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At the end of last year, the Shanghai City Commission's Economic Work Session stated that it was “guiding businesses to step up their research into the important platform for the future of the virtual world to interact with the real society, and to get it in place at the right time.” Then Wuhan, Fatty, etc., wrote it into the government’s report.


In addition, Wal-Mart announced its march into the military universe and planned to launch its own pass, another initiative following Wal-Mart’s announcement in 2019 of plans to issue its unique dollar-linked stable currency. As we said in April 2021, “What Wal-Mart of the World’s Five Hundred Tops is doing with the block chain,” the future Wal-Mart will be closely linked to block chain technology, and the future retail trade will be part of the retail trade of the block chain.


At the same time, at the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Beijing East City Court warned against disputes arising from a number of actions while striving to achieve both economic and social benefits. The judge suggested that platforms and copyright parties could increase the use of artificial intelligence for risk monitoring and evidence-gathering, using techniques such as block chains, DRMs (digital copyright protection) for copyright protection in areas such as tort monitoring and judicial protection.

以下是本期周刊的详细内容,我们分为政策相关行业新闻央行数字货币投融资新闻行业观点共五大板块,请 Enioy:

The following is a detailed account of this weekly issue, which is divided into five main sections of the policy-relevant , sector news, central bank digital currency , `strong' finance news and industry perspective , and Enioy:



On 17 January, the Spanish National Securities Market Commission was given the power to regulate Crypto advertising, which will restrict the promotion of Crypto-related personnel. The rule is that those with more than 100,000 fans in Spain or channels must inform the regulatory body of the content of the Crypto advertisement at least 10 days in advance.

此前11月,西班牙监管机构与该国足球传奇人物Andrés Iniesta就币安的有偿促销发生冲突。委员会表示,Andrés Iniesta有责任告知粉丝Crypto的风险。

Earlier, in November, Spanish regulators clashed with the country’s soccer legend Andrés Iniesta about the remunerative promotion of currency. The Commission stated that Andrés Iniesta had a duty to inform his fans of the risks of Crypto.



On 18 January, the Director of the Policy Research Unit of the National Development and Change Commission (NDRC) stated that positive progress had been made in 2021 to prevent major risks from being addressed. Local governments’ hidden debt risk mitigation efforts were well under way. A number of high-risk financial institutions were given a timely “precision clearance” of individual high-debt real estate risks. Virtual currency “mining” had achieved significant results.



On 18 January, the State Council issued a circular on the publication of the “14th Five-Year Development Plan for a Modern Integrated Transport System. The document states that sustained innovation drives development, promotes the integration of new technologies, such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and block chains, into the transport industry, advances the application of advanced technology equipment, builds intelligent transport systems that are interconnected, flexible and globally competitive, strengthens the technological self-reliance, strengthens the foundation for innovative development and enhances the new dynamic of integrated transport development.



On January 18, the UK reported that it planned to launch a Crypto asset monitoring program, proposing that the block chain be removed from the Crypto asset definition. The UK indicated that decentralised finance (DeFi) might be within the scope of supervision, but would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.


In addition, the UK plans to strengthen regulation of misleading Crypto advertising. The UK Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FCA) states that misleading advertising and lack of information mean that the Crypto market is risky for consumers.


[Prime Minister Modi of India calls for concerted action by global regulators against Crypto]


On January 18, Indian Prime Minister Modi, speaking at the World Economic Forum Davos Agenda meeting on Monday, said that every country and every global institution needed collective and simultaneous action. Interruption of supply chains, inflation, and climate change are examples. Another example is Crypto.


1月19日报道,土耳其执政党正义与发展党(Ak Party)周一举行了首次元宇宙会议,并讨论即将到来的Crypto监管。

On 19 January, it was reported that the Party for Justice and Development (Ak Party), the ruling party in Turkey, had held its first met in the Woncosm on Monday and had discussed the upcoming Chrypto supervision.

据Cointelegraph Turkey报道,土耳其大国民议会(TBMM)在元宇宙举行首次会议。参加虚拟会议的包括TBMM小组副主席Mahir ünal和Mustafa Elita?以及负责信息和通信技术的Ak Party副主席?mer ?leri。

The virtual meeting included Mahir ünal and Mustafa Elita, vice-presidents of the TBMM group, and Ak Party?mer?leri, vice-chairman for information and communication technology.


ünal indicated to the media that Crypto regulation was the highlight of the meeting, adding that Crypto's assets required financial and legal regulation.




The Crypto Exchange will be the focus of the SEC’s restructuring in the area of digital assets in 2022. US SEC President Gensler expressed the hope that the trading platform would take steps in the coming months to be more directly regulated by Washington’s financial regulators.


[Nine sectors such as the National Development Reform Commission: encouraging platform enterprises to accelerate technological breakthroughs in areas such as block chains]


On 18 January, nine departments, such as the National Development Reform Commission, issued Opinions on the Promotion of the Sustainable Development of the Platform's Economic Norms, which state that the Platform's enterprises should be guided to further develop the platform's market and data advantages, to actively engage in scientific and technological innovation and to enhance core competitiveness. Platform enterprises should be encouraged to increase the intensity of their research and development inputs and to accelerate technological breakthroughs in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, operating systems, and processors. Platform enterprises should be encouraged to accelerate the development and application of digital green integration technology innovations to help build zero carbon industrial chains and supply chains.




On 18 January, in accordance with the efforts of the Party Council of the Judicial Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to strengthen the exchange of learning and introduce innovative results, and to accelerate the development of the pilot project on the “block chain plus the rule of law”, the Office of Scientific and Technological Information organized a meeting on the “block chain plus the rule of law” exchange. The meeting provided participants with visual insight into the application of block chain technology in various fields and provided a clearer understanding of block chain technology.


[Report on the work of the Guangdong Government: promoting pilot homes such as digital renminbi, innovative applications of the national block chain]


The Guangdong Government report states that, in 2022, the city capital of Guangzhou, science, technology and innovation, industrial development and habitable environment will be strengthened, and the country’s central city will be built at a new level, accelerating the construction of an international metropolitan city. The construction of the Guangzhou pilot area for artificial intelligence and digital economy will be accelerated, and pilot projects such as the digital renminbi and the innovative application of the country’s block chain will be promoted.



On 20 January, the country launched a press conference. The Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization and press spokesman Tantazong described the digital economy as fast-tracked in the past year. Big data, cloud computing, and the innovative development of block chains are now in the world’s first echelons. 5G mobile communication technologies, equipment and applications are leading the world.


1月20日消息,巴基斯坦联邦调查局 (FIA) 已要求巴基斯坦电信管理局禁止1600多个Crypto网站。该行动是在中央银行巴基斯坦国家银行(SBP)提出全面禁止Crypto建议之后采取的。与此同时,该国科学部长表示,政府打算在该国“规范”Crypto。FIA主任Babur Bakht Qureshi说:“我们目前正在制定一份与Crypto交易相关的个人名单。”“在不久的将来,将对推广Crypto的个人采取行动。”

On 20 January, the Pakistani Federal Bureau of Investigation (FIA) reported that the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority had requested that more than 1,600 Crypto websites be banned. This action was taken after the Central Bank of Pakistan National Bank (SBP) proposed a comprehensive ban on Crypto. At the same time, the Minister of Science stated that the Government intended to “regulate” Crypto in the country. The director of FIA, Babur Bakht Qureshi, said: “We are currently developing a list of individuals associated with Crypto transactions.” “In the near future, action will be taken against individuals who promote Crypto.”


Earlier news suggests that Pakistan has decided to ban Crypto. The Pakistani Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking to block Crypto’s website.



On 20 January, it was reported that the Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah, one of Indonesia's largest non-governmental Islamic organizations, and the central implementation of Tajdid issued a new decree against the use of Crypto this Tuesday. The decree identified two key issues for Crypto and considered it illegal to use Crypto as an investment tool and as a trade medium under Islamic law.



On 20 January, the Shanghai Municipal Directorate of the National Foreign Exchange Administration recently convened a conference on foreign exchange management in Shanghai in 2022, which summarized the foreign exchange management and service work in Shanghai in 2021. The meeting stated that in 2021 it had actively cooperated with the public security services in combating criminal activities such as cyber-motion, virtual currency-underground money houses and other illegal activities, focusing on key subjects and key operations for inspection and verification, conducting a “good faith business” campaign, preparing for the establishment of the Shanghai Foreign Exchange Threading Centre and maintaining the bottom line of risk for cross-border financial flows.


1月21日报道,美国金融业监管局(FINRA)首席执行官Robert Cook表示,随着Crypto采用的增长,该自律机构将在今年研究对Crypto法规的潜在变化。

On 21 January, it was reported that Robert Cook, Chief Executive Officer of the United States Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FINRA), had indicated that, with the growth of Crypto, the self-regulatory body would be studying potential changes to the Crypto statute this year.

