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Block chains are a shared database & #xff0c; stored data or information & #xff0c; features such as immutable, whole-way marks, retroactive, open transparency and group maintenance. Block chains can be understood as a shared, unalterable electronic account & #xff0c; assets can be recorded and tracked on the network. Assets can be xff08 in tangibles; e.g. houses and cars xff09; xff0c; xff08 in intangibles; e.g. intellectual property, patents and brands #xff09; almost anything of value can be tracked and traded on the network of blocks xff0c; thereby reducing risks and costs in various areas.


The largest application of block chain technology at present is digital currency xff0c; because the essence of the payment is “to increase the amount reduced in account A to account B.” If one has a public account xff0c; records all transactions to date in all accounts xff0c; then for any account xff0c; one can calculate the amount of money it currently has. And the block chain is the public account for this purpose xff0c; it keeps all the transaction records.

区块链起源于比特币,2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》一文,阐述了基于P2P网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术、区块链技术等的电子现金系统的构架理念,这标志着比特币的诞生。两个月后理论步入实践,2009年1月3日第一个序号为0的创世区块诞生。几天后2009年1月9日出现序号为1的区块,并与序号为0的创世区块相连接形成了链,标志着区块链的诞生;

The block chain originated in Bitcoin & #xff0c; 1 November 2008 & xff0c; a person calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point; elaborated on the concept of an electronic cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, time stamp technology, block chain technology, etc. xff0c; this marked the birth of Bitcoin. Two months later, theoretical entry into practice xff0c; the birth of the first serial number zero in January 2009. The serial number 1 xff0c, a few days later, formed a chain xff0c, linked to a zero-inventing block; marked the birth of the block chain xff1b;


Block chains record all transactions and holders of the digital currency. In the case of xff0c, you can see all ZLA holders on Ethercan at any given time.


Every three months, we send to ZLA holders our sub-currency GD & #xff0c based on snapshots; of course, there are other uses for snapshots.


xff0c in the digital currency field; airdrops refer to sending digital money to multiple addresses at one point without selectivity. You can find the addresses on the block chain (see snapshot) xff0c; so you can send digital currency to these addresses. xff0c when a new token is created; airdrops are usually used as a marketing strategy and promotional tool.


xff0c for those interested in receiving airdrops; they usually consider airdrops to be a simple way to get “free money”. However, xff0c; in most cases xff0c; airdrops are conditional. For example, xff0c; you need to hold some token in your wallet xff0c; or you can post posts on social media to help promote propaganda.


Like airdrops xff0c; taps are a way to distribute and receive free digital money. Unlike airdrops, which send digital money free of charge xff0c; here at taps xff0c; you must go to the tap web page xff0c; and enter your encrypted currency address in order to receive the money. The taps are usually time- and supply-limited. The tap sites attract large amounts of traffic xff0c; the user usually takes 5 minutes to 1 hour to receive the free token.

AML其全称为?:Anti-Money Laundering(代表反洗钱的政策和相关法律法规),这可以防止非法获得的钱被掩饰及合法化。AML则在更广泛的层面上运作,是机构为预防和打击洗钱,恐怖主义和其他金融犯罪而采取的措施。通常情况下银行使用AML +KYC(客户实名认证)双重系统来确保客户财产的安全;

AML is fully known as xff1a; Anti-Money Landing( represents anti-money-laundering policy and related laws and regulations xff09; xff0c; this prevents the concealment and legalization of illicitly acquired money. AML operates at a broader level xff0c; it is measures taken by institutions to prevent and combat money-laundering xff0c; terrorism and other financial crimes. Banks usually use AML & #43; KYCxff08; customer real name certification xff09; dual systems to ensure the security of customer property xff1b;

BT?是“区块链”的英文缩写,全称是blockchain technology / Blockchain。区块链是很多链的底层技术抽象提出来的一个综合。简单说,就是含有时间戳的区块彼此互连,形成的信息块链条。可以理解为一个以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本;

BT? is the acronym & #xff0c of the block chain; full name is blockchain technology/Blockchain. The block chain is a combination of the underlying techniques of many chains presented in abstraction. Simply & #xff0c; is the interconnection of blocks with a time stamp & #xff0c; is the information block chain formed. It can be understood as an irrevocable and non-falseable distribution book guaranteed by cryptography & #xff1b;


