5克冰毒倒入西湖都检得出 浙江公布2019年禁毒“大事记”

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新蓝网-中国蓝新闻客户端1月19日讯(中国蓝融媒体中心 新蓝网记者王梓)开展浙版“破冰行动”、侦破“暗网”贩毒,发明最强禁毒黑科技……今天(19日)上午,2019浙江禁毒工作新闻通报会在杭州举行。

New Blue Network - China's Blue News Client, January 19, (New Blue Network Reporter Wang, Blue Integrated Media Center, China) launched a copy of Operation Ice Breaking, detected “Dark Net” drug trafficking, and invented the most powerful anti-drug black technology... Today morning (19) the 2019 Zhejiang anti-drug news bulletin will be held in Hangzhou.


“In 2019, I deployed a series of special operations in the province of Cloud War, which resulted in the capture of more than 4400 drug suspects, the detection of more than 2400 drug-related crimes, the seizure of 203,000 drug-abusing persons and the seizure of more than 200 kg of drugs.” At the launch meeting, Liu Jing, Deputy Director of the Provincial Anti-Drug Commission and Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, presented to the journalists of this province a bright report on our anti-drug efforts in 2019.


During the past year, we have achieved significant results in our anti-drug efforts, with a “triple drop, one litre, four zero occurrences”, namely: a decline in drug abuse, a decline in the number of new drug users, a decline in the total flow of drugs and in the purity of drugs, an increase in the number of non-resorption cases for more than three years, a “zero occurrence” in the incidence of drug-related incidents, a “zero occurrence” in the loss of drug-prone chemicals that have been reversed by superiors or provinces, a “zero occurrence” in the illicit cultivation of large areas of narcotic plants, a “zero occurrence” in the 18th consecutive year of the national anti-drug focus, and a second consecutive year of excellence in the national counter-narcotics assessment, with a steady improvement in the counter-narcotics situation throughout the province.


At the same launch, Chen Bin, Deputy Director-General of the Provincial Office for Drugs and Crime and Chief of the Anti-Drug Unit of the Provincial Public Security Office, also published the top ten drug cases in 2019 in Zhejiang province and the top nine in 2019 in Zhejiang province.


10 major drug cases in Zhejiang Province in 2019 (hyperlink)



makes use of dark net, bitcoin trading...


In November 2019, the Public Security Bureau of the city of Jinhua successfully uncovered a case of smuggling and trafficking of meth cannabis using clandestine networks, captured 467 criminals, destroyed 19 cannabis cultivation sites, destroyed 2 new psychoactive drug production sites, seized 200 grams of meth, 200 kilograms of marijuana, seized more than 200,000 dollars of drug-related funds, solved 3 cases of money-laundering, and destroyed a drug trafficking network using a “blacknet” platform to publish information, communicate with foreign chat tools, and traded with Bitco.

浙版“破冰行动”大获全胜 一案抓获469人创全年之最

469 people were captured in the year-round of


In 2019, a television drama called Operation Ice Break came out of thin air, allowing more people to take an active interest in and learn about the first line of anti-drug efforts. In the same year, an icy version of Operation Ice Break was also launched in Lake State.


In March 2019, the Huzhou City Public Security Bureau discovered a drug trafficking network involving Wu Heng, Chang Hing, Nanjing, etc., and set up a special 711 unit to investigate the case. During the case collection, the Huzhou Police launched more than 800 police units, together with 469 suspected offenders in the Huzhou region and in Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui, Guangdong, etc., seized 2.5 kg of drug ice and completely destroyed the numerous and complex drug-related criminal networks. This operation was also the largest case of drug-related activity in my province in 2019.


Drug dealers, drug addicts, shivering. This black technology leaves no place for poison.


How to assess the local drug situation and detect changes in drug composition? Where are the drug dealers hiding? What are the regions where the drug users are active?


In 2019, the General Anti-Drug Unit of the Provincial Public Security Office was deployed throughout the province to conduct testing of municipal sewage drug content. A cumulative sample-testing analysis was carried out for more than 150 entrances to more than 130 sewage treatment plants throughout the province, covering all municipalities and counties throughout the province. The testing of municipal sewage drug content provided scientific and technical support for objective analysis of the drug situation in my province. Drug control departments in all regions began with the results of testing and detected and uncovered a number of drug-related cases.


“A bottle of sewage can accurately assess the poison, and five grams of meth are poured into the western lake!” Chen Bin's answer to this technology is strong. Chen Bin told reporters that I was working hard to build the Zhejiang subcentre of the national drug laboratory, with the aim of starting fighting by the end of this year. “We are fighting with precision by upgrading our anti-drug technology!”


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