Cook表示,美国金融监管局并不打算对现行规则进行全面修改,而是计划发布 “早期阶段、概念发布类型的通知”,特别是在广告和披露方面。

Cook indicated that the United States Financial Supervisory Authority did not intend to make a complete revision of the existing rules, but rather planned to issue “early stages, concept publication types of notice”, especially in advertising and disclosure.


Cook stated that he did not intend to regulate or fundamentally change the regulatory structure here because it was beyond his mandate. But he expressed concern that the range of regulators overseeing various types of Crypto assets could cause confusion among investors. “Our member companies are now involved in the sale of some digital assets, some of them securities, some of them not securities.



According to Forkast, the Korean Ministry of Science announced a five-year strategy on Thursday to lead the global meta-cosm competition. Korea plans to train 40,000 specialists in the meta-cosmos field to promote South Korea’s participation in the five major countries of the global meta-cosm market.


Moreover, the Ministry of Science and Information Technology of Korea has indicated that a metacosystem has the potential to create 1.5 million jobs outside the physical world. The data show that Korea’s virtual real market grew at an average annual rate of more than 36% in 2018, and is expected to be worth over $2.5 billion by 2024.



On Thursday, 21 January, the Central Bank of Russia proposed a ban on the use and excavation of Crypto in Russia, on the grounds that these activities posed a threat to financial stability, civil welfare, and monetary policy sovereignty. This was the latest global effort to combat Crypto, with governments from Asia to the United States concerned that private operations and highly volatile digital currencies could undermine the authorities’ control over the financial and monetary system.


[The Government of Botswana will present the Virtual Assets Bill to Parliament]


On 22 January, it was reported that the Government of Botswana would submit a “virtual assets bill” to the country's Parliament, which could make Botswana one of the first countries in Africa to enact the Crypto law.


According to a recent Official Gazette, the Government of Botswana has drafted a document recommending the regulation of virtual asset operations and the delegation of the functions and powers of regulatory bodies, which will now be submitted to the country's legislators.


In the draft, the authorities of Botswana indicated that they were not only seeking to recognize the Crypto deal, but were also planning to incorporate “regulations for the management, mitigation and prevention of money-laundering and the financing of terrorism” into the proposed law. The draft also sought to prevent proliferation risks associated with virtual assets, emerging business practices and technologies.

关于发行通证的公司或实体,法案草案指出,“第三部分进一步规定,如果申请人证明其拥有必要的基础设施和资源来开展虚拟资产服务提供商或首次通证发行发行人的业务活动,并且申请人是合适的人选,监管机构可以授予许可证。第11 (2)条对‘合适’的定义与《金融情报法》的规定一致。”

With regard to companies or entities that issue certificates, the draft bill states that “Part III further provides that the supervisory authority may grant a licence if the applicant proves that he or she has the necessary infrastructure and resources to carry out the business of a virtual asset service provider or first issuer of certificates, and the applicant is the appropriate person. The definition of `appropriate' in section 11 (2) is consistent with the provisions of the Financial Intelligence Act.”



据CNBC 1月17日消息,美国零售巨头沃尔玛或将进军元宇宙,并计划创建自己的数字货币和NFT。该公司于2021年12月底申请了几个新商标,表明它打算制造和销售虚拟商品,在另一份文件中,该公司表示它将为用户提供虚拟货币和NFT。目前沃尔玛发言人还没有立即回应CNBC的置评请求。

According to CNBC, on 17 January, the American retail giant Wal-Mart may be marching into the military universe, with plans to create its own digital currency and NFT. The company applied for several new trademarks at the end of December 2021, indicating its intention to manufacture and sell virtual commodities. In another document, the company indicated that it would provide users with virtual money and NFT.


[SpiceDAO announces the successful bid for unpublished manuscript of the Sand Dune film for Euro2.66 million]

1月16日,去中心化组织Spice DAO发推宣布以266万欧元(约303万美元)成功竞拍Alejandro Jodorowosky拍摄的《沙丘》电影未出版手稿,接下来,该项目计划公开本书(在法律允许的范围内),制作受本书启发的原创动画限量系列并将其出售给流媒体服务,并支持社区的衍生项目。

On 16 January, the decentralised organization Spice DAO announced a successful bid for a non-published manuscript for a film by Alejandro Jodorowosky for €2.66 million (approximately $3.03 million). The project then plans to publish a book (to the extent permitted by law), produce a limited series of original animations inspired by the book and sell them to mobile media and support community derivative projects.

据悉,Spice DAO此前已通过juicebox募集2608个ETH,价值超870亿美元,该项目多余的资金将用于支付扫描、存储的成本以及其它活动,并经过DAO社区投票使用。

Spice DAO was informed that it had previously collected 2608 ETHs worth over $87 billion through Juicebox, and that the project's excess funds would be used to cover the costs of scanning, storing and other activities and be used by the DAO community.




On 17 January, journalists were informed that Microbanks were planning to launch the Tiger Year digital collection “Fukuo” on 25 January. Microbanks have indicated that the Phuku Project will produce and distribute the largest-ever digital collection in the country once and for all. The total number of copies distributed is 20.22 million, and all operations such as creating, sharing, receiving, synthesizing, searching, etc. are free of charge and do not support the transfer of gifts and transactions.



On 17 January, according to information received from the Fund, the country's first animal protection public benefit fund, which launched a digital collection of 10,000 people, the Enlightenment Tiger, was auctioned at a price of 60,000 dollars at the Pauri Gate, and completed the digital collection through block chain technology, permanently recording all participants, the first in the country to be created by a public interest organization.


1月17日消息,总部位于新加坡的领先数字资产与财富管理公司DWM (Digital Wealth Management Pte Ltd数字财富管理有限公司)正式入驻现象级元宇宙Sandbox,宣布已经购买Sandbox核心地块。该地块位于Mega City核心,与普华永道,香港新世界,新鸿基,南华早报等知名企业为邻,成为了全球最早正式进入元宇宙世界开展业务的财富管理公司之一。

On 17 January, the Singapore-based leading digital asset and wealth management company DWM (Digital Health Management Pte Ltd.) officially entered the phenomenon-level metaspace Sandbox, where it was announced that it had purchased the Sandbox core plot, located at the heart of Mega City, in the New World of Hong Kong, New Hong Kong, New Hong Kong, and South China Morning News, one of the first wealth management companies to formally enter the world.

【中国传媒大学与新浪新闻、 央视网共同发布《2022元宇宙研究报告:多元视角》】


On 17 January, the Institute of New Media Studies of the Chinese Media University, together with the Xinwa News and the Xinhua Network Institute, launched the 2022 yuan cosmopolitan study: a multi-faceted perspective. The project was carried out by Professor Zhao Zi Trung, Director of the Institute of New Media Studies of the Chinese Media University, and Weibo COO, and the Xinwa Mobile CEO, who served as experts and was carried out by the Deputy Director-General of Xiao Xiao Xing, the new Media Institute of the National Media Integration and Communication Laboratory of the Chinese Media University, in conjunction with the Xinwa News and the Xin Xin Xian Network Institute.


The ten main points of view include: the science fiction perspective of the meta-cosm; the scientific definition of the meta-cosm; the priority enterprises that drive the development of the meta-cosmos; the VR industry of the meta-cosmos; the game industry of the meta-cosmos; the virtual currency of the meta-cosmos; the virtual office of the meta-cosmos; the telecom operator's work in the universe; the six basic technologies underpinning the meta-cosm; and the media's diversity.



On 17 January, the social media platform Reddit is forming a Crypto team to create an Internet based on block chains and decentralized technologies.



In recent days, at the annual festival of the block chain, the Centre for the Promotion of the Block Chain Industry of the Shanghai Long Triangle was inaugurated.

【OpenSea宣布推出NFT安全小组,当前成员包括Coinbase、Horizon Blockchain Games等】

[OpenSea announces the launch of the NFT Security Group, which currently includes Coinbase, Horizon Blockchain Games, etc.]

1月18日,OpenSea宣布推出NFT安全小组,当前成员包括Arweave、Blockade、Games、Coinbase、Foundation、Horizon Blockchain Games、Protocol Labs (IPFS)、Known Origin、MakersPlace、Manifold、MetaMask、Nifty Gateway、OpenSea、Polygon、Rarible、SuperRare、WalletConnect、Zora,目前新成员只接受邀请,成员将有机会投票并集体向新成员发出邀请。该小组将专注于跨平台安全。

On 18 January, OpenSea announced the launch of the NFT security team, currently composed of Arweave, Blockade, Gomes, Coinbase, Fundation, Horizon Blockchain Gomes, Protocol Labs (IPFS), Known Origin, MakersPlace, Manifold, MetaMask, Nifty Gateway, OpenSea, Polygon, Rarible, SuperRare, WalletConnect, Zora, currently invited only new members, who will have the opportunity to vote and collectively invite new members. The team will focus on cross-platform security.