Full name Bitcoin, BTC, also known as xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; long-term exclusive market value of 60 per cent xff0c; 2008 proposed by Nakamoto; xff1b;

BSN?全称“区块链服务网络”,英文全称是Block-chain-based Service Network,是由国家信息中心、中国银联等机构发起的区块链网络,是目前我国唯一一个官方的区块链运行环境,是一个公共基础设施网络,旨在提供一个可以低成本开发、部署、运维、互通和监管联盟链应用的公共基础设施网络。区块链应用发布者和参与者均不需要再购买物理服务器或者云服务来搭建自己的区块链运行环境,而是使用服务网络提供统一的公共服务,并按需租用共享资源;

BSN? Full name: Block Chain Services Network & #xff0c; full name in English: Block-Shain-Based Service Network & #xff0c; block-link network & #xff0c, launched by institutions such as the National Information Centre, the Hong Kong Federation of China; is the only official block-chain operating environment in the country xff0c; is a public infrastructure network xff0c; is designed to provide a public infrastructure network that can be used for low-cost development, deployment, transport, inter-linkage and chain-of-custom Alliance. neither issuer nor participant in block-chain applications need to purchase physical servers or cloud services to build their block-link operating environment xff0c; instead, use the service network to provide a unified public service xff0c; and lease shared resources xff1b;


The bear is an animal xff0c; when it attacks xff0c; it hits its prey from top to bottom xff0c with its claws; this move is a “up to down” trend xff0c; so it is used to show a “down?” trend. Now assume that the encrypted currency market is Bear City xff0c; market participants look down xff0c; prices fall xff1b;


Contrary to the bear #xff0c; a bull is an angle from the top of the ground to the air xff0c; this whole movement is a "downward" trend xff0c; so it's a "upward" trend. In the cow market xff0c; prices rise xff0c; just like bulls take their prey to the air.


When a single individual or group has more than half of its computing power xff0c; the individual or group can control the entire encrypted monetary network xff0c; if they have some malicious ideas xff0c; they can make some conflicting transactions to damage the network

CI?是“中央分类账”,这一概念的意思是凭借中心机构来维护分类帐本,英文名称是central ledger。中央或总分类帐的工作方式类似于中央存储库,用于记录公司资产和负债,收入,支出,所有者权益等的交易记录

CI? is the “central ledger” & #xff0c; this concept means that central agencies are used to maintain the ledger & #xff0c; the English name is central ledger. The central or general ledger works in a manner similar to the central repository & #xff0c; it is used to record corporate assets and liabilities & #xff0c; income & #xff0c; expenditure #xff0c; owner interests, etc.

CP是“共识流程”,英文全称是consensus process。是指群体决策过程,在这一过程中,制定和决定各项提案,以便所有参与者一起遵循的规则和制度。共识的重点是避免某些特定的内容不同的人之间产生分歧,这要求所有参与者当制定了一个CP(共识决策)后,都能够积极并且共同支持

CP is a “consensus process” & #xff0c; full English is a consensus process. It refers to a group decision-making process & #xff0c; in this process & #xff0c; developing and deciding on proposals & #xff0c; rules and systems to be followed by all participants together. Consensus focuses on avoiding differences between certain people with different content & #xff0c; this requires all participants to develop a CP##xff08; consensus decision #xff09; xff0c; after #xff0c; all can actively and collectively support


Consensus mechanisms are achieved through special nodes xff0c; certification and confirmation of transactions xff1b in a very short period of time xff0c for a transaction xff0c; if several nodes of irrelevant interest are able to reach consensus xff0c; we can assume that the whole network is also able to reach consensus on this issue


xff0c; it can be divided into cold storage and thermal storage. Cold storage means storage xff0c without Internet connection; large encrypted currency storage xff1b; thermal storage is connected to the Internet xff0c; small, frequently used encrypted currency

CDP是“抵押债务状况”/?“借贷抵押”的缩写,英文全称是?Collateralized Debt Position,意为在?某个“抵押借贷平台”抵押自己的数字资产,然后借出另一种数字资产。例如:可以去?MakerDAO?等去中心化金融(DeFi)系统中,用户需要将自己持有的以太坊(?ETH)?等数字加密货币资产抵押给系统,获取系统发放的稳定币。不同于传统的金融资产抵押模式,DeFi?的资产抵押全部通过区块链上的智能合约来完成,只要用户手中有资产可以抵押,系统就会进行借贷。因为抵押的是数字资产,当资产贬值到一定价格的时候,系统会自动清算来止损,以此维持稳定币的价值稳定性

CDP is the acronym “Mocked Debt Status”/? “Lurgage Mortgage” & #xff0c; full name in English?Collaterized Debt Position, meaning that a digital asset & #xff0c is mortgaged at a mortgage platform?


