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  由万向区块链实验室主办的2021万向区块链黑客马拉松大赛8月3日正式开战!本届大赛以“数字世界2077”为主命题,主办方及赞助商提供的总奖金价值已超32万人民币。另外,冠军团队还将获得万向峰会主会场演讲机会。活动赞助商目前包括Protocol Labs、Web3基金会和Qtum。

Two hundred and twenty-one thousand, sponsored by Huan to the block chain labs, are officially at war on August 3rd at the block chain hacker marathon! The event is being held in “ Digital World 2077&rdquao; and, for the main theme, the total value of the prize offered by the sponsors and sponsors exceeds RMB 320,000. In addition, the championship team will be given the opportunity to speak to the summit venue.


The digital universe has become a virtual world created in the real world through digital technology, and some scholars even believe that it combines the ultimate imagination of the most cutting edges of science and technology, such as block chains, artificial intelligence, material networking, 5G, VR, and AR.


Two hundred and twenty-one million to block chain hacker Marathon for & ldquo; Digital World 2077” The main theme is to invite the world’s leading developers to explore how to integrate the block chain with new digital technologies, such as 5G, AI, IOT, to digitalize life, economy, governance, etc.? How to create applications and values for the future world? It is hoped that the contestants will be able to accelerate meta-cosm construction through innovative and applied block-chain solutions that will lead to highly digital and intelligent & ldquao; Digital World 2077&rdquao;

  此外,Protocol Labs作为活动赞助商,邀请开发者使用或基于Filecoin或IPFS探索去中心化的数据存储方式、优化开发过程、连接Filecoin与Web3世界。

In addition, Protocol Labs, as sponsor of the event, invites developers to explore decentralised data storage methods, optimize development processes and connect Filecoin to the Web3 world, using or based on Filecoin or IPFS.


The Web3 Foundation, for its part, invited developers to spread their thinking, irritation and creativity on the basis of the Substrate open source structure from the building of blocks, the development of block chain tools, and the interoperability of Wasm, to propose innovations and ideas to break the limit.


Qtum invited developers to build on Qtum to implement an NFT application to help build an intelligent city.


The first evaluation (1 August-10 September) and the end-of-line (10 September-12 September) of the current hacking marathon, together with a total prize of more than RMB 170,000 for block-chain laboratories, have been added for the first time to the $5,000 (approximately RMB 32,000) prize for community selection.


In addition, as a major unveiling event of the International Week of the Shanghai Block Chain, the 10,000-to-Zone Block Chain Laboratory also provided excellent team participants with the opportunity to be exposed at the Shanghai Block Chain International Week. The first team selected by the jury will be given the opportunity to present the project at the inaugural session of the seventh Global Summit on the Block Chain on 14 September, and the first team selected by the community will be able to present the project within a specified time frame of the hosting live webcast of the seventh Global Summit.

  赞助商们准备的奖金与奖励同样丰厚。Protocol Labs提供的总奖金高达1.5万美元 (约合9万人民币),欢迎全球优秀开发者积极挑战Protocol Labs赞助商命题。同时,Web3基金会也为符合Web3基金会命题方向的优秀项目准备了参加Web 3.0 Bootcamp、Polkadot Decoded、Substrate Course、Substrate Seminar等生态活动的机会。Qtum将为基于Qtum开发的优秀NFT应用提供价值1万美金(约合6万人民币)的奖励。

Protocol Labs offers a total prize of $15,000 (approximately RMB 90,000) and welcomes the initiative of the world’s leading developers to challenge Protocol Labs’ offer. Meanwhile, the Web3 Foundation has prepared $10,000 worth of incentives for excellent NFT applications based on Qtum (approximately RMB 60,000) to participate in such ecological activities as Web 3.0 Bootcamp, Polkadot Decoded, Substrate Course, and Substrate Seminar.