[Chinese securities: NFT technical characteristics make it possible to solve the digital asset problem]


On January 18, the Sino-Tin securities pointed out that the technical characteristics of NFT, such as security, certainty, traceability, and transactions, are possible ways to solve the digital asset problem and thus to further construct the economic system of the meta-cosm. The NFT artwork, NFT games, after an explosive growth in July-August last year, have so far fallen in heat and trade volumes. As the NFT market has become more focused, domestic firms, such as Steam, have made some attempts in the field of NFT. We believe that the technical characteristics of NFT have made it possible to solve the digital asset problem, but many issues such as commercialization, subsequent development paths are unclear and require close attention to market uncertainties and guidelines for policy regulation.



On January 18, Silver Cloud flashed the online “Digital Collection” and launched the first series of digital collections on the theme “Culture of China.” Building on China’s block chain technology, Yun flash released the first eight digital collections in the series Spaceforth, Chipforth, Chinafort, and Five Tiger Springs, China paid tribute to its achievements in space and chip fields and provided new support for the dissemination of excellent traditional cultures and support for digital creation.



On January 18, the Network's official launch was announced. The Chief Scientist for the Network noted that the technology applications of the Block Chain coexisted with industrial development, with opportunities and challenges. At this stage, the country's sector chain industry has steadily increased in size, showing the emergence of technological innovations, the strengthening of autonomous research and development, the rapid development of core technology, and the progressive development of basic platforms and standards, as well as some challenges. First, the technology of inter-linkages, inter-linkages, inter-linkages synergies, etc., remains to be developed; second, there is an urgent need to expand the heavyweight application landscape; and, third, there is an urgent need to break the contradiction between regulation and systemic performance, safety and privacy.


Schemin believes that the heavy task and pressing requirements for the development of the block chain industry require that the country’s block chain operators insist on applying innovation and maintaining self-control. To follow the path of developing the China-specific block chain, build the Chinese system, shape China’s direction, and form the Chinese ecology.



On 18 January, Coca-Cola announced that it would launch a Coca-Cola gold tiger gift box on January 19th, the annual membership day, and a digital Coca-Cola new spring red bag for Huennafu on Skycat's digital collection channel. According to the information received, the new spring red bag had a limit of 5,700 copies, each of which was authenticated through ant chain technology and generated a unique serial number.



On January 18, the 100th annual digital collection platform will be launched. The 100th Super Chain will release the multi-manufactured version of the multi-manufacturing spring festival on January 22-31, including the museum series of thousands of views, the treasured version of the Skyfare, and the 100-manufactured Tiger series of digital collections.



On 18 January, the luxury car brand Mercedes-Benz announced that it would work with Art2People to build a Mercedes-Benz NFT collection based on its G-class series.

五位艺术家受委托在一系列媒体上创作各种受G级车型启发的作品,为每件艺术品创作独特的设计。这些艺术家包括Charlotte Taylor、Anthony Authie、Roger Kilimanjaro、Baugasm、Antoni Tudisco。Nifty Gateway和Mercedes将于周日推出其NFT。

Five artists were commissioned to create a variety of G-sizes in a range of media and to create unique designs for each piece of art, including Charlotte Taylor, Anthony Authie, Roger Kilimanjaro, Bagasm, Antoni Tudisco, and Nifty Gateway and Mercedes will launch their NFT on Sunday.



古驰(GUCCI)将于2月1日在GucciVault进行首次NFT Drop。据悉,首批10个SUPERGUCCI NFT由SUPERPLASTIC创建。

The first 10 SUPERGUCI NFTs were known to have been created by SUPERPLASTIC.



1月18日,兰博基尼宣布将推出NFT艺术品,用户可通过Lamborghini Space Key访问。据介绍,这件以太空为主题的艺术品的独特之处在于一块先进的碳纤维复合材料,兰博基尼于2019年将样品作为一项合资研究的一部分送往国际空间站。从太空返回后,该材料成为Space Key的一部分。据悉,Space Key被分为五个部分,每个部分都与同一位艺术家的独家数字艺术品相链接,可通过背面的二维码访问。

On January 18, Lamborghini announced the launch of NFT works of art, which users can access through Lamborghini Space Key. The unique feature of this space-based art was described as an advanced carbon fibre complex, which in 2019 sent samples to the International Space Station as part of a joint venture study. When returned from space, the material became part of Space Key.

该NFT是与面向企业的白标NFT解决方案NFT PRO?合作开发,Lamborghini Space Key项目的全部细节将在未来几周内公布,包括艺术家的身份和拍卖信息。

The NFT was developed in collaboration with the business-oriented NFT solution NFT PRO? The full details of the Lamborghini Space Key project will be published in the coming weeks, including the identity of artists and auction information.

【RSS3将于今日22时正式发布RSS3 Whitepaper NFT】

1月19日,去中心化社交与内容协议RSS3宣布将于北京时间1月19日22时正式发布RSS3 Whitepaper NFT,本次发布的NFT将在以太坊网络上铸造,共2048件。

On 19 January, the decentralised socialization and content agreement RSS3 announced that RSS3 Whitepaper NFT would be officially released on 19 January at 2200 Beijing time, and that the release of the NFT would be made on the Ethio network for a total of 2,048 items.

【NFT游戏Parallel计划进行NFT拍卖,并将拍卖所得捐赠给在线学习平台Khan Academy】

[NFT game Parallel plans to hold an NFT auction and donate the proceeds to the online learning platform Khan Academy]

1月19日消息,NFT科幻交易卡游戏Parallel计划拍卖一个单一版本的NFT “Inspiring Teacher”,并将所有收益捐给在线学习平台Khan Academy。拍卖将于美国东部时间1月19日下午5点(北京时间1月20日6点)开始,并在21日的同一时间(北京时间1月22日6点)结束。

On January 19, the NFT science-fiction card game Parallel plans to auction a single version of the NFT “Inspiring Teacher” and to donate all the proceeds to the online learning platform Khan Academy. The auction will begin at 5 p.m. Eastern United States Time on January 19, 20 January Beijing Time, and end at the same time on January 21, Beijing Time, at 6 p.m.

据The Giving Block数据显示,慈善组织在2021年共收到了超过240万美元的Crypto捐款。

According to the Living Block data, charitable organizations received more than $2.4 million in Crypto contributions in 2021.


[Web-Free Planet Digital Collection]

1月19日,基于网易区块链技术的数字化平台网易星球数字藏品宣布启动。网易星球数字藏品(又称 NFT)是基于网易区块链技术,具有区块链上唯一标识特性的数字化内容作品,是作为元宇宙底层系统的基础支持。

On 19 January, a digital web-based platform, based on network block chain technology, was launched. The web-based planetary digital collection (also known as NFT) is based on network-based block chain technology, and a digital content work with the only identifier on the block chain is used as a basis for the base system at the bottom of the meta-cosm.


The CyberStar Digital Collection is dedicated to extending the boundaries of the art collection to the digital world, beyond the physical world, providing IPs with a full range of brand solutions such as contract casting, product marketing, user management, etc. It also provides collectors with services such as secondary creation, conversion, purchase, donation, and collection sharing of digital collections.



It is interesting to note that this year, for the first time, 24 museums (the court) used digital technology to celebrate the occasion by publishing a 3D collection from the Tiger Monument, the Twelve-year-old Monument and the Treasure of Towns. Users can buy it in two ways, using the Five-Five Exchange, the Vesting Small Program, and using the Digital Gallery Functional Classification and Sharing at the Whaling App.


It has been reported that whale scouts apply a rigorous screening and control mechanism for all distributions, including during the five-future period, and use user authentication and support only 180 days of non-reimbursable gifts to eligible real friends and two years of re-granting.

【AMC影院向其超58万名投资者发放NFT “I Own AMC”】

NFT “I Own AMC” by the AMC cinema to its more than 580,000 investors

1月19,AMC影院向在去年12月31日截止日期前通过AMC的投资者连接门户注册的超58万名股东发放了独家“I own AMC” NFT。据悉,这些NFT是在WAX平台上铸造的。

On 19 January, the AMC cinema distributed the exclusive “I own AMC” NFT to over 580,000 shareholders registered through the AMC investor connection portal by the deadline of 31 December last year.


Previously, AMC had used WAX in collaboration with Sony Films, and two companies had distributed 86,000 NFTs to specific groups buying tickets for the film Spider-Man: Heroes Without Return.