A candle map is a way of showing the trade. A candle represents a given time period & #xff08; month/week/day/hour/minute & #xff09; & #xff0c; a candle's “subject” represents the opening and closing price & #xff0c; a peak means the highest and lowest price for this period. It is widely used in various stocks or other places where price fluctuations need to be shown.


Represents the total number of freely tradable tokens on the market for a block chain project xff1b;


A trading platform where you can buy and sell encrypted currency xff0c; a trading platform similar to stock trading xff1b;

DL是“分布式对账本”的缩写,英文全称是:distributed ledger。分布式分类帐技术(DLT)是一种用于记录资产交易的数字系统,其中,交易及其详细信息同时记录在多个位置。与传统数据库不同,分布式分类帐没有中央数据存储或管理功能;

DL is the acronym xff0c; full English is xff1a; distributed ledger. Distribution ledger technology xff08; DLTxff09; a digital system used to record asset transactions xff0c; xff0c; transactions and their details are recorded in multiple locations at the same time. Unlike traditional databases xff0c; distributed ledgers do not have central data storage or management functions xff1b;

Defi是“去中心化金融”的缩写,英文全称是:Decentralized finance。指不依靠中心化的平台而发行的金融产品。常见的比如:去中心化借贷项目,compound、makerdao等;

Defi is a acronym for “decentralized finance” xff0c; full English is xff1a; decentralized finance. It refers to financial products issued without relying on a centralized platform. Common examples are xff1a; decentralized lending projects xff0c; compound, makerdao and others xff1b;

DCEP?是“中国版数字货币”的缩写,英文全称是:Digital Currency Electronic Payment。是我国央行发行的加密货币,目前暂未上线。目前还在定点实验中;

DCEP? is the acronym “Chinese version of digital currency” xff0c; full English is xff1a; Digital Policy Electronic Payment. It is an encrypted currency issued by our central bank xff0c; it is currently not online.

DEX?是“去中心化交易所”的缩写,英文全称是:Decentralized exchange。去中心化交易所是一个基于区块链的交易所,它不将用户资金和个人数据存储在中心化服务器上,由机构托管交易,而是通过智能合约匹配数字资产的买家和卖家,进行点对点交易;

DEX? is the acronym of the “decentralized exchange” xff0c; full English is xff1a; Decentralized exchange. The decentralized exchange is a block-based exchange xff0c; it does not store user funds and personal data on a centralised server xff0c; it is an institutionally hosted transaction xff0c; it matches buyers and sellers of digital assets xff0c through smart contracts; it conducts point-to-point transactions xff1b;


ETH, known as block chain 2.0, long-term market value in Second & #xff0c; proposed by V Gods in 2014 xff08; V god xff0c; founder #xff0c; also the fastest billionaires in history xff09; xff1b;


You often see: ERC-20? The tokens #xff0c; these are standard protocols that are created by smart contracts on the Etheria network xff0c; ERC-20?

Fiat Money(法定货币)是官方(政府)宣布为“法定货币”的货币,比如美元、欧元、人民币等

Fiat Money( statutory currency xff09; official xff08; Government xff09; currency declared “legal currency” xff0c; e.g. United States dollar, euro, renminbi, etc.

FOMO?是?Fear of Missing Out(害怕错过)的首字母缩写,特指人的一种害怕错过心理。比如说,最近比特币价格突破了?10,000?美元,很多人会产生害怕错过接下去比特币继续上涨的行情,这种害怕错过的心理称为?FOMO

FOMO? Yes? Fear of Missing Out #xff08; Fear of missing & #xff09; A acronym & #xff0c; A fear of missing a mind. For example, #xff0c; a recent break in Bitcoin prices? $10,000? #xff0c; fear of missing bitcoin continuing to rise #xff0c; this fear of missing a mind called: FOMO?


