数字货币期货迷局:徐明星 你还我血汗钱!

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Source: Networking in progress.


Author: Liu Yang


On the morning of 16 March 2018, a number of users of the digital currency futures purchased on OKEx gathered in front of the Beijing company building, OKCoin, to launch a campaign for advocacy.


It is understood that these users purchased digital currency futures on OKEx in the last three months, but the losses were heavy. In the words of the parties, the OKEx not only did not have the qualifications of futures exchanges, but also had the suspicion of manipulation of the transaction, and frequent explosions led to a “many double-killing” of the users.





In December 2017, Beijing’s Xiao Yiu friends recommended the beginning of exposure to digital currency futures, at a time when the concepts of bitcoins and block chains began to rise, with bitcoins hitting more than $10,000 at the end of the year from a $1,000 straight line at the beginning of the year, and digital currency futures starting to enter into the horizon of multiple exchanges. Liu, from the financial sector, has had a history of obsolete transactions in recent years, and the hedge nature of the digital currency futures gives him an opportunity to see arbitrage.


At the end of December, Liu chose to invest in digital money futures. The same experience occurred with Mr. Zhu in Shenzhen, who was a product manager who had previously had a history of investing in the BTC and who had already tasted sweets in the futures market, who had made millions of dollars on the Helium Index futures.


Jerry, a programmer, also focused this time on BTC and block chain technology, and, like the two above-mentioned individuals, Jerry wanted to see if the money futures were fresh enough. The three people who would not have had anything to do with it went into the middle of a financial mystery called digital money futures, where, apart from Mr. Zhu's more advanced futures experience and his experience of digital money investment, the others were almost as close as white.


In this process, it has to be said that the microblogging of a well-known domestic exchange contributed to the problem — OKCoin.


It is understood that the OKEx Exchange, which has a partnership with OKCoin, is the only company in the country that has a digital currency contract deal (digital currency futures). Liu told the journalist that “almost all the posts on digital currency futures were seen at the time were relevant to OKEx.” Plus, OKCoin’s credit endorsement and aggressive marketing (including microblogging and an internal link to the OKCoin website). OKEx became the logical first exchange to enter the horizon.




Since the closure of the ICO in 2017, domestic exchanges have gone to the sea, and even those who do not pay enough attention to the currency circle seem to be familiar with several names: coin pro, currency security, OKCoin, and OKEx, which, although also a well-known exchange, does not have online digital currency futures. The flow of OKEx relies on OKCoin quickly to establish its position as the head of the domestic digital currency trading platform.


For the young Lius who are standing outside trying to get into the game, OKEx obviously gave them a perfect chance to get into the game. The chances of a million dollars a month are dying, Mr. Liu and Mr. Chu and Jerry have not hesitated. In December and January, the three invested 80,000, 1.6 million and 100,000, respectively.


  朱先生清楚的记得,那天晚上他的交易量是1.5个比特币即16万元,购买了以太经典、瑞波币和EOS的期货,加了20倍杠杆,仓内仍有144万资金是没有动过的。按照合约,当期货的涨跌值达到5%时,就已经触及爆仓,需要及时补仓,按照16万元的交易金额来看,其爆仓线应该在16万元, 平台具备爆仓提醒设置,就是在爆仓线的70%即11.2万元会主动告知用户需要补仓可能有爆仓风险,朱先生还是不放心就将爆仓提醒设置在50%,也就是8万元。

Mr. Zhu clearly remembers that that night his deal was 1.5 bitcoins, or $160,000, and bought futures from Ether, Ripocos and EOS, with a 20-fold leverage, and that 1.44 million funds were still in storage. Under the contract, when futures reached a 5% increase in value, they were hit by the explosion and needed to be replenished in a timely manner. According to the transaction amount of $160,000, the blast line should be 160,000, and the platform had a blast alarm set, which would be 70% of the blast line, or $112,000, would voluntarily inform users of the risk of the explosion, and Mr. Zhu would still be unconvincingly place the blast alarm at 50%, or $80,000.