谷歌正在组建一个专注于区块链和相关技术的业务部门,由一位新任命的高管领导。这位高管在搜索广告这个谷歌核心业务部门工作了十多年。一封电邮显示,该公司工程副总裁Shivakumar Venkataraman现在管理着一个专注于“区块链和其他下一代分布式计算和数据存储技术”的部门。这位高管将成为Labs的一位“创始负责人”。Labs是谷歌旗下容纳各种虚拟和增强现实业务的部门。

Google is forming an operational unit focused on block chains and related technologies, led by a newly appointed executive, who has been working for more than a decade in the core Google business of searching ads. An e-mail shows that the company’s vice-president of engineering, Shivakumar Venkataraman, now manages a department focused on “block chains and other next-generation distributed computing and data storage techniques.” The senior executive will be a “founder” of Labs.


1月19日消息,卡牌对战类游戏爆炸猫咪(Exploding Kittens)透露,该公司已经与3D打印公司Glowforge合作,为其最新推出的棋盘游戏Happy Salmon在以太坊区块链上发行10枚NFT。根据Exploding Kittens的联合创始人兼首席执行官透露,NFT所有者可以使用Glowforge 3D打印机将他们的NFT打印到Happy Salmon盒子上,或者在二级市场上出售。

On January 19, card cards revealed that the company had worked with Glowforge, a 3D print company, to issue 10 NFTs for its recently launched board game, Happy Salmon, on the Etherm block chain. According to the Associate Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Exploiting Kittens, NFT owners could print their NFTs on the Happy Salmon box using the Glowforge 3D printer, or sell them on the secondary market.



On 19 January, an official announcement (301066) announced that the company would launch the Western Lake I “Digital Collection” platform at 1800 hours on 20 January. The company stated that the platform would enable clients to become not only designers of silk products with the ability of AI, but also owners of product copyrights under block chain technology.



On 19 January, the Ocowin Network of OKLink Officers officially went on line with the BSC Block Chain Browser. According to reports, the OKLink multi-chain browser has covered 12 mainstream public chains. The Upline BSC Block Chain Browser will provide a fluid, accurate, instantaneous and rich BSC ecological user with data and indicators on the BEP20/721/1155 chain.



On 20 January, at the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Beijing East City Court warned that, while striving to achieve both economic and social benefits, some of the actions should be kept in check. The judge suggested that the platform and copyright parties could increase the use of artificial intelligence for risk monitoring and evidentiary purposes by leveraging technologies such as block chains, DRMs (digital copyright protection) for copyright protection in areas such as tort monitoring and judicial advocacy.


据The Economic Times 1月20日消息,印度广播公司Viacom18现在正计划加入NFT潮流,推出自己的平台Fullyfaltoonft.com。该市场预计于下个月上线。

According to The Economic Times, on January 20, the Indian Broadcasting Corporation Viacom18 is now planning to join the NFT tide and launch its own platform, Fullyfaltoonft.com. The market is expected to go online next month.

【美国好莱坞女星Lindsay Lohan在Superfandom推出“体验式NFT”】


1月20日消息,美国知名女演员Lindsay Lohan将在基于Stack区块链的Superfandom平台上发行“体验式NFT”,并将担任该平台的顾问。据悉,“体验式NFT”允许粉丝有机会在现实生活中与他们喜爱的艺人进行互动。在该平台上提供NFT的其他明星包括Home Improvement的Richard Karn、电影明星Jake Busey(《星际战舰》)和Riya Sen(《30分钟》),以及Hunava Mere歌手Jubin Nautiyal。

On 20 January, the famous American actress Lindsay Lohan will launch the “Experfandom” platform, based on the Stack block chain, and will serve as a resource person for the platform. The “Experient NFT” is known to give fans the opportunity to interact with their favorite performers in real life. Other stars providing NFT on the platform include Home Improvement Richard Karn, film star Jake Busey, and Riya Sen (30 Minutes), as well as Hunava Mere singer Jubin Nautiyal.

Superfandom是Rare Sense的子公司,基于Stacks运行。其首席执行官Sophia Perez表示,该平台将在未来两周内上线。

Superfandom is a subsidiary of Rare Sense, operating on the basis of Stacks. Its CEO, Sophia Perez, says the platform will be online within the next two weeks.


[didas or co-opting with Prada]

据NFT收藏家gmoney.eth消息,adidas或与意大利奢侈时尚品牌Prada合作发布联名款NFT。据悉,gmoney.eth于去年参与了与adidas Originals发布的首个NFT《Into The Metaverse》的合作,并受邀参加了16日Prada的“Prada FW22”时装秀。

According to the NFT collector, Gmoney.eth, Adidas or Prada, an Italian luxury fashion brand, published a joint NFT. According to information, Gmoney.eth was involved in last year’s collaboration with the first NFT, Into The Metaverse, published by Adidas Origanals, and was invited to a 16-day Prada FW22 fashion show in Prada.


According to the relevant page on the adidas network, the NFT series of this collaboration will either have as its theme and inspiration the RE-NYLON (regenerative nylon) series under the Prada flag.



The Red Hole Collection, a digital collection of digital collections with technical support from interesting chain technology, will be launched today at 19 p.m. for a limited sale of 10,000 copies of China’s Big Panda International Image “Panda.” The Platform dropped 15,000 small bamboo medals during the same period, which users can receive free of charge when authenticated.

【资深音乐经理Guy Oseary与NFT项目World of Women签署合作】

(Senior music manager Guy Oceany signing with NFT project World of Women)

近日,音乐界重量级人物U2及麦当娜的经理Guy Oseary宣布与NFT项目World of Women签署合作,将帮助其扩展到电影、电视、音乐和游戏领域。

In recent days, Guy Oseary, a heavyweight figure in the music industry, and Madonna's manager, announced a partnership with the NFT project World of Women to help it expand into film, television, music and games.

去年10月,BAYC创造团队签约资深音乐经理Guy Oseary,以扩展至电影、音乐等领域。

Last October, the BayC creative team contracted a senior music manager, Guy Oceany, to expand to film, music and other areas.



According to the daily press, KUKE.US today has announced the formal establishment of the Department of Block Chains, the layout of which and the exploration of the application of block chain technology in the area of music, with a view to harnessing the advantages of block chain technology in the area of copyright protection and promoting the right to authenticate, authorize and defend digital music copyright.


[Meta plans to show users NFT on Facebook and Instagram and discuss launching the NFT market]


According to the British Financial Times, several sources reported that Meta planned to have users show NFT on social networking platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. A prototype was also being studied to help users forge NFT. Two of them said that Meta had also discussed the introduction of a market for the purchase and sale of NFT.


1月21日,美的联合绿发会和咖菲科技,共同发起「熊小美守护濒危动物「元宇宙」」数字藏品项目,落地国内公益广告第一个应用 NFT 的元宇宙营销案,守护濒危动物的未来。据悉,本次限量发售 12 套共计 20220 份生肖主题数字藏品,售价均为 19.9 元。

On January 21, the United Green Development Association of the United States and Curry Technology co-sponsored the " Bears and America Protecting the Endangered Animals " Metacosmos " digital collection, the first dollar cosmos marketing application of NFT in a local public service advertisement to protect the future of endangered animals. The limited sales of 12 sets of digital collections of 20220 photos were reported at a price of $19.9.



On January 21, at 1800, the only artistic platform will be the NFT logo for the role of the Swordsman game. The Swordsman game, born in 1995, has been widely embraced and followed by popular attention, relying on the ups and downs of dramas and distinctive traditional cultural backgrounds, and has thus been hailed as a “national production RPG milestone.” It is known that the NFT has made a bold breakthrough in its creation based on the distinctive features and traditional culture of the Sword series.

【网球明星小威廉姆斯获赠无聊猿BAYC NFT】

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

1月20日,网球明星小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)在推特上发布了一张无聊猿BAYC NFT的图像,该NFT的编号是BAYC #5797。据了解,小威廉姆斯是Reddit创始人Alexis Ohanian的妻子,2021年9月,Alexis Ohanian在两个月内共购入了7枚与小威廉姆斯形象相似的CryptoPunks NFT,这7枚NFT的编号分别为Punk #2950、#8115、#4072、#5339、#1302、#3435和#5955。

On January 20, tennis star young Serena Williams posted on Twitter an image of the boring ape BAYC NFT, the NFT number BAYC #5797. It is understood that Little Williams is the wife of Alexis Ohanian, founder of Reddit. In September 2021, Alexis Ohanian acquired seven CryptoPunks NFTs similar to the image of Little Williams, the numbers of which are Punk #2950, #8115, #4072, #5339, #1302, #3435 and #5955, respectively.



