适用所有任务;例如,需要高级进程间通信的任务就不易在一个大的节点云上完成。然而一些其它的任务就很容易实现并行;SETI@home, folding@home和基因算法这样的项目就很容易在这样的平台上进行。

cloud computing. EVM technology can also be used to create a verifiable computing environment, allowing users to invite others to perform calculations and to selectively request evidence of the correct completion of calculations at selected random checkpoints. This makes it possible to create a cloud computing market in which any user can use their desktops, laptops or dedicated servers, and on-site inspections and security payments can be used to ensure that the system is trustworthy (i.e. no no nodes can profit from deception).

6.点对点赌博。任意数量的点对点赌博协议都可以搬到以太坊的区块链上,例如Frank Stajano和Richard Clayton的Cyberdice。 最简单的赌博协议事实上是这样一个简单的合约,它用来赌下一个区块的哈稀值与猜测值之间的差额, 据此可以创建更复杂的赌博协议,以实现近乎零费用和无欺骗的赌博服务。

Any number of point-to-point gambling agreements can be moved to the Etherm's block chain, such as Frank Stajano and Richard Clayton's Cyberdice. The simplest gambling agreements are, in fact, such simple contracts, which are used to gamble the difference between the hare and guess values of the next block, thus creating more complex gambling agreements to achieve near-zero-cost and non-fraud gambling services.

7.预测市场。 不管是有神谕还是有谢林币,预测市场都会很容易实现,带有谢林币的预测市场可能会被证明是第一个主流的作为去中心化组织管理协议的“futarchy”应用。

predicts the market . Whether there is an encyclical or a Sherein coin, the market is expected to be easily realized, and the forecast market with the Sherein coin may prove to be the first mainstream application of the “futarchy” as a decentralized organization management agreement.


The chain goes up to the central market, based on identity and credibility systems.


“幽灵“协议("Greedy Heaviest Observed Subtree" (GHOST) protocol)是由Yonatan Sompolinsky 和 Aviv Zohar在2013年12月引入的创新。幽灵协议提出的动机是当前快速确认的块链因为区块的高作废率而受到低安全性困扰;因为区块需要花一定时间(设为t)扩散至全网,如果矿工A挖出了一个区块然后矿工B碰巧在A的区块扩散至B之前挖出了另外一个区块,矿工B的区块就会作废并且没有对网络安全作出贡献。此外,这里还有中心化问题:如果A是一个拥有全网30%算力的矿池而B拥有10%的算力,A将面临70%的时间都在产生作废区块的风险而B在90%的时间里都在产生作废区块。因此,如果作废率高,A将简单地因为更高的算力份额而更有效率,综合这两个因素,区块产生速度快的块链很可能导致一个矿池拥有实际上能够控制挖矿过程的算力份额。

The phantom protocol is motivated by the fact that the fast-recognizing chain is currently compromised by the high turnover of blocks; because the block takes some time (set up as t) to spread to the whole net, if miner A digs out a block and miner B coincidentally digs another block before block A spreads to B, miner B's block is destroyed and does not contribute to cybersecurity. In addition, there is the problem of centralization: if A is a 30% network-based pool and B has 10% capacity, A will be faced with 70% of the time to spread to the whole network, and B has 90% of the time to create a waste block, and therefore, if it happens to be high, A will simply be able to account for a higher share of the efficiency of these two elements, which could lead to a very high share of the fast-moving mining chain.

正如Sompolinsky 和 Zohar所描述的,通过在计算哪条链“最长”的时候把废区块也包含进来,幽灵协议解决了降低网络安全性的第一个问题;这就是说,不仅一个区块的父区块和更早的祖先块,祖先块的作废的后代区块(以太坊术语中称之为“叔区块”)也被加进来以计算哪一个区块拥有支持其的最大工作量证明。我们超越了Sompolinsky 和 Zohar所描述的协议以解决第二个问题 – 中心化倾向,以太坊付给以“叔区块”身份为新块确认作出贡献的废区块87.5%的奖励,把它们纳入计算的“侄子区块”将获得奖励的12.5%,不过,交易费用不奖励给叔区块。 以太坊实施了一个只下探到第五层的简化版本的幽灵协议。其特点是,废区块只能以叔区块的身份被其父母的第二代至第五代后辈区块,而不是更远关系的后辈区块(例如父母区块的第六代后辈区块,或祖父区块的第三代后辈区块)纳入计算。这样做有几个原因。首先,无条件的幽灵协议将给计算给定区块的哪一个叔区块合法带来过多的复杂性。其次,带有以太坊所使用的补偿的无条件的幽灵协议剥夺了矿工在主链而不是一个公开攻击者的链上挖矿的激励。最后,计算表明带有激励的五层幽灵协议即使在出块时间为15s的情况下也实现了了95%以上的效率,而拥有25%算力的矿工从中心化得到的益处小于3%。

