BTC之后又来个AAC 数字货币产业还能挖出啥

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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; before writing this article, I checked the exchange rate of the Zabitcoin against the United States dollar at 1:14951, which means that if you had a bitcoin in your hand, it would have earned almost $15,000, equivalent to nearly $100,000, which is basically a one-year income for a middle class. This is not a bitcoin threshold, and according to data from the relevant trading platform, the Bitcoin exchange rate was 1:19,500 at its highest.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & how much bitcoin has been up in eight years? One dollar convertible 1300 bitcoins in 2009, a very simple mathematical question, which, if calculated by the exchange rate at the time of my writing, is 18,750,000 times greater than the shock, has already caused some fear. 2009 was the last drop in the price of first-line urban houses in the country, and if you had bought bitcoins at that time, ten Bill Gates would not have kept up with your fortune.

BTC之后又来个AAC 数字货币产业还能挖出啥


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Bitcoin's fire also caught a chain of blocks, billing, mining, mines, ponds, but a few were willing to understand the logic of the whole from a technical point of view, and most were willing to compare it to a financial and investment point of view, such as the entry of Chinese mothers, who were concerned with investing $100,000, whether or not they could bring me $150,000 in return, and how did Bitcoin produce it? They didn't care what the mining was about.
They didn't need to understand.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & is it true that Bitcoin is so hot, not by its very nature, but by its ability to earn more than any of humanity’s property so far, that you will be free of wealth at the age of 20 or 30.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; answer to this question, I think it's time to find two representative figures who have a direct or indirect relationship with me, the first being Li, who is known as the richest Chinese bitcoin. What's he got to do with me?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the second editor of the former friendly media DIY, with 200 bitcoins, or $3 million, and about 20 million yuan equivalents. The two points in common are the freedom of wealth, the difference between an investmentist and a technology stream.

BTC之后又来个AAC 数字货币产业还能挖出啥


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the saying that success is not accidental, except that there are some elements of luck, and that Mr. Lee, even if he doesn't invest in bitcoin, is already free of wealth, just as much as assets, in other words, to think about how to make money when he's free. And the friend's DIY edits more from hardware , and that the top CPU, top card, suddenly one day, comes up with a very testing bitcoin, and naturally has the desire to take these hard guys to test it, cut off interest and then invest.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; objectively the scenario is not replicable, the environment was not replicable, and today's bitcoin investment is just a game for rich circles, or a game for rich and free people. The probability of getting rich overnight is no, and that's not so much. A lot of people want to leverage it. Then I ask you how much you want to add. The reality is that one million yuan in the Bitcoin market is nothing different than a needle in the sea, and one million yuan is equivalent to $150,000, which means that you can only buy ten bits, which, in terms of price movements over time, you can make thousands of dollars, but that's not enough for you to pay interest, and that 85%, 77.4%, 92.5% of these bitcoat drops in the past few years, and no one knows when this bubble will break, after all.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ; so it's clear that in this high-level entry it is no longer possible to create a millionaire, that the Bitcoin market is no longer suitable for a poor, half-white wage-earner like the pen, and that the Bitcoin investment today is only for professionals who know a great deal about block chains, mining, hardware technology, and rich people who can travel with millions of water, after all, that bitcoins cannot afford to be invested, and most people will read it here and find that bitcoins are really not for themselves!


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Bitcoin wonders and benefits legends instantaneously set fire to the concept of digital currency, which on the Internet is based on techniques such as public block chains and computer encryption, which are developed and distributed by Internet users themselves, and in which Bitcoin is typical.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The essential characteristic of digital money is decentralisation, the popular way that it is freely developed from the very beginning, and no one is responsible for the issuance of digital money, that is to say, without State credit as endorsement, who contributes to the growth of bitcoin?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; phenomenon-level bitcoin has produced a wide variety of XXCs (digital currency) overnight, which everyone thinks is a future for monetary development, both within and outside the industry, but how to play it? There is no clear way to balance values. My view is that digital money at the private level should be backed by brands and hardware endorsements.