On 21 January, the Shenyang Palace Museum, in its eighth section, “Nafu New Year's Numbers”, officially launched a phantom nuclear platform. In addition, from 21 January to 24 January, 20 “Nafu New Year's Numbers” collections were regularly extracted from the Xinyang Palace Museum.

【无聊猿开发团队Yuga Labs推出手游《Apes vs. Mutants》】


1月21日,Bored Ape Yacht Club创始团队Yuga Labs于今日上午8点在苹果和谷歌应用商店上架了一款名为《Apes vs. Mutants》的手机游戏。普通用户可以以游客身份进行游玩,而在无聊猿Discord群组注册的无聊猿或突变猿持有者则能够获得额外奖励。

On January 21, Yuga Labs, the founding team of Bored Ape Yacht Club, set up a mobile phone game called Apes vs. Mutants at 8 a.m. this morning at the Apple and Google Applications Shop. Ordinary users can play as tourists, while boring or mutant ape holders registered in the bored ape Discord group get extra rewards.


1月21日,潮流艺人陈冠希在Twitter上发文“IT BEGINS(开始了)”,标有#edcnft3000话题,并附有相关图片。此前消息,NFT项目The Heart Project曾于1月9日在社交媒体上发文表示,The Heart Project与陈冠希的合作项目将于2月1日发布,The Heart ProjectNFT持有者可优先参与。

On January 21, Tide Artist Chen Qunxi wrote “IT BEGINS” on Twitter, titled #edcnft3000, with photos. Earlier, the NFT project The Heart Project sent a message to social media on January 9 that the partnership between The Heart Project and Chen Qunxi would be launched on February 1 and that the owner of The Heart Project NFT would be given priority participation.



In recent days, China’s leading companies in digital technology applications have joined the “breathing” of China’s head-mapping search and emoticons launch platform, which will jointly launch the country’s first Crypto Digital Art Emoticons Project, Dreams of Everything.

【法国时尚杂志《L'OFFICIEL》将在The Sandbox上推出虚拟服装】

1月21日消息,法国顶级时尚杂志《L'OFFICIEL》宣布计划在不断增长的元宇宙概念中推出虚拟服装系列。L'OFFICIEL在一篇博客文章中表示,该公司未来将着眼于元宇宙,而它最近被总部位于中国香港的金融服务公司AMTD International收购。据悉,AMTD International将与L'OFFICIEL在The Sandbox中合作开展Fashion Skin项目,并购入地块。该项目将利用与L'OFFICIEL数据库相连的人工智能设计一系列虚拟服装。

On 21 January, the French top fashion magazine, L' OFFICIEL, announced plans to launch a virtual clothing series in a growing meta-cosm concept. L' OFFICIEL, in a blog post, stated that the company would focus on the meta-cosm and that it had recently been acquired by AMTD International, a financial services company based in Hong Kong, China. According to information, AMTD International will be working with L' OFFICIEL in The Sandbox on the Fashing Skin project and will purchase lots. The project will use artificial intelligence linked to the L' OFFICIEL database to design a series of virtual clothing.


[Citizens recruiting a global manager for digital asset risk management]


On 22 January, it was reported that, on the basis of a public recruitment announcement, Citigroup was in the process of recruiting a global manager for digital asset risk management, who would be responsible for matters related to risk management of digital asset activities at the global level and on all Citigroup lines and would report to the global head of enterprise risk management.

去年5月,英国《金融时报》首次报道称,由于客户兴趣激增,该银行正在考虑提供与Crypto相关的服务。此外,花旗在6月宣布成立一个名为Digital Assets Group的新部门,隶属于其财富管理部门Citi Global Wealth Investments。

In May last year, the British Financial Times reported for the first time that the Bank was considering offering Crypto-related services because of a surge in customer interest. In addition, Citigroup announced in June the creation of a new department, called Digital Assets Group, under its wealth management, Citi Global Health Investments.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


According to the same source of information, several recent government reports and industrial plans have taken shape in the meta-cosmos, and the Shanghai City Commission's Economic Work Session, held on 21 December last year, pointed out that “an important platform for leading businesses to step up their research into the interaction of the future virtual world with the real society and to get in place in due course” is not directly named, but is considered to be the first positive expression of the local government on the meta-cosmos in terms of its expression. Since 2022, Wuhan, compost, etc., have also “cuddled” the meta-cosmos in the government's work report.


1月22日消息,推特Crypto团队Twitter Crypto正在招聘高级产品经理(PM),该岗位的职责包括为区块链和Web3领域的新战略计划提供信息;设计特定于Crypto的功能和产品,包括设置和管理路线图;与Bluesky团队合作,将推特打造为去中心化社交媒体等。Twitter Crypto团队表示,最初的重点是创作者,尤其是创作者的货币化,并且将密切关注NFT及其工具、会员通证、去中心化自治组织(DAO)、Web 3等领域。

On 22 January, the Twitter Crypto team was recruiting the Senior Product Manager (PM), whose duties included providing information on the block chain and the new strategic plan in the Web3 area; designing functions and products specific to Crypto, including a road map for setting and managing; and working with the Bluesky team to turn Twitter into a decentralized social media. The Twitter Crypto team said that the initial focus would be on the monetization of creators, especially creators, and that close attention would be paid to areas such as NFT and its tools, membership permits, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and Web 3.

据此前报道,推特于去年11月成立专门的Crypto团队。Twitter Blue已于本周向订阅用户推出NFT头像验证服务。

As a result, Twitter has set up a dedicated Crypto team in November last year. Twitter Blue has launched the NFT image validation service to subscribers this week.


[DFINITY Foundation: new version of ICP White Paper published]

1月22日,DFINITY基金会发推称,ICP新版白皮书“The Internet Computer for Geeks”已经发布。用户可以了解互联网计算机(Internet Computer)架构,深入了解构成ICP的Chain KeyCrypto技术、容器智能合约和多个Crypto工程突破性进展。

On 22 January, the DFINITY Foundation extrapolated that the new version of the ICP White Paper “The Internet Company for Geeks” had been published.


[Netflix asking users' views on NFT or going into the NFT field]

1月22日,美国流媒体巨头平台Netflix(Netflix)在其Twitter开发者工程账号“Netflix Engineering”询问称“你对NFT有什么看法?”,以此征集用户对NFT相关功能的意见和建议,或将涉足NFT领域。

On 22 January, American media giant platform Netflix (Netflix) asked its Twitter developer's project account, Netflix Engineering, about “What do you think about NFT?” as a means of soliciting users' views and suggestions on NFT-related functions or going into the NFT field.

【华纳音乐与数字收藏品平台Blockparty合作,以允访问NFT Web3技术】

[Warner Music and Digital Collection Platform Blockparty to access NFT Web3 technology]

1月21日,华纳音乐集团(WMG)宣布与NFT数字收藏品平台Blockparty达成合作伙伴关系。华纳音乐旗下音乐人和艺术家将能够访问NFT Web3技术,并使用Blockparty以社区为中心的DEX上交易数字资产。Blockparty表示,使用其DEX的艺术家可以选择捆绑出售、交换、交易其NFT。

On January 21, Warner Music Group (WMG) announced a partnership with the NFT Digital Collection Platform, BlockParty. The musicians and artists under the Warner Music flag will be able to access NFT Web3 technology and trade digital assets using BlockParty’s community-centred DEX. BlockParty states that artists using its DEX can choose to tie, exchange, and trade their NFT.

【NFT平台Ethernity与The Sandbox达成战略合作】

1月21日,NFT平台Ethernity宣布与区块链游戏和元宇宙项目The Sandbox达成战略合作。Ethernety将把其世界级许可证库带到The Sandbox元宇宙,允许玩家为其虚拟形象穿上经过认证和完全授权的服装,这些服装来自知名明星、球员、品牌、团队、联赛等。

On January 21, NFT platform Enterprise announced strategic collaboration with the block chain game and metbox project The Sandbox. Ethenety will take its world-class licensing bank to the Sandbox dollar universe, allowing players to wear certified and fully authorized costumes for their virtual image from famous stars, players, brands, teams, leagues, etc.


According to the information received, Ethenity is a community-oriented platform that provides limited versions of the authentication of NFT (aNFT) and trading cards.



中国首款创新原生数字IP “RAINBOWMAN虹”将于2月8日(年初八)在蚂蚁链发布同名NFT。

China's first innovative original figure IP “RAINBOWMAN Rainbow” will be published on 8 February (at the beginning of the year 8) in the ant chain under the same name as NFT.


As part of the ecological construction, the RAINBOWMAN rainbows randomly hand-picked diamond +18k gold RAINBOWMAN necklaces from holders, and provided owners with the opportunity to obtain discounts/gifts from brand partners, tickets for offline experiences, and participation in online digital art exhibitions.