As Sompolinsky and Zohar have described, the first problem of reducing cyber security is solved by including scrap blocks in the calculation of the “maximum” chain; that is, not only the parent block of a block and the early ancestors of an ancestral block, but also the “neighbour block” (referred to as the “uncle block”) are added to calculate which block has the greatest amount of work to support. We have gone beyond the agreement described by Sompolinsky and Zohar to solve the second problem – the centralization propensity to pay 87.5 per cent of the waste block identified as contributing to the new block in the neighbourhood as the “class block”, which will be rewarded by 12.5 per cent of the calculated “neighbour block”, but the transaction cost will not be rewarded to the uncle block.



Because each published transaction to the block chain consumes the cost of downloading and validation, there is a regulatory mechanism that includes transaction fees to guard against abusive transactions. Bitcoin uses the default method of purely voluntary transaction costs, relying on miners to act as gatekeepers and set dynamic minimum costs. This method is “market-based” and allows miners and transaction senders to determine prices on the basis of supply and demand, so it is well accepted in the Bitcoi community. The logical problem is, however, that transaction processing is not a market; while it is attractive to intuitively interpret the transaction as a service provided by miners to senders, the fact is that a transaction recorded by a miner is handled by each node of the network, so the largest portion of the cost of transaction processing is borne by third parties rather than by miners deciding whether to take the transaction.


However, when a special, less precise, simplified hypothesis is given, the loopholes in this market-based mechanism have magically eliminated its impact. The argument is as follows:

  1. 一个交易带来 k 步操作, 提供奖励 kR给任何收录该交易的矿工,这里 R 由交易发布者设定, k 和 R 对于矿工都是事先(大致上)可见的。
  2. 每个节点处理每步操作的成本都是 C (即所有节点的效率一致)。
  3. 有 N 个挖矿节点,每个算力一致(即全网算力的1/N)。
  4. 没有不挖矿的全节点。

当预期奖励大于成本时,矿工愿意挖矿。这样,因为矿工有1/N 的机会处理下一个区块,所以预期的收益是 kR/N , 矿工的处理成本简单为 kC. 这样当 kR/N > kC, 即 R > NC时。矿工愿意收录交易。注意 R 是由交易发送者提供的每步费用,是矿工从处理交易中获益的下限。 NC 是全网处理一个操作的成本。所以,矿工仅有动机去收录那些收益大于成本的交易。 然而,这些假设与实际情况有几点重要的偏离:

When the expected reward is greater than the cost, the miners are willing to dig the mine. So, because the miners have an opportunity to handle the next block, the expected benefit is kR/N. The cost of processing the miner is simply kC. So when the kR/N & gt; kC, R & gt; NC. The miners are willing to take up the transaction. Note that R is the cost per step from the sender of the transaction, which is the lower limit for the miner to benefit from processing the transaction. NC is the cost of processing an operation. So the miners are motivated only to receive transactions where the profit is greater than the cost.

  1. 因为额外的验证时间延迟了块的广播因而增加了块成为废块的机会,处理交易的矿工比其它的验证节点付出了更高的成本。
  2. 不挖矿的全节点是存在的。
  3. 实践中算力分布可能最后是极端不平均的。
  4. 以破坏网络为己任的投机者,政敌和疯子确实存在,并且他们能够聪明地设置合同使得他们的成本比其它验证节点低得多。 上面第1点驱使矿工收录更少的交易,第2点增加了 NC; 因此这两点的影响至少部分互相抵消了. 第3点和第4点是主要问题;作为解决方案我们简单地建立了一个浮动的上限:没有区块能够包含比BLK_LIMIT_FACTOR 倍长期指数移动平均值更多的操作数。具体地:

BLK_LIMIT_FACTOR 和 EMA_FACTOR 是暂且被设为 65536 和 1.5 的常数,但可能会在更深入的分析后调整。 回复

BLK_LIMIT_FACTOR and EMA_FACTOR are temporary constants of 65536 and 1.5, but may be adjusted after more in-depth analysis.


