币圈惊魂!硅谷银行事件引发虚拟货币市场“大地震” ,7万人爆仓

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中国证券报微信公号 消息,硅谷银行事件持续发酵,亦引发了虚拟货币市场的“大地震”。

According to China Securities News, the Silicon Valley Bank incident continued to ferment, causing a “big earthquake” in the virtual currency market.


On March 10, local United States time, Bitcoin broke down the entire threshold of US$ 20,000, which has been at a new low for almost two months. Meanwhile, virtual currencies such as Tahrir, Dogco, etc. have fallen to varying degrees. virtual money markets have stunned CoinGecko data show that the total market value of the current virtual currency is $977.153 billion, and the market value of the virtual money market has evaporated at $64.7 billion (approximately US$44.68 billion). Coinglass data show that in the last 24 hours there have been nearly 70,000 investors in the virtual currency market, amounting to $202 million (approximately US$13.9 billion) holding the warehouse.


Image by Coinglass

市场普遍认为,虚拟货币市场本次暴跌和美国的宏观经济局势、银行股暴跌以及虚拟货币特许经营的银行Silvergate Capital结束运营有关。

The market is generally of the view that the current collapse of the virtual currency market and the macroeconomic situation in the United States, the sharp fall in bank shares and the closure of Silvergate Capital, a bank with virtual currency concessions.


According to industry sources, the increase in interest rates over the past year has put pressure on venture assets such as equities, in particular on the evolution of virtual currencies.

日本加密公司Bitbank的分析师Yuya Hasegawa表示,现在几乎没有理由购买比特币,因为市场已经饱和。虚拟货币特许经营银行爆雷美国当地时间3月8日,Silvergate银行的控股母公司Silvergate Capital在官网发布公告称,公司将按照适用的监管程序,有序地结束银行业务,并自愿清算银行。

Yuya Hasegawa, an analyst for Japanese encryption company Bitbank, said that there was little reason to buy bitcoin now because the market was saturated. On 8 March, local US time, the virtual currency franchise bank thundered , Silvergate Capital, the controlling owner of Silvergate Bank, announced on the Net that the company would end its banking operations in an orderly manner, in accordance with the applicable regulatory procedures, and voluntarily liquidate the Bank.

据官网介绍,Silvergate银行成立于1988年,于2013年开始涉足虚拟货币领域,主要从事金融科技和虚拟货币创新业务,是一家虚拟货币特许经营的银行。其专有的Silvergate Exchange Network(SEN)是一个技术平台,连接了1600多种虚拟货币交易平台、金融机构、对冲基金和零售参与者。由于全年无休运行和即时法币转账,且连接了全球的加密市场参与者,Silvergate成为虚拟货币行业与美元等法币兑换的首选银行。

According to the Network, Silvergate Bank was established in 1988 and began its involvement in the virtual currency field in 2013, mainly in financial science and technology and virtual currency innovation, and is a virtual currency franchise bank. Its exclusive Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) is a technology platform that connects more than 1,600 virtual money trading platforms, financial institutions, hedge funds, and retail participants. As a result of uninterrupted year-round operations and instant money transfers, and connecting participants in the global encryption market, Silvergate became the preferred bank for the virtual currency industry to exchange French currency, such as the United States dollar.


Silvergate’s crisis stemmed from the bankruptcy of the head virtual currency trading platform FTX in April 2022, when a large number of Silvergate depositors were eager to withdraw funds. In the fourth quarter of 2022, Silvergate deposits fell by $800 million, or 68% in a single quarter.


After the US share of IPO in 2019, Silvergate’s bank deposits increased sevenfold, from $2 billion to $14 billion; and stock prices quadrupled, from $13 to $220 per share. But Silvergate’s stock prices have fallen by 97 per cent as at 10 March since they peaked in November 2021.

摩根大通周四在一份研究报告中表示,虚拟货币银行Silvergate的倒闭和Silvergate Exchange Network(SEN)的关闭对虚拟货币行业构成了挑战。

On Thursday, Morgan Chase stated in a study that the collapse of Silvergate and the closure of Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) posed challenges to the virtual currency industry.

以Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou为首的分析师写道,Silvergate一直是1000多家“机构加密市场参与者(包括主要虚拟货币交易平台、矿企、稳定币发行方、做市商和数字资产基金经理)的门户,这些相关方一直在使用其网络在他们的Silvergate账户和其他Silvergate客户的账户之间转移法币”。

According to an analyst headed by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, Silvergate has been a gateway to over 1,000 “institutional cryptographic market participants (including the main virtual currency trading platform, mining companies, stable currency issuers, market agents and digital asset fund managers), who have been using their networks to transfer French currency between their Silvergate accounts and the accounts of other Silvergate clients”.


Morgan Chase indicated that, given the current context and “the general reluctance of traditional banks to work with virtual money companies after the collapse of FTX and the significant regulatory pressures”, replacing SEN, which handles dollar access among participants in the crypto-currency market, would be challenging.

一些已经离开Silvergate的客户宣布他们将迁移到Signature Bank,然而,由于市场和监管机构为了降低加密相关风险施加压力,Signature Bank取代Silvergate的能力可能有限。Signature Bank已经表示,计划减少对数字资产客户存款的依赖。

Some customers who have left Silvergate have announced that they will move to Signature Bank, but the ability of Signature Bank to replace Silvergate may be limited due to pressure from markets and regulators to reduce the risks associated with encryption. Signature Bank has indicated plans to reduce reliance on deposits from digital asset clients.


The report adds that, as a result of enhanced regulatory review of virtual currency risks, it seems unlikely that new deposit institutions will be in place at this time. This means that there are few options left for United States institutional encrypting investors, especially smaller and less mature market participants, who are likely to seek banking services in Europe or elsewhere.


multiple virtual currency trading platforms “draw out”


As a result of the volatility of the virtual currency market, several virtual currency trading platforms are urgently “drawing the net.” In the morning, the well-known virtual currency trading platform, Currency 11, issued an announcement stating that, owing to the current market situation, the influx of USDC (virtual stable currency pegged to the United States dollar) assets had increased the burden of automatic conversion and that services had been suspended, and that this was a routine risk management measure.


The biggest virtual currency trading platform in the world, Coinbase, the United States, announced that USDC and the United States dollar would be suspended when banks shut down on weekends. During busy transactions, the exchange service with the United States dollar was dependent on dollar transfers that banks settled during normal business hours. When banks opened on Monday, the company planned to reopen the exchange. mask was open to buying Silicon Valley banks. On the morning of 11 March Beijing time, a social media friend proposed that Twitter should buy Silicon Valley banks and turn them into a digital bank.


Image source: Network


Meta is thinking about launching a Twitter contest


According to media reports, Meta is exploring the launch of a new social media application to replace Twitter as a global “digital city square.” In an e-mail, Meta revealed that it was considering launching an independent decentralized social network to share text messages. It was reported that Meta’s potential application would be based on a framework similar to Mastodon, a Twitter-like service launched in 2016.


Chinese personnel travelling to Korea need not provide negative nucleic acid detection reports for 48 hours


Original title: Blast! The currency circle is ecstatic. The biggest trading platform in the world is rushing to "Draw the net"! 70,000 people went into storage and nearly $1.4 billion evaporated.


Editor: Zhou Self-Reliance


Editor-in-chief: Cho Sang-ho


Audit: Feng Fei


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