Since 2016, when the block chain-based hacker marathons were held, the 10,000-to-block chain hacker marathons have developed a large number of high-quality block chain technical talent for the industry and have contributed many ideas to the integration of the block chain with the real economy, and many winners and teams are still the backbone of the industry.

  2018年万向区块链黑客马拉松一等奖代表,AlphaWallet CEO 张中南表示:“万向区块链黑客马拉松冠军头衔给我们带来了很多帮助,即使两年后的2021,在我们启动新项目融资时,还有投资人记得我们当初是万向区块链黑客马拉松的冠军。”

In 2018, AlphaWallet CEO Chang, first-class representative of the block chain hacker marathon, said: & ldquo;

  2020年万向区块链“同气‘链’枝”公益黑客马拉松冠军代表,MYKEY Labs联合创始人Ricky也认为参加万向区块链黑客马拉松对他后续创业起到了很大的帮助。他表示:“在获得万向区块链黑客马拉松冠军后,我们的产品获得了更多的市场关注。”

In 2020, the 10,000-to-block chain & ldquo; the homogeneity & Lsquo; the chain & rsquo; the branch & rdquo; the representative of the public benefit hacker marathon, and the co-founder of the Mykey Labs, Ricky, agreed that participating in the 10,000-to-block chain hacker marathon would help him follow up his business. He said: & ldquo; with the 10,000-to-block chain hacker marathon champion, our products received more market attention.

  2020年万向区块链黑客松一等奖团队代表,Ownership Labs创始人李其柄也感到参与万向区块链黑客马拉松帮助他们的项目获得了长足的发展。他表示:“作为冠军,我们能够在万向区块链全球峰会的舞台上分享我们的项目愿景,同时帮助我们获得了LatticeX基金会、

In 2020, the founder of Ownership Labs, Lee Kegg, represented by the first prize team of the 10,000-to-block chain hackers, felt involved in their projects. He said: “ as champions, we could share our project vision on the stage of the Global Summit on the 10,000-to-block chain, while helping us get LatticeX Foundation,


Filecoin forward acceleration camp, protocol laboratory and LongHash were strongly supported, thus completing the cold start of the project. & rdquo;


Two hundred and twenty-one million to block chain hacker marathons welcomed the active participation of the world's leading developers interested in exploring the value of block chain applications in the future world, strangling the brain, shock prizes, and digital transformation of the economic society with technology and creativity.


More detailed information on the event can be found on the international web of hacker marathons on the 2021 Shanghai block chain.



  2015年,万向集团金融板块中国万向控股有限公司在区块链技术领域开始了战略性布局,成立了国内较早的区块链技术研究机构——万向区块链实验室,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin担任首席科学家。实验室聚集了领域内的专家就技术研发、商业应用、产业战略等方面进行研究探讨,为创业者提供指引,为行业发展和政策制定提供参考,促进区块链技术服务于社会经济的进步发展。自成立以来,万向区块链实验室通过每年举办区块链全球峰会、丛书出版、研究报告、推出孵化器、行业培训、技术讲座、高校产学研合作,以及发起成立中国分布式总账基础协议联盟(ChinaLedger)等举措,推动区块链技术的普及和发展。

In 2015, Van-China Holdings Ltd., the group’s financial block, started a strategic layout in the area of block chain technology, setting up the country’s earlier block chain technical research institute & mdash; & mdash; and 10,000-to-block chain laboratories, with Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the gang, as chief scientist. The laboratory brought together experts in the field to conduct research and research on technology research and development, commercial applications, industrial strategies, provide guidance to entrepreneurs, inform industry development and policy development, and facilitate the socio-economic progress of block chain technology. Since its establishment, 10,000-to-block chain laboratories have promoted the diffusion and development of block-chain technology through initiatives such as the annual Global Summit on block chain, serial publishing, studies, introduction of incubators, industry training, technical lectures, cooperation in high-school science, and the launch of the China General Account Foundation Agreement (CHINALedger).


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