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The territorial boundaries of a country to this day have both broad and narrow meanings: the narrow territorial meaning refers solely to the land territory, i.e. the territorial sea, the airspace of which is excluded; the broad territorial meaning refers to the entire territory under the jurisdiction of a sovereign State, including the land, rivers, lakes, the inland sea, the territorial sea and their base, subsoil and airspace (airspace). In the strict sense, the territorial area of our country is not the 9.6 million square kilometres commonly referred to, but the 3 million square kilometres of the territorial sea and 1.73 million square kilometres of the exclusive economic zone on the basis of the 9.6 million square kilometres of land. The total land area of 1,433 million square kilometres is the real total territorial area of our country.


The country with the largest area of narrow territory in the world today is Russia: 17.1 million square kilometres of narrow territory almost equals the size of our country and Australia, the sixth largest in the world. At the same time, Russia is the largest country in the world today, with 24.6 million square kilometres of land and sea.


Is North America included when the British Empire lost its North American colony? When the Tsar Russia sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, then the Tsar Russia invaded Central Asia and the Black Dragon River basin of China, so Alaska was no longer in Saudi Arabia at the time when the Tsar was the largest.


Territorial changes are one of the reasons for the controversy, although it may also be controversial whether a particular land has historically belonged to a particular country itself. What we are talking about today is a product of near-modern treaty relations, typically marked by the fact that borders between States are a clear line.


In view of the objective existence of these two reasons, the topic of ranking the largest country in history is a subject of different people who may well come up with different answers, so I can only say my own opinion on this question.


1. The British Empire


Between 1497 and 1498, John Carbert, supported by then British King Henry VII, made two expeditions to the North American coast, the first overseas expedition in Britain’s history, which laid the initial foundation for the large-scale overseas expansion of the British Empire. In 1548, a group of London businessmen formed an expedition association to explore a route from Europe across the North Coast of Asia to China relative to China.


The British, Humphrey Gilbert, arrived in Newfoundland in August 1583, establishing the first British colony in North America. In 1606, the British established the London Corporation and the Plymouth Company for North American Colonies. By 1733, the British had built two colonies, Virginia and New England, along the Atlantic coast of North America, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, the Gulf of Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island.


In 1775, the North American War of Independence broke out, and on 3 September 1783 the British and the United States signed the Paris Pact: Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States. While the independence of the United States was a severe blow to the British colonial system, it did not dissipate the British Empire: after the independence of the United States, British colonization expanded in India, Australia, etc., to wage a war of opium aggression against China. After the Berlin Conference in 1884, imperial powers unleashed a wave of Africa, in the course of which Britain established colonial rule in Egypt, the Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, etc.. The military occupation of Egypt in 1882 enabled the United Kingdom to take control of the Nile region and the Suez Canal.


In 1795, the United Kingdom annexed the Cape, occupying South Africa in 1899 after a battle with the Dutch descendants of South Africa, Dranswa, and the neighbouring Orange Commonwealth. By 1914, Britain had not only become the largest overseas empire, but also the largest beneficiary of the plundering of Africa: between 1885 and 1914, Britain had put about 30 per cent of the African population under its rule, while France ruled only 15 per cent of Africans, Germany 9 per cent of Africans, Belgium 7 per cent of Africans, Italy 1 per cent of Africans.


The British Empire, with its full-time rule of about 34 million square kilometres and a quarter of the world’s total land area, is the largest country in history. With its colonies all over the world, it is known as “the Sun will never fall from its national territory.” This vast territory is not only the largest in the world at the time, but also the largest of all empires in human history. Only 22 of the world’s 200 countries have not been invaded by Britain.


At the same time, English has gradually become an international language, and the pound sterling was the international currency of that era. The industrial revolution has enabled the United Kingdom to create more than 40% of the world's industrial output from one country to another. As the British themselves have said, “the plains of North America and Russia are our barns, Chicago and Odessa are our mines, Canada and the Northern Peninsula are planting trees for us, Australia is feeding our sheep, Argentina is feeding our cattle, Peru is sending white silver, South Africa is feeding gold, India is growing tea for us, the Mediterranean is our orchards, and our cotton plantations are expanding from the south of the United States to all warm places on Earth”.


2. The Mongolian Empire


In the spring of 1206, when, after many years of struggle, the Meadows of Mongolia finally united, the nobles of Mongolia convened a general meeting at the beginning of the Eununun River, at which the nobles of Mongolia joined together to honour Temu as Genghis Khan as the symbol of the official establishment of the united Mongolian Khan. The establishment of the Mongolian Khan was only the beginning of this empire’s expansion, and soon the entire continent of Asia and Europe will feel the fear of the Mongolians.