On 22 January, the Chinese Academy of Oceanic Exhibitions, co-sponsored by China School of Ocean Affairs, Kandong Digital Creative Co. Ltd., and the Qingdao Daily News, among others, opened in Qingdao. The exhibition was the first exhibition on a national tour, using techniques such as AR, MR, naked 3D, to create a virtual combination of oceanic cosmopolitan immersions and displays of the sea as a whole. The exhibition featured five exhibits, inviting islanders to enter the metacosystem during Spring Festival, using technical means such as AR, to experience and interact in the “oceanic universe” and to feel the charms of numbers and creativity.


(Long Triangle Geographic Information and Geospatial Industries Innovation Alliance)


On 22 January, the Forum on Quality Development in the Tianjin Industry was held in Te Qing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, where expert scholars and business representatives from various parts of the country explored innovative and integrated development of the “Tin + Won cosmos” around the theme “From digital twin to meta-cosm.” During the Forum, the Alliance for Innovation in the Long Triangular Geographic Information and Meta-Cosmos Industry was established to focus on industrial research, policy advice, industrial cooperation, talent development and other priority areas for integrating development.


[Prime Minister of Jamaica: 70% of Jamaicans will adopt CBDC] within five years.

据Cointelegraph消息。1月初,牙买加央行成功完成了首次CBDC试点测试。在测试之后,该国总理Andrew Holness自信地谈到了CBDC在该国的应用。Holness预测大多数牙买加人很快就会采用这种数字货币,五年内超过70%的人会使用CBDC。Holness在接受彭博社采访时强调了CBDC降低的银行成本和包容性,并补充说,由于更容易追踪公共资源,数字货币将确保更大的政府问责制。

In early January, the Central Bank of Jamaica successfully completed its first CBDC pilot test. After the test, the country’s prime minister, Andrew Holness, spoke confidently about the use of CBDC in the country.


Although the Government planned to launch the CBDC nationwide in the first quarter of 2022, Holness acknowledged the initial challenges of the plan, adding that the Government had to “see how people could gain access to digital equipment and the Internet”.


[Digital renminbi (pilot version) APP downloads more than 20 million times]


On 17 January, it was reported that the current number of downloads of the digital renminbi (pilot version) APP had exceeded 20 million, doubling the number of downloads 10 days ago (on 7 January). Specifically, China has had 9.37 million downloads of the commercial renminbi APP, the largest number of downloads in the current disclosed data APP. The number of downloads of VIVO phones has reached 8.43 million, while the number of downloads of the mobile phone APP is 4.07 million, and the number of downloads of the mobile phone APP has reached 1.27 million.

【四方精创:公司参与了香港金管局的跨境数字货币m-CBDC Bridge项目】

据每日经济新闻消息,四方精创1月17日在投资者互动平台表示,公司积极投入区块链、数字货币等相关技术研发与创新,在数字货币双离线支付领域申请了发明专利;公司参与了香港金管局的跨境数字货币m-CBDC Bridge项目;参与了深圳数字人民币应用项目;参与了体育运动等场景中推广数字人民币支付、数字人民币红包、数字人民币消费券等应用开发。公司是少数有境内、境外数字货币项目开发经验的金融科技公司。

According to daily economic news, on 17 January, the Quartet announced on the Investor Interaction Platform that it was actively engaged in research and development and innovation related to block chains, digital money, etc., and applied for patents on inventions in the area of double-line payments of digital currency; that it was involved in the Hong Kong Monetary Authority's cross-border digital currency m-CBDC Bridge project; that it was involved in the Shenzhen Digital renminbi application project; and that it was involved in the promotion of applications such as digital renminbi payments, digital renminbi bags, digital renminbi consumption vouchers, etc. in sports and other settings.



On 18 January, the Press Office of the State Council held a press conference on financial statistics for 2021. The Director General of the Financial Markets Department of the People's Bank of China, Zou Yan, in his presentation of the digital renminbi pilot, stated that the People's Bank was currently conducting a digital renminbi pilot in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Yuan, Chengdu, Shanghai, Hainan, Changsha, Xian, Qing Island, Dalian, etc., and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics scene. As of 31 December 2021, there were more than 80,851 million digital renminbi pilot sites, with cumulative personal wallets of $261 million, with a transaction value of $87,565 million, which effectively validated the technical design of the digital renminbi operation and the stability of the system, the ease of use and application of the products, and improved the public's understanding of the concept of digital renminbi design.


It is stated that the next step will be the deployment of the People's Bank, in accordance with the 14th Plan of the State, to continue to make sound progress in piloting digital renminbi research and development, to further deepen the use of digital renminbi in such scenarios as retail trade, living fees and government services, to put digital renminbi research and development pilot projects on the economy of the service entities and on the lives of the population, to enable more individual enterprises to feel the value of the digital renminbi and to fully stimulate incentives for industrial parties.


1月19日消息,伊朗中央银行 (CBI) 即将在试点阶段推出国家Crypto。CBI IT事务副行长Mehran Moharamian表示,该银行将Crypto视为解决不一致和去中心化资源的解决方案,而许多国家最近开始从中受益。

On 19 January, the Iranian Central Bank (CBI) reported that it was about to launch the country's Crypto during the pilot phase. Mehran Moharamian, vice president of CBI IT, said that the bank had seen Crypto as a solution to inconsistencies and decentralized resources, and many countries had recently begun to benefit from it.


[Central Bank: high-standard, high-quality winterization payment services and digital renminbi pilot work]


On 19 January, the People's Bank of China convened a meeting of the Beijing Winter Olympics Steering Group for the Construction of the Service Environment and a pilot working group for the Beijing Winter Olympics event. The meeting stressed that it was important to catch up with the last window of time to catch up on the gaps, refine and achieve high standards and high-quality performance of the Winter Olympic payment service and the digital renminbi pilot, to lay a solid foundation for the assurance of the time of the race and to achieve “two Olympics, just as well.” Second, to focus on the bottom-line thinking, to improve mechanisms such as security of service during the race, risk monitoring and emergency response, and to ensure that all payment services during the season were provided in a detailed manner. Third, it was clear about the duties and responsibilities of each of the parties, to work together and work together to ensure the success of the Winter Olympic Conference.



On the afternoon of Thursday, 20 January, US Eastern Time, the Fed released the White Paper on Central Bank Digital Currency, Currency and Payments: The United States dollar in a Digital Transition. In its press release, the Fed noted that, as a discussion paper, it “reviewed the pros and cons of the potential US Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).


The Federal Reserve believes that the current financial system may be supported by the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), but that such a currency can only operate in the current network of private banks, rather than the CBDC, which the Fed issues directly to consumers.


The Federal Reserve did not commit itself to creating a digital dollar in the White Paper, but explained what it needed to pay attention to in dealing with the issue and sought public opinion (120 days) on issues such as privacy, financial stability and the use of digital dollars.


The White Paper states that there is no intention to continue issuing the central bank digital currency without explicit support from the executive branch and Congress, ideally in the form of specific enabling legislation; the central bank digital currency will supplement, not replace, the existing pattern of digital payments. Moreover, cybersecurity, financial crime prevention, and meeting future needs are all factors that must be taken into account before the Fed issues the CBDC.



In Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and other pilot areas, residents of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen can book tickets for film performances on American platforms, while enjoying the benefits of a digital renminbi viewing gift kit. This is the first time that a digital renminbi has been connected to a film performance, and it is another new initiative that a digital renminbi pilot has set the stage for civilian life, stimulating all parties in the industry.



According to the IT House, App in Tokyo has officially opened the digital renminbi “hardware wallet” line for consumption, becoming the country’s first online consumption scene in support of the digital renminbi “hardware wallet” and achieving the “soft and hard” application of the digital renminbi. When users buy their own commodities in App in Kyoto, they simply have to choose the “roll card” function in the payment chain, and can use the mobile phone NFC chip to read the digital renminbi “hardware wallet” for payment, which is now open to users in some pilot cities, and can support the mainstream Anjo type of the NFC functionality on the market.


According to the latest data from Kyoto, since 4 January 2022, when the digital renminbi (pilot version) App was officially launched, the peak number of new push wallet users has increased more than 20 times on the previously accumulated larger base of over 2 million wallets on the line.

【数据:元宇宙近3月融资10亿美元, 红杉、软银入局】


According to the Financial Intelligence Network, citing the New Chain, between October 2021 and the three months of January 2022, global investment in the meta-cosmos track exceeded $950 million, of which 46 per cent received the highest amount of financing, including 46 per cent in the semi-cosmos infrastructure industry. Major AR Niantic received $300 million in financing, making it the largest single-dent investment in the universe today. Statistics found that capital was polarized in the configuration of the meta-coastal universe.