Fork?( Fork & #xff09; is to split the block chain into another version of xff0c; it can be split into soft fork and hard fork. In software engineering xff0c; xff0c when developers reproduce the source code from a package and start developing independently from it xff0c; thus creating a unique and independent software xff0c; there is a project fork. The term usually means not only development branch xff0c; it also means division in the community of developers xff08; a split form xff09;


A special encryption xff0c; processing xff08 with two key creations at the same time; commonly known as private and public keys xff09; xff0c; xff0c after encryption a document with one key; decryptable with another key. Generally individuals publish their public key xff0c; and reserve their private key xff1b;

FUD?是“Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt(恐惧、不确定和怀疑)“的缩写,用来形容那些因循守旧、看不起虚拟货币的人;

FUD? It's “Fear, Universality and Doubt( Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt & #xff09;” Abbreviation & #xff0c; used to describe people who look down on virtual currency for their old age #xff1b;

FOMO是“错失恐惧症”的缩写,英文全称是:Fear of Missing Out。在币圈,这指的是一种非常特殊的通证经济模式。FOMO指的是人们恐惧与社交事件,经验和互动失去联系。苦苦挣扎其中的人可能不知道自己到底缺了什么,但仍然担心在没有别人的情况下错过更加美好的时光或别人做了比自己更好的事情;

FOMO is the acronym xff0c; full English is xff1a; Fear of Missing Out. In the currency circle xff0c; this is a very special economic model. FOMO means that people are afraid of social events xff0c; experience and interaction are lost. People who struggle with it may not know what they are missing xff0c; but they are still afraid to miss better times without others or do better things than themselves xff1b;


xff0c; Gas can also be considered a workload unit xff0c; smart contracts are more complex xff08; calculation of the number and type of steps xff0c; occupied RAMs xff09; xff0c; xff0c; the more Gasxff1b is needed to complete operations;


(a) The first block to be “diggered” & #xff0c; is the first block in a block chain & #xff1b;


Hashi is a basic block chain function & #xff0c; normally translates as a hash & #xff0c; it combines letters and numbers into an encrypted output of a fixed length. Simple & #xff0c; assumes that mining is an equation & #xff0c; and can only be calculated by adding each integer & #xff0c; then the Hashi ratio is the speed at which data are processed per second.


Hashi Tree is a tree-shaped data structure xff0c; each leaf node is labeled xff0c; the non-leaf node is labeled with the encryption of its sub-node label Hash

源自一篇“hold”拼错的帖子,现在它是“Hold on for Dear Life(终身持币)”的缩写;

From a "hold" misspelled post xff0c; it is now "Hold on for Dear Life( xff09;" acronym xff1b;


General refers to Bitcoin & #xff0c; split into permanent and closed contracts & #xff1b;

IEO是“首次交易所代币发行”的缩写,英文全称是:Initial Exchange Offering。由加密货币交易所持有和管理,由于?IEO?是以交易所多年以来积累的口碑、自身的实力做信用担保,大多交易所用发行自己的平台币做募资代币,因此比艾西欧相对靠谱。但?IEO的本质还是募资。与IPO(initial public offerings /?首次公开募股)类似;

IEO is an acronym for “first exchange currency issuance” & #xff0c; full English is : International Exchange Offering. Held and managed by an encrypted currency exchange & #xff0c; as a result?IEO? as a credit guarantee for its own strengths, which has been accumulated over many years on the exchange & #xff0c; most exchanges raise money in their own platform currency & #xff0c; hence relative to Aixio. But?


IPFS is an acronym for the " interplanetary file system ". It is a global, point-to-point distributed version of the file system xff0c; the objective is to supplement and even replace the current hypertext transfer protocol xff08; HTTP) xff0c; connects all computing devices with the same file system xff1b;

IMO是“首次矿机代币发行”的缩写,英文全称是:Initial Miner Offerings。是?2017?年下半年兴起的一种发行数字货币的方式—以矿机为核心发行。简单说就是项目方发行一种专用矿机,通过挖矿来产生新的数字货币。项目方只卖矿机,不卖币;