需要强调的是以太坊虚拟机是图灵完备的; 这意味着EVM代码可以实现任何可以想象的计算,包括无限循环。EVM代码有两种方式实现循环。首先, JUMP 指令可以让程序跳回至代码前面某处,还有允许如 一样的条件语句的JUMPI 指令实现条件跳转。其次,合约可以调用其它合约,有通过递归实现循环的潜力。这很自然地导致了一个问题:恶意用户能够通过迫使矿工和全节点进入无限循环而不得不关机吗? 这问题出现是因为计算机科学中一个叫停机问题的问题:一般意义上没有办法知道,一个给定的程序是否能在有限的时间内结束运行。

First, the JUMP command allows the program to jump back to somewhere in front of the code, and also allows the JUMPI directive to jump under the same conditions. Secondly, the contract can call on other contracts and have the potential to achieve the cycle by relativizing. This naturally leads to the question: can malicious users have to shut down a machine by forcing miners and entire nodes into an infinite cycle? This is a problem in computer science: there is no way, in general, to know whether a given program can end in a limited time.


As noted in the status conversion chapter, our programme addresses the problem by setting the maximum number of steps to run each transaction, and, if over, calculating the costs of restitution. Messages work in the same way. To illustrate the motives behind the programme, consider the following examples:

现在,发送一个这样的交易给A,这样,在51个交易中,我们有了一个需要花费2^50 步计算的合约,矿工可能尝试通过为每一个合约维护一个最高可执行步数并且对于递归调用其它合约的合约计算可能执行步数从而预先检测这样的逻辑炸弹,但是这会使矿工禁止创建其它合约的合约(因为上面26个合约的创建和执行可以很容易地放入一个单独合约内)。另外一个问题点是一个消息的地址字段是一个变量,所以通常来讲可能甚至无法预先知道一个合约将要调用的另外一个合约是哪一个。于是,最终我们有了一个惊人的结论:图灵完备的管理惊人地容易,而在缺乏同样的控制时图灵不完备的管理惊人地困难- 那为什么不让协议图灵完备呢?

Now, sending a deal like this to A so that, of 51 transactions, we have a contract that costs 2.50 steps, and miners may try to pre-detect a logical bomb by maintaining a maximum implementable step for each contract and calculating the number of steps that might be carried out for relativating contracts using other contracts, but this would prohibit miners from creating other contracts (because the creation and execution of the 26 above contracts can easily be placed in a separate contract). Another problem is that the address field of a message is a variable, so it may normally not even be known in advance which of the other contracts a contract is going to be used. So, in the end, we have an amazing conclusion: good management is amazingly easy, and poorly managed in the absence of the same control — so why not let the agreement be perfect?



In order to facilitate and avoid future disputes (see the current mBTC/uBTC/hearing debate), the name of the different face value will be set in advance:


This should be seen as an extension of the concepts of “dollars” and “points” or “bitcoin” and “hearing”, and in the near future we expect that the term “ether” will be used as a general transaction, that the term “fenni” will be used for micro-trading, and that the terms “sabo” and “vi” will be used to discuss costs and the implementation of agreements.


The distribution pattern is as follows:



The permanent linear growth model reduces the risk of excessive concentration of wealth in bitcoins and gives people living in the present and in the future a fair opportunity to acquire money, while maintaining incentives for acquisition and holding in tata coins, since “currency supply growth rates” tend to be zero in the long term. We also assume that, over time, currency losses are always lost as a result of carelessness and death, assuming that the loss is a fixed proportion of the annual money supply, and eventually the money supply in total circulation is stabilized at a value equal to the annual currency distribution divided by the loss rate (e.g., 0.3 x is dug up and 0.3 x lost each year at a rate of 1 per cent when the supply reaches 30 x, and a balance is reached).



In addition to linear distribution, the rate of supply growth in the same currency as that of Bitcoin has tended to be zero in the long run.




The Bitcoin mining algorithm basically allows miners to slightly alter the head of a block tens of thousands of times until the final version of a modified version of a node, Harshi, is less than the target value (currently approximately 2190). However, this mining algorithm is easily attacked by two forms of centralization. First, the mining ecosystem is specifically designed, thus increasing efficiency in the special task of digging in bitcoin, ASICs (specially integrated circuits) and computer chip control. This means that bitcoin digs are no longer highly centralized and egalitarian, but require effective participation in large amounts of capital. Second, most bitcoin miners are in fact no longer completing local block certification; rather, they rely on centralized pits to provide block sizes. The problem can be described as serious: at the time of writing, the two largest ponds indirectly control about 50% of the entire net, although the fact that a miner can switch to other ponds when a pond or consortium tries 51% of the attack reduces the problem.

