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Less than a year after its creation, the currency exited the market, claiming that it was valued at $200 million.


Less than a year after its establishment, the digital asset trading platform has announced that its services will be discontinued.


On 10 July, the BTRON Exchange issued an announcement that the service would cease as of 11 July 2019 and that users would be asked to walk all the assets of its Exchange on the premise of 24:00 (UTC+8) of 31 July 2019.


At the same time, currency creation suggests that its plan is 100% reserve rigid payment. Then the money creation server will be shut down. If the user fails to do so in time, it will still be able to contact the cashier through manual channels.

  成立还不到一年 称不会跑路

It's been less than a year since it was founded.


In fact, it was another virtual currency exchange that fell this year, and another failure by the Chinese team to start a business on the “currency ring” exchange. Prior to that, in September 2017, all three of China’s Bitcoin exchanges were “unforcingly” and closed down all registrations and renminbi transactions.


In the last year, the platform has been on-line for a period of less than a year, for example, for polymerization transactions, current/regular finance, colleges, OTC transactions, CPU leases, and DaPP ranking.

  根据币创介绍,其成员主要分布在香港与曼谷,目前估值近2亿元。2018年11月27日,币创宣布获得币信资本、SixCombo Capital、龙门基金、INBlockchain、BlockGo创始人超级君等提供的1400万元天使轮融资。

On November 27, 2018, the currency announced 14 million won in Angel Round Finance from the currency capital, SixCombo Capital, the Dragon Gate Foundation, INBlockchain, and BlockGo’s founder Super King.


According to the CEO, the owner of the original currency letter product, Wang Xiao, who locates the excess securities of the encrypted money industry, allows investors to trade the global currency market with only one account, significantly lowering the investment threshold. Wang Xing said that the round of finance was used mainly for R& D spending. In the future, currency exchange deals, contract options, mortgage lending, etc., are full-link functions.

  在正式运营9个月之期,币创选择“自宫”,即将停止服务。而据王磊今年3月接受媒体采访时表示,币创平台共有几千新增注册用户,管理资产远超 5000 万。王磊还表示,币创由币信资本、硬币资本、老猫等投资,“无论如何不会跑路”。

During the nine-month period of official operation, the currency option was “home-to-house” and was about to cease service. According to Wang Jing’s media interview in March this year, there were thousands of new registered users of the money creation platform, with far more than 50 million management assets.


In the announcement, the coin-making team said, “Before we've been searching for breakthroughs and breakthroughs for a long time, we've had to do so by looking at the market environment and security factors.” The currency is telling the truth, and the pits of the exchange cannot be sustained.


It is a matter of concern that the current/periodic finance of the currency is also high-profilely declared as “interest-preserved.” The currency suggests that borrowers are liable for repayment on the basis of a borrowing contract. At the same time, the currency offers full interest guarantees. information centre found that several of these projects have annualized interest rates of up to 35%.



It is understood that, on 4 September 2017, seven ministries, including the Central Bank, issued the Notice on Protection against Risks of Financing the Issue of Moneys, which clarifies that the money or “virtual currency” used in the financing of the issue of moneys is not issued by the monetary authorities, has no monetary attributes, such as legal remunerative and compulsory, and does not have , which cannot and should not be used as a currency circulating in the market.


At the same time, the Central Bank’s ICO is suspected of illegal issuance of coupons, illegal issuance of securities, illegal collection of funds, financial fraud, distribution, etc., as well as illegal criminal activity, demanding an immediate halt to the financing of various forms of money issuance. Subsequently, the communiqués, such as OKcoin, coin, and Bitcoin China, announced that they would withdraw from the renminbi market.


At present, Bitcoin is no longer operating any trading platform or digital asset business. And OKCoin, the currency network, has ceased to operate digital assets against the renminbi until October 31, 2017.


On 23 April 2018, a seminar was held in Beijing on legal policies for the prevention and disposal of illegal financing. In response to virtual currency trading sites such as ICO and Bitcoin, which are suspected of illegally collecting funds and illegal securities, the Central Bank indicated that it had issued timely circulars in conjunction with the relevant ministries in order to clarify attitudes, warn of risks and deploy to various locations for remediation.