IMO is the acronym xff0c; full English is xff1a; Initial Miner Offices. Yes? 2017? A digital currency distribution method that emerged in the second half of the year - with a mine machine as its core. Simply put, the project party issues a dedicated miner xff0c; generates new digital money through mining. The project party sells only the miner xff0c; does not sell currency xff1b;

KYC?是“实名认证”?的缩写,英文全称是:Know Your Customer(了解你的客户),指一系列法律法规要求企业了解客户的身份(要求提供身份扫描或其他shenfen证件例如驾照、护照等);

KYC? Abbreviation xff0c?; full English name xff1a; Know your client xff09; xff0c; refers to a range of laws and regulations requiring businesses to know their client's identity xff08; request identity scans or other shenfen documents such as driver's license, passport xff09; xff1b;


Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting the block chain xff0c; its main application is to achieve atomic transactions between block chains, asset conversions, intra-block information xff0c; or to solve Oracle problems xff1b;


Fragmentation technology is a mainstream solution to enhance the performance of block chains & #xff0c; a segment is a horizontal part of the database & #xff0c; each fragment is stored in a loaded server & #xff0c; thus the spread of loads contributes significantly to the efficiency of the database xff1b;


The market value represents the total value of the encrypt currency xff0c; in CMC( CoinMarketCap) the current total market value of the relevant encrypt currency xff0c can be consulted on websites or information platforms; and increases and declines can be observed as well as rankings xff1b;


refers to the maximum number of encrypted currencies. If the maximum supply is determined xff0c; the total is constant xff1b;


First xff0c; some new encrypted currency releases xff08; e.g. xff1a; BTC; LTC; xff09; second xff0c; mine mining is to verify the transaction and add it to the public account book xff08; block chain xff09; process xff0c; when you do this according to the rules, you will be called “miner” xff0c; when you do it xff0c; when you get the platform's reward xff0c; mine is usually platform currency xff08; e.g. xff1a; Bitcoin ff08; BTC xff09; LTC #xff09; et al.xff09; xff1b;


Nodes are computers in the network xff0c; they all have copies of block chain transactions xff0c; and support the transaction behaviour xff1b by validating the transaction;


It means that the certifying person is able to xff0c without providing any useful information to the certifying officer; that the certifying person is convinced that a certain assertion is correct. It is essentially an agreement involving two or more parties xff0c; i.e. a series of steps that two or more parties need to take to accomplish a task xff1b;


Off-site transactions & #xff0c; sometimes also referred to as transactions in French currency.


By providing data to smart contracts xff0c; it is a bridge between the real world and the block chain xff1b;

PnD是“拉盘砸盘”的缩写,英文全称是:Pump and Dump。拉盘为?Pump,砸盘为?Dump。这是一种在任何具备二级市场的市场中都会出现的常见骗局,常见的就是我们常常糊里糊涂被拉进一个群,然后告诉我们,什么时候买,什么时候卖,让我们都以为自己都得到一手消息,然后实际是被割韭菜。拉盘简单来说就是通过自买自卖,把价格抬高,砸盘就是迅速高价格卖出,实现套利;

PnD is the acronym xff0c; English is xff1a; Pump and Dump. Ladder is? Pump, Dump is? It's a common scam that happens in any market with a secondary market xff0c; it's common for us to be blinded into a group xff0c; then tell us xff0c; when to buy xff0c; when to sell xff0c; let's all think we're all getting one-hand news xff0c; and then it's actually cut. It's simply by buying xff0c; raising the price xff0c; smashing the plate is selling the price quickly xff0c; xff0c; xff1b;

Pow是“工作量证明”的缩写,英文全称是:Proof of Work。是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多;

The Pow is the acronym xff0c of the Workload Certificate; full English is xff1a; Proof of Work. It refers to the amount of money xff0c; the amount of work that depends on your contribution to mining xff0c; the better the computer performance xff0c; the more the mine will be distributed to you xff1b;

Pos是“权益证明”的缩写,英文全称是:Proof of Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关;

Pos is the acronym xff0c; full English is xff1a; Proof of Stake, system of allocation of interest according to the amount and time of the currency you hold xff0c; xff0c in the POS mode; your “mining” returns are comparable to your currency xff0c; they are not related to computer computing xff1b;


Workload certification xff08; PoW) xff08; PoS) xff08; xff09; xff0c; rules or methods for achieving consensus and validating transactions in the network of block chains xff1b;