【雪崩生态2亿美元新基金Blizzard Fund成立,Avalanche基金会、三箭资本等共同出资】


1月17日,Blizzard Fund宣布成立,该基金由Avalanche基金会、Ava Labs、Polychain Capital、三箭资本、Dragonfly Capital、CMS Holding及Republic Capital等投资,其规模超过2亿美金。

On 17 January, Blizzard Fund was inaugurated with investments of over $200 million from the Avalanche Foundation, Ava Labs, Polychain Capital, Three Arrow Capital, Dragonfly Capital, CMS Holding and Republic Capital.

【印度游戏公司nCore Games完成1000万美元融资,Animoca Brands等领投】

1月17日,印度游戏公司nCore Games宣布完成1000万美元融资,Animoca Brands和Galaxy Interactive领投,Polygon和Hyperedge Capital参投。

On 17 January, Indian game companies nCore Games announced the completion of $10 million in financing, with Animoca Brands and Galaxy Interactive taking the lead, Polygon and Hyperedge Capital participating.

【Mechanism Capital推出1亿美元P2E游戏基金,并聘请App Store高管进行引导】

(Mechanism Capital launched $100 million P2E game fund and hired App Store executive to direct)

1月17日,Crypto投资公司Mechanism Capital宣布已推出1亿美元的P2E游戏基金“Mechanism Play”。此外,该公司还聘请了苹果公司App Store高管Steve Cho作为其最新的合作伙伴,帮助引导该基金朝着正确的方向发展。

On 17 January, Mechanism Capital, a Crypto investment company, announced the launch of a $100 million P2E game fund, “Mechanism Play.” In addition, the company hired Apple executive App Store, Steve Cho, as its newest partner, to help steer the fund in the right direction.

【创作者经济初创公司AppX融资130万美元,Y Combinator(YC)领投】

1月18日报道,创作者经济初创公司AppX获得130万美元融资,Y Combinator(YC)领投,Global Founders Capital、Rocket Internet、Soma Capital、Shrug VC、Lenny Rachitsky、James Beshara和TDV Partners参投。

On 18 January, it was reported that the creator's economic start-up company, AppX, had received US$ 1.3 million in financing, with the contribution of Y. Combinator (YC), with the participation of Global Foundations Capital, Rocket Internet, Soma Capital, Shrug VC, Lenny Rachitsky, James Beshara and TDV Partners.

【GameFi平台DEA完成1200万美元融资,JAFCO Investment领投】

1月18日消息,新加坡GameFi生态系统Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd.(DEA)完成1200万美元种子轮融资,JAFCO Investment Ltd.领投,Spartan Group等参投。

On 18 January, it was reported that $12 million in seed rotation financing had been completed by Singapore's GameFi ecosystem Digital Enterprise Asset Pte. Ltd. (DAA), led by JAFCO Investment Ltd., in which Sparian Group and others participated.

【链游开发与投资公司Animoca Brands以50亿美元估值获得近3.59亿美元融资】

1月18日,链游开发与投资公司Animoca Brands获得约3.589亿美元融资,由Liberty City Ventures领投,10T Holdings、Gemini Frontier Fund、ParaFi Capital、Provident、红杉中国和Winklevoss Capital等机构参投,投后估值为50亿美元。

On 18 January, the company Animoca Brands received financing of approximately $358.9 million, with 10 T Holdings, Gemini Frontier Fund, ParaFi Capital, Provident, Redwood China and Winklevos Capital participating, with an estimated value of $5 billion.

【企业区块链SaaS初创公司Schrocken完成A轮融资,Five Garden和ThinKuvate领投】

1月18日消息,基于企业区块链的SaaS初创公司Schrocken Inc.完成A轮融资,具体金额未披露。此轮融资由Five Gardens LLC和ThinKuvate领投,Quentelle LLC等参投。

On 18 January, Shrocken Inc., the start-up company of SaaS, based on the business block chain, completed the A round of financing in the undisclosed amount. The round of financing was led by Five Gardens LLC and Thin Kuvate, with the participation of Quentelle LLC and others.

【Metaplex完成4600万美元融资,Multicoin Capital和Jump Crypto领投】

(Metaplex completing $46 million in financing, Multicoin Capital and Jump Crypto)

1月18日消息,Metaplex Foundation完成4600万美元战略轮融资,以扩大对NFT、游戏和元宇宙应用程序的支持。此轮融资由Multicoin Capital和Jump Crypto领投,Solana Ventures、Alameda Research、Animoca Brands、篮球明星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)和NFT收藏家Cozomo de’ Medici等参投。

On 18 January, Metaplex Foundation completed a $46 million strategic round of financing to expand support for NFT, games and meta-cosm applications. The round was led by Multicoin Capital and Jump Crypto, with the participation of Solana Ventures, Alameda Research, Animoca Brands, Basketball Star Michael Jordan and NFT collector Cozomo de'Medici.


1月19日消息,以太坊NFT徽章应用程序POAP宣布完成1000万美元融资,Archetype和Sapphire Sport LLC领投,Collab Currency、1KX、Libertus Capital、Red Beard Ventures、6th Man Ventures、Delphi Digital、A Capital、Sound Ventures、Advancit Capital和The Chernin Group等参投。

On 19 January, information was received that $10 million in funding had been announced from the Tai Fan NFT logo application POAP, with the participation of Archeitepe and Sapphire Sport LLC, Collab Currence, 1KX, Libertus Capital, Red Beard Ventures, 6th Man Ventures, Delphi Digital, A Capital, Sound Ventures, Advancit Capital and The Chernin Group.

【OpenSea宣布收购Dharma Labs,其创始人将成为新任首席技术官】

(OpenSea announces the acquisition of Dharma Labs, whose founder will be the new Chief Technical Officer)

1月19日,NFT市场OpenSea宣布收购Crypto数字钱包开发公司Dharma Labs。同时, Dharma Labs的联合创始人兼首席执行官Nadav Hollander将成为OpenSea新任首席技术官,另一名联合创始人Brendan将担任OpenSea的战略主管。

On 19 January, the NFT market OpenSea announced the acquisition of Dharma Labs, Crystal Digital Wallet Development Corporation. Meanwhile, Nadav Hollander, co-founder and CEO of Dharma Labs, will become the new Chief Technical Officer of OpenSea, and another co-founder, Brendan, will be the strategic director of OpenSea.

【电竞平台Yesports完成225万美元种子轮融资,Polygon Studios等参投】

1月19日消息,电竞参与平台Yesports完成225万美元种子轮融资,Polygon Studios, Alphabit, Cosmos, Kernel Ventures, Mozaik Capital和NGC Ventures参投。

On 19 January, it was reported that the electric platform Yesports had completed $2.25 million in seed rotation financing, with Polygon Studios, Alphabit, Cosmos, Kernel Ventures, Mozaik Capital and NGC Ventures.

【由A16Z支持的P2E游戏公司Mythical Games收购3D游戏平台Polystream】


1月19日消息,P2E游戏公司Mythical Games已经收购了互动流平台Polystream。据悉,Polystream允许用户传输实时3D内容,并在不下载的情况下参与其中。2021年11月,Mythical Games以12.5亿美元的估值筹集了1.5亿美元的C轮融资,A16z领投。

On 19 January, the P2E game company Mythical Games acquired the interactive stream platform Polystream. Polystream is known to allow users to transmit real-time 3D content without downloading it. In November 2021, Mythical Games raised $150 million in C rounds of financing, with A16z taking the lead.

【游戏公会Ancient8完成400万美元种子轮融资,Dragonfly Capital等领投】

1月19日,总部位于越南的游戏公会Ancient8宣布完成400万美元种子轮融资,Dragonfly Capital、Pantera Capital、Hashed领投。

On 19 January, Ancient8, based in Viet Nam, announced the completion of $4 million in seed rotation finance, with Dragonfly Capital, Pantera Capital, Hasshed.


1月19日报道,非洲Web3和社交游戏发行商Carry1st完成2000万美元A轮融资,Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)领投,Avenir、Google母公司Alphabet、Riot Games、Konvoy Ventures、Raine Ventures、TTV Capital参投。

On 19 January, it was reported that Web3 and social game distributor Carry 1st in Africa had completed a $20 million round of financing, and that Andrewssen Horowitz (a16z) had taken the lead, with the participation of Avenir, Google parent company Alphabet, Riot Gomes, Konvoy Ventures, Raine Ventures and TTV Capital.