According to the head of the central bank concerned, virtual currency trading sites such as the ICO platform and Bitcoin, which are currently being explored throughout the country, have largely been withdrawn without risk. In the area of regional regulation, Internet financial information centres have learned that the head of the Shanghai Mutual Gold Control Service has indicated that there are 17 platforms in Shanghai involving virtual currency transactions such as the ICO issue and the Bitco.


Of these, “bitcoin China,” located in Shanghai, announced in September 2017 that the registration of new users would be suspended and that all transactions would be closed on 30 September. According to the above-mentioned officials, virtual money trading platforms such as Bitcoin have also proposed exit options and have started customer funds and assets repatriation.


According to Sichuan's Deputy Director General of the Sichuan Department of Finance, Cheng Yongge, the cover news reported in July 2018 that Sichuan had conducted a screening of activities such as “cash loans” and “mining” virtual currency, and that the first issue of a token was also cleaned up at


Specifically, four virtual currency trading platforms in Sichuan province have closed their transactions on time and issued clearance notices. Three of the platforms for the first generation of private money issuances have stopped all first-time fund-raising projects for the issuance of currencies, and have established a programme for the liquidation and issued a notice of withdrawal; and 22 first-time fund-raising projects for the issuance of currencies have been cleared.


central bank digital currency is expected to roll


It is worth noting that, following the announcement of withdrawal from the renminbi market, several exchanges, such as the Signal Net and the OKcoin Bank, announced that they would enter the overseas market to provide new digital asset services. Among these, the gunnet counter-platforms are the “Global” and the “OKEx” platform.


In March of this year, Gatecoin, the Hong Kong block chain asset exchange, stated that the court ordered Gatecoin to clear the inventory, to appoint temporary clearing officers and to suspend operations immediately, and that the company would cooperate with the clearing process in order to expedite the distribution of assets to creditors. Gatecoin stated that it had been unable to disburse funds on time by cooperating payment service providers, causing almost several months of paralysis in Gatecoin’s operations and substantial losses.


In addition to the misfortunes experienced by the virtual currency exchange created by the Chinese team,


On March 8, 2018, Financial Office issued seven tickets, all of which related to virtual money trading platforms. According to ticket information, the Japanese Financial Office asked FSHO and Bitstatation to shut down all virtual currency transactions.


Of these, FSHO was required to suspend all operations between 8 March and 7 April 2018, with the exception of operations such as the return of user property. In addition, five exchanges, Coincheck, TechBureau, GMOCoin, Bicrements and Mr. Exchange, were asked to restructure.


Despite the regulatory siege, institutions such as the Central Bank of China and the courts did not deny the value of digital assets. Earlier, when referring to the current digital currency, the central bank had for the first time been included in the concept of “assets.”


Recently, on July 8, the Director of Central Bank Research Wang Xin, referring to the Facebook White Paper on Libra, said that it could have a major impact on monetary policy, financial stability, and even on the international monetary system. In this regard, direct issuance of digital currency by central banks can help to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy, and in the future it will be necessary to promote the development of digital currency by central banks.

  王信还表示,央行货币数字化有助于优化央行货币支付功能,提高央行货币地位和货币政策有效性。央行数字货币(CBDC)可以成为一种计息资产,满足持有者对安全资产的储备需求,也可成为银行存款利率的下限。此外,央行数字货币可成为新的货币政策工具。(文 / 刘新宇)

The Wang’s letter also states that central banks’ monetary digitization helps to optimize central banks’ monetary payment functions and improve their monetary position and the effectiveness of monetary policy. The central bank’s digital currency (CBDC) can be an interest-bearing asset that meets the needs of holders’ reserves for secure assets, as well as a lower interest rate on bank deposits.


Source: Internet Finance Information Centre.


Statement: Articles do not constitute investment proposals and are reproduced and referenced.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent and represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:李显杰 )


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