以太坊现在的目的是使用一个基于为每1000个随机数随机产生唯一哈希的函数的挖矿算法,用足够宽的计算域,去除专用硬件的优势。这样的策略当然不会使中心化的收益减少为零,但是也不需要。注意每单个用户使用他们的私人笔记本电脑或台式机就可以几乎免费地完成一定量的挖矿活动,但当到了100%的CPU使用率之后更多地挖矿就会需要他们支付电力和硬件成本。ASIC挖矿公司需要从第一个哈希开始就为电力和硬件支付成本。所以,如果中心化收益能够保持在(E + H) /E 以下,那么即使ASICs被制造出来普通矿工依然有生存空间。另外,我们计划将挖矿算法设计成挖矿需要访问整个区块链,迫使矿工存储完成的区块链或者至少能够验证每笔交易。这去除了对中心化矿池的需要;虽然矿池依然可以扮演平滑收益分配的随机性的角色,但这功能可以被没有中心化控制的P2P矿池完成地同样好。这样即使大部分普通用户依然倾向选择轻客户端,通过增加网络中的全节点数量也有助于抵御中心化。

The goal is now to use a mining algorithm based on a single Hashi function produced randomly for every 1,000 random numbers, with a sufficiently wide field of calculation to remove the advantages of specialized hardware. Such a strategy will not, of course, reduce the centralization benefits to zero, but it will not be necessary. Every single user can do a certain amount of mining almost free of charge by using their personal laptops or desktops, but when 100% of the CPUs are used, they will have to pay the cost of electricity and hardware. The ASIC mining company will need to pay the cost of electricity and hardware from the first Hashi.



The problem of expansion is that it is a common concern in Taipan, which, like Bitcoin, suffers from each transaction that requires every node in the network to deal with this dilemma. Bitcoin’s current block chain is about 20 gigabytes, growing at the rate of 1 MB per hour. If Bitcoin deals with Visa class 2000tps, it will grow at a rate of 1MB per three seconds (1GB per hour, 8 TB per year). It may also experience similar and even worse growth patterns, as there are many applications above the node chain, not just a simple currency like Bitcoin, but the fact that the whole section of the district only needs to store rather than complete chain history has improved the situation.

大区块链的问题是中心化风险。如果块链大小增加至比如100TB,可能的场景将是只有非常小数目的大商家会运行全节点,而常规用户使用轻的SPV节点。这会增加对全节点合伙欺诈牟利(例如更改区块奖励,给他们自己BTC)的风险的担忧。轻节点将没有办法立刻检测到这种欺诈。当然,至少可能存在一个诚实的全节点,并且几个小时之后有关诈骗的信息会通过Reddit这样的渠道泄露,但这时已经太晚:任凭普通用户做出怎样的努力去废除已经产生的区块,他们都会遇到与发动一次成功的51%攻击同等规模的巨大的不可行的协调问题。在比特币这里,现在这是一个问题,但Peter Todd建议的一个改动可以缓解这个问题。

The problem with large block chains is centralization of risks. If the size of the chain increases to, for example, 100 TB, the possible scenario would be that only a very small number of large traders would run the entire node, while conventional users would use a light SPV node. This would raise concerns about the risk of joint fraud (e.g. changing block incentives to give them their own BTC). The light node would not be able to detect such fraud immediately.

近期,以太坊会使用两个附加的策略以应对此问题。首先,因为基于区块链的挖矿算法,至少每个矿工会被迫成为一个全节点,这保证了一定数量的全节点。其次,更重要的是,处理完每笔交易后,我们会把一个中间状态树的根包含进区块链。即使区块验证是中心化的,只要有一个诚实的验证节点存在,中心化的问题就可以通过一个验证协议避免。如果一个矿工发布了一个不正确的区块,这区块要么是格式错,要么状态S[n]是错的。因为S[0]是正确的,必然有第一个错误状态S[i]但S[i-1]是正确的,验证节点将提供索引i,一起提供的还有处理APPLY(S[i-1],TX[i]) -> S[i]所需的帕特里夏树节点的子集。这些节点将受命进行这部分计算,看产生的S[i]与先前提供的值是否一致。

In the near future, the court will use two additional strategies to address this problem. First, because each mining union is forced to become a full node based on a block chain mining algorithm, which ensures a certain number of full nodes. Second, and more importantly, after each transaction is processed, we will include the roots of an intermediate tree in the block chain. Even if the block certification is central, the centralization problem can be avoided by a certification agreement if there is an honest node. If a miner issues an incorrect block, the node is either in the wrong format or S [n] is in the wrong state.


In addition, it is more complex for malicious miners to issue incomplete blocks for attack, resulting in insufficient information to determine whether the blocks are correct. The solution is to question - and respond to - the protocol: a test node challenges the target trade index, and a light node that accepts the challenge information distrusts the corresponding block until another miner or certifier provides a Patricia's node as the correct evidence.

