BTC区块链技术应用峰会举行 中国重庆峰会大咖云集

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【房产汽车 列表】BTC区块链技术应用峰会举行 中国重庆峰会大咖云集

大会嘉宾合影  供图 瀚方投资


& Emsp; & & & Emsp; International Online Chongqing Channel News: On the morning of April 20th, the 2018th BTC Block Chain Technology and Applications Summit was held at the Man-Hoon Hotel in Chongqing City. The Summit was co-sponsored by a consortium of investors, direct access to Silicon Valley, the International Community Block Chain Alliance, Mars Finance, Bit Media, and Bit Holdings.


&msp;   The Summit brought together a large number of industry experts and sector chain fans from all walks of life, involving many business units, investment agencies, self-media, technology teams, and technology applications associated with the block chain.


&msp; & &emsp. The Summit aimed to deepen the implementation of the National Big Data Strategy, to deepen the commercial, civil and political value of big data, to upgrade the level of economic and social intelligence, to implement strategic approaches to deep-digging of big data values, to promote big data, intelligentness to better serve social development and to promote better livelihood, to build up large data-smart innovation systems around economic demonstration zones in the sector chains, to help enterprises cope with big data, cloud-era battles, to upgrade specialization, to promote industrial transformation, upgrading, to promote efficiency in enterprises, and to promote the development and wider application of technological expertise in large data intelligence and block chains.

【房产汽车 列表】BTC区块链技术应用峰会举行 中国重庆峰会大咖云集

活动现场 供图 瀚方投资


&msp; &   Summit on the new economy, new models, innovative applications, foresight, etc. of the block chain, focusing on future technological developments, looking at how to use block chain technology to transform traditional industries and thinking so that block chain technology actually reaches projects. The Summit also arranged for heavy-weight guests to explore and share ideas on the development and application of block chain technology over the next few years, and to contribute to the ecological re-engineering of industries that drive innovation by science and technology.

【房产汽车 列表】BTC区块链技术应用峰会举行 中国重庆峰会大咖云集

许量发表演讲 供图 瀚方投资


& msp; & msp; Founder, Partner Quantities: Let block chains serve more industries


The aim of the BTC Block Chain Technology and Applications Summit is to inform you about the block chain, which is a decentralised distributional billing, including the presence of the bottom of the block chain for the application of technology for more industries, and is now relatively mature, especially in the public chain. & ldquo; we are more concerned with business-level applications, and in the future we are going to make an industrial chain, from education, technology, projects to the end of the day, to project investments, where there is consensus. & & & & & rdquao; speciation.


& emsp; & & emsp; listens to FM Founder Dae-ta: listen to FM officially opened block chain media 2.0 Times


&msp; &   currently 200 million people in China use audio, while audio-paying users account for about 45% of the total, and such a huge market naturally creates a variety of audio listening platforms and content-making teams.


& msp; & & msp; co-founder of DappLabs, founder of DappFund, Secretary General of GBDSC Zhang Detao: Coming & mdash; & mdash; block chain technology and application


&msp;   block chain is a distributed account, a value Internet that collectively maintains a reliable database in a multicentric and untrusted manner. The core features of the block chain are consensus, security and openness, and the advantages of block chain technology are in terms of improved data transparency, accurate tracking of data, long-term preservation of data, low cost, efficiency, and non-frozen six aspects. Depending on the characteristics of the block chain, block chain technology has great potential for application in a number of areas, such as payment, government administration, and product protection against fraudulent traceability.

  每日金融创始合伙人、李笑来投资人 余半城:区块世界的生存逻辑

& Emsp; & & Emsp; Founding Partner and Investor of the Daily Finance


    from a data point of view: block chains are distributed databases that are almost impossible to change. Here, &ldquao; distribution & rdquao; not only in distributed storage of data, but also in distributed records of data (i.e. maintained jointly by system participants).


    from a technical point of view: Block chains are not a single technology, but the result of multiple technological integrations. These technologies are combined in new structures and form a new way of recording, storing and expressing data.

  薛蛮子前助理、陈菜根频道创始人 陈菜根:区块链世界的九大法则

& Emsp; & & Emsp;


&msp;   block chains are not a simple combination of technology, nor a simple confluence of thought, but rather a re-engineering of the organizational relationship, except that the previous re-recording of the relationship was a sickle axe and machine gunpowder, and now begins to consist of a string of numbers and symbols.


The law of the block chain world is not surprising, except that, with the power of technology, it helps to bring life closer to the ideal Garden of Eden, which is full of unknowns and even more uncontrollable times. But it is no harm that humans never leave room for their curiosity, which is perhaps the true law of the world.


Founder, CEO Alastair Johnson: The block chain industry is in the process of building a bottom-of-the-tech architecture


From the point of view of a block-chain entrepreneur, it is important to technologically develop all aspects of the block chain. The protocol layer is the basis for the platform and application operation. As seen during Internet development, different protocols emerge, based on different protocols and applications, and then follow. As industries develop, some agreements are mainstreamed, and C-end platforms and applications based on these agreements are widely adopted. The current block-chain industry is at such a time of building a technology-bottom architecture. As more platforms and applications emerge and the speed of transactions rises, a wider and more effective application landscape will emerge in the future, with different platforms and applications taking the lead in the final block-chain market, as these are the most direct ways to solve our day-to-day problems.


& msp; &msp; General Manager Lee Ri: All-round block chain solution and service provider

  贸易项下进口商和出口商以赊销方式进行买卖,以应收账款向保理商寻求融资,保理商由于买卖交易信息不透明和不对称性,尤其无法确认买方的付款情况与交易意愿,导致“保理+融资”业务风险高。建立联盟行间基于区块链的保理业务平台,将买卖双方的信息入链,通过区块链的公开透明、准实时同步、不可篡改、可溯源的特性,帮助保理商能够有效的判断交易的真实性和买方的付款意愿,有效降低融资风险。(文 夏海峰 编辑 朱明达)

&msp;   Importers and exporters under trade sell and sell on credit, seeking financing from receivables to factorers, who, due to the lack of transparency and asymmetry of the information on the purchase and sale transactions, are unable to confirm the buyer’s payment and willingness to deal, resulting in “ factoring + finance & & rdquo; high business risk. Create a platform for factoring between unions based on block chains, which links the information of both buyers and sellers, effectively reducing the risk of financing through open transparency, quasi-real-time synchronization, non-alterable, retroactive characteristics of the sector chains, and helping the factor to effectively judge the trueness of the transaction and the buyer’s willingness to pay. (Won Summer Peak Editor Jominda)


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