At a time when Mongolia’s main energy was also directed against the Golden Power of the East, its inability to undertake large-scale military operations against the West notwithstanding, Genghis Khan sent a team of merchants to the West to expand Mongolia’s influence on the West. Genghis Khan’s naval Khan, who had stunned the city for 14 years, killed 499 peace merchants in the country’s Khan, and its king, Morgae, arbitrarily killed the protagonists of the Genghisi Khan faction. The reckless actions of Hanshim finally triggered a war between the two countries, and eventually Mongolia succeeded in eliminating the flower models, advancing southwards to the Indus Valley, successfully occupying the vast regions of Central Asia today, east of Europe and north of Iran.


In 1227 A.D., the Mongolians conquered the Party’s ethnic group, Xicha. Genghis Khan’s son, Xianxian, and Turay, followed Genghis Khan’s legacy for six years (1234). In 1236-1242, Genghis’s grandson, Xianghis, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Xinjiang.


In 1253-1259, Mongolia launched the Third West March: The West was under the command of the grandson of Genghis Khan, who conquered the Arab Empire from the capital and Lin (the current Mongolian state of Hara and Lin). The Mongolian army was able to take advantage of the victory of the Mongolian army to attack Egypt into North Africa in order to build a large empire across Asia, Europe, and Africa, and the Mongolian headquarters in the east sent news that Mongolia's Great Khan Mungo had died in the battle against the town of South Song and the fishing town of Sichuanzhou. In a rush, the army returned eastward, and the Egyptian dynasty of Mamuruk killed Syria, successfully blocking Mongolia's westwards. After the death of Mongo, his two brothers, Humbret and Alibino, were fighting for a position.


When Chubir became Khan, Mongolia had conquered the countries of the Asia-Europe continent, such as Kim, Xisha, Xisol, Flower Model, Russia, and the Arab States, while the descendants of Nishidu, Xinjiang, and Tsaki, among others, succeeded in establishing the Tsaikhan State, the Tsai Khan State, the Khincha Khan State, and the Irhan State iv. Although the Quartet was subordinate to the Qana Khan, the relationship was in fact theoretical, and in fact, the four Qingjiangs and the Mongols, under the rule of Kublai, were on a completely different path of development: in 1271 it became a great nation, in keeping with the tradition of the Han dynasty of the Chinese past, the Great Eid became the name “Oo” and the Great Dynasty of the Great Dynasty.


It is only in this way that the dynasty will become an orthodox dynasty. For this reason, the dynasty began to clear the outlying passages of Song: he sent his troops to the south, conquered the court, and even once entered Vietnam and occupied the mother-in-law to complete the strategic siege of the south-west of Song. In 1276, the capital was seized. In 1279, the South Song Watersman lost in the battle in the cliffs, and Lutsufu died in the fall of the Tsung Tsung, the last resistance force in the south was eliminated. The Mongols had taken 33 million square kilometres of land from the Japanese Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, north to Siberia, south to the Persian Gulf.


Russian Empire


The history of Russia, the world’s largest country in the world, has its roots in the Kiev-Ros countries of the Eastern Slavs, which in the middle of the twelfth century were dissolved into a series of small Principalitys. In 1236, the son of Genghis Khan swept Europe into Europe, and the constituent states of Ross swept by it.


The Greater Moscow Principality, which grew stronger in 1480, emerged from the rule of Mongolia. By the beginning of the 16th century, the Great Moscow Principality had annexed the Principality of Roth, Teville, Pskov and Riyazan, and had recovered Smolensk from the Lithuanians. The unified Russian State of the White Sea, the South to the Oka, the Eastern Pyurall and the Siddnibor River was born, but it was only the beginning of the history of Russian national expansion. In 1487, the Greater Moscow Principality, Ivan III, took over the Republic of Novgorod; and in 1552, the first of its kind, Ivan IV, who formally used the title of “The Russian Tsar,” took 150 cannons to conquer the khanate, which was divided by the Mongolian Golden Khan.