BTC之后又来个AAC 数字货币产业还能挖出啥


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; sermons are less intrusive; let us give a concrete example of the recent focus on two digital currencies: the WKC (Player's Currency), the AAC (AAC) sharp corner, the WKC digs through a NAS called the Player Cloud, and the AAC digs through the Triangular Computer Host, the two digital currencies that are similar in their algorithms and distributions, all of which are upper-banded and hard disk space by contributing to their own.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the difference is that the Player Cloud is only a NAS and there is no hard disk inside. If you use it, you need to hang a hard disk to work; the trigonometric mainframe is a PC and can be used as a computer in addition to being able to dig into a sharp corner.

BTC之后又来个AAC 数字货币产业还能挖出啥


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; this is really about sharing the economy, hardware and digital money. In September of this year, the Central Bank, the Central Networking Office, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the Directorate General of Commerce and Industry, the Silver Supervisory Board, the CSRC, the seven Ministries of the Council of Insurance issued a circular on digital money, making explicit reference to raising so-called “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin and Temas, which is essentially an unauthorized act of public financing.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the core of whether a virtual currency or a digital currency is illegal is whether or not to use “currency” as a commodity. A person who has learned a bit of economic common sense must know that the essential properties of money are in exchange, i.e. in circulation, but if digital money is too high a risk factor as investment goods, especially those wrapped in bubbles, as countries embrace the Internet, the digital currency must not be bypassed as the Internet deepens, but policies need to be further refined.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; in my own opinion, the next flashpoint in the shared economy lies in connection with the digital monetary system, and the legal criterion is whether brands can be used as endorsements. A mode of operation like AAC (Early Horns) digs into sharp horns by sharing the arithmetic, upper bandwidth and hard disk space by sharing the trigonometric mainframe, although the dug-up horns can also be traded on the exchange, but this is in fact just the reward for sharing your resources, the most important of which is the one-way ecological lock-up that relies on brand hardware, which is completely different from the digital currency that Bitcoins represents, which is invisible, untraceable and readily available, and which, after all, creates an unlimited degree of insecurity for individuals.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the first two years of the VR boom dividend, many believe that the most immediate beneficiary is the PC industry, because it is clear that only computers are capable of powerful computing tasks, but the popular complaints that VR equipment is too cumbersome and cumbersome remain unresolved, coupled with the dizziness caused by poor resolution and lack of consistency in content, keep the VR market from getting any real fire, so that the heating up the PC market has turned it back into a good vision.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the view of the author, the close connection between the ecological closure of digital currency and personal computing devices is the basis for legalization. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin, which are completely vacuumed, will never be liberalized in the country. The key is that there is not much of a mass base, after all, prices mean that it can only be a small game for the rich.

KEX首发AAC 购币可得三角形主机


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; sharing the economy is a big trend in the future and is the preferred type of investment in capital, most critically encouraged by countries, or, for example, AAC, where you need to share your own hardware and software resources to get AAC, and sharing, digging, and profiting can only be done on this equipment called the Triangular mainframe. If, along the one-to-one principle of digital money and hardware, the future PC market can pour in new brands, with digital currencies such as output AAC, your “mining equipment” is a computer mainframe at work.

Acute Angle PC上线 它是下一个区块链明星?
以三角形电脑为例 它不仅仅是一台矿机还是一台办公用机


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; i.e., XXC, value system integration shares, brand premium, etc., can be introduced in their own home, and digital money can be obtained by sharing hardware and software resources, just like the reward for the task in the game, which is more likely to be consumed.
It is clear that there is an unlimited possibility behind these numbers.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; activates the PC market, implements the shared economy and introduces a completely new financial model, which, to my mind, is a matter of three arrows.


written at the end:


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; digital currency is a big trend and the attitude of future countries must be hugged, of course, with two dimensions: a digital currency at the national level, and a digital currency at the civil level, which is based on the national credit system, and a brand endorsement of how to obtain digital money, which individuals see as sharing the arithmetic, bandwidth, and hard disk space of hardware equipment by sharing all the resources that you can share, as in the AAC model. This, of course, provides only a model example, while the industry as a whole needs to study further the topic of sharing the dialectic relationship between the economy and digital money. & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & ; & nbsp;


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