以太坊价格预测:以太坊价格暴跌至1000美元 ?

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一、V神 将 600 ETH 转移至 Coinbase,以太坊即将崩盘至 1000 美元吗?

I, V God transferred 600 ETH to Coinbase, and Ethio will crash to $1,000?

以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 已将价值近百万美元的 600 ETH 转移到加密货币交易所 Coinbase。

Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethio, has transferred nearly 600 ETHs worth millions of dollars to the encrypted currency exchange Coinbase.

以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 周一已将价值近 100 万美元的 600 ETH 转移到加密货币交易所 Coinbase。在此之前,以太坊价格在最近更广泛的加密市场抛售中下跌了 10% 以上,分析师和市场专家现在预计,如果以太坊跌破关键支撑位,以太坊将大幅崩盘。?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdingyue.ws.126.net%2F2023%2F0822%2Fb5c2dd21j00rzrsms00b9d000km00dwp.jpg&thumbnail=660x2147483647&quality=80&type=jpg

以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 出售 ETH

sells ETH

根据 PeckShieldAlert 的统计数据显示,8 月 21 日,与 Vitalik Buterin 关联的一个钱包地址向 Coinbase 转账了 600 个 ETH,价值近 100 万。

According to PeckShieldAlert statistics, on August 21, 600 ETHs worth nearly 1 million were transferred to Coinbase at a wallet address linked to Vitalik Buterin.

通常,Vitalik Buterin 和以太坊基金会对 ETH 进行变动后,ETH 价格就会下跌。虽然最近转移背后的原因尚不清楚,但一些人猜测 Vitalik Buterin 又进行了大规模抛售。

Usually, when Vitalik Buterin and the Etheraya Foundation make changes to ETH, the ETH prices fall. While the reasons behind the recent transfer are not clear, some guess that Vitalik Buterin has made another large-scale sale.


Following the upgrade in Shanghai, the team is in the process of upgrading Cancún, leading to abstract accounts, increased expansion and more efficient storage.


/strong >


Ali Martínez, a well-known cryptographical currency analyst, predicted that a major adjustment would occur if the price fell by $1550 at Taiwan. His target was 37-45% of the adjustment, which could lead to a price drop to $1,000.


以太坊正处于拐点,因为图表结构确实很弱。跌破 1,600 美元至 1,550 美元区间将导致 ETH 价格突然下跌。此外,CoinGape Media 还报道了落后的以太坊网络基本面。活跃以太坊($ETH)地址的月平均值低于年平均值,表明链上活动有限。这是网络健康状况和利用率下降的常见指标。

In addition, CoinGape Media has reported on the backward Etheria network fundamentals. The monthly average of active sites is lower than the annual average, indicating limited activity on the chain. This is a common indicator of the decline in network health and utilization.

ETH 价格在过去 24 小时内上涨 0.5%,目前交易价格为 1670 美元。24 小时低点和高点分别为 1665 美元和 1692 美元。然而,过去 24 小时内交易量下降了 7%。二、如果买家失去 1620 美元的支撑,ETH 价格预示将出现重大调整

ETH prices have risen by 0.5 per cent in the last 24 hours, with a current transaction price of $1670. The 24-hour low and the high are $1665 and $1692, respectively. However, the volume of transactions has declined by 7 per cent in the last 24 hours. II. If buyers lose $1620 in support, the ETH prices predict significant adjustments .

当价格从 2020 美元关口回落时,以太币启动了持续修正模式。过去五周内,代币价格暴跌 17.5%,目前交易价格为 1669 美元。在这次下跌中,卖家从通道模式的支撑趋势线跌破,这表明第二大加密货币可能面临进一步调整。

In the last five weeks, the price of the tokens fell by 17.5%, and the current transaction price is $1669. In this fall, sellers fell from the trend line behind the route model, suggesting that the second largest encoded currency might be subject to further adjustment.


  • 跌破 1620 美元将违反道琼斯指数的上升趋势理论,并加剧抛售势头。

    The fall of $1620 by would violate the theory of the Dow Jones Index upwards and increase the sales momentum.

  • 定向移动平均线 DI+ 和 DI- 斜率之间的巨大差距反映了积极的看跌势头。

    The wide gap between the average line for targeted movement DI+ and DI-slash reflects a positive downward trend.

  • 以太坊盘中交易量为 46 亿美元,下跌 20%。


?月 17 日,以太坊出现了上涨通道模式的大规模崩溃。该图表设置保持了近九个月的持续上升趋势,提供了逢低吸筹的绝佳机会。

{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} On the 17th of the month, Ether began a massive collapse in the upward route pattern. The chart set-up maintained a continuous upward trend of almost nine months, offering an excellent opportunity to draw low.


However, this collapse may turn the market mood into a backlash, thus providing an opportunity to sell. At the time of the release, the ETH price stood at $1671, with a 0.13 per cent increase in the disk.