是一种共识机制, PBFT一般适合有对强一致性有要求的私有链和联盟链;

It is a consensus mechanism, and PBFT is generally suitable for private and coalition chains with requirements for strong coherence #xff1b;

这里指的是Peer toPeer网络,也就是点对点网络,是一种在对等者(Peer)之间分配任务和工作负载的分布式应用架构,是对等计算模型在应用层形成的一种组网或网络形式

This refers to the Peer to Peer network & #xff0c; that is, the point-to-point network & #xff0c; a peer & #xff08; Peer& #xff09; distributed application architecture between tasks and work loads & #xff0c; a network or network form formed by the equivalent calculation model in the application layer.


This term is the cornerstone of the whole block chain concept. The point-to-point network does not have the same central point as the server to store the information - conversely, xff0c; each participant in the block chain network can access the information and change it xff08; but other participants will know xff09; xff0c; the owner of the network does not control xff1b;


Wire fishing is an ancient but still in use method of stealing information that is vulnerable to attack.


The public key is xff0c, which is derived from the private key; the public key is converted to the wallet address. It is xff0c, which appears in pairs with the private key; the public key is similar to the bank account number.


This is the password for you to open your wallet. The English name is PrivateKey, xff0c in simple terms; xff0c in private; xff0c in your bank card password; xff0c in your account; xff0c in encrypted currency xff0c; xff0c; do not disclose the private key xff0c; remember xff1b;


Each encrypted currency wallet contains one or more private keys xff0c; these private keys are mathematically related to the wallet. Your private address must remain secure xff0c; cannot be shared with anyone xff08; especially by e-mail xff09;xff0c; so when someone wants your private key xff0c; be vigilant xff1b;


A mathematical mechanism that allows people to prove ownership xff0c; made up of a long series of numbers xff1b;


Prospectus( statement of equity & #xff09;


“We see it as a corporate passport & #xff0c; attach all possible information that investors may need to make informed decisions & #xff0c; let investors decide whether to invest.” The offer is a certificate of equity issuance & #xff08; STO& #xff09; the required document xff0c; xff1b to demonstrate that a project is safe and legally regulated;


The road map shows what the team wants to achieve in a year or more. It gives you an idea of the upcoming functions & #xff0c; and when they will be released.


In a system with a wide range of nodes xff0c; each node is characterized by a high degree of autonomy. Each node is freely connected to each other xff0c; a new connecting unit is formed. Any node may become a staged centre xff0c; but there is no mandatory central control function;


In the Bitcoin network xff0c; data are permanently recorded in the form of documents xff0c; we call these documents blocks. A block is a record set of some or all of the most recent bitcoin transactions xff0c; and is not recorded in other previous blocks;


(c) A fully open block chain xff0c; meaning anyone who can read, anyone can send a transaction and the transaction can be validly confirmed xff0c; anyone can read and write data through a transaction or mine;


Writes permissions only to a given organization or to a specific minority of objects. Reading permissions can be open to the outside & #xff0c; or are restricted to an arbitrary extent;


The Consensus Mechanism is a chain of blocks that are jointly controlled by a number of agencies xff0c; our DCEP is part of the chain of alliances;


(c) The term main chain is derived from the main network xff08; mainnet, vs. test network estnet) xff0c; i.e., an officially online, stand-alone network of block chains;


xff08; peggedsideshains) xff0c; it will allow the transfer of bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple block chains xff0c; this means that users use their existing assets xff0c; access to new encrypted currency systems;


Permanent differences in the block chain xff0c; xff0c after the issuance of the new consensus rule; partial nodes without upgrade cannot validate blocks xff0c produced by upgraded nodes; usually hard fork happens;


When the new consensus rule is issued xff0c; nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks xff0c; a temporary fork will arise if they do not know the new consensus rule xff0c;


Fraud is a criminal program by outlaws & #xff0c; the purpose is to obtain money, personal information or other benefits. Block chains are an emerging industry & #xff0c; due to inadequate regulatory measures & #xff0c; a variety of fraud projects & #xff0c; everyone needs to be cautious;


Airnotes & #xff0c; no value & #xff0c; tokens issued specifically for fraudulent money or for new projects that suddenly come out in the short term;


The wallets & #xff0c can be restored through the helpwords; the ownership of the wallets can be restored. After you register a Token wallet & #xff0c; the system will give you a code & #xff0c; and you will have to write it down & #xff0c; your wallet will never be found again after the loss of the password and the helpwords xff1b;


Smart contracts are computer programs & #xff0c; they control encrypted money transfers between parties under certain conditions. Smart contracts are computer agreements designed to disseminate, authenticate or execute contracts in an informative manner. Smart contracts allow for credible transactions without a third party & #xff0c; these transactions are traceable and irreversible.