In 1556, Ivan IV annexed the country of Astrah Khan, founded by the descendants of Mongolia; in 1557, Shao set up a Koksak army camp in the heart of the North Caucasus at the confluence of the Songmong and Tjelek rivers to spy on Georgia; in March 1595, the tsar himself issued a dynasty stating that Kazakhs belonged to Russia. In 1581, Yelmak, under the orders of the tsar Ivan IV, gathered 840 Russian troops into the country of the lost children, defeated the Russians once in 1584, and even Elmak himself drowned on the run-off, although the tsar Russia conquered the place in 1598. The Tatars, the Chuvash, the Bashki, and the Moldovans, all of the Volga River basins, were brought to Russia.


The Russians have crossed the Ural Hills, which is the Asia-Europe divide, with the conquest of the failed Khan State in 1598, while the vast eastern Siberian region has not been able to form a unified political entity because of its harsh natural environment, but has always been seen as a fragmented and original clan, which has greatly stimulated the Russian ambition to expand into the region. By 1637, the Russians had advanced to the Sea of Okhotsk, almost completely conquering Siberia and the Far East, which now comprise three quarters of Russia’s territory. In 1721, Peter I, after winning the Great Northern War with Sweden, was given the title of “All Russia’s Emperor” by the Russian Senate, and the name of the tsar Russia was officially identified as the Russian Empire.


This empire, which covers today's Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, together with Prussia and Austria, established its colony in Alaska, North America, even once across the Bering Straits, and became the only empire in human history across three continents, Europe, Asia, and the United States, with an area of 22.8 million square kilometres.


Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


In 1917, the Russian revolution of February and October, followed by the birth of the first socialist State regime in the world, the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, in October, and the declaration of independence by Finland, formerly a Tsar Russia, in October. Similarly, Poland, on 18 November 1918, took advantage of the situation created by the First World War and the Russian Revolution to declare independence and occupy the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, while the new Soviets signed peace treaties with the surrounding regions of Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Lithuania after the war with Poland, thereby formally recognizing the independence of those former Tsar Russias.


On 30 December 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and the South Caucasus. By 1936, the USSR had added the Moldavia Soviet Socialist Republic, the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic and the former Soviet Socialist Federal Republic of Transcaucasia to the three constituent republics of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Three years after the outbreak of the Second World War, the Soviet regime, which lost its sovereignty over the western Ukraine, the western Belarus, the western Baltic coast, and large tracts of land west of the Cosson Line, and the east of Finland, brought the Soviet Union back to try to incorporate them into the map and to use them as a strategic buffer zone with Nazi Germany.


In October of 1939, the Soviet Union took over the eastern part of Poland, under the pretext that the Finnish border was too close to Leningrad, but was rejected by the Finnish side, and the war in Sufin broke out. In spite of the bitter struggle of the Soviet Red Army in Finland, the Finnish side feared that the long-termization of the war would cause great damage to itself, and eventually, Finland ceded to the Soviet Union the entire Karelia isthmus, along with the town of Vipuri, the Bay of Vipuri, the north-west bank of Lake Ladoga, the territory east of Markachervi, part of the Rebach and Sletney peninsula and some of the islands in the Gulf of Finland.


In June 1940, the Soviet Government sent a note to the three countries of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on the Baltic coast, calling on the three countries to restructure their Governments to introduce general elections and allow free passage of the Red Army of the Soviet Union, which then brought 300,000 Soviet Red Army troops into the territory of the three countries to foster pro-Soviet regimes, and then joined the Soviet Union under the auspices of the pro-Soviet regime. Thus, the Soviet Union has evolved into 16 Union republics with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Karelia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Finland, on the German side, fought against the Soviet Union during the Sood war and seized the land previously ceded to the Soviet Union, while the Baltic three countries were occupied by Germany during the war. Stalin advocated for the restoration of the Finnish land acquired by the Soviet Union in 1940 at the conference in Tehran after World War II, while Finland should further cede the Bezamo area as compensation for Germany’s involvement in the invasion of the Soviet Union, which would also allow the Soviet Union to acquire its border with Norway.


Only 313 miles of the Sufin border, about 820 miles long, remained as it was in 1920, with the Soviet Union acquiring 458,400 square kilometres of land from Finland. The three Baltic States were also reoccupied by the Soviet Union, which in turn increased the Soviet territory by 174,000 square kilometres. If the Tehran Conference had made it clear that the Sufin border and the three Baltic States were part of the border, the Yalta Conference had determined the post-war border.