通常,大规模下跌之后会出现小幅回调以恢复看涨势头。然而,币价横向交易反映出抛售势头仍然强劲,这可能导致跌破 1620 美元。

Usually, there is a small rebound after the massive fall to restore the upward trend. However, the lateral exchange of currency reflects a still strong push to sell, which could lead to a fall of $1620.

崩盘后的下跌可能导致山寨币跌至 1495 美元,随后跌至 1370 美元。

The fall after the collapse may result in the fall of the mountain coins to $1495 and then to $1370.

ETH 价格能否夺回更高的地位?

ETH prices can take back a higher position?

如果以太坊买家从 1620 美元的支撑位反弹,价格趋势可能会上涨 7%,以重新测试突破的通道趋势线。如果代币价格持续低于这一翻转支撑位,代币持有者可能仍面临修正威胁。

Price trends are likely to rise by 7% if the Taiwan buyer rebounds from a US$ 1620 support position in order to re-test the break-through trend line. If the currency price continues to fall below this rotational support position, the currency holder may still face a threat of correction.

为了让买家破坏这种崩溃并启动新的复苏,代币价格的收盘价应该高于 8 月 17 日高点 1808 美元。

In order for buyers to disrupt the collapse and initiate a new recovery, the price of the currency should be collected at a higher price of $1808 on August 17.

  • 指数移动平均线:20 日和 200 日均线之间的看跌交叉可能会提振市场抛售。

    An index moving average line: between the 20 and 200 solar averages can boost the market's sales.

  • 平均方向指数:ADX 斜率为 31%,暗示下降趋势已接近成熟。

    Average direction index: ADX has a 31 per cent tilt rate, implying that the downward trend is nearing maturity.

三、看跌三角旗模式暗示 ETH 价格可能将修正趋势扩大至 1450 美元

iii, looking at the tripod pattern suggests that the ETH price may extend the correction trend to $1450

8月17日,以太坊从上升通道形态的支撑趋势线出现高动能突破。失去过去九个月上涨趋势的支持反映出第二大加密货币准备进行长期调整。下跌的价格在 1576 美元找到看涨支撑,并恢复上涨 5%。这次上涨能否引发新一轮反弹?

On August 17, a high-dynamic breakthrough took place in Taiwan’s support for the upward trend. The loss of support for the last nine months’ upward trend reflects the preparation of the second largest encrypt currency for long-term adjustment.


Etheraya Dayline Chart: Highlights

  • 倒三角旗图案的形成表明价格趋势在下一次下跌之前正在经历小幅盘整。

    The formation of

  • 跌破三角旗形态的支撑趋势线将使 ETH 价格下跌 12%

  • 以太坊盘中交易量为 50.8 亿美元,涨幅为 24%。


为了应对更广泛的市场抛售,以太坊在 8 月第三周经历了大幅下跌,跌至 1576 美元。如果当前趋势保持不变,这种急剧下跌之后通常会出现小幅回调,以恢复看跌势头。

In response to a broader market sale, in the third week of August, Etheria experienced a sharp fall to $1576. If the current trend remains unchanged, this sharp decline will usually be followed by a small turnback to restore the downward trend.

然而,在过去四天里,ETH 价格一直横盘整理,表明抛售势头仍然活跃,否认有回调的必要。这种供应压力可能会在不久的将来继续呈下降趋势。

However, over the past four days, ETH prices have been rounded up, indicating that the selling momentum is still active, denying that there is a need for a return. This supply pressure is likely to continue on a downward trend in the near future.

4 小时时间框架图的收盘显示,小幅盘整已形成倒三角旗形态。从该模式的支撑趋势线看跌突破将释放积聚的抛售势头,并可能将价格推至 1450 美元大关。

The closing of the 4-hour time frame map shows that a small plate has formed the form of a Triangular flag. A break in the pattern of supporting trend lines will release the accumulated selling momentum and may push the price to $1450.


Can the price of ETH go back to $1,800?

看跌三角旗模式的形成预示着以太坊继续下跌的可能性很大。然而,突破该模式阻力趋势线的可能性较小,但可能会出现潜在回调,以重新测试 1800 美元附近通道模式的突破趋势线。低于该趋势线或突破该趋势线的价格可持续性将决定 ETH 的未来预测。

Looking at the formation of the tripod pattern suggests that there is a high probability of continued decline. However, it is less likely to break through the resistance trend line, but there may be a potential rebound to re-test the break-through trend line in the nearby channel mode of $1,800. The sustainability of prices below or beyond the trend line will determine the future projections of the ETH.

  • 指数移动平均线:50 日和 100 日均线之间的看跌交叉为市场卖家提供了额外的优势。

    The index moving average line: a drop between 50 and 100 mean line provides an additional advantage to market vendors.

  • 平均方向指数:每日 ADX 斜率上升 34%,反映出卖家必须有足够的动力来压低山寨币。

    Average Orientation Index: ADX Slash rises by 34% per day, reflecting the fact that sellers must have sufficient incentives to lower the mountain coins.



Thanks for reading. I'll see you next time!


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