Stable currency is a very low-volatility currency xff0c; it attempts to anchor a bulk of commodities such as legal currency, gold etc. in an encrypted currency market xff0c; the most stable currency currently in possession is?USDT( promises of 1 USDT to deposit US$ 1 xff0c; destroys a USDT #xff0c without a dollar being removed; and always maintains a stable market value like the legal currency #xff09;


Buying digital currency from low-priced exchanges & #xff0c; then moving to high-priced exchanges for sale


SHA-256 is the encryption algorithm used in some bitcoin digitized currencies. However, xff0c; it uses a lot of computing capacity and processing time xff0c; forces miners to organize mining pools for returns xff1b;

SAFT是“未来代币简单协议”的缩写,英文全称是:Simple Agreement for Future Tokens。投资者对公司进行投资,以换取公司在特定事件下未来代币分配的权利。与标准艾西欧不同之处在于,艾西欧会立即发放代币或硬币,而?SAFT实际上是一种未来交付代币的承诺。投资者购买的是未来发行的代币购买权利,更像是一种期权;

SAFT is an acronym for “a simple agreement for future currencies” & #xff0c; full English is : Simple Agreement for Future Tokens. Investors invest in companies & #xff0c; in exchange for the company’s right to be assigned future currencies in a given event. The difference with standard E.E.E.C. is that xff0c; E.C. will immediately issue coins or coins xff0c; and S.F.T.A.T. is actually a promise to deliver future coins. Investors buy the right to purchase future coins xff0c; more like a periodic right #xff1b;

时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601;

Time stamp means the date on which the string or encoded information is used to identify the time recorded. The international standard is ISO 8601;


The aim of the lightning network is to achieve a safe chain transaction xff0c; it is essentially a mechanism for using Hash time locking smart contracts to safely conduct 0 confirmed transactions xff0c; by setting up a smart “intellectual contract” xff0c; and by making unconfirmed transactions by users on the lightning network as safe as gold xff1b;


The coin suha refers to the full input of the principal into #xff1b;

Token(代币)也翻译为通证、糖果等,糖果即各种数字货币是一种造势和宣传。是指基于其他公链发行的一种代币,比如基于以太坊区块链发行的?ERC-20 Token

Token( tokens & #xff09; also translated into hyphens, candy, etc. & #xff0c; candy, various digital currencies, is a campaign and propaganda.

短语“To Da Moon(涨上天)”是指价格以极快的速度上涨。一般认为是?Dogecoin(狗狗币)社区让这个短语流行起来的

The phrase “To Da Moon( Uplifting the skyxff09;” means that prices rise at an extremely rapid rate.


Stable coins based on block chain technology xff0c; 1xff1a with US dollar; 1 anchor xff0c; understandably 1USDT#61; 1 US$


Wallet is like your bank account xff0c; you can send, receive and store encrypted currency xff0c; you need to open xff1b with a private key;


Giant whales refer to people or institutions holding large amounts of encrypted money; their actions have an impact on market prices.

白皮书是一份关于新产品或公司的文件,它包含所有细节:产品将解决的问题、技术规范、路线图、代币分发、团队情况等等。比特币的白皮书是《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统;(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)》

The White Paper is a document on new products or companies & #xff0c; it contains all the details & #xff1a; issues to be addressed by products, technical specifications, road maps, currency distribution, team profiles, etc. Bitcoin White Paper is Bitcoin & #xff1a; an electronic cash system for point-to-point & #xff1b; & #xff08; Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electric Cash Cash System #xff09;


Try to create blocks and add them to the computing device or software in the block chain. In a block chain network xff0c; xff0c when a new valid block is created; the system is generally given automatically to block creators xff08; miners xff09; a certain number of indents xff0c; as an incentive xff1b;


xff0c; decentralized and decentralized exchanges xff1b;


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