While acquiring new territory from Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, etc., the Soviet Union also acquired a part of the territory of Romania, a neighbour to the South: the then tsar Russia seized Bisalabia in the West Bank of the Transnistrian Empire from the Ottoman Turkish Empire as early as after the seventh Russian-Turkish War of 1805-1812, and in fact this land was historically Romanian, but then Romania was under the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and Shao occupied the area in the name of the liberation of the Slavic compatriots. Romania, after independence from the Ottoman Turkish Empire, was also faced with the fait accompli that Bisalabia had been occupied by Russia on 9 May 1877.


Romania took advantage of the chaos in Russia during the First World War, which was rejected by the emerging Soviet regime after the October revolution. In a speech delivered on 29 March 1940, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov said: “The Soviet Union has never recognized what Romania seized of in Bisalabia. This issue is an unresolved dispute, even though the Soviet Union has never offered to recover it by military means.” On 26 June, the Soviet Government sent a note to the Romanian government calling for the return of Bisalabia to the Soviet Union and the transfer of North Bucovina to the Soviet Union. On 30 June, Soviet troops occupied Bisalabia and North Bucovina.


On 2 August, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union adopted a resolution on the integration of Bisalabia into the Republic of Moldova (now Moldova) and North Bukovina into the Republic of Ukraine. The occupation by the Soviet Union of the regions of Bisalabia and North Bukovina directly led Romania to join the German side in the war in Sood. On 12 September 1944, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom signed an armistice agreement with Romania on the restoration of the Soviet border of 1940 — that is, the return of Bisalabia and North Bukovina to the Soviet Union. On 10 February 1947, the Allied Powers reconfirmed Romania's agreement on Romania. The Soviet Union signed a treaty on friendly cooperation and mutual assistance with Romania on 4 February 1948 and a protocol on the establishment of the borderline between the two countries.


The Soviet Union’s occupation of Bisalabia and North Bukovina was fully legally confirmed. The area of Bisalabia was 444,000 square kilometres, and the area of Bukovina was 6,000 square kilometres, both of which extended the Soviet territory by 5.04 million square kilometres. The Soviet Union also recovered the Japanese-occupied South Coop Island in the aftermath of the Second World War, as well as the entire thousand islands, including the four islands of the north today.


5. The Spanish Empire


In 1492, Queen Isabella of Spain received Columbus, a navigator from Genoa, Italy, and then led three ships to open new routes from the port of Barros in August of that year. In early September, Columbus arrived in the Canary Islands, located in the north-west of Africa, which is still Spanish territory. After 34 days and nights, they arrived in Samana Island, south-east of the Bahamas, on 12 October, thus completing a “geographic discovery” in human history — the new continent of the Americas within the European horizon. On 20 September 1519, another Spanish fleet, led by Magellan, began its first roundabout voyage in human history.


During this voyage, Magellan discovered the Magellan Channel, later named by his name, from which he entered the Pacific Ocean and arrived in the Philippines Islands in March 1521. Although Magellan himself was killed as a result of his involvement in the conflict among the indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the flotilla returned to the port of San Luca in Spain on 6 September 1522. The Spanish colonist, Hernán Cortez, a month before his arrival in the Philippines Islands, took advantage of tribal contradictions within the Native Indians of the Americas and was able to lead the Indian tribes that had submitted to Spain into the capital city of the Aztec Empire, Tenochitran (Mexico City today), where a “New Spain” colony was established.


Three years later, Spain’s colonies covered today’s Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and all of the West Indies, including Puerto Rico, Cuba and Jamaica. Another Spanish colonist, Francisco Pizarro, led 180 soldiers, armed with artillery, entered the capital city of the Inca Empire, Cusco, and established Peruvian colonies in the Inca Empire. Spain formally established colonial rule in the Philippines in 1565.


At the same time, Spain has expanded its territory in Europe, Asia, Africa, and so forth. The Spanish Empire is the first empire in human history to be called the "sunset" – the Spanish Empire of the full-time era that almost conquered the Americas, the Philippines in Asia, the islands of Guam and elsewhere in the Pacific, and the islands of Western Sahara and the Canary Islands in Africa.


7. The Gomaya Empire


In 570 A.D., a baby was born in the Hashim family of the Gulesh tribe in Mecca, when no one expected that it would profoundly affect the world’s future history. The baby’s name was Mohamed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Motali bin Hashim (Mohammed). It was under his leadership that the Arab race, which had been scattered, was united under the banner of God, and he was called a prophet by Muslims. When the Prophet returned in 632, the Arabian Peninsula was united into a unified nation, and the Arabs would then leave the Arabian Peninsula, where they had lived for generations.