【NFT平台Autograph完成1.7亿美元B轮融资,a16z和Kleiner Perkins领投】

[NFT platform Autograph completes US$ 170 million B-round financing, a16z and Kleiner Perkins lead investment]

1月19日消息,由美国足球运动员Tom Brady创建的体育和娱乐NFT平台Autograph宣布完成1.7亿美元B轮融资,Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) 和风投公司Kleiner Perkins领投,01A、Lightspeed Partner的Nicole Quinn和前a16z高管Katie Haun等参投。

On 19 January, it was reported that the Sports and Recreation NFT platform, founded by United States football player Tom Brady, Autograph, had announced the completion of the $170 million B round of finance, with Andrei Horowitz (a16z) and Kleiner Perkins of the wind pitching company, with the participation of Nicole Quinn of 01A, Lightspeed Partner and former a16z executive Katie Haun.

【NFT卡牌游戏Spellfire融资380万美元,DAO Maker和Shima Capital领投】

(NFT card game Spellfire $3.8 million, DAO Maker and Shima Capital)

1月20日消息,NFT卡牌游戏Spellfire宣布完成380万美元私募融资,DAO Maker和Shima Capital共同领投, Genblock、IBC Group、Faculty Group、IBA、Maven Capital、Autonomy Capital、Terranova Ventures、x21 Digital等参投。

On 20 January, the NFT card game Spellfire announced the completion of $3.8 million in private fund-raising, with DAO Maker and Shima Capital co-directed, with the participation of Genblock, IBC Group, Faculty Group, IBA, Maven Capital, Autonomy Capital, Terranova Ventures, x21 Digital.

【链游公会管理系统Infinity Force完成550万美元融资,Animoca Brands领投】

1月20日,P2E链游生态公会管理系统Infinity Force宣布完成550万美元种子轮融资,Animoca Brands领投,Jump Capital、SkyVision Capital、OKEx Blockdream Ventures、MEXC等参投。

On 20 January, the Fund announced the completion of $5.5 million in seed rotation financing for the P2E Link-and-Screen Ecology Management System, led by Animoca Brands, with the participation of Jump Capital, SkyVision Capital, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, MEXC, etc.


1月19日,Algorand生态预测平台Venue宣布完成340万美元种子与私募轮融资,本轮融资由无国界资本领投,Algorand,Elves Long Term Capital(ELTC),Goldentree,Cognitive Blockchain, Meld Venture, MEXC, Synaps, Youbi, D4 Ventures,CSP DAO, 0x等参投。

On 19 January, Venue, the Algorand ecological forecasting platform, announced the completion of $3.4 million in seed and private fund-raising, which was financed by capital without borders, Algorand, Elves Long Term Capital (ETC), Goldentree, Cognative Blockchain, Meld Venture, MEXC, Synaps, Youbi, D4 Ventures, CSP DAO, 0x, etc.

【Solana链上游戏STEPN完成500万美元种子轮融资,红杉印度与Folius Ventures领投】

1月20日,Solana链上Move-to-Earn游戏STEPN宣布完成500万美元种子轮融资,红杉资本印度与Folius Ventures领投,Solana Ventures、Alameda Research、6th Man Ventures、Sfermion等机构,前ParaFi Capital 合伙人Santiago Santos与Republic亚太合伙人Zhen Cao等参投。

On 20 January, STEPN, a Move-to-Earn game on the Solana chain, announced the completion of $5 million in seed rotation finance, led by Redwood Capital India and Folius Ventures, with the participation of Solana Ventures, Alameda Research, 6th Man Ventures, Sfermion and others, with the participation of Santiago Santos, former partner of ParaFi Capital, and Zhen Cao, Asia-Pacific partner of Republic.

【去中心化存储网络Aleph.im融资1000万美元,Stratos Technologies领投】

1月20日消息,去中心化存储和计算网络Aleph.im完成1000万美元融资,Stratos Technologies领投,Zeeprime、NOIA Capital、Theia、Bitfwd Capital等参投。

On 20 January, the centralization storage and computing network Aleph.im completed $10 million in financing, with Stratos Technologies taking the lead, Zeeprime, NOIA Capital, Theia, Bitfwd Capital, etc.

【Web 3.0孵化器MetaGoons完成200万美元融资,LD Capital等参投】

(Web 3.0 Incubator completed $2 million in financing, LD Capital et al.)

1月21日,Web 3.0孵化器MetaGoons完成200万美元种子轮融资,Flying Falcon、Arrington Capital、Hof Capital和LD Capital等参投。

On 21 January, the Web 3.0 incubator MetaGoons completed $2 million in seed rotation financing, with the participation of Fleing Falcon, Arrington Capital, Hof Capital and LD Capital.

【P2E链游Heroes of Mavia完成550万美元种子轮融资,Binance Labs领投】

1月21日消息,基于以太坊的P2E链游Heroes of Mavia完成550万种子轮融资,Binance Labs领投,Genblock Capital、Delphi Digital、Mechanism Capital、Alameda Research、Animoca Brands、YGG、YGG SEA、ExNetwork Capital、Double Peak Ventures、Merit Circle、Hashkey Capital等参投。

On 21 January, on the basis of the Etheria P2E chain of Mavia, Heroes of Mavia completed 5.5 million seed ship financing, with Binance Labs taking the lead, with the participation of Genblock Capital, Delphi Digital, Mechanism Capital, Alameda Research, Animoca Brands, YGG, YGGSE, ExNetwork Capital, Double Peak Ventures, Merit Circle, Hashkey Capital, etc.


1月22日消息,全球资管巨头BlackRock(贝莱德)正在筹划一只专注于区块链技术的ETF。根据周五的监管披露,iShares Blockchain and Tech ETF将追踪NYSE FactSet全球区块链技术指数的投资结果。该指数由在美国和国外参与开发和部署Crypto技术的公司组成。

According to Friday’s regulatory disclosure, iShares Blockchain and Tech ETF will track the results of the NYSE FactSet global block chain technology index, which consists of companies involved in the development and deployment of Crypto technology in the United States and abroad.


According to the document, the proposed fund plans to invest at least 80 per cent of its assets in equities in the index. It can allocate up to 20 per cent of its funds in futures, options, swap contracts, cash and cash equivalents. But the fund will not invest directly or indirectly through Crypto derivatives in Crypto.

【Prismatic完成200万美元种子轮融资,Borderless Capital领投】

1月22日消息,Prismatic于近期完成200万美元种子轮融资,Borderless Capital领投,Meld Ventures、Valhalla Capital、Chiron Partners、Cluster、MEXC、0x Ventures、Kangaroo Capital、8186 Capital、SigmaDAO、Fork Ventures以及数位天使投资人参投。

On 22 January, it was reported that Prismatic had recently completed $2 million in seed rotation financing, with Borderles Capital, with the participation of Meld Ventures, Valhalla Capital, Chiron Partners, Cluster, MEXC, 0xVentures, Kangaro Capital, 8186 Capital, SigmaDAO, Fork Ventures and several Angel investors.


[Supreme Court: advanced block chains, new technology applications such as artificial intelligence]


On the afternoon of 16 January, the Presidency of the National High Court of Justice convened in the form of a telephonic conference in which the Secretary-General and President of the Supreme People's Court Party Zhou Jianqiang attended and spoke. The meeting called for the consolidation of the achievements of the construction of an intelligent court and the creation of a higher level of digital justice. There was a need to deepen the innovation of online litigation models and rules, strictly implement the online rules of procedure, the online mediation rules and the online operation of the People's Court, and to deepen the construction of Internet courts. There was a need to expand the application of information technology in the area of justice, promote the application of new technologies such as 5Gs, block chains, artificial intelligence, and strengthen top-level design and technological barriers.


1月18日,微软发布声明称,将以每股95美元的价格收购动视暴雪,全现金交易总价值687亿美元。据计算,此次收购溢价约45%,股权价值约740亿美元。交易已获得微软和动视暴雪董事会的批准。微软董事长兼首席执行官Satya Nadella表示,游戏是当今所有平台中最具活力和令人兴奋的娱乐类别,并将在元宇宙平台的发展中发挥关键作用。我们正在对世界一流的内容、社区和云进行深入投资,以开创一个新的游戏时代,将玩家和创作者放在第一位,并使游戏安全、包容并向所有人开放。

On 18 January, Microsoft released a statement stating that it would buy blizzards at a price of $95 per share, with a total cash transaction worth $68.7 billion. It was calculated that the purchase had a premium of about 45 per cent, with an equity value of about $74 billion. The deal was approved by the Microsoft and blizzard board. Satya Nadella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, said that the game was the most dynamic and exciting type of entertainment in all platforms today and would play a key role in the development of the meta-cosm platform. We are investing deeply in world-class content, communities and clouds to create a new age of play, putting players and creators first and making the game safe, inclusive and open to all.



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