
访客 阅读:19 2024-06-19 21:03:55 评论:0



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首先先向所有跟着我玩短期波段测试的币友来句抱歉,周五的1759刀我自己波段抄底的单子,币友们跟了,有没有按照单子的1700刀破位止损的,目前估计短期以太坊这个波段属于套住了。我的原文是跌破1700刀止损出局,亦或是反弹不能突破站稳1860刀止盈出局,谁知道自己这-把方向完全预判错误了,个人1759刀进去后,以太坊今日连续下跌行情,之后在1680- 1744刀反复震荡后,继续下跌直接测试1600刀,只有又在1523--1 647刀区间反复震荡至今。

I'm sorry to start with all the coin friends who followed me on short-term wave tests, but I'm sorry to start by saying that the 1759 cut-off list of my own band on Fridays, and the coin friends followed me, whether or not the $1,700 cut-off line of the list was stopped, is now estimated to be covered by the short-term Ethio band. My original version was to break the 1,700 cut-off, or that the rebound could not break through the 1860 cut-off, who knew that he had made a complete error in his direction, and when he entered the 1759 cut-off, he went down in the cell today, and then continued to test the 1600 cut directly after the 1680-1744 hit-and-shock, except for a repeat shock between 1523-1647, which continues to the present day.


On the technical side, it is clear that the solar-line level rises to the top, to the bottom, to the bottom, and to the bottom, to the bottom, to the point, to the point that there is no stop-gap trend at the bottom. In this way, it is impossible to break the 1,700 cut-off money mates, and the Etherms operating in the wave band estimate that it will take some time for the money-set friends.


What I personally estimate at this point is that there is a risk of being trapped before a complete upgrade in September in Tai Hoon 2.0, and that, of course, it may be possible to unplug it when it approaches an upgrade in Tai Hoon 2.0.

但是、但是、但是需要额外注意的就是,2.0升 级落地后,硬分叉炒作与落地后没有炒作预期和点转为短期利空后直接再度砸盘的可能性也是存在的。所以,后面有解套机会建议先出来,计算一直没有解套机会,临近2.0升级时都没有拉升炒作的话,建议出来等吧。下 面咱们上面都说了这么多关于以太坊的事情了,那我们不如直接把以太坊的所有事情在这里一次性都说完吧:

But what needs additional attention, however, is that, after the 2.0 rise, there is also the possibility that the hard-fork and the downfall will not be expected and the point will be changed to short-term profit. So, there's a chance to come up with a solution, and the calculation will never be done, and the next 2.0 upgrade will not be promoted, so let's say it. We've said so much about Ether, so let's just finish everything in Etherom here:


In the short term, there is no such thing as space for fumigation, or the failure of the 2.0 upgrade, or the delay of several months in the 2.0 upgrade, or the fact that a group of unwelcome doghouses would have to cut their pickles in order to cut them apart. There is no such thing as a short-term sharp fall to see the nearby Aetha 1,000. So, from now on until the 2.0 upgrade in Etheria, individuals feel that there is little chance of a strong backlash with the thugs, and that there is little chance of a sharp drop in the rooting seat of 1356.


2 In the light of the current downward trend in Etheria, it is recommended that no priority be given to Ether if Ethers do not show signs of falling near the strong support position, even in the wave. In plain words, the Ether support position is now 1,500 blades and 1450 blades, and by tonight until 12 a.m., peddling into 1,500 blades, stomping into the band, falling into 1,500 blades, falling into it, then crashing into it at 1450 and backing it up by 1450 blades.


Three, in the long run, the previous article, which had repeatedly stressed the need for a break of 2,000 or more, to wait patiently after a break. That part of the coin is patient. You can close your eyes, and when you do it, I'm going to make a death call, and when I say I can close my eyes, I'm going to scream. So, long-term hoarders can wait.


Short-term Line Sharing

大饼:就这两天,该跌破的都跌破了,往下强支撑位在20500刀,该位置再度破位的话,下 20000刀技术面会成为大概事件了,甚至有可能再度测试17618刀附近的支撑位。因此,20500刀 跌不破撑住,可以埋伏进去,跌破止损出来耐心等待跌停。

"Strong": In just two days, it's time for those who fall to fall down to a position of 20,500. If that position breaks down again, 20,000 will become an event, and it may even be possible to test the position around 17618 again. So, 20,500 won't break, so they can fall in, fall out and wait patiently to fall.

以太坊:以太坊上面说完了,这里来点更简单的。1500刀明早12点前收盘不跌破,干进去埋伏着,后期4小时线跌破1500刀止损。1450刀, 明早12点前收盘不跌破,干进去埋伏着,后期4小时线跌破1450刀止损。这两张情况中,埋伏进去不出现止损情况,以太坊反弹不能突破站稳1658刀,止盈走人。

In both cases, there is no damage, and in both cases there will be no damage, so that the blasts won't break at 1658, and there will be no loss at 1658.




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Macro Sharing


One, the dollar index is starting to get stronger again, and the top dollar index really hurts the assets at risk. So, long-term hoarders’ friends don’t have the time to set the bottom, so let’s see what we can do tonight.

2,美股期货股指大跌了一波, 这也是刚才币圈补跌一波的主要原因。说明目前整个市场对灯塔国8月CPI不乐观,对9月公布的美联储加息继续75个基点的预期强了。

Two, the dollar’s equity stock dropped a great deal, which is the main reason for the currency’s retrenchment. This suggests that the market as a whole is currently not optimistic about the PHARE’s August CPI, and that expectations are strong that the Fed’s interest increase announced in September will continue at 75 basis points.


3 The expectation that the Etheria 2.0 upgrade would take place in September has not changed, and the delay has not occurred. Therefore, if the upgrade is to be implemented on time, the individual will continue to appreciate the increase in the 2.0 campaign not yet complete.


4. Arden’s mid-term general election in November did not personally think that during the next three months, Arden would be able to watch the US share collapse before the mid-term elections.


There is still a very high probability that the bottom of the big pie will be the absolute bottom of the round, 17618. So, the wave will fall back again, or even fall very low. But if it does happen, that's when the absolute bottom of the round will appear.


Other items shared:


ENS: Awarded at least eight bucks for chance money.


FIL: You can close your eyes when you give less than five.

OP:在给0. 5刀以下的机会闭眼定投

OP: Close your eyes when giving less than 0.5.

ICP: 5刀以下跌停考虑定投

ICP: 5 bucks to drop down.


All the other projects are open for the moment, and I'll have the opportunity to analyze them directly. Today's work is done. Money friends don't ask for a direct message. returned to search for more



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