Byzantine lost its entire territory in Asia and Africa, with the exception of a small part of Western Asia. Despite the loss of half of the river, the Byzantine was able to join the Great Tang Empire of the Arab and Eastern regions and claim that the world’s three empires were at that time, compared with Persia’s less fortunate: 120,000 Persian troops were defeated by 6,000 Arab troops during the battle in Qadisia on 31 May-1 June 637.


The Arab States are also changing slowly when the Arabs will take possession of the vast land from Persia to North Africa: in 661, the first hereditary dynasty of Arab history — the Bonmaia dynasty — was born, until the Arab States largely maintained a cleavage similar to our ancient tradition: the four great caliphate representing the interests of the Arab ministries came to power as the successor of Mohammed, and the birth of the dynasty marked the official entry of the Arabs into the dynasty era. The Emir Musa, who was stationed in North Africa in 711 A.D., conquered Spain through the Strait of Gibraltar, until the Arab Empire became a vast empire of 13.4 million square kilometres across the Asian, African and European continents.


8. The Great Qing Empire


After 20 years (1755) of Qinglong’s Qi ploughing and the successful capture of Kardhan’s old rival, Ross Dawazi, was finally brought to an end with the three generation-long and persistent rivals of Qing Dynasty’s pro-Gharkhan State. After a military rebellion, the Qing dynasty of his grandson, Al-Airsana, from Al-Arabtan, was settled in 1757, so that the Qing dynasty’s past, Qing Qing’s past, Qing’s three generations finally eliminated the former rival of the Qin Qar Khan State, and the map of the Qing dynasty was expanded to maximize its sovereignty over the Xinjiang region.


The north-east of the Qing Dynasty at its largest border with the Russian Empire, the Eirguna, the Grbiz River and the Pamir Plateau. This line extends to the Okhotsk Sea and Kupa Island; the Sayan Ridge, the Shabina Ridge, the Chaktu River and the Erguna River at its north-west border with the Shao; the Sayan Ridge, Jai Sampo, Lake Ara, Issyk, Lake Balkash to the Pamir Plateau at its north-west border with the North-western part of the State of Kazakhstan; the Himalaya Hills at the south-west border with the Indian Mughal Empire, Nepal and Bhutan; and the People's Republic of China at its south-west border with South-East Asian countries.


At the same time, the Qing Empire is bounded by the Japanese Sea and the East Sea, along with the Tumen River and the Duck Green River. The Qing Dynasty also holds the islands of the South China Sea, which are Taiwan, Lake Chang, Hainan and the South China Sea (known as Chili Pond, Wan Li Sha, Tsang Sha), with a total area of 1.316 million square kilometres. The Qing Empire also has Korea, Ryu, Annan, Nam Pang, Myanmar, Siam, Cambodia, Langang Republic, Luzon, Sulu, Gulka, Zhemongh, Bhutan, Radak, Khasakkhan State, Brut Khan State, Hao Khan State, Bukharakhan State, Iohan State, Badak Hills and Kanji States.


9. Second colonial empire of France


The establishment of the second French colonial empire began with France’s aggression against Algeria in 1830. France established colonial rule over Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and other South-East Asian countries after the mid-French war of 1885. But the main thrust of France’s expansion was Africa: Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Niger, Chad, the Central African Republic and the Republic of the Congo were French colonies today. France’s colonial colony, at its peak between 1919 and 1939, had a land area of 12,347,000 square kilometres, amounted to 12,898,000 square kilometres, representing 8.6 per cent of the world’s total land area, the second largest colonial empire of the British Empire at that time.


10. The Alberts Empire


In 749, after two years of fighting, the Bronze Dynasty collapsed, and the rebels took over the city of Kufa and vowed to hold Dabou Alberts as the caliphate, the second royal dynasty in Arab history. The flag of the new dynasty was black, so the last legion of the Bronx dynasty ran from Egypt in January 750 at Zabu, the tributary of the River Tigris, and the last legion of the Bronx dynasty escaped from Egypt.


In August of that year, the army of the Atatus dynasty followed Egypt to kill the last caliphate of the Bhumaya dynasty. When the Atamus dynasty was founded, political instability took its toll, calling itself “Safah” (the term is said to have been used as a symbol of both butchers and mercifuls, presumably similar to that of the Arab-occupied Central Asian river (the area between the Amu Darya and the Syr River) in a desperate attempt to eradicate the past, for which he designed the massacre of more than 80 members of the Bhumaya family; the tombs of the former caliphate of the Bhumaya dynasty were also destroyed. The internal unrest caused by the conversion of the Dynasty had also affected the region of Central Asia (the area between the Amu Darya and the Syr River), which had been occupied by Arabs since the beginning of the eighth century.


Abu Aberts appointed Abu Muslims as Governor of Horusan, who was on the side of the Order of the Founding King, an oasis city in the state of Marre. He ordered the chief of the new dynasty, General Ziad Suri, who led the new dynasty, the elite Hurusan army, to enter the middle of the river and suppress rebellion in Bukhara. The Arabian Empire won the Great Anxis during the war in July-August 751.


11. The Great Tang Empire


During the 13th year (617), Tai Yin and his son Li Shimin killed Wang Wai, Ko Kwan-ja, and others while they were in a state of chaos. In May of the following year, Yang Yang was killed by Yu, who forced him to leave the country, changed his name to Tang, and built Yuan Wuddh. At the beginning of Li Tang’s reign, Li Ying became the Emperor of the Emperor’s son Yang Yang, the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Yang Yuan, and forced his father, Li Yong-hyeong, to leave him in his place.


Only 12 days after Li’s arrival, the 100,000 East Turkic army was forced to drink horse water beneath the capital city of the Great Tang Dynasty by the prowess of Julika Khan. At that time, Lee’s people chose to endure the humiliation – offering all the savings of the national treasury to bribe Liqqhan – while at the same time going to Turky to seek peace – he insisted that he never abandon the city.


As many as 100 Turks with more than five qualities during the time of Shengtang, almost half of the more than five. In 630 A.D., clans in the north-east and the west demanded that the Great Tang dynasty, the leaders of the clans, Qi Chang An, gather together to honor the Tang dynasty as a khan of the sky. It was also the year when the unsettled Japanese sent the first transporter to the Great Tang Empire. Ten years later, the Tang Army conquered the High Chang State in the Tutsu Basin.


The Tang dynasty did not establish Gau Chang as a state capital, but was fully modelled on the counties of the Central Mainland under the direct authority of the central government. The Han Dynasty opened the western part of the country, although it marked the introduction of the western part into the Chinese version of the map, but, in the name of the Western dynasty, Li completed the first time that the Chinese dynasty had set up a county in the western part of the country. The Great Tang dynasty has achieved military victories against Eastern Turky, Tatsuya, Gauchang, Dynasty, Western Turkic, Xue Yando, and Tonzze.

显庆二年(657年)唐高宗遣大将苏定方等大破西突厥,西突厥可汗沙钵罗逃奔石国(今乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干一带)后被唐军擒拿,西突厥汗国至此灭亡。李治以西突厥故地分置昆陵、蒙池二都护府,次年徙安西都护府于龟兹(今新疆库车),至此中亚的绿洲地带已完全受唐朝支配,丝绸之路因此得以畅通无阻。此时李唐王朝的疆域东起朝鲜半岛,南抵越南顺化一带,西达中亚咸海以及呼罗珊地区, 北包贝加尔湖至叶尼塞河下流一带,国土面积达1237万平方公里。

During the second year (657), General Tang Goo was captured by the Tang army after he escaped from the Great Rocks State (now the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent). The West Turke Khan State was destroyed. Li Ji Ezexi was divided into Kunmai, Moncchi II carehouses, and Anxiy was guarded by Tortze (now the Xinjiang Koukang) the following year, and the oasis of Central Asia is now completely dominated by the Tang Dynasty, which has made the Silk Road unobstructed. At this time, the Li Tang Dynasty has moved east of the Korean peninsula, south of Viet Nam, south of Viet Nam, towards Central Asia, the Aral Sea, and Huroshan region, and north of the Lake Baikal to the Eunise River, with an area of 1,237,000 square kilometres.


12. Republic of China


Perhaps the recent history of China was a humiliating one in the minds of many, but let us not forget that it was also a time of countless human beings who fought to change China’s destiny. In this sense, China’s recent history is not merely a history of humiliation, but also a history of struggle, which brought the nation to life in Phoenix in 1949 as a result of the struggle of the Chinese people. Indeed, the first generation of leaders and builders of the new China grew up in this troubled world.


After the first World War, in 1914, the warlords, led by Shirai Xiang Rui, strongly advocated participation in the war in order to amend the anti-China treaty with the Chinese powers before the war was over, and for that reason created a special army to participate in the war. However, they failed in the struggle for power within the North Ocean’s warlords before waiting for the army to go to Europe. Despite the fact that the fighting had not been dismantled, the warlords, who relied on Japanese borrowing in the country and abroad to wage a war between the North and the South, had become the target.


After the revolution in October, Russia was in a state of disarray. The Russian Far East, including Vladivostok, had more than 1 million Chinese residents. Their security was threatened by the Russian civil war, and China’s population had sprung into China’s consulate in Vladivostok for some time.


13. The Da Ming Empire


Although the Ming Shiu Yuanjiang claimed that “the towns of Chenxi, Gansu, do not ask questions to the west of Kaguang” – the words of the Mingjiang are indeed exaggerated: while it was true that much of Xinjiang was not under the control of the Ming Dynasty, the Min Dynasty of Hami in the eastern part of Xinjiang was secured. In fact, Ming Dju Dynasty was actively passing through the region of Luxi: Khami, Valium, Aten, Huqiang, Quixiang, and Shazhou were set up in the western part of Kagueng.


Ming Dynasty has in fact inherited administrative authority over the Tibetan region: in 1370 A.D., in the capital of the Preah Vihear State, Jiazhou, and the Tsai Dynasty State, the Consorts Department carried a signed letter from the Governor of the Preah Vihear State (the dissipation of the Consort) to the north-western Tibetan leaders who had previously been loyal to the Yuan Dynasty. In 1371, the royal capital town of Tibet, Wang Wuzhin Binh (the fifth grandson of the seventh son of Prince Zi Ping) was seized with the seal of the Dynasty, and the chiefs of each of them went to Nanjing to surrender to Ming Dynasin. The letter given to them by the Yuan Dynasty was seized by the Emperor, and they were given the same command as the river guards.


In 1374, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea officially installed two major local administrations in the Tibetan region: the Ustudu Division and the Dogan Division. Following the identification of the Tibetan region's chief of command, guards, and its administrative structure, the Tibetan chief was appointed to the post of chief of the post of chief of command and guard. In view of the unity of the Tibetan administration, the Ming Dynasty has strengthened its control over the leaders of the Tibetan Buddhist sects by establishing the identity and status of each level by virtue of their identity and status.


In 1253, Mongolia’s Great Khan Mungo sent his brother to conquer the Great Power. In 1271, it became Mongolia’s Khan’s Chu Bhu Bing – like the Chinese version of the Chinese version – established the dynasty. After the founding of the dynasty, Chu Bhir sent several calls to the Burma Peng dynasty to claim his dynasty, but the Peng dynasty was never heeded. In 1277, the Yuan army crossed the previous border line between Daikichi and Penggan to attack eight Mo, then left the latter on its own initiative because the soil did not agree.


Yuan Dynasty has since moved further into the jurisdiction of the central province of Burma and then into Yunnan Province. In July 1381, Fu Yude, General Nam, was ordered to march on Yunnan with the deputy generals Ramyu and Mu Yong-yung, who committed suicide and settled Yunnan with the army. After that, Ming Dynasty established the South Dynasty Dynasty Division, the Kancayi Dynasty Division, the three chief ministers and the Car Comforts Division of the Kantuan Dynasty Division, the Myanmar Consortortion Department, the Kim Bong Consortorship Department, the Eight-Eighth Commodore, the Meng Censorship Department, the Lao Sordial Security Division, and the Six General Comforts Division, known as the “Three Triple Six Comforts”.


In 20 years (1387), Hong Wu pushed 200,000 of Feng's army into Kanshan, forcing the North Chief of Staff, Naha, to return, and the territory of the Ming Dynasty extended to the Liaodong region. In the northeast, a group of intern guards were set up to rule or control the local nation: Yong Leung Yuan (1403) and other pilgrims. Two-year guards were set up, followed by more than one hundred thousand guards. In seven years (1409), the government decided to set up the Qindu Division, on the advice of local officials, in response to the advice of the sabba.


In selecting the officials of the Juntao area, Min Joo-Ju-Ju chose to take over from Haixi: he knew both the truth and the Chinese language, and was familiar with the Northeast region, and with the statute system of the Ming Dynasty. In the spring of Yong-Long (1411), he also lost more than a thousand leaders, 25 giant ships, escorting officials such as Kang Wang and others to the town of Trin on the other side of the river. The Nue-Kun division is responsible for approximately 300 guards, all stationed in Tahta, Khabarovsk border region, Russia, under the Helong River. The jurisdiction of the Nue-Kinsu division extends to the river Einon, the island of Kupai, the capital of the capital, and the border between the South and the sea of Japan and the Upper Tumen River.


In two years (1404), a Vietnamese by the name of Chen Timping fled the border into Ming Dynasty, claiming to be the descendants of Chen Dynasty. According to him, the Vietnamese rulers at the time, Hu Qijiang and Hu Hanqing, who were conspiring to usurp Chen Dynasty, asked Ming Dynasty to assist them in returning to Chen Dynasty. Neither could I tell his true identity, so that he suddenly showed up in front of them the Vietnamese, who were known to be sent by Hu's father and son, and the Vietnamese, who did not plan for it, caused the Viet Nam to lose their way of reacting.


In September of the same year, Chu was captured and executed by the Viet Nam army in the face of a combination of the remnants of the internal Chen Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty and the Ming army, who succeeded in taking over the country’s family’s father in 1407 (ming Yong-Long, Viet Nam, 5 years) and his family’s son in Ming Dynasty. Chu has set up announcing envoy in Viet Nam to integrate him into the county system under China’s direct jurisdiction.


The Chinese were already active in South-East Asia during the Song Won period. After the war, many of the South Songs left behind fled abroad: in the battle on the cliffs, the young son of the son of the son died carrying a young emperor who fled to the sea with the rest of the South Song army to Java and for one time to establish the State on the island. When the Chinese came to Java, there was a war between the indigenous forces of Java: before, they were known as the Kingdom of San Fuzi on Java and Sumatra and the surrounding maritime areas, but in the 30 years of Hong Wu, 1397, the full-time people who rose to the eastern part of Java destroyed the Kingdom of San Fuzi, and the Chinese residents of San Fuzi were reluctant to submit to the army of Buru.


In the 10 years that followed, tens of thousands of civil and military troops crossed the sea from Guangdong to Doming, and the former Chinese-dominated kingdom was formed on Java. In three years (1405), Yong Leung-seok's co-supervisor Kim Dae-tae and Yoo-jin's Royal Book went to collect An Liang-ming, trying to build an overseas miraculous process, under which Liang and his brother-in-law could join him in the pilgrimage to Sung-joon, while the former port was ruled by the deputy of Leung Do-ming.


There are two of the most powerful forces in the old port region: the former King Leung Do-ming's deputy, Mr. Ying, and the pirate leader, Mr. Chen. The king's title certainly sounds better than the pirate's head, but it has nothing to do with power — indeed, the fact that Liang Do-ming and his deputy are no more than the death of Chen's father, unlike the fact that Liang chose to work with local indigenous forces and gradually establish his foot, while Chen's father was always at sea. There was a temporary alliance between the two in the course of the confrontations with the Manift Dynasty of Java, but it was only a matter of time before the end of the mountain, when the soldiers of both sides met.


In 1407, Chen Tzu Yi was destroyed by the combined assault of Ming Dynasty and the flotilla with the Minister of Education, Ming Joo-Ju-Ju-Ju-Jung, after the destruction of Chen's forces, served as a condolence minister for the old port, and formally set up the Damen-Hyun Port Comfort Division, whose jurisdiction includes today's Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, and parts of Thailand and the Philippines. The map is about 11 million square kilometres.


It may be noted that the fifth-ranking Spanish Empire was followed immediately by the seventh-ranked Eymaya Empire, so what is sixth? It is not that I misfigured the numbers, but that sixth is the Russian Federation, which today has the world’s largest territory. So far we have been able to rank the world’s major territorial powers. The largest country in human history is the Great British Empire of 34 million square kilometres, followed by the Mongolian Empire of 33 million square kilometres, the Russian Empire of 22.8 million square kilometres, the fourth Soviet Union of 22.4 million square kilometres, and the fifth Spanish Empire of 20 million square kilometres.


The sixth is the 17.1 million square kilometres of the Russian Federation, the seventh is the 13.4 million square kilometres of the Angma Empire, the eighth is the 13.16 million square kilometres of the Great Qing Empire, the ninth is the 12,898,000 square kilometres of the French colonial Empire, the tenth is the 12.6 million square kilometres of the Attic Empire, the eleventh is the 12 370,000 square kilometres of the Great Tang Empire, the twelfth is the Republic of China, the 13 is the 11.3 million square kilometres of the Great Ming Empire, the 14th is the 10.4 million square kilometres of the Portuguese Empire, the 15th is the 998 million square kilometres of Canada, the 16th is the People's Republic of China, the 17th is the 9.37 million square kilometres of the United States of America.


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