上述合约机制使得任何一个人能够在一个虚拟机上建立通过全网共识来运行命令行应用(从根本上来说是),它能够更改一个全网可访问的状态作为它的“硬盘”。然而,对于多数人来说,用作交易发送机制的命令行接口缺乏足够的用户友好使得去中心化成为有吸引力的替代方案。最后,一个完整的“去中心化应用”应该包括底层的商业逻辑组件【无论是否在以太坊完整实施,使用以太坊和其它系统组合(如一个P2P消息层,其中一个正在计划放入以太坊客户端)或者仅有其它系统的方式】和上层的图形用户接口组件。以太坊客户端被设计成一个网络浏览器,但包括对“eth” Javascript API对象的支持,可被客户端里看到的特定的网页用来与以太坊区块链交互。从“传统”网页的角度看来,这些网页是完全静态的内容,因为区块链和其它去中心化协议将完全代替服务器来处理用户发起的请求。最后,去中心化协议有希望自己利用某种方式使用以太坊来存储网页。

Finally, a complete “decentralization” should include a bottom-level business logic component [whether or not fully implemented in Taiwan, using a combination of taupulega and other systems (e.g., a P2P message layer, one of which is planning to be placed on a web-wide client base) or a graphic user interface component with only other systems. For most people, however, the lack of user-friendliness of the command line used as a transaction delivery mechanism makes decentralization attractive.


The Tailian agreement was originally conceived as an upgraded cryptographic currency that provides high-level functions such as chain-based contracts, financial restrictions and contracts, gambling markets, etc., in highly commonly used languages. The Tailian agreement will not directly “support” any application, but the existence of a fully programmed version of Turing means that any type of transaction and application can be created in theory. But what is more interesting about the Tailian agreement is that it goes further than a simple currency, is that it goes around decentralizing storage, decentralizing and decentralizing predicting markets, as well as agreements and decentralizing applications created by dozens of similar concepts, with the potential to fundamentally improve the efficiency of the computing industry, and ultimately, by adding the economic layer for the first time to provide strong support for other P2P agreements, there will also be a large number of applications that have nothing to do with money.


The concept of arbitrary conversion through the Taiyo Accord provides a platform with unique potential; unlike closed agreements designed for single purposes such as data storage, gambling or finance, it is designed to be open-ended and we believe that it is well suited to serve as a layer of financial and non-financial agreements that will emerge in the coming years.



1. An experienced reader will note that the Bitcoin address is in fact the Hashi public key of the elliptical curve, not the public key itself, but that the public key is in fact perfectly legitimate from the perspective of cryptographic terminology. This is because Bitcoin cryptography can be considered a custom digital signature algorithm consisting of Hashi the public key of the elliptical curve, a signature consisting of the elliptical public key to which the elliptical curve signature is linked, while the authentication algorithm includes the elliptical public key that is provided as the public key to examine the elliptical curve public key, and subsequently the elliptical public key to verify the elliptical signature.


2. Technically, the median value of the first 11 blocks.


At the internal level, both 2 and “charlie” are numbers, the latter with a large base256 code format, with numbers ranging from 0 to 2,256-1.


  1. Intrinsic value: https://tinyurl.com/BitcoinMag-IntrinsicValue
  2. Smart property: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Smart_Property
  3. Smart contracts: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Contracts
  4. B-money: http://www.weidai.com/bmoney.txt
  5. Reusable proofs of work: http://www.finney.org/~hal/rpow/
  6. Secure property titles with owner authority: http://szabo.best.vwh.net/securetitle.html
  7. Bitcoin whitepaper: http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
  8. Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/
  9. Zooko’s triangle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooko’s_triangle
  10. Colored coins whitepaper: https://tinyurl.com/coloredcoin-whitepaper
  11. Mastercoin whitepaper: https://github.com/mastercoin-MSC/spec
  12. Decentralized autonomous corporations, Bitcoin Magazine: https://tinyurl.com/Bootstrapping-DACs
  13. Simplified payment verification:https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Scalability#Simplifiedpaymentverification
  14. Merkle trees: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree
  15. Patricia trees: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_tree
  16. GHOST: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~avivz/pubs/13/btc_scalability_full.pdf
  17. StorJ and Autonomous Agents, Jeff Garzik: https://tinyurl.com/storj-agents
  18. Mike Hearn on Smart Property at Turing Festival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu4PAMFPo5Y
  19. Ethereum RLP: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/%5BEnglish%5D-RLP
  20. Ethereum Merkle Patricia trees: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/%5BEnglish%5D-Patricia-Tree
  21. Peter Todd on Merkle sum trees:http://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/message/31709140/


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