But that evening, when Mr. Zhu reached 70 per cent of the blast line, he was not reminded by a text message, and even more strangely, after the explosion, the sum of 160,000 of Mr. Zhu's transaction capital was levelled off, and the sum of 1.44 million who did not participate in the transaction was forced to level it down, leaving Mr. Zhu's 1.6 million or 15 bitcoins without blood.


Mr. Zhu recalled that the course of the transaction that night had been quite convoluted, and that a long-clinical line had exploded, but in order to reach the silo line, Mr. Zhu's silo had burst and had been traded for only 10 per cent of the total amount, but had forced the entire silo to be razed.


After finding out that he had lost his blood, Mr. Zhu contacted the OKEx platform several times, but there was no effective solution. It was even more surprising that after communicating, Mr. Zhu's entire trade records were erased.


The same thing happened to Liu and Jerry, who were blown up in one night. The Kline fell fast to the bottom, and started stretching out. This led them to suspect that the deal behind it was manipulated, and it was not just a few of them who, in the country, were close to 300 victims, and nearly 20 people with a strong will to defend their rights. Preliminary figures show that these 20 people lost nearly 7 million yuan, the highest of which was lost more than 2 million yuan.


It is understood that since OKEx’s virtual currency futures are made through currency transactions, with virtual contract leverage up to 10 or even 20 times, the guarantee for digital currency futures is a digital currency, while the guarantee for illicit currency results in a reduction in your bond as the digital currency falls. As long as the target digital currency fluctuates from 3.5% to 9% a day, there is a high risk that it will explode, which greatly exacerbates the chances of virtual currency busts.



Call the police


Liu told reporters that they had tried to communicate with OKEx, but that the other side was tough, even if it was not but one tenth of the compensation, forced them to do so and chose to call the police.


However, they found that the number of money futures bore a lot of bores, first of all, about who to report to. Liu was located in the East Side, where he reported to the police station near the Beijing station in the East Side, and the police said they were going to report it to the police station in the district where the company was located.


Upon enquiry, it was informed that the company of OKEx was located on the surface of the sea, and that Liu Xiao Yi went to the police station to report the incident, but the police said that, on the basis of two points, Liu was in the East Side region and had to go to East Town to report the incident; and that although the company was within the jurisdiction of the Seaside Division, there was currently no precedent for the establishment of a digital currency futures transaction fraud case in Beijing as a whole, and that the regulatory gap had made the case very difficult to establish, so that no case was currently being opened.


China’s futures exchanges include the Dalian Commodity Futures Exchange, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, the Chungzhou Commodity Futures Exchange, and the China Financial Futures Exchange. Early on, the country also experienced a series of disorderly futures developments.


But when users go to the SEC, the answer is even more surprising. The digital futures exchange is not part of the SEC’s purview.



Why is a futures firm without futures qualifications openly trading? Xiao Liu told reporters that, when talking on the phone to the customer-service representative of OKEx, the other party revealed that the company was registered overseas. Is it possible for companies abroad to operate their futures platforms in the country without regulation?


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The digital trading platform known as OKCoin, the world's largest trader, is one of the most well-known of its founders, Xu Xu Star, who was attracted to Bitcoin for the first time in 2011, prompting him to become a well-known KECOIN in 2012 at zero fees and security selling points.


According to the data, there are seven companies in which Xu Star is a corporate corporation, five companies in which he is a shareholder, nine companies in which financial transactions are the main business, and, apart from OKCoin, which has an eight-way network technology limited company, which deals in precious metals. Of course, he has not fallen off his recent bank loans, and Xu Star is also the registered legal person of the rich network technology limited company in the area of net lending.


So, back above, what's the relationship between OKEx and OKCoin? First, the actual control of OKCoin and OKEx are Xu Stars.


Second, according to the customer service of OKEx, the company is registered in Belize and operates in Hong Kong, but according to the site visits of the affected users, the company's operating company in Hong Kong does not actually carry out the operation of OKEx, and the company, OKExWeb Weibo, Inc., is actually the shell company, and its actual operating company is OKCoin, most of the users go to the OKEX platform via OKCoin Coin (https://www.OKcoin.cn, with the name of Lecúda Network Science and Technology Ltd. in Beijing).

 (OKEx与OKCoin的关系图) (OKEx与OKCoin的关系图)


As a mainstream digital money trading platform, OKCoin will not easily flow to OKEx, and when the user account of OKEx was stolen in October 2017, OKCoin publicly stated that the two companies operated independently, with no affiliation but with a cooperative relationship, but that it was actually the two companies that operated for one company, and that the actual person in control of the company was Xu Star, which was also confirmed by a person close to the company. That is why the aggrieved users approved to the SEC whether or not OkCoin had futures trading qualifications.


At the beginning of the creation of OKEx, it was officially promoted by the new platform, OKEx, in the form of a Bitcoin virtual contract operation.


Moreover, the fact that the source code of OKEx is linked to the web site of the eight precious metals, or, as mentioned above, the Internet Technology Corporation, shows that the relationship between Xu Star and OKCoin and OKEx is not merely a partnership. And the investment array behind OKCoin is a luxury, ranging from Stead’s network of giants, Chia Wei Wang’s joint capital, and Zai Wei’s leadership investment, all of which is invisibly endorsed for OKEx.

 (源码截图) (源码截图)


During his actual visit to the premises of OKCoin, the network journalist found out that the two parties claimed to be two independent operators, and that the company was only partially operated by OKCoin.

 (产品技术团队展示) (产品技术团队展示)


's digital currency contract deal is a future?


What is a virtual currency’s contractual transaction as a futures deal? It is known that in December 2017, the world-renowned Chicago Futures Exchange, with the agreement of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), pre-empted Bitcoin futures. To date, four global exchanges have already reached Bitcoins futures, and the UK’s CoinfloorEX will go up to bitcoin futures next month, instead of satisfying the Chicago Futures Exchange with the upper Bitcoins, which is about to go up to more currencies.

  OKEx开设的基于虚拟数字货币的合约交易,是采用是集中交易、保证金制度, T+0制度,双向交易制度,10倍和20倍杠杠制度,可自动追加保证金制度,强制平仓制度等,这与期货交易几乎没有区别。Jerry在咨询了中国期货协会后,期货协会表示,这个数字货币合约交易就是期货交易,符合期货交易的属性,建议报警。

The OKEx-based contractual transactions based on virtual digital currencies are based on a centralized trading and bond system, the T+0 system, a two-way trading system, a 10-fold and 20-fold bar system, an automatic supplementary bond system, and a mandatory silo system. Jerry, after consulting the China Futures Association, states that the currency contract transactions are futures transactions, which correspond to the characteristics of futures transactions, recommend that the police be called.


This was also confirmed by counsel, who stated that the nature of the OKEX contract was consistent with the definition of futures.


In fact, this model, advocated by Star Seo, duplicates the business model of the spot exchange, and all of the country's spot exchanges have been shut down. On this point, a second-tier professional expressed the same view. Before being told that the transaction was a digital currency future, the above-mentioned people said that it was perfectly normal for the victim to be involved in an off-the-shelf transaction, similar to a spot deal. When he learned that the transaction was a bitcoin future, he said, “Why should that be?” It was a bet, not a deal.


In more than four hours of confrontation, the COO Pan Xiao Jun and Ms. Liang finally appeared, and nearly 20 security guards in the company’s vicinity seem to be showing up today’s advocacy events less easily. In an adjunct reporter, Ms. Liang said that the company could not be represented by OK Coin, which was only part of the outsourcing of OKEx, but also by a male staff member of the customer’s department, who told them that if they wanted to defend their rights, they would need to be heard by the client department’s Hong Kong team in OKEx.


The incident, which is still fermented by the deadline, will continue to be reported and followed.


责任编辑:张